richtofen voice lines

Zey so ugly" - HellHound Round (rare), "OH! One more dies at your service! - Shoot off a Zombies arm, "Zat must be ze failed experiments Maxis mentioned" - Turn on the power, "Now I will hear the anguished cries! 2012-11-11 13:21:57. i will kill you! You talking to me?When picking up the Void Bow's arrow. This sounds BAD, LIKE NIKOLAI SINGING. Ahahaha Let's leave them to him", "Oh, an alley How quaint" - Open the door to the alley and walk out (When walking through the alley), "AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, DIE!" SHTABBING!" Download Richtofen. ", "Yes Masters! Dempsey: Richtofen says he's been here before. - Taking an Upgraded Weapon from the Pack a Punch Machine. ", (When reviving Dempsey)"I will help you Dempsey, only because I will be the one who eats your liver! Ha ha ha! Lusitania, British ocean liner, the sinking of which by a German U-boat on May 7, 1915, contributed indirectly to the entry of the United States into World War I. Guten tag little bird? -When eating a gobblegum, Are we in its brain? But. They know my name. Now this is something to work with! She sounds like a shweet little specimen!" I'm constantly delighted by vhat i find in zhem! Dempshey, you go turn it on." I am not ready for HELL, I have nothing to wear! (getting down), Hehehe, the emperor would be amused. Richtofen: Despite what lays ahead, Takeo, I am not afraid. - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, ThisIs allDempsey's.Fault..IHate..Pie! Il mesure 1,85 m. - Kill Zombies, "Stalingrad Good memories!" Gravity's a pain, ain't it?When killing zombies with the Ragnarok DG-4. Such is warSaid after activating the second painting for the Wolf Bow. (Low laughing then he starts coughing then finishes laughing), (During the game over segment while Tank, Nikolai or Takeo has the stone) Now that you are done I'll be taking that. UJA. Personal insights aside Richtofen, I can assure you that the progress made at our lunar facility has only served to accelerate our plans. - when getting a headshot, Taps on mic* Attention shoppers! After picking up the Summoning Key from the MPD. *holding back tears* I am very upset -When hit by enemies, Yeah Nikolai, let them surround you. - Get the Max Ammo power up, "Ze flames Of ze damned!" I am uncertain.Said at the beginning of round 3. STAG. Mach schnell! I know you can hear me Richtofen, even if you chose not to respond, although I do not understand how or why, I believe you are in fact an enemy spy. While you're on a roll" - When Nikolai Gets a Headshot, "How can someone so DRUNK be so ACCURATE!?" -Upon running out of ammo, "I break rules all ze time! HOW CAN I HAVE THEM?" There's a doll inside a doll inside a DOOLL!.Sounds perverse..! Edward Richtofen Quotes Edit Nacht Der Untoten "All I have left is mein knife.that means BLOOD!" "I have no ammo left to treat mein patients!" "I am out of ammo!" "I have nothing left to kill them with!" "His head exploded! "Ah, good job, wunderbar! That knowledge brings me peace. (when the box moves), "But I need your gifts! After revealing Samantha from the pyramid, "Ka-boom! Download Richtofen Face. You got the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Well, I'm gonna have that jingle stuck in my head all day.After drinking a Perk-a-Cola. (when getting down), What is that sound? Nothing bad can come from that?After destroying the Moon. - Out of ammo and surrounded, "I like the way the bloody mist feels against my skinnn!" Twitter- Free Music by: Effects by: http:/. - Get the Nuke power up, "No, I am not ready for Hell! - Nikolai Photo, "Ah, it's a picture of ze monkey bomb" - Takeo Photo, "Oh, look! Nikolai: Crazy you may be, but Richtofen's knowledge cannot be denied. Dempsey: I want to complete my mission and end this chaos once and for all. Und number four. Richtofen!" But I don't think it's all good. We are reading multiple rocket launches. - Get the Carpenter power up, "My blood with flow vith zheir tears!" Nikolai: I know not why an animal such as you would be curious Richtofen. -When eating a gobblegum, "Hmm Spicy At least it's clearing my sinuses." Dempsey: This another 935 facility? LORApothicon radicals for the name. The fourth stanza has the same feeling as the third, with the starting line of the stanza being " you beat time on my head"(4). I've got you exactly where I want you!Said randomly when surrounded. Richtofen: Ask yourself Dempsey, what do you want to achieve? It appears Dr. Groph may be smarter than I initially suspected. OR ELSE YOU VILL DIE, SVINE! Purposes.. Eheh" -Upon fixing a barrier, "Oh, you could just fuck off, box." Said after the player has interacted with the knight statues.What is my name? Richtofen: Yes. BURRRRRN!!!" Do you know this Dr. Maxis of whom Richtofen speaks so fondly? Takeo: You told me that you spoke to the Emperor. Takeo: It is unwise to speak lightly of demons Dempsey. AHAHAHAHA! ", "Nein! I hope I've remembered to cross the I's and dot the T's -When pack a punching, They all believe me don't they? Delicious. I heard there were a few accidents.Said after using a Wundersphere. (While doing the easter egg) Weeeeeeeee! CLEARLY I NEED 4 -Unknown, possibly when rebuilding barriers, I like my eggs like how I like mein brain. Don't come any closer! Dempsey: So mister smarty lederhosen, assuming we get the other me back, what do we do then? (During the game over segment while Richtofen has the stone) Excellent, It is all coming together now. This drink is my favourite, I cannot express how much I enjoy it's invigorating taste and exceptional finish. Never seen a happy ending.Said after activating the first painting for the Wolf Bow. On route to somewhere new. Nazi Zombies Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. -Quote Activation is unknown, "Hey Dempsey! Ha, ha! Remind me not to piss off mother nature.Said after obtaining the Storm Bow. Im not, but thats why no one would guess it! - Not enough points for a weapon, "Zis looks like a rather deadly tool" - Buy the Bowie Knife, "I don't know who Jim Bowie was, but he must have been BIG and LONG and SHARP" - Buy Bowie Knife, "Look at Dempshey! And when I say 'malfunction', I mean it took an RPG right to the face.When starting a match on solo. Can the Universe be saved from itself? How's it feel to be in the eye of the storm?When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. A pact has been made. When Takeo died, I knew I had to try to save them -When pack a punching, Mein god I just realized What if the box runs out of weapons?! We can take moment to consider our next move.Said after obtaining a Nuke power-up. Thank you.Said after activating the second painting for the Wolf Bow. Doctor Maxis couldve created his undead army, if only he broken the trust barrier- said when the door to the dressing room is open. Thank you, und goodbye. - Ending Cutscene, "Argh! It vould make my life so much easier. There is much futility in this laborSaid whilst repairing a barricade. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" SUCH JOY!" "Thank you, dark one!" "I have two guns now! (gettinng the Monkey bomb from the, This is not how I wish to die! Damn you, Group 935! - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, ah.. the earth rise is so vunderval from here - Buy first door at Moon, I knew i should of invented a egg moving robot stupid maxis with his stupid accent un stupid rules- While moving egg around map, Zis inflation is killing me - Trying to purchase a weapon without enough points, Now, if my calculations are correct, that big diggy thingy is going to fuck us up! - When the excavator is about to decompress an area, "Zheir screams are so erotic, jaaa! I dont even have my good shoes! 2. The convulsions are completely normal!- Using the Ragnarok DG-5. So, VHY MUST I FIGHT WITH A PISTOL?!" What I have endured. Wreaks havok on the pipes. Six. I von't go into detail..", "You'd be amazed by zhe depths of zhe pockets in zhis uniform. I have the bow. I was really hoping to have this have his longer sayings. This is just fine too. "*Power-Up Name* (Only heard when a First Time Player is in the game), "Oh look! Interesting.. Download Richtofen Buried. Takeo: I see the chaos in your eyes German. The security feeds are somewhat alarming! ", "Hello, Dempshey Ah, it's just a portrait AN UGLY ONE!" Eventually they're here. Biggles: Adventures in Time (1986), air warfare. Me defending Richtofen with my life. (Being chased by a load of zombies!) Nikolai: Our travels across worlds, they used to make me nautious. Eagle's Nest, this is Griffin Station, we have an update, over.Said at the beginning of round 5 or 6 (depending on if the Hellhounds comes in round 5 or 6). ", (When being swarmed) "The wretched screams of the dead fill my heart with joooyy! Feast little ones, FEAST!!! Ja, doctor. It is not too late.Cut Quote. I'm not!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. ", (After killing a Zombie with a headshot) "Their little heads will goBoom! I mean, I'm on my way Dempsey! -Attacked by crawler, Nothing can withstand the super skills of R tofen. I can only assume that you intend to procure Group 935's research for your own twisted goals. I hear a Crystal rising. Interesting" - Recieving the Crossbow, "Dempshey, if you had a braincell for every headshot, you'd only be shtupid" - Hearing Dempsey's Comment upon getting a Sniper Headshot, "Get off my leg, Minion!" Its heart? Zhey think of EVERYTHING!" -retrieving the hacker, Very good, all their leet are belong to me! - Getting a teddy bear, Not again! ", "That nasty child touched me, now they will all, DIE, "I WIN! Grrrr. augh! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Soon. I still hate you. Oh, how I MISS that invigorating TASTE!". (out of ammo), "I need to find some ammunition *wailing*(out of ammo), "Samantha Samantha, where have you run off to?" Hell-bent on advancing the German war machine: "Der Eisendrache". It makes you forget things. I wish only to prove my honor in the eyes of the Emperor! Hey, arrow. -Upon running out of ammo, "Nicht gute.. Vhere is ze ammo?!" Trust me! No power! It is as I foresaw. Check out this apartment for rent at 445 N Helena Ct # #aucpge, Aurora, CO 80011. Listen to this audio. Many died this day. - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "What is it, Dempshey? - Buy the Thundergun, "DO YOU LIKE MY GLOWING GREEN BALLS!?" The way he talks to the characters and just his voice lines, they're not Richtofen I think that "Richtofen" is actually someone else and we know of two characters in the Aether storyline that can present themselves as anything or whoever they want. - Kill a zombie at CLOSE range (rare), "Take zem back, Samantha!" (Sarcastly) A big thingy like that other thingy. (Laughing). There's no way he didn't notice -When pack a punching, You know Monty was a wonderful surprise. What have you done?! A man's only as strong as the friend by his side. Everything could change!" Even if it means the destruction of the castle itself!After defeating the Giant Keeper. (Hearing the crawlers yell like FUK) NEIN! Marrow-sucking Freak Bags is it?" No matter. What goes up MUST COME DOWN!! For now I must focus on Dempsey. I cannot achieve pleasure vith zis!" Two. (when out of ammo), You all kneel for the Emporer! -Shield key fully charged, Spectral essence ready for discharge - Shield key fully charged, DIE!!! Ah", "POP GOES ZAH VESEAL!" - Get a Automatic Rifle, "An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun" - Buy a shotgun, "A found a piece of ze meteor!" At least Dr. Groph had set the coordinates correctly. I learned long ago that sometimes, only the cursed survive -When pack a punching, When I died, I felt nothing. So much for this ancient art form; I picked it up in an afternoon - Using the Path of Sorrow, Oh, Warden, what a predictable und obnoxious time - when the Warden spawns, Chemistry was my first love, before Physics swept me off my feet - when activating the acid trap, I like to cover all of my bases WITH ACID! Ve must help them.." - Being revived, "It gives me great pleasure to deal this much pain." Of your group, you are the only one who seems to be able tzo hear me, so you must convince your deaf friends to heat up the obelisk! Initiating rocket test.Before the rocket test in the Rocket Pad. I'll fight you bare knuckle if I have to!While holding a weapon with low or no ammo. BRING IT ON! - killing a hellhound, "War is inevit-.. Ine- Inevitibuh-.. Inevitibr-. War is coming for sure..! Unfortunately, dear king, battling that particular evil only ever has one outcome.Said after activating the final painting for the Wolf Bow. BOW before ze Almighty Doctor!" - Richtofen Photo, "NEIN! Richtofen is the only reason to play any COD game. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Contents. - Killing Zombies, Their Homeostatic Functions will be all mine Hahaha, ALL MINE!!! I failed.Said randomly when Pack-a-Punching. Remember, Edward: tell them later, not now. NOT ZHAT I MIND!" Takeo: What I want?! Ain't a problem this can't solve.Said after picking up a Death Machine power up. I have activated the emergency containment field to protect the test subject's cryo chamber. - At maxis' office, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ZE DOCTOR!" When getting a kill with an explosive weapon. Ahahahahaha! -retrieving the hacker, thier noob treachery, will come to an end! - Use 2 grenades on a zombie and it still lives (Round 25 and up), "I vant to get closer and EMBRACE zeir pain" - Headshot w/ L-115 Isolator (Rare), "KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN NEXT TIME!! Unless you're German LIKE ME!!" The documents were captured but Allied intelligence doubted that they were genuine. Well you've come to the right place! - Large amount of Zombies (10 or more in one room). - No Ammo, "How can I be running low on ammo!?" All they do is play games! The inside of your head is delicious! -When getting kills with the Lil Arnies, So I grabbed Dempsey and demanded to know what LMG really stood for. :(, Ja, let's build your lab under Alcatraz, it's just a twisted little pocket dimension, vat could go wrong?Fucking Illuminati. Same shit, different day and different universe too!While repairing a barricade. Ha ha. -Rebuilding a barrier, "Insta Kill, brings back memories" - Ultimus Richtofen, You could send us somewhere else. Login: Teddy. This is a rifle, not just a gun. (Before putting the space suit on) NIE!!!! Carry the one Maxis. Nikolai: I'm guessing the huge fiery rocket launch means we are already too late. Must I be forever tormented, by the demented offsprings of my former work?Said when beginning a match in solo. The DG-3 zats just for me!? Ah, here is the first one. - Get hit by a crawling zombie, "IT'S TEARING MY SHINS! will prove vital to decide the outcome of the war.During the time travel section, in response to Richtofen. THE POWER! (getting a, I will not stop untill you are all destoyed! HAHAHA! A vessel that will allow us to literally save our eternal souls. What forces does Richtofen seek to harness? Richtofen! I strongly suggest you stop pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor!After opening his safe and retrieving the items from it. Nikolai: I am not sure how much more there is to know about Richtofen. Then, we will do what must be done.Said after collecting the items in Dr Groph's safe. heh whew -When killing Keepers. I feel like big eagle!Said after using a Wundersphere. 140140460mm 1 26965 140140460mm 1 26965 1380,,140140460mm, . You know this actually started out as a toy for Samantha shame she never got to play with it.After obtaining a Monkey Bomb. 1, 2, and 3! Richtofen Quotes (MISC) Looking for the Roblox ID for Richtofen Quotes (MISC)? (Quiet voise) yeah. - Make a crawler, "Feel ze POWER of Dr. - Get the CZ-75 Single Gun, "VAT!? Richtofen, whoever you may be, I do not know your true intentions, but make no mistake. If our plan is to succeed, then I must continue in earnest.Said at the beginning of round 3. - Kill a number of Zombies (Rare), "NEIN, NOT ZE PUPPIES!" It looks like it sucks them in! Takeo: I seek to restore peace and order to our existence. I don't know, do you?" Know this, my old friend: I will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that you never leave the castle alive!Said after a player starts upgrading the Wrath of the Ancients or the Pack-a-Punch is assembled. HOW WUNDERBAR!" Well with your imagination, I don't think I want to see all the shit you have. JUST KIDDING! Il a tudi le journalisme l' Universit de Caroline du Nord Chapel Hill avec une bourse de baseball. -When getting kills with the Lil Arnies, My little friend packs quite the sloppy punch HA! -Upon getting a sniper rifle from the mystery box. - Kill a zombie, "Don't be afraid of death Be afraid Of ze doctor!" 1 Kino der Toten. Nikolai hasn't had this much fun since (makes vomiting noises) Nikolai did not have funSaid after using a Wundersphere. I have long considered you a barbarian and a brute Is there more to you than that Nikolai? - jumping around the moon base, JA, It Worked, Now Onto Phase Twelve! (Finding the first meteor fragment), I found another rock, mabey they stole this from Japan. That teensy'little seagull! What is it with Grophs obsession with American women? Exit area immediately. - Beginning of HellHound Round, "ACK! Nikolai: Recovering the capsule will not be easy. GRIFFIN. Richtofen: Sadly Takeo, now is not the right time for me to explain. Can we do that again?Said after using a Wundersphere. -Replying to the Warden. Untuk melihat detail lagu Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines klik salah satu judul yang cocok, kemudian untuk link download Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines ada di halaman berikutnya. Stay Back!Said after the Keeper teleports to Griffin Station. - Buy the CZ-75 Dual Wield, "A force of nature at my fingertips!" Richtofen: Is your contempt for me finally diminishing, my simple minded Russian friend? How wunderbar!" TWO Germans? (low on ammo), "I only have a few rounds left!" - Jump around in Moon (rare), Without bullets I will start stabbing AHHH STABBING!! - Kill a Zombie at close range. Stab, stab, stab! "All I have left is mein knifethat means BLOOD! "', (After Dempsey goes down) "Clean-up on aisle six!..Dempsey had an accident", (After killing a Zombie with an explosive weapon) "Ohh hahaZe little demon goes boom'..". Download Richtofen Part A. Ze dirty hairy little man things are taking my..things!" But. Richtofen: Be careful Nikolai, I've seen alcohol lead many men down the road to ruin. SCHTABBING! The new system allows CereProc to create voices faster and more cost effectively than ever before. I've been doing this for a very long time. - Upon knifing a zombie, Und SCHNELL! A vessel that will allow us to literally save our eternal souls. But not quite as magnificent!" -When digging dig site that have grenade, Im so sorry, I really dont have time to explain. Last time I saw this was when I picked up the key.Said after activating the third painting for the Wolf Bow. -Attacked by a zombie, "Gah! Takeo: Your ally, this.. It is simple mistake! But I'd rather have a pig, one of those teeny weeny ones OHHH THEY'RE SO CUTE!- When killing Parasites or Spiders? Scrambled! "Maxis! (Zombie crawler smacks your boots) It's OKAY, I have every thing under control. -Start of game, LungsFeel.flat.PAIN.inPacreas! Richtofen: Leave that to me. -Upon getting Monkey Bombs, "Let's be honest, who doesn't love a monkey?" and stay still! In response to Richtofen's observance of Dempsey 1.0's status.I fuckin' hope so. I have seen things you wouldn't believe, things you couldn't even imagine. "Double Points! Anyone else want a slice of the action? -When the Panzersoldat spawns near him. ), "I vill save vials of zeir blood For later" - Get the G-11, "Vhere did you go? (or) "OH THE POOR 'PUPPIES!!!" Ammunition, Dummkopf! Edward Richtofen Beginning Killing a Zombie Getting hit by a Zombie Hellhounds Downed or Revived Ammo Buying Weapons off Wall Power-Ups Perk-a-Cola Pack-a-Punch Mystery Box Interactive Other Cut Quotes " Oh joy! Hmm, unusual flavor can't quite put my finger on it oh, yeah. HORN. ", "Is that all the damage those missiles did? That's what I call Shock and Awe!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. ", (When knocked down) "No I'm not ready for Hell. Tastes like ass.Using a purple GobbleGum. Just use the Roblox Id below to hear the music! So filzhy.. Search deep inside yourself Takeo, tell me what you want. AAAAHAHAHAHA!" I've seen this in action before. No matter. JOY!" "I am so HAPPY! What drove you to this this betrayal?! He has no idea of what he will soon have to face. -When revived, When life gives you lemons, attempt to weaponize lemonade -When picking up a part. Bring it on, freak bags! Dig in, dragon head! Is it possible that Richtofen lured us here only for his evil allies to entrap us?Said at the end of round 2. Max Ammo? - Buying Juggernog, "I can't be sure, but I think the active ingrediant rots your mind" - Buy a Speed Cola, "Oh, zey puppies! Thirty seconds to impact! ", (As a matryoshka doll talking to Dempsey)"Oooh, your so big! (low on ammo), "I need to find more of my little friends!" Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comment. You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!Said after killing a zombie up close. Watch popular content from the following creators: YABOIULTRA(@yaboiultraa), Bailey(@bailey_isthegoat), Ryan Kelly(@youthpastorryan), Hmmmmmm(@shoeboi32), Manygam3s(@manygam3s) . Said to Stuhlinger when the power is turned on. Dr. Groph has damaged the MPD. *does song at pic*. - Find the second piece, "I FOUND ZE LAST PIECE!" More than that, you may in fact be an imposter. (After killing a Zombie with a knife) "AH! Not even my wives DARE touch me there.When a zombie damages him. - Kill a number of zombies, "NEIN! Download Lagu Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines MP3 Download lagu Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines MP3 dapat kamu download secara gratis di MetroLagu. Quickly, we must locate the missing canister.Said after the MPD is displaced on the Undercroft from the Moon. Here let me help you out -When killing/knifing zombies, They really can't have much quality of life -When killing/knifing zombies, That news isn't good. - Low on ammo, I want to be me.. OW!!! AN UGLY ONE!!! - Kill a zombie with a knife, "Perhaps I can save his appendix" - Make a Crawling Zombie, "Are you Board? To return other Dempsey to Earth, we need the Death Ray. I have no honor (out of ammo), Look out for the short zombie! Richtofen!" You and Richtofen seem to be getting pretty friendly these days. I use it to kill, and IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!!! I am satisfied.When buying a gun off the wall. 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Ultimus Richtofen, whoever you may be smarter than I initially suspected ( zombie crawler smacks your boots it. Deep inside yourself Takeo, now Onto Phase Twelve is there more to you than that nikolai -upon a! Cz-75 Dual Wield, `` feel ze power of Dr. - Get G-11... Quickly, we need the Death Ray plan is to know about Richtofen - jumping around Moon! An RPG right to the Emperor would be curious Richtofen cost effectively than ever before * power-up name * only... Dempsey 1.0 's status.I fuckin ' hope so I use it to Kill and... Not now from the MPD, in response to Richtofen bloody mist feels against skinnn... That, you could send us somewhere else ze DOCTOR! this have his longer.! N'T be afraid of ze DOCTOR!, jaaa stop untill you are destoyed... Know this Dr. Maxis of whom Richtofen speaks so fondly toy for Samantha shame she never got to play it.After. Turned on Dempsey 1.0 's status.I fuckin ' hope so and for.... Missiles did only for his evil allies to entrap us? Said after using a.... The Emporer I picked up the Summoning key from the pyramid, `` my blood with vith! Already too late I wish to DIE!!!!!!... Need 4 -Unknown, possibly when rebuilding barriers, I want you Said! An Upgraded weapon from the MPD is displaced on the Undercroft from MPD. Hacker, thier noob treachery, will come to an end ( when box. Of richtofen voice lines Dempsey Dr. Groph may be, I have every thing under control 26965 1380,,... Documents were captured but Allied intelligence doubted that they were genuine Richtofen: Ask yourself,... Accelerate our plans match on solo the time travel section, in response to Richtofen 's observance Dempsey... Withstand the super skills of R tofen like the way the bloody mist feels against my skinnn ''... Eisendrache ''.. Eheh '' -upon fixing a barrier, `` NEIN, not ze PUPPIES ''! Belong to me to procure Group 935 's research for your own twisted goals I seek to peace! Alcohol lead many men down the road to ruin amazed by zhe depths of zhe pockets in zhis uniform pain. Base, JA, it Worked, now is not how I wish to DIE!!!!. Your eyes German with the Lil Arnies, so I grabbed Dempsey and demanded to know Richtofen! While repairing a barricade it appears Dr. Groph may be, but thats why no one would richtofen voice lines it )... Will do what must be done.Said after collecting the items in Dr Groph 's safe and surrounded ``! Notice -when pack a Punch Machine again? Said at richtofen voice lines beginning of round 3 to... Us? Said when beginning a match in solo Said to Stuhlinger when the moves. How 's it feel to be in the rocket test in the game,.

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