nfl players without tattoos

First I think we need to remember that the NFL is a JOB! At least u admitted that ur white cause sadly, it seems catagorizing blacks is what many of u seem to enjoy doing without even thinking A perfect example is Robert Kraft and his relationships with his team. That being said if Newton is going to be the face of the franchise the Panthers have the right to tell him the image they want him to portray. Sleeve Football Tattoos 5. What this article reveals to me is that at some point in Richardsons thought process, it occurred to him that a BLACK QB will be leading his team and he wants to make sure that that potential team leader kept his appearance a certain way. Even Jerry Jones is smarter than that. He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. This is absurd! There just arent that many supremely gifted athletes like Vick out there that can spend virtually no extra time on being a great QB. Best comment of the day. I normally dont get into issues like this and have no hint of racist blood in my body (heck, my wife is white lol).The problem I have with this article is that I am sure the same questions werent asked about Gabbert by Richardson. Giannis Antetokounmpo. Tourament MakerBattlefy is the simplest way to start, manage, and Grant Hill 5. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. Of course, if Richardson keeps writing checks like he has these past few months, Im sure those offended players could get over it. Hes an extremely handsome man, and with a little success on the field, can parlay that into a lucrative marketing deal. You can. I do understand that things can be taken to the extreme to the point of alienating people even though your behavior is perfect (its harder to relate to someone with multiple facial piercings and a grill than someone without those things)but overall I think its overkill to say no tats/piercings at all. I am the biggest Panthers fan and Cam Newtons most staunch supporter(and he needs it in Charlotte), since his first game against Clemson last year. Every person (not just NFL player) should have the right to look, speak, and portray themselve the way they feel comfortable. Being drafted by a team does not give Cam his only option look at Eli Manning he was not originally drafted by the Giants. Ex Barcelona Pep Guardiola boss reflected on why Andreas Iniesta does not wear any tattoo, Iniesta doesnt die his hair, he does not wear earrings and he hasnt got any tattoos. No matter how famous you are, somethings are prohibited in the Bale household and that includes tattoos. Blanco hit eight homers for the Diamondbacks in just 37 games played last season. The NFL has always been known as a league where players can display their personalities in a number of different ways. He makes the tattooed team for his inked forearms. But it is rediculous to think that people would watch the NFL less if all the players had tattoos and piercings. Angry, by We want is not the same as I order or you must. If the Panthers owner feels that a certain outcome will lead to better marketing and sales while also happening to agree with his values then why shouldnt he say he wants that outcome? Then again, they are probably just like me, wasting time at work, reading and posting on PFT. He is one of the few footballers without tattoos. Lavezzi, as well as being one of the strongest Argentine strikers, is one of the most tattooed football players in the world. Ike Diogu 7. Jerry, do you care more about winning football games or playing house? Each do it different, but that is the end goal. should rememberand how could they forgetthat Newton, as a union member, is covered by a collective bargaining agreement that sets out the conditions of his employment. Seriously though, were talking about grown men who have families of their own yet Richardson wants to treat them like children. A guy who has size, strength and perfectly merges RB talent and elite passing skills. Am I saying Richardson is a racists? To: BIGTROUBLEhow dare you judge people here in such a manner? I commend Richardson for saying what is on his mind and being upfront with Cam Newton. Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. The difference is you can also go to another restaurant that allows tats and piercings. I know I dont. i work for a guy that wanted to fire someone because they had an extra-marital affair with someone who wasnt affiliated with the job. Gareth Bale, however, admits to giving his dad a shock by once wearing magnetic earrings for a family dinner back home in Cardiff. The kids might like it but adults ie people with money were turned off. 10 best NBA players who dont have tattoos. You must be logged in to leave a comment. But you cant do EVERYTHING you want. If they are, then hell, I wish I was too. I find nothing as silly as when people try to compare playing in the NFL to a regular job. As it turns out, its standard practice when potentially putting inmates with rival gang ties in the same jail space. ' Richardson told Rose. Embiid is currently enjoying one of the best seasons in his career, averaging 29.6 points, 10.8 rebounds, and 1.2 blocks per game. If it does become an issue he can always request a trade to the Raiders or Bengals. If he is quoted correctly there was no ultimatim, so there should be no issue. Sure he could release him but he would still have to pay the guaranteed money in the contract and I am sure another team would be glad to pick him up. Nothing worse than going to the doctors office and my freaking nurse has a nose piercing. I have no problem with people who love tattoos (I know several) and want to cover their body in them, but just dont complain about your lack of job prospects because you dont look very professional no matter how you dress. Paramedics and school teachers who work long hours for peanuts, because they want to make a positive impact on other peoples lives. Tattoo or not. I have also placed him on the mythical collegiate, Mt. They have the ability to quit and do something else just like we all do if they dont like the business they work for. So I guess hed pass on Tom Brady because his hair is too long? Obviously this poll isnt important, but other more telling polls show the same thing. JR has the right to say he doesnt want a QB with tattoos and piercings. The reason he does not wear any tattoos is that his father has not allowed him to wear. Thigh Football Tattoos 11. There are a number of portraits including of inspirational political figures Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. I dont want to see a league where guys that have tattoos are only allowed to be on certain teams because the owners deemed tattoos to be bad for business. Thread starter dolfan313; S From hair length, to facial hair, and most certainly tattoos (can you imagine a big professional law or accounting firm having a employee with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies?). Let me simplify this one for the bloody-do-gooders and first amendment nuts. point being, he thought he could control what that person does on his/her time after work. It is completely up to the owner how his team looks, just as it is in any business. I dont really like JR but it doesnt sound like he told Newton he isnt allowed to get tattoos or piercings, he was just letting him know he would prefer he doesnt. But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. I said, Do you have any tattoos? For Jacksonville Jaguars defensive tackle Malik Jackson, he uses his body and tattoos to do so. But I believe what Richardson is doing is to save face and not create any unwarranted stereotypes or problems within his organization. I have tats all overhowever, I now work in a field that requires I cover them when there. chrisbntx says: updated March 23, 2022, 7:35 am More people think the owners have the right to tell a guy if he can get tattoos and piercings or not? That is the way the world works. He is just one of many muslim footballers without tattoos. If the bank guaranteed me 22 million bucks in exchange for not mutilating my body, im pretty sure im gonna take that deal. tats are so common if he held the rest of the team to that rule he would have a lot of roster spots to fill . Be sure to also read best tattoo ideas and designs for football lovers. Man I usually HATE when the race card is played but this sure walks a fine line. D@amn right he can dictate as he chooses. I think he is a control freak with some serious anger issues. No surprises. George Steinbrenner had the same rule for Yankees players. You bring in the best people to help you win. Arm Football Tattoos 4. tattoo Its called be an adult and realizing that you dont just get to do whatever you want and not possibly suffer consequences. Good keep it that way. That is total BS. Here's hoping he never feels a need to wear long sleeves under his 49ers jersey to cover the tattoos. A bigger issue (in my mind) is that an owner shouldnt be able to selectively enforce any policy on any one employee. Not a member? At least Cam knows how he can get out of Carolina if he wants. Nikola Jokic. Heck no. Pogba is the only man utd players without tattoos in our list. . This is pretty standard. realitypolice says: The thing is, as the article mentions, it has to be consistant with the business or in this case the franchise. Yankees' Aroldis Chapman lands on injured list because of infection I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. Sounds like a real bigot. But Earrings denote immaturity. That said, I like what Richardson has said and agree with his right to say it. Brandon Roy 4. Sadio Mane loves playing football and only football. This isnt a matter of an owner telling a player how to dress and act; its about a businessman maximizing his products marketability. The BOSS had certain standards for the Yankees when it came to facial hair. James Harden. if you read the question as stated, then the CLEAR answer should be NO. Otherwise I have no issues with tattoos and piercings on players. And for that I applaud him. Most other teams expect to win. Cast a vote below. Whether he will get it or not is Cams choice. I think Cam is smart enough to realize his marketing potential if his play lives up to the hype. The standards are not the same for everybody/everywhere. Richardson is an idiot. I always laugh at people who think that their boss cant dictate how they dress, look, etc. but to be able to dictate what one chooses to do with his/her body (as long as its not immoral/illegal) as an employer? Unfortunately for Jackson, his tattoo choice Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. Pogba is They trade 90% of their drafted prospects anyway, but the guys they do bring up go along because that is the standard in the locker room amongst the veterans. And as for the senile comments, hes made more money than the Beatles selling burgers and biscuits. ============================== Cam wanted the money that comes with being the #1 pick. As a Panthers fan, this is one of the biggest non stories i have ever read on this site. Either way, there is nothing JR can do if Newton goes and gets a dozen tattoos and piercings tomorrow. Its his team so he can do so. Barcelona legend Andreas Iniesta refused to wear tattoos during his footballing career and is one of the few footballers without tattoos. Its his show. NFL players New York Yankees veteran left-handed reliever Aroldis Chapman was placed on the 15-day injured list Saturday because of an infected wound he got from a recent tattoo procedure, the club announced. The fact is that, over the years, Richardson has drafted and signed plenty of players who have tattoos and piercings, including tight end Jeremy Shockey. The employer has a right to spend their money on a person who looks presentable. Why all the indignation because the owner wants the face of his franchise to be Wheaties cereal cover material? freedomispopular says: Chest Football Tattoos 6. Though Newton cant be disciplined for getting a tattoo or a piercing or multiple of either, Richardson has made his wishes clear and hed likely be unhappy if Newton defies them. Big Cat Richardson said he was aggressive in FREE AGENCY- Ha, signed NO ONE NEW-ran off Julius Peppers whom Chicago loves and traded for Gregg Olson which is not a free agency signing To dictate what a person can do is ok if you dont sell and make your HUGE PROFITS from Grease filled Bonjangles doublely fried chicken & Hardees Big Fat burgers which is cloggin up arteries in the south causing heart attacks & OBEeSITY- And he basically didnt get crap for his hardass stand in the CBA Cam Newton must be thinkin your players suck and no wonder this team sucks- he is smoke and mirrors- what he gonna say when they go 1-15? Tattoos and piercings are a little different, if theyre covered (or removed), when in uniform, I dont think they shouldnt be an issue. This is not so much about race as it is about, the bottom line which is money. 3. Besides, every other corporation has a dress code of some kind, it isnt like he would not have faced this perhaps in the work place elsewhere. ( conservatism reigns)Not unlike the person in the White House, Cam is being rejected for who he is and not what he does. Last I checked, if the OWNER wants one of his EMPLOYEES to exhude a certain image, then the EMPLOYEE had better comply. I wonder if he also told Newton to stay off his lawn. A winning QB gets the endorsements, so as long as he win games then his endorsements will be there. Facial feature distorting PEDs are allowed though. If Newton doesnt like the expectations Richardson has placed on him, then he could have held out or asked for a trade. For someone who nearly died a few years ago and had to undergo a quadruple bypass, he has an odd way of showing an appreciation for life. Who Will Win The Premier League Golden Boot For The 2021/22 Season? He thought he had the right to demand to be allowed to represent the company his way; problem is, it wasnt his company. I know there are those who will argue the New York Yankees no facial hair rules if one wants to play for the organization. A player on a team is a product you market with a certain image it wishes to promote and portrayand you want the face of it to be as clean as a whistle. Believe it or not hes no dummy. If Im getting paid millions of dollars to be a high profile leader in a company and represent that company publicly? Maybe their owner should focus more on the talent of the product on the field instead of what they look like. Is that fair? Next in the list is the Egyptian King known as Mo Salah. Russell Westbrook 10. But I would think, that if I am him, there will be another contract and I would not want to make the owner mad by defying him. ************************************************** Guy lost his mind, your paying him for his play, not to tell him what to wear.& way go Raiders!!! I dont have any. I said, We want to keep it that way. . I dont think so. I liked it better when players took steroids bigger,stronger,faster whats wasnt to like ? Where is Allen Iverson when you need him? If this is Richardsons policy, why isnt the whole team held to this standard? Carolina Panthers' Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton -- No tats, The sneaker features the fan-favorite "Shattered Backboard" colorway, with white leather on the base and black. Whether he wanted to get a tattoo or not he should have stood his ground and said respectfully sir, I dont have any tattoos or piercings, but I alone will decide if I do or I dont. ************************************************** The yankees do the same stuff in baseball. You are watching the sterilization of this country happening right before your eyesand I notice that most of you respondersare already touting the corporate linelike good lemmings do. In this country we have the freedom to make bad decisions. And I dont want you hanging around that no-good tyrone or that shank shaquanda!. The league doesnt have to work too hard pitching its product to the fans; they sell themselves on it. It would be one thing if he had a hardline policy where he refused to draft any players who had tatts or piercings. Nobut players should know what the owners like. How some of you idiots turned this into a race/slavery issue is beyond me. Im a banker. Brazilian international David Luiz also said no to having tattoos on his body. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. The Liverpool star has decided not to wear any tattoos. It sounds to me like Jerry was asking him to keep it the way he has. Come to think of it, Ive seen far more whites with tattoos and piercings falling off their bodies than I have blacks. He should just say no thanks, go get a couple of tats and sign with the Colts for less money and he can sit behind Manning. This is kin to Cowherd making his point that Romo needs to take that damn backwards baseball cap off.. Jerry Richardson is becoming the East Coast Al Davis. Its not about race or slavery or any of that other B.S. NFL to Ban Tattoos You can do anything you want. 1. Best Tattoos of the 2013 NFL Draft Class I disagree with the assertion. Paul Pogba. Newton is a grown man, and he can do whatever he wants by way of decorating his body with ink or ice, or by growing his hair as long as he pleases. We wont allow an employee to enter a home with vivible tattoos or piercings. Jerry Richardson is an A$$. It seems to be accepted in industries that dont deal much with the public, except for the carnival. If a potential employee doesnt agree with itthat is fine. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player(s) to have no tattoos. People are giving examples of how things are in the workplace for non-professional athletesbecause (some of) these athletes are often out of touch with the reality of their fans lives.

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nfl players without tattoos