why does blackstrap molasses have a cancer warning

Blackstrap molasses has 58 calories per tablespoon, but only 10 grams of sugar which is 5 grams less than regular molasses. add 7/8 teaspoon (approx) baking soda In turn, the presence of too many free radicals may lead to oxidative stress and numerous related diseases (11). Blackstrap molasses is rich in a variety of essential minerals including iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and potassium as well as the majority of the vitamin B complex, deficiencies of which confer a major cancer risk. TYG for Earthclinic.. Marilyn. Great value! She has been anemic since she was a teenager, and her body has a near-impossible time absorbing iron from supplements. Molasses is the thick, brown syrup left over after they remove the crystals from the juice. You can Google coffee and Prop 65 for reference. An older 2012 study also showed that antioxidants can help protect cells from the oxidative stress associated with cancer and other diseases. Blackstrap molasses is rich in a variety of essential minerals including iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and potassium as well as the majority of the vitamin B complex [33], deficiencies of which confer a major cancer risk [34]. Registered dietician nutritionists do not recommend that people start eating molasses for nutrients because its sugar content is so high. Blackstrap Molasses is important because it contains higher level of nutrients and vitamins than the regular one. The Black Strap Molasses has gone through 3 different boilings and contains a far greater amount of nutrients, especially iron. Ultimately, its important to consult with a health professional before adding blackstrap molasses to your diet to ensure that its the right choice for you. Hi, refrigeration is not necessary. I somehow stumbled onto blackstrap molasses. However, it still contains high levels of sugar, which can be harmful when consumed in excess. Why does blackstrap molasses have a lead warning? Your email address will not be published. Because California has this list and threshold, any item that is being sold in CA containing lead requires this warning. In this blog post, we will explore why blackstrap molasses carries a warning about cancer and whether or not it is a cause for concern. I use blackstrap molasses as a mineral-rich way to make things taste delicious. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7047080. During refining, PAHs are created by burning or heating coal, oil, gas, or wood. Watched the Garden of Eden video that you mentioned and got pumped again. Your email address will not be published. 8 Nutritional Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses - eMediHealth So to sum it up, blackstrap molasses has not changed and we are not adding any lead. 6. I mix 1 tbs. It is thicker, darker, and less sweet. If yours is exceptionally thin, then either it is being stored in rather a warm area or there could be something wrong with the batch that you received. I began looking through the internet for answers, but I am not great at swimming in swampy waters. We will also look at the potential health benefits of blackstrap molasses and discuss why consuming it in . By the end of this post, you will better understand why blackstrap molasses carries a cancer warning and whether or not you should be concerned about it. I tried half a teaspoon in hot chocolate and it still makes me gag, first time I tried BSM I took it straight, 1Tbs and I was vomiting all night. We all have benchtop ovens and they are fantastic!!! Harmful Chemicals In Molasses - Raw Food Explained The Environmental Protection Agency currently regulates acrylamide levels in drinking water (22). Additionally, iron deficiency may play a part in hair turning gray during childhood and early adulthood. Molasses is not digested efficiently. The Benefits Of Blackstrap Molasses In A Nutshell In herbalism, molasses has been used to treat constipation, to treat diabetes (it has a low glycemic index and helps stabilize blood sugar level), for treating rheumatism, and for weight loss. It is still the same molasses as always just with an updated nutritional panel. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Drinking plenty of water will help to keep cells hydrated, also. Medeiros, D. M. (2016). So I am extremely worried about the Warning label that I just noticed, it says it may contain lead which may cause cancer and reproductive harm and birth defects. My label says 11 grams sugar and under it it says included 11 grams of added sugar. Blackstrap molasses contains very high levels of the chemical acrylamide, which may be carcinogenic (19). great product, Joanne heckman (verified owner) November 6, 2017. The recommended daily allowance is 18 milligrams per day. Heme iron = the type found predominantly in blood and muscle. I didnt read the label until after I purchased the molasses that genetically engineered sugarcane is used in the manufacturing process. However, she said its on the the lower end of the iron-level spectrum. This is where blackstrap molasses shines. The water, sugar, and even small amounts of fiber aren't "removed" -- molasses has a moderate sugar content and thus a glycemic index of 55, compared to say, meat, which has a glycemic index of 0. New source of lead and other contamination. Best food forward: Are algae the future of sustainable nutrition? Not all black strap molasses is unsulphered but all unsulfured forms of molasses need to be refrigerated because sulfur is the preservative which can give it a weird taste so some prefer to forgo that and refrigerate their unsulphered molasses. Try squeezing fresh lemon juice (half or whole) with your blackstrap and a hint of cayenne red pepper. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Often herbs and foods have a normalizing effect. I hope you carry on carrying on, sir. You must dilute it with water first, approximately 2 TBS per gallon, then apply to base of plants. It is not possible to remove or completely prevent lead from entering the food supply.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I take two tablespoons a day (in Stash's double spice chai tea- really good) and it really seems to help. This has led to labeling blackstrap molasses products with a warning about a potential link to cancer. According to a 2019 study, molasses may have a higher antioxidant effect compared to sugarcane juice. In addition, it provides 18 amino acids (1). Ive yet to get my actual doctor on the phone, so I called up Dr. Dara, my moms version of Gwyneth Paltrow, to get her perspective on blackstrap molassess ability to raise iron levels. The label says 1TB contains 10g sugar, which consists of 10g ADDED sugar. Later I tapered down to a Tablespoon once a day, and now, for maintenance, I take it once or twice a week. I visited the emergency room when my blood level was low and feeling faint and the emergency room doctor suggested Brer Rabbit Black Strap Molasses. It is often available in bottles or jars. A similar lawsuit is currently ongoing with the coffee industry as they have acrylamide that California says need the same warning. Ive read every post on this thread, and I just wanted to say I appreciate the straightforward way you answered these questions. Now the culprit is the lead in molasses, which is one of the main ingredients in traditional black licorice. The soil in which the sugar cane grows may also contain lead. The different types of molasses vary in color, consistency, flavor, and sugar content. We will also look at the potential health benefits of blackstrap molasses and discuss why consuming it in moderation may be beneficial. Since blackstrap molasses, as already discussed, is rich in iron, it also helps women replenish iron levels, which otherwise go down due to blood loss. You have explained in simple way. Thus, supplementing with this mineral may improve signs of premature hair graying (18). Thanks. Some people believe molasses is more beneficial to the body than sugar, but what does the research say? We purchased gallon containers of the Blackstrap Molasses and we love it so far for baking and we use it in our homemade energy drinks as well! For the past several months, my mother has had to have 1 to 2 units of blood every week. Blackstrap Molasses is used infrequently for direct firing and is quite high in potassium content. She told me its not the same person-to-person, not to depend on it and that people should continue to have their iron levels checked by theirdoctors. "By the way, molasses is a superfood indeed. No new breakouts. Thus, she did did not address her deficiency until I told her about BSM. The following products can also be used as a substitute for molasses in a 1:1 ratio: Molasses is available to purchase in grocery stores, health food stores, and online stores. It is a food that is concentrated with needed nutrients. To learn more about our cookies, how we use them and their benefits, please read our Privacy Policy, Posted by Sweet Cales (Bridgetown) on 06/07/2018, Posted by Kita (Detroit, Michigan) on 08/19/2007, Posted by Kristen (St. Peters, Mo) on 05/07/2010, Posted by JEM (Fort Worth, TX) on 02/15/2009, Posted by Nathan (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) on 07/24/2006, Posted by Maria (Tampa, Florida) on 03/01/2018, Posted by Cory (Hamilton, Mt) on 06/05/2015, Posted by Claudia (Orange, Ca/usa) on 10/23/2012, Posted by Dee (Atlanta, Georgia) on 08/16/2011, Posted by Anna (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 12/08/2010, Posted by Jeanette (Ripley, Ms, USA) on 11/18/2009, Nutritional Comparisons of Blackstrap Molasses Brands, Blackstrap Molasses for Diabetes Type II Treatment, Blackstrap Molasses for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7047080. I think I can go without any makeup already! PAHs are a group of chemicals found naturally in the environment, but their presence in molasses is due to the refining process. The syrup also contains calcium, which plays an important role in bone health and osteoporosis prevention. Hi Kathy, I think that you may have read the label wrong. I told him of my moms anemia and my previous diagnoses. Since we only plant half of our 100' X 100' garden, I'm going to take the half we don't plant and do the Garden of Eden thing. Update: Since experimenting with other possibilities, I find that Aloe Vera works well at night, and Blackstrap Molasses in the morning. What foods contain high fructose corn syrup. Cancer is a frightening and serious health problem that affects millions of people all over the world. One of the possible risks associated with consuming blackstrap molasses is that it can contain high levels of potentially carcinogenic substances like nitrosamines. Those seemed hard to test. For this reason, some sources say that it has the most health benefits. These substances are formed through molasses processing and can increase ones risk of cancer. It also has 14 grams of carbs. Is acrylamide found in molasses? Copyright 1999 - One or two teaspoons will help get you through the whole day. Constipation occurs when you have difficulty passing stools. Its anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment for acne were documented in a 2002 study found in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. Golden Barrel Blackstrap Molasses is a good source of natural iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Also, to be careful. Sugar is definitely responsible for much of the poor health of Americans who eat so much of it. Yes, I know that..Back in the sixties I read a book called "Back to Eden" and I cured my sinus problems with Vit C and also only bought BSM, because I like it, it reminded me of my Dad. Try vanilla or chocolate almond, coconut or soy milk. Besides, horses and horse campers seem to love this stuff. Organic BlackStrap Molasses Molasses is especially rich in polyphenol antioxidants and likely boasts more polyphenols than other sugarcane products such as juice and syrup (12). If you are taking blackstrap molasses for anemia, do take some vitamin c around the same time. To answer the added sugar question, this is actually pretty confusing. Glad we got to know one another. However, if a person is going to eat sugar anyway, molasses is likely a more healthy alternative. Another possible risk is the presence of trace amounts of heavy metals like lead and cadmium, as these can be picked up from the environment during the manufacturing process. 1 pm, pee on urine pH strip. Many people are looking for ways to reduce their risk of developing cancer, and they are turning to natural products such as blackstrap molasses as a potential solution. Ferritin shot up from 19 to 48 and Iron shot up from 50 to 129! Other foods high in acrylamides include breakfast cereals, french fries, potato chips, and cookies (19). Because of its low glycemic index (GI), blackstrap molasses is said to help decrease the glycemic index (GI) of high-carbohydrate meals. Ariane Lang, Alyssa Northrop, MPH, RD, LMT. Blending the entire concoction is especially wonderful. Why Does My Fridge Have a Cancer Warning? It is, and has always been, a staple. While molasses can be a good alternative to refined sugar, consuming too much of any added sugar can have adverse effects. Research associates polyphenol intake with preventing, delaying, or reducing the effects of chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer (13, 14). Some find it downright delicious mixed with milk. Used in baking as a sugar substitute and as a healthy supplement, blackstrap molasses is slightly more nutritious than other varieties and has an intense robust flavor and dark color. Her and a lady got to talking about blackstrap. Molasses also contains high concentrations of amino acids and linoleic acid, an essential lipid that has a documented anti-tumor effect." I started buying the small jar. Molasses does not quickly break down into glucose, making it somewhat safer than other sweeteners for people with diabetes or insulin resistance. So is the total 11 or 22 grams. All materials copyright Repeller 2010-2023. I'm slowly getting used to the taste but can't imagine I'll ever like it. Suddenly today, one full week after starting on one tblspn per day, my skin is clear and no more itching. The reduced iron in your breakfast cereal and enriched flour is nothing more than iron filings. Do not consume blackstrap molasses in large quantities, as it is high in calories and can lead to weight gain. If you have this condition, iron supplements are often recommended (18). The American Cancer Society agrees. The role of calcium in human aging. Those seemed hard to test. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. As a result, it is important to buy blackstrap molasses from reputable suppliers who can guarantee the safety of their products. Reduces risk to certain types of cancer, may help prevent migraines, and aids in blood clotting. This warning has created a lot of confusion and questions about why this product has such a warning. It is quite confusing. C nearly every day..Marilyn_TYG, It should read 500 mg of Vit c, not 500 units of vit c,, sorry for the error. Studies have shown that a high level of sulfur in food products can increase the risk of certain types of cancers. Fermentable foods: Trouble in your diet. In use Golden Barrel Blackstrap Molasses for feeding my potted plants. Yes, it was a copy and paste answer. Why Does Blackstrap Molasses Have a Cancer Warning? Ive also noticed that my hair & skin looks much better that is has in many years. However, while molasses appears to be a slightly less harmful version of sugar, it can still have negative health effects. Dark Molasses. Also note that the numerical reference range of whats considered healthy can change person to person, and depending onyour countrys units of measurement. Amazon.com: Customer Questions & Answers Others need a bit of coaxing or creativity to enjoy their daily dose of blackstrap. 20% of the daily value for calcium. Blackstrap molasses is a nutritious byproduct of sugarcane production. People with poor blood sugar control should limit their intake of all forms of sugar, including molasses. Manufacturers add a synthetic type of this chemical to diet foods and, Sugar appears in our food in many forms, including sucrose, lactose and fructose. Hair loss is often associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies because of their role in hair cell growth and function, although research is mixed on the role of iron itself (17, 18). In this blog post, we will explore why blackstrap molasses carries a warning about cancer and whether or not it is a cause for concern. What is the concentration level of lead and acrylamide? Golden Barrel Blackstrap Molasses is a good source of natural iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Sulfured varieties tend to be less sweet than other varieties. I am so excited! I am not sure if I or my crops are more heather. The triple boiling and sugar extraction process results in Blackstrap molasses being a more nutritionally dense sweetener than plain or "second" molasses. I had low iron for quite some time and I was beginning to get concerned because every time I tested, my levels would be lower than the prior test. Prevents Anemia Because blackstrap molasses contains iron, it helps produce hemoglobin and red blood cells to prevent anemia. I make my own brown sugar with it. What I have been buying has the texture of cane syrup why the bitter taste. If iron deficiency is the culprit, then I can understand why certain tonics with blackstrap molasses may have an effect on iron levels. If blackstrap molasses is found being sold in California without this warning, anyone can bring a lawsuit against the manufacture which has happened to almost every brand and maker of blackstrap molasses. I got my blood taken at the start of October. Have you tried Castor Oil for your dry skin? However, the mineral content, organic/conventional status, and plastic/glass packaging varies a lot between brands, so I've dug up as much info on each brand as I can find. Hello, Would like to know if this is safe to consume? All types of molasses, including blackstrap, are rich sources of antioxidants, which help protect against numerous chronic diseases. This is an important issue in childrens health (8). Coconut Sugar A Healthy Sugar Alternative or a Big, Fat Lie? Again, with all due respect, this is simply incorrect information that can be confirmed by doing a simple google search. These conditions include heavy menstrual bleeding, anemia, arthritis, constipation, depression, eczema, and many more. Why is there a lead warning on the molasses? Blackstrap Molasses is an inexpensive and popular home remedy, yet not without side effects for some. We actually do list Potassium and Sodium on our nutritional panel of each label. You can Google coffee and Prop 65 for reference. That is a good question about the 10g of added sugar. Hi I would like to know after I opened I have to put it to the refrigerator or its ok to keep out ? Because blackstrap molasses serves as a high source of calcium, it promotes strong and healthy bones. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. It is a byproduct of the sugar-making process, and it comes from crushed sugar cane or sugar beets. A person can replace one cup of molasses with cup brown sugar and cup water. Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugar production and is used in baking and flavoring. Studies also show that these antioxidants can help. It is often passed through the body with little absorption and often results in diarrhea. It does add sweetness along with its robust flavor. Molasses, especially blackstrap molasses, has more nutrients than any other sweetener, but it imparts a strong flavor to foods that limits its usefulness and appeal. Quinoa is packed with nutrients, and it's also gluten free. Blackstrap molasses has a lead warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because the processing of molasses infrequently involves using a direct flame with coals that may contain a high amount of the caustic substance potash. Must supply our needs for essential fatty acids. Because blackstrap molasses provides 10% of the DV for this mineral in a single tablespoon (15 mL), its intake may promote bone health (3, 5, 15). Due to this, it is necessary to have a prop 65 warning on every molasses packaging. People should not rely on molasses as a source of these nutrients. Blackstrap molasses is a source of natural potassium and can help to promote a healthy, normal blood pressure. And it's very possible that it's the two in combination that is darkening my hair so much. As with any food product, it is important to take precautions when consuming blackstrap molasses. Thank you for that. You may hear claims that blackstrap molasses can treat arthritis, ADHD, and high blood sugar, but scientific evidence doesnt support these notions. While the sugar content is less than 'sugar', it's definitely in there. I think some of this site did not realize the difference in molasses and BSM. The warning label states that consuming this product can cause cancer. While studies suggest that high doses of dietary acrylamides cause cancer in rodents, results from human studies are mixed on whether eating foods high in acrylamides increases the risk of cancer (21). Molasses is a preferred source of sweetener for me, along with maqple syrup and raw honey. Within 2 hours of first tbl spoon I percieved changing skin (flushed, drier) within 2 days (4 Tbls)no new acne and quickly healing. So, Blackstrap helped someone with oily skin, but it doesn't necessarily mean it will make dry skin worse. After one month of consumingonetablespoon daily of organic, unsulphered blackstrap molasses (which I should tell you is disgusting and can be best described as swallowing a slug of thick, licorice-flavored syrup), my iron count raised from 12, which is considered low according to my height/weight/etc. All rights reserved. We order by the case and give to family & friends. Oneday my aunt went to a health food store. 8 Ways Food Companies Hide the Sugar Content of Foods, How to Read Food Labels Without Being Tricked. I also reckon that microwaves are the cause of cancer. Blackstrap Molasses - Nutrition, Benefits, & Precautions - HealthifyMe California needs to stop saying everything causes cancer Vicks vs Mentholatum What are the Major Differences? Is that really additional, added sugar or just the product itself that has sugar in it? Log in. WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including lead and acrylamide, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. ** 12/16 OZ NARROW MOUTH CASES: AVAILABLE ONLY BY PURCHASING A FULL PALLET (85 CASES) DIRECT WITH US BY CALLING CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (800)327-4406 (NOTE: LESSER QUANTITIES CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE) **, *** ALL OTHER SIZES: TO PURCHASE FULL PALLET QUANTITIES, PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPT. One serving of blackstrap molasses one tablespoon has .9 milligrams of iron. It is a very small amount and is naturally occurring. A+ molasses! Sometimes that shocks people. What is the source of the added sugar? People commonly use it in baking. Tune Your Car Like a Pro: The Best Laptops for Auto Tuning. I drink it in hot water or eat it straight off the spoon. I don't think I've had even one random pimple in over 20 years. Writers Club: Holding Onto Others Is Hard and MessyIts Also Worth It, Lets Talk About Queer Sex and Love, Baby, 3 Older Detroit Residents on Life During the Pandemic, Sound the Alarm: We Have a Date for Our Book Club Meetup. You could be missing the real reason youre tired, which could be harmful. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6429268/, https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/sodium/potassium, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4337919/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31954937/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26410392, https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/data-statistics/added-sugars.html, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5466942/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4950270/, https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/inspection-guides/new-source-lead-and-other-contamination, https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/abs/10.1024/0300-9831.75.3.211, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10942912.2018.1424721, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23190112, https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/resources/highschool/chemmatters/past-issues/archive-2014-2015/fodmap-intolerance.html. One teaspoon daily dipped and dripping with Blackstrap Molasses (House of Herbs 70% iron content) totally eliminated my anemia, dizziness and fatigue. Hi Minnie, as of the last test, blackstrap molasses contains 0.3 parts per million of lead. These Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses May Surprise You Here's just one of many studies: Everything you need to know about erythritol. I take a couple tbsp in the morning, and a couple tbsp in the evening and I have so much energy and it has helped my GI health tremendously. As per research, blackstrap molasses has more antioxidants than honey and other natural sweeteners, including maple syrup and agave nectar. I pretty certain it's the molasses because I stopped taking it for about a month while I was on vacation and the acne came back within a week. Hubby loved it so much we wound up buying the big gallon jug! Acrylamide forms in foods when sugars and the amino acid asparagine are subjected to certain high heat cooking methods, such as frying, roasting, and baking (20). That was close to a year ago. Evidence suggests that consuming a daily dose of 0.5 mL of blackstrap molasses per pound (1 mL per kg) of body weight for a month may improve defecation frequency and reduce abdominal pain in children with constipation (6, 7). Added sugar is particularly harmful for the body. Blackstrap Molasses is used infrequently for direct firing and is quite high in potassium content. Aids in the nervous system.

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why does blackstrap molasses have a cancer warning