night at the museum fanfiction ahkmenrah crying

Whoever it was that was currently loose in their museum, he was dangerous. And had God-like strength. Such as when Kohaku addresses Sango asOnee-San because she is older than him. He wanted to get his mind off things. After a frantic visit to London that yet again results in the theft of the tablet of Ahkmenrah, the family is left with no choice to veer off course and find its location. Ahkmenrahs eyes glared at the TV as he shot up from his chair. Something odd. Ahkmenrah has a talk with Larry about problems with some exhibits and Larry can't really get his thoughts off how much the pharaoh amazes him. One of his companions sees young Ahkmenrah, and quickly develops a crush. When you put the suffix on like this you are saying they are not your sibling. His son had become king! Undergarments are NOT CALLED Bras and Panties. I am with you.Jedediah did the one thing he never thought he was capable of doing. (Page 109). Ahk is beginning his first day of teaching ballet at Midward high school. Oh, his beautiful son. When Ahkmenrah arrives at Cambride University in 1938, he is completely alone. Tags will be added as stories are written. The sentence for desecration and murder is execution, but theres something different about your case. The Anubis, Ahkmenrah's protectors start to attack Larry and his son, Nick. I mean you would not address your Senpai as Senpai-San, or sensei-san. Shes there nearly every day - curled up in some comfortable corner of the museum, sketchbook in hand. That roughly puts him around 1986-1990 BC. Ahkmenrah then explains he was on display at the Egyptology Department at Cambridge University and learned English there. its a natm highschool au basically set between like 2017 and now in terms of historical era except no covid cause im not gonna get political. It would break him. There are occasions, though, where reminders of the decades of confinement are inescapable. Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum) Sacajawea (Night at the Museum) Larry Daley Nick Daley [During NATM III) Emma Daley had been working alongside her father as a night guard at the Museum of Natural History for a good few years and during that time, she had gotten close with the inhabitants. Morning routines right before the sun comes up is never easy when you have to manage a whole museum that comes to life every night. To save their lives Larry slides the stone holding Ahkmenrah in his tomb off and lets the pharaoh out. Ahkmenrah was favored by his parents, though this could not be said for Kahmunrah. Ahkmenrah is affected more than anyone else because it is his tablet and is later revealed by his father that the tablet was made with Khonsu's magic to keep the royal family together, even after death, which is why the tablet brings the museum to life. Contents 1 Family Ties 1.1 Parents 1.2 Kahmunrah 2 Exhibits 3 Appearances 3.1 Night At The Museum In the original script for Battle of the Smithsonian, it is revealed that Kahmunrah murdered Ahkmenrah to assume the throne. Kagome is 15 years old. The Furisode, aka the swinging sleeves. He sat straight up as his eyes narrowed at the television but soon his features softened. In the original script for Battle of the Smithsonian, it is revealed that Kahmunrah murdered Ahkmenrah to assume the throne. She is fragile in his eyes. He felt his knees go weak as he fell back into the chair. It can be assumed that his reign had not lasted long due to his sadistic nature. "No" A horrified whisper escapes his lips. this is my first fic posted ever here and so if theres like issues with formatting or anything really just comment or send an ask on my tumblr @elim-flower, also please be nice this is just a fun thing for me :), tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (51), Theodore Roosevelt (Night at the Museum) (39), Jedediah/Octavius (Night at the Museum) (79), Theodore Roosevelt/Sacajawea (Night at the Museum) (47), Kahmunrah/Lancelot (Night at the Museum) (9), Napoleon Bonaparte/Al Capone (Night at the Museum) (5), George Armstrong Custer/Amelia Earhart (Night at the Museum) (4), Merenkahre/Shepseheret (Night at the Museum) (3), This is the most domestic fluffy you can get with an undead mummy, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Theodore Roosevelt/Sacajawea (Night at the Museum), Napoleon Bonaparte/Al Capone (Night at the Museum), George Armstrong Custer/Amelia Earhart (Night at the Museum), George Armstrong Custer (Night at the Museum), 100 Ways to Say I Love You Writing Challenge, Pre-Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian, Ahkmenrah is a Little Bit of a Drama Queen, Post-Night at the Museum 3: Secret of the Tomb, AU where Ahk and the tablet didn't stay at the British Museum, Jedediah & Octavius (Night at the Museum), this whole fic just revolves around my favorite songs, ill post a link at the top of every chapter for the song in that chapter, the songs are either actually playing being sung or maybe just the vibe, they just pine for however many chapters its great, larry/ahk as the main ship with jedtavius and teddy/wea as bg ships. They discussed subjects such as politics and philosophy. Yes you have an actual garment called a Kimono but this is just the beginning. The good news, though, is that Lucius has taken it to France, amidst a masquerade gala and artifact display in the Louvre art museum. In doing this, he will be able to summon an immortal army from the underworld, so that he may resume his reign and expand his territory to claim the rest of the world. Something is troubling you, my friend, I can see it. (According to my timeline research). , Our story is set in London, England, after a certain American security night guard pays a visit to the Museum of Natural History in order to save the museum. Carter Jones, the school nerd, and Killian Rebel Simmons was just a girl who was dealt a shitty hand in the game of life. This character is only seen in Night at the Museum 3 and was portrayed by Ben Kingsley. Once again he found himself in he archives. At the end of the film, it is decided that Ahkmenrah should remain in the British Museum, with his parents. Something they had done back in Egypt all those centuries ago. Why would Shippo not be freaking out? Yes, it is okay for the Lord to marry his ward, IF she is only one to three years bellow marriage age. Another heist must ensue to get it back, but what Lucius isnt aware of is that he has led them all right into more of the artifacts they need to bring about his end. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Contact: 917-880-9692. bonnie watson coleman phone number; moore county transportation office; ski clothing breckenridge As the film's antagonist, he aims to steal Ahkmenrah's tablet for himself. She met Ahkmenrah when she first got the job with her bother. They were found dead in their room and the causes were suspected poison. It is closely resembles the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. For NATM Week 2023, day 6, alternate prompt: Angst. Run. Sesshoumaru is a Inu Youkai, Rin is of his pack. . Larry and Nick adopt an Egyptian cat for Ahkmenrah and Nick takes the opportunity to ask about the Egyptian faith of Ahkmenrah. Both of Japanese and Korean words. . He was the youngest of two sons. I`m so sorry). A gardener and a prince look for the beauty in the world and end up finding it in each other. Yet, all was not sorrow. As old friends are rediscovered alongside old enemies. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This is denouncing your relationship with that sibling. [Title from You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. As the first born child, Kahmunrah was to inherit the throne. What did you find Larry? Ahkmenra asked as his voice dropped a few octaves. Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum) Nick Daley Larry Daley Established Relationship they have a cat Cats cartoons mentioned Egyptian mythology mentioned slight questions of faith Fluffy They're a Family This is the most domestic fluffy you can get with an undead mummy Humor is this a Valentine's day fanfic? And not just because of her studies? Thank you to everyone who has read it already! As a writer and an Asian Pacific Studies minoryou all really have to do your research when you are writing. Merenkahre wanted to wait till they were older before they would marry. In contrast to their parents, Kahmunrah loathes Ahkmenrah, carrying on about how he was clearly the "favorite son." (Page 109). Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum) Sacajawea (Night at the Museum) Felix Lawrence Betsy Clementine Luna Peter Cyrus Toms Colt Chauncey Dallas The Mona Lisa - Character Lucius J.M Donlsyn Fluff and Angst Emotional Hurt/Comfort Blood and Violence Near Death Experiences Heists Chaos Gun Violence Thievery Hurt Magic He in his goodness and happiness that had been blessed upon him wanted to share it with his only living family. What happened? An essay analyzing Ahkmenrah in NATM 1 through the lens of him being an Arab character, and what my findings say about the American identity. She was not only a beauty to behold, but, she had been well educated by her father. He begged forgiveness of his brother for his horrible ways. He sobbed heavily no longer holding back the grief he felt. Almost as long as Ramesses the Great. The last time Ahkmenrah saw his wife was as she was being dragged into the escape tunnel. Ahkmenrah is the second born son of Merenkahre and Shepseheret, and the younger brother of Kahmunrah. It was another night and they had nothing in mind to do and decided to take a walk until they sitted back against a wall. In which you attempt to bridge the gap between yourself and an ancient mummified pharaoh (who is very upset about being trapped in a box, mind you) with music. "No, you are going to live!" Just outside of the exhibit are display cases, filled with other Egyptian artifacts. When a young God accidentally gets the Prince of Egypt sick with untamed magic, you follow him to the overworld in hopes of helping to heal the Prince and keep the young God safe. Isetnofret was dragged from the palace leaving Ahkmenrah to face his brother. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Larry gestured for the Pharoah to follow him to his security office. Rose has been on Earth for more than 6,000 years. A woman who lived a fulfilled life. After the nobles return, though, you're assigned to be the youngest Prince's personal servant. Also, please be safe. 2. Inside the tiny room, Ahkmenrah sat in the chair staring at the DVD as the documentary played. She is erratic. The men's bathroom on the second floor was where they headed instead of the staff bathroom next to the security office. s , He was going to force his beloved into marriage?! Despite the fact that he hated his brother, Kahmunrah could not afford to anger the gods. Much as he had with his beloved Queen Shepseheret. Surprisingly difficult, he found.Octavius, upon waking in the museum for the first time, had found the name he had once held was gone, the skin of his forearm now unnervingly bare.Jedidiah had no memory of a prior life and little more than a vague understanding that the souls of people could be joined. He is not a human lord he is a demon lord. Oh, Iset he murmured in his soft sobs. It is implied in the movie, but stated in the original script, that he was murdered by his brother, Kahmunrah. I have been doing a bit of research for my Ahkmenrah fan fiction. Look, Ahk, I umI found something and I think you should see it. He said as he looked down at the aged folder in his hands. Before the Edo period bathing habits were different. How you doing? They were supposed to have a baby together! All chapters will contain swearing. Jedediah and Octavius were seated a little fae way from their dioramas. Dark themes may be present in some chapters, but should be warned within the notes at the beginning of the chapter. Requests will be taken and even just questions as well as conversations are welcome! Start reading. However, those 18 years may have been the time in which he was on display at Cambridge University. Ahkmenrah and Isetnofret attended the funeral and accompanied his parents coffins to their burial place. THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW. There's a voice that haunts this planet. How far can his strength take him, though, when none of that matters anymore? Secret of the Tomb AU. The Doctor and his companions are in ancient Egypt. I know.. Plus, my angst about how horribly he was treated in the movie and why he deserved better. He as a kind and just ruler. More . The tablet malfunctions one night, swapping the personalities of anyone it has assigned as soulmates. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Later when Larry is confused on how everything in the museum is coming to life Theodore Roosevelt shows him the tablet in Ahkmenrah's tomb and explains that it is what brings them all to life. If this is not a woman on her period I dont know what is. When Ahkmen reunites with his best friend y/n at the museum . later Ahkmenrah translates Hun so that Larry won't be ripped apart by Huns and uses his tablet to summon all the exhibit's back to the museum before dawn so they won't turn to dust. Larry should have known nothing goes to plan for him. Tiberius and Maya join forces and begin a Cupid operation to bring Jedediah and Octavius together. Kahmunrah is the primary antagonist in Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, where he is introduced as Ahkmenrah's older brother. The wedding was a grand celebration only to be interrupted by Ahkmenrahs older brother. Larry, his son Nick, and a few of the favourites of the NYC gang travel to London, England and to the British Museum to find Ahkmenrah's parents, who know the secrets of the tablet and possibly what is wrong with it. "Strong" is, quite literally, Jedediah's middle name. I umhow much do you remember about your time when you were alive? He asked trying to not be as blunt as possible. This is just what I feel most comfortable writing, so it is most commonly what I write. Isethis beloved Iset. How?! Night At The Museum Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Language: English Words: 243,157 Chapters: 97 /? As a shabti servant of the Gods, you are bound to follow and assist them with any task. Stood before the lights of the locked of Mayan diorama, a dozen tiny spears striking the glass behind his shoulders, he seems deathly intimidating for a man who often exudes an air of pleasantry and peace. It goes about as well as you would expect. His sarcophagus rests in the middle of the exhibit, walls of hieroglyphics surrounding it. Lightning strikes the tablet one stormy night, and Larry gets to see how it feels to be a miniature. The worst part was that hed been having a very nice dream.No, that wasnt the worst part. Is this why she goes home so often? The worst part was the knife wounds tucked between his ribs. Larry liked learning more and more about the people he spent his nights with. oldman, L., Lennon, T. and Garant, R. (2007). What ususally happens to 15 year old girls ONCE A MONTH?.A PERIOD. They would not be bathing as often as someone of the more wealthy elite classes. How will the others react? Work Search: What if a hero and a villain fell in love with one another as their civilian identities? Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots! When his tomb was discovered in 1952 it was said to be one of the most profound discoveries next to that of Tutankhamuns in the 1920s. Slowly he walked up to his sarcophagus. Ahkmenrah hopes that once he knows there's a new night guard he'll be let out of his sarcophagus, but is also slightly scared of the other exhibits and what they may think of him if he does get set free. And I should know what its like having a period. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. You're supposed to move on like nothing happened, but a prayer from your childhood still haunts youand it's starting to sound familiar. Jedediah hates the city's hero, but Octavius thinks he's not so bad for someone trying to do good. Enjoy! He helps Larry tally up all the animals and exhibits. Kahmunrahs blade was poisoned. Although, T A new exhibition is coming to the museum. Inuyasha in the earlier years before Inuyasha was actually born, takes place around the Onin War which was in 1467 before guns ever appeared in Japan. What of Iset? oldman, L., Lennon, T. and Garant, R. (2007). The next time Larry is at Ahkmenrah's tomb is when he and his son are locked in the tomb by the previous night guards as they steal artifacts. Akhmenrah placed his hands on his chest and sobbed softly again. I do hope that this does help people. As the first born child, Kahmunrah was to inherit the throne. Or, in which Ahkmenrah falls head-over-heels for the art student who keeps visiting him, Title is taken from Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen, because Heaven knows we can't have a Rami fic that doesn't reference Queen in one way or another XD. Can I help ease your mind?. If she had any magical abilities they would have already have shown themselves. After leaving Cambridge in 1952, it was arranged for Ahkmenrah to become a permanent exhibit of the Museum of Natural History in New York City. This is not okay. Not like that. After a trip to the British Museum and a brush with death, Octavius and Jedediah are both more sure of their feelings now more than ever. [During NATM III) Emma Daley had been working alongside her father as a night guard at the Museum of Natural History for a good few years and during that time, she had gotten close with the inhabitants. Larry, his son Nick, and a few of the favourites of theNYC gang travel to London, England and to the British Museum to find Ahkmenrah's parents, who know the secrets of the tablet and possibly what is wrong with it. The sound echoed through the museum. Even though he never knew his son he felt so proud of him. Men basicallywore a loincloth thong. He holds a grudge against Ahkmenrah for the special treatment he received from their parents, saying that they "always gave him the best of everything." A book of One-Shots of anything from Attack on Titan to DC to Disney, Anime and Cartoons, Movies and TV Shows. Merenkahre had no choice but to banish his own son. For example: You can do what I do and make a timeline with your research to help you. He hadnt felt such emotion in 4,000 years Tears leaked through the gaps in his fingers. As the years passed the two grew into adults. When Ahkmenrah was only 15 he was introduced to a young girl nearly two years younger than him. Okay so let me just state this. Written for 100 Ways to Say I Love You prompt 98, "Take a deep breath.". Mentions of threats of death. One theory is those night guards before even Cecil Fredericks thought that letting a real person out and about, not a stature or other fake figure, was more unpredictable and dangerous. When a young God accidentally gets the Prince of Egypt sick with untamed magic, you follow him to the overworld in hopes of helping to heal the Prince and keep the young God safe. Ahkmenrah's tomb is first seen during daylight as Cecil the previous night guard shows Larry. Larry tally up all the animals and exhibits, and the causes suspected! The tiny room, Ahkmenrah sat in the movie and why he deserved better filled with other Egyptian.... You 're assigned to be interrupted by ahkmenrahs older brother with any.. Not a woman on her period I dont know what its like having a very nice dream.No, he... Kimono but this is just the beginning of the film, it is commonly... 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night at the museum fanfiction ahkmenrah crying