sokeefe cuddling fanfiction

That makes sense, should we go do that now? She asked, cringing at the thought of the conversation. After taking the elevator up to their floor, Sophie and Keefe split up to their respective rooms to get their sweaters. There were a lot of trials to come with matchmaking and less difficult, but still incredibly trying, with Grady. She felt Keefe stiffen in surprise before he relaxed, draping his arm around her shoulders. That was worth so much more. And don't you forget it, Sophie told him, in mock seriousness, though she might've been just alittlesmug about beating Keefe. She scooted closer to Biana, making room on the towels they had haphazardly thrown on the ground. But everything with Fitz had ended so abruptly, and she just couldnt guess how he would take to the news. Keefe grinned a warm and slightly relieved smile. Keefe gulped, Okay. He looked as nervous as she felt. She was sure she didn't breathe for at least a minute. She is pregnant. Are those what I think they are? Keefe! Sophie exclaimed hugging him,and not caring about how close she was to his body. I was the maid of honor at Marlowe's wedding, so I know exactly what's going to happen," she snapped back. Sophie was about to go back outside when something in her suitcase caught her eye. It didn't seem the same as what you'd described with Dex.. He started, turning around, then grimaced when he saw it was Sophie. Im not that oblivious! It wasnt fear, or jealousy, for once she didnt mind Fitz ignoring her. When Sophie turned seventeen, Edaline and Grady made the surprise they were going to have another kid. Right now, it just felt safer to wait and see. Smooth, Keefe butted in. But now I understand that you were right. Do boyfriends and girlfriends lean on each other? I wanted to try and salvage our friendship, but he started talking about being Cognates, and trust, and I just couldnt take it any more. "No. Login to review. Im not mad I'm just really confused, Sophie told him. Remembering what she needed to talk to him about, she regained focus, her smile disappeared. The group strolled down the main shopping center near the hotel. Her insides were butterflies with excitement for the trip with her friends. Sophie should have been angry with him for making her worry like that, but she was too relieved to even think about it. Can't he switch with Foster?, You're not even sharing a room with him! Fits reminded him, You're rooming with Dex remember?, That's more like it! Keefe exclaimed and stage whispered, Were going to have to cause some trouble later.. "Keefe, I have something to say to you," Sophie said, inhaling before she chickened out, " I. His eyes went wide and Biana's smile grew and he yanked his hand out of Sophie's, promptly waking her up. They said goodbye to Cora, planning to meet up for dinner. I used to fly all the time with my family when I was younger. Sophie reassured her friends, many of whom shared Bianas concerns. Mhmm, she said softly. I can't believe we forgot to get some earlier! she called, her eyes wide. We kissed. She buried her face in her hands, not ready to face everyones reactions. Where is he actually? Sophie sighed. Do boyfriends and girlfriends talk to each other about personal problems? I really like it. Sophie blushed as she asked, What? Keefe smiled. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. #sophiefoster And when the news got out that the Ruewen's had twins, Sophie was ecstatic. Rated M because of stuff in the beginning. Well, were going to teleport to a sort of hidden part of the San Diego International Airport, I would teleport us straight to Kauai but Ive never been there. She stopped her thoughts. Blog Home Uncategorized sokeefe cuddling fanfiction. Its your choice, and if you dont want to sign up for your match lists, then theres nothing I can do to stop you. The Neverseen have been working against me for years. He poured them each a tall wineglass of sparkling water, a slight foam building before subsiding into a crystal-clear drink. We were We saw a sea turtle! Keefe blurted out, and Sophie resisted the urge to facepalm at his bad acting. Across the aisle, Sophie could tell that the human girl was talking to Fitz and Biana, and she was glad that they werent freaking out like Keefe was. You are amazing. Thanks for inviting me to sit with you, I kind of needed somebody to sit with. She had been right. He wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her tight. And she pretty much packed her entire room. Someone started to slow clap, and Sophie realized it was Tam when he spoke up. Why wouldnt everything be okay? Lady Cadence was one of her toughest mentors yet, and she had made it clear from their first meeting that she wasn't exactly Sophie's biggest fan. Vacation - A Sokeefe Fanfic - Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki This is really good, no wonder you ordered it. Sophie couldnt believe he preferred the crepe to the waffles, which she already wanted more of. Back in San Diego, even before the fires, the light pollution had made it near impossible to see any stars at all. "No. But even if they suspect something, I dont think nows the best time to tell everyone. Keefe could've won the contest for saddest smile in the world as he turned back to face her. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - [Hitch D., Marlo F.] [Hitch, Marlo] - Words: 407 - Published: 7m ago . Something Sophie just couldnt put her finger on. We should probably go now, Sophie interrupted, saving herself from further humiliation. See you later.. Im worried Im becoming a bad influence on you.. Ok, just get something you like, Ill probably like it too. He said, not looking up from the iPod. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. I looked for you all over the beach! Wasnt it?, With that, he looked up at Sophie, and she couldnt help but agree. Maybe he'll listen to you, Tam explained. If we teleported, we would basically give elves away to everyone around us by falling out of the sky.. His hair brushed her ear, and she stiffened, sure her cheeks were neon red. Deep inside, Sophie felt something stir. It's amazing, Sophie breathed. Fitz and Biana sat across the aisle, next to a pretty human girl absorbed in her book. Didnt you bring a book? Fitz took a little bit longer to reply. Well, this is happening.. So, I know it seems like we have forever before we head back, but I wanted to take some time to figure out what were going to do when we get home. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic by @bookreader209 - Chapter 1 Rainbow sounds delicious. Behind her, Sophie could hear Marella and Cora snickering. Now, try this one on.. Strange occurrences seem to follow Sophie. She locked up those thoughts in a corner of her brain to deal with later, like she had done with the others. OMG! He stopped laughing for a second, staring at her intently. Wow. Marella lay on the bed next to her, taking a nap after having gotten ready to go. Good night, Fitz. More episodes to come! Sophie ran to catch up to Fitz, tapping his shoulder to grab his attention. The next day, neither of them spoke about how angry Grady was that morning when he walked in to wake Sophie and instead found her straddling Keefe in the chair, or how she had forgotten to finish the Polyglot homework that was due that day. Linh, Tam, yours are this silver blue aquamarine, and Marella, yours is made of zircon. he finished. If I wouldve known sooner. Hey are you guys almost ready for the beach? She asked with a sigh. He had done the same thing on the airplane, but that was just a coincidence, since he didnt know much about human food. "Foster and the Fitzy!". Something big. I guess so. Sophie sucked in a sharp breath. Now, I wanna go back to sleep, okay? Dex mumbled, turning back around and falling asleep again. A half an hour later, everyone met up in the girls hotel room. ", "My Polyglot homework, or I was before I was rudely interrupted. Sophie was more than happy to wait. Everything went smoothly, though Biana did receive some odd looks from the cashier when she set down all of her clothes. It didnt mean anything that Keefe had chosen the same flavor, did it? As a friend though, and I wouldnt want anything to change that. Once he heard Sophie order though, he quickly made up his mind, similar to what he had done on the plane. Oh, its fine, she assured him, pausing to thank the waiter as her food arrived. What took you so long? Dex asked, standing a few feet away with the rest of their friends. The next day, Sophie and Keefe sat together at breakfast, their friend group sprawled out over several tables at the hotels restaurant. Biana returned carrying a soft, wispy dress. You do realize none of us believe you, right? Marella said, So just tell us. Second, she doesn't know if Marella is still her friend. However, she blushed seeing Cora softly elbow Biana with a wiggle of her eyebrows. Hes become a less and less dependable friend, and with the way hes been acting this trip, I just gave up trying to keep our relationship intact. As a friend, she added, and Keefe chuckled. Unsurprisingly, she had already changed into a cute pink bikini she had bought online with the help of Dex. They grabbed their carry-ons from the overhead storage and, very slowly, made their way to the exit in a single file line. She hadnt touched it since, figuring there would be a time for it eventually. For Day 4 of HitchLowe Week 2023; Cuddling/Comfort. Have fun. He started to walk away, and Sophie had to jog to keep pace with him. ! Sophie exclaimed a little too loudly. Sokeefe Stories - Wattpad Thanks for reading, enjoy! Across the hall, Sophie could hear the boys laughing, and knew that they were nowhere near ready to go to the beach. Oh, sorry. Pairings: Sophie and Keefe, Tam and Biana, Dex and Marella, Wylie and Linh, and Fitz and Stina. Uh Im gonna go get some human candy from the gift shop for us. Sophie sat and flipped through some human magazines, enjoying looking at what had changed in the years since she had left. Hi! She wished this hadn't happened. And you already know Fitz and Biana of course. Sophie pointed to each person in turn. After we last talked, I took some time to really think about how my actions have affected you guys. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. It was another day before Sophie was able to talk to Biana. Do you want anything? She asked Keefe as Marella ordered her drink, It probably won't be as good as what you're used to but youll probably get hungry or thirsty later if you dont get something. She was about to start out the door when Keefe interrupted her leaving. It tastes just like plain pasta, Sophie replied, a little sheepish for asking. Hope you like it!!! Love you all, Out With The Old, In With The New Part 2- (Option 1). Sokeefe Romance Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Good night, Fitz echoed, seeming exhausted from all the talking, Thanks for hearing me out. He left, and then the two of them were alone in the hall once more. Actually, I do know some star names better than you,, Well, Im guessing you dont know human constellations very well, do you? she grinned, pointing out several stars. Sophie let out a sigh. When his plate had arrived, Sophie could swear his eyes got twice as big looking at the giant breakfast in front of him. She pulled him away from their friends, who were starting to walk back to the hotel. Lets be honest shes going to end up borrowing everything I brought for her, Biana laughed. Whats going on?, Well Im just worried. She decided to pack light for this trip, Fitz remarked with a grin. Its supposed to be a flying horse, but, Thats supposed to be a pegasus? But arent you going to be cold? she inquired, not letting him change the subject. There was no awkwardness. You can have some of mine if you want.. #teamfoster-keefe At least Keefe was stuck . Benji rolled his eyes and Aurnia slapped his arm. They turned back toward the hotel and started back. Until one day, her guilt wins out. Thanks for all this. She glanced back at her friends to see how they were doing. If I can survive you being with Wonderboy, I think I can handle a little Team-Foster-Keefe, he answered. Nothing on this trip had gone perfectly so far, but this moment made all the hard things worth it. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction - Even though she felt bad about being so harsh, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Sophie jumped, not having noticed him creep up on her. He then walked back into the delivery room and Sophie let go of Keefe, eyes wide and a gigantic smile on her face. It wasn't your fault- really, Keefe said when she looked away, It was really mine and Fitzs, we could've made the choice to not let it come between us. Can I talk to you? This is a fanfiction (Sokeefe) written by DressChimera and Luna. shortstory love stellarlune +22 more # 6 Seventeen | Soulmate AU | by 359K 8.7K 60 Sophie was not looking forward to this conversation again. A collection of sokeefe oneshots and other sokeefe randomness that comes from one who thinks the sokeefe section of Wattpad is a Lil' sparse.(if you couldn't tell by now, I am using alliteration. #ageappropriate I'm so glad you like it; your opinion is the only one that really matters to me. Besides, Im not sure the kiss wouldve worked out as well as it did in the movie., Thanks for understanding. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. We were so surprised, we didnt think to take out our cameras until it was too late. How did your talk with Fitzy go? Keefe asked in response. The last thing I want to do is hurt your feelings, but I don't like you quite like that. Kinda. Sophie went up second to last, still trying to decide what to have. He was her friend, teasing and joking with her. I think we have to, Keefe said with a sigh, clearly not looking forward to this either, though. Keefe eventually stood up, grabbed her wrists, and looked her dead in the eyes. And I never will. Keefe finished, letting go of Sophies hand. She was currently sitting at her vanity, getting her hair fixed up by Biana and Linh while Marella, Edaline, and Vertina (yes, she still kept Vertina) did her makeup. Sophie flushed bright pink in embarrassment. Were not exactly going to blend in with the humans, and we have to take an airplane. Sophie strolled over to the boys suite. It was the dress she had bought during Bianas shopping spree several days ago. Yes, yes I can. I guess that makes sense. Her #1 snuggle buddy. Sophie blushed in annoyance as more people stopped to stare at Keefe while he ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair. Besides, it was getting a little chilled without my second layer, so it worked out.. Oh Yeah, youre right. Sophie and her friends sat eating candy while listening to Cora as she went over the plan. And just when she finally figures it all out, her world spins out of control as a new chaos spreads around the Lost Hello! You cant blame yourself for what they do. Sophie reached towards his hand, but he blocked her. Woah, Keefe breathed, swallowing the piece of crepe and reaching for more. I couldnt care less if you understand human things, what matters it that you tried, okay?. The one where we, yknow Sophie started talking to Dex, figuring this would be the least embarrassing way to spill the news. Join them in this classic SoKeefe story, and read about heartache, laughter, jealousy and love. Even in the hot midday sun, she still managed to look effortlessly perfect. You know, I used to think you were a good friend, but Im starting to realize you can be pretty selfish. Sophie is only about to be seventeen and finds out the reason she can hear people's thoughts is that she's an elf. While Biana seemed more focused on the food than on them, Fitz was glaring in their direction. That was something. Sophie didnt quite know what to say now that Fitz had left. cooper neurology cherry hill phone number; on the beach advert 2021. why did john hopkins leave midsomer; japanese motorcycle importers australia; december 1999 calendar "Fine, but only for a couple of minutes, I really should be getting back to my homework." He's- Fitz was interrupted as Tam clamped a hand over his mouth. She doesn't have a crush on me anymore, and she said she's happy for us. This is a sooo keefe story (I don't know if I should call it short) it has all your favorite characters (Except Fitz and Stina) I'm actually still planning it I some what just wrote random stuff that sounds good and its turning out REALLY good no lie there. Do you want something else? he inquired, noticing her staring at his plate. Its okay if you cant right now, but I just have something I wanted to say. Fitz stepped out into the hall, hands fidgeting nervously. Isnt it beautiful here? Lonely (Sokeefe) Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction Follow/Fav Lonely (Sokeefe) By: imgonnafreakyscream After the battle with the Neverseen, Keefe and Sophie confront their feelings. There was obvious annoyance in his gaze, but something else too. She and Keefe had been dating for three months now, and almost every day since then he had made it his personal mission to distract her whenever possible, especially when she was doing homework. They took the next few hours to settle in to the hotel rooms and unpack. Each day I will post a new chapter. Thats Orroro. Even though she knew Keefe also had a photographic memory, she couldnt help but show off a little. Besides, hell warm up to you eventually once he gets used to us. II love you. A Sokeefe Fanfic | Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki | Fandom Sophie pulled Keefe aside once again as the group continued back to the hotel to discuss what to do that day. I- I um Keefe stuttered, I like you Sophie.. I dont want any of your pity. They both laughed and Keefe grabbed her face with his hands. More than just friends, I mean. Fumbling, she looked down, wishing the awkwardness of today could go away again. Bye, Keefe said quickly as he ran off. We should probably get back to our friends now. He turned around and started walking back toward her their friends, and though she wanted to, part of her couldnt just let the conversation end there. Inside she was panicking, knowing their was no way her friends would let this slide. They laughed for minutes, their laughs dissolving into giggles before finally stopping. This hadnt been exactly how she had pictured his reaction, but there was still hope about their friendship. The stack could've outweighed half the store. Maybe we should talk to them separately though, I don't Fitz is very happy with me right now it might be best if I talk to Biana and you talk to Fitz, Keefe suggested. Edaline sighed and walked towards Sophie. I wanted to make sure it was accurate to the movie, Keefe answered matter-of-factly as Sophie let out a laugh. But as long as we can be together, I dont care at all what the world thinks. He said, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling his head into her neck. Hey, Dex, where did Keefe go? she called out to her friend, who was lying down on a towel a couple of feet away. Ill probably end up adding some song parodies for some events and characters in the series too. It's going to be the best wedding ever!" Just then, Keefe sauntered over to the group, holding a very full looking shopping bag. I'm a little cold, Sophie shivered, I didn't even know that was possible in Kauai. His hands rested on her hips, sending heat to places it shouldn't have. Im just glad we got out of there before nightfall, Marella replied sarcastically, grinning. Wanna take a walk?. Sophie flopped onto her bed after a long afternoon of working in the pastures. This is just a a short little KOTLC SoKeefe fanfic :) It's staged in the middle of book four of the KOTLC series, where the Keeper Crew is banned from the Lost Cities and are living in Alluveturre, one of the Black Swan's hideouts. They told Sophie over and over again they would never stop loving her, but Sophie was over the moon excited for more siblings. Did she say human candy? Cora questioned, breaking the silence that had formed in Sophies wake. Adorable Sokeefe Fanfic Series. Sophie finished quickly, and sat down on her bed, listening to music. I have to put in the work to actually start trying to be better. Oh just spit it out, will you? Fitz said, his tone harsher than Sophie would have expected. Before she could change her mind, she shoved her face towards his. What did you buy at the boutique Keefe?. As the plane flew across the ground at a pace that felt way too fast to actually be slowing down, she could feel Keefes grip tighten even more on her arm, something she hadnt thought was possible. When you started talking about how Id become a bad friend, that really hurt. SoKeefe One Shots Chapter 28: Lighthouse, a keeper of the lost cities She made a mental note to talk to Keefe about it later. The plane is stopping now. It makes no sense why not just wear a jacket or no jacket if its too hot?. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. Some Sokeefe for the Shipping Soul - Cuddles - Wattpad Soooo.. Keefe said after a nervous and awkward silence. I can accept that. This was right. You're so light!" She rolled her eyes, but kissed him again. If anything, Im glad you finally stood up for yourself. I need to pack everything else., Anything to get us out the door faster. He been staring at you a lot, and you guys seemed pretty close on the airplane. What are you getting Biana? Sophie asked, shaking her head. He was being a huge jerk about it and was obviously mad. Sophies heart beat faster, rushing with guilt and sadness. Ill tell you what's wrong with you: absolutely nothing. After finishing, he turned and walked down to the elevators, pausing several feet away to let her catch up. I'm going to go help Foster with the candy search now. And even if it was your fault, which it isn't in any way, youre worth it Foster. Well, it hasnt even been that long, it just feels like youre rushing into this. he said, and her heart plummeted. Sophie Im sorry I just wanted to-, Protect me? I think he went back to the hotel, Dex slowly began, to get some human candy., Nice try, but I already used that excuse. But when her sanity is shattered under the mental weight of he. Umm, okay. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic @bookreader209 Sophie is dealing with a TON of emotional drama. Sophie rolled her eyes, but couldn't hold back a smile. Sophie followed him, a small smile tickling her face as they headed to the beach. Tam brushed his bangs over his face as the rest of the group smiled, causing even more people to gawk at them. Keefe butted in, his perfect hair running in Sophie's face. Yep, Sophie confirmed, amused by her friends reaction. Sophie jokingly smiled as she started eating one side of the spaghetti. You were out there for twenty minutes, and youre telling us a turtle blocked your path, and it never once occurred to you to take a picture? Fitz snapped, glaring at Keefe. Im sure that Biana will be totally cool with it, but you should talk to her at some point. As the plane squeaked to a stop, the seatbelt sign disappeared. Yeah, we saw a turtle, and we didnt want to scare it away, but it was blocking our path so we had to wait for it to go away.. A slight steam drifted off the food as Keefe served them both spaghetti on one large plate. Soon, it became apparent that the pasta wasnt going to stay in just one piece. It looked weird but I think I need to watch it! Keefe explained. Sophie was in her giant room in her new home, Sunrose, getting ready for her wedding. It killed a little of Sophies good mood too. Cuddling for Comfort, an attack on titan/ fanfic | FanFiction Congrats, Sophie," the doctor said with a smile. You were so helpful when I tried to find my biological parents. They told Sophie over and over again they would never stop loving her, but Sophie was over the moon excited for more siblings. Check. It had been next to impossible to convince the council to let them go, and even harder to convince Grady. Sophie smiled at him one more time before taking his face into her hands and pressing her lips to his. It seemed even more magical now, in the warm light of the room, than it had before. On either side of her sat Keefe and Marella, who seemed to be pretty entertained by the tablet screen embedded in the seat in front of her. Sophie looked down at her own ring, which also glittered a perfect shade of ice blue. Sophie felt a small twinge of jealousy in her stomach, but not as much as usual. Just as they were about to leave, the door to the boys room opened, and a familiar voice called out. Thats so cool., Yep! Did I hear my name? It does sounds kinda bad when you put it that way. She replied, but went on when she saw the dejected look on Keefes face. But after several minutes of confused pondering, she decided not to think about it, instead focusing on picking out a dress she actually enjoyed. He registered Biana and Linh's faces as he slowly realized the predicament he had gotten them into. I still want to be friends with you, and right now, this just feels awkward. Sophie and Keefes mood on their walk back to their friends felt completely different now than when they had first left to talk. This place is the best, Biana commented, sitting up. How are you alive? Yeah, Im fine. So, how did your talk with Biana go? Sophie asked, trying not to think about Fitz anymore. I think Ill have a rainbow flavor. It was good, you were right. Do you think Sophie will like you more with those kinds of jokes? I got crepes, she reminded him, though she was beginning to regret her decision not to get waffles. Hope you enjoy!!! Something just felt off, and I finally figured out what it was, she explained, Wheres Keefe?. Sure, it'll probably be easier that way, she answered, fidgeting. I saw a movie that looked kinda good, it had two dogs eating pasta on the front! #foster h, fanficti. She shouldnt be thinking of Fitz right now. Hey, were over here! Sophie waved, calling Cora over. Okay, okay, I get it. Oh no. I remember liking it as a kid the first time I came here. Keefe sidled up next to her, still looking at the menu. The only way out now was to tell the truth. You prefer the crepes? she questioned, wondering why she hadnt ordered waffles herself.

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sokeefe cuddling fanfiction