once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

After everyone has been found, David, Mary Margaret, Robin and Roland distribute supplies to their town visitors. Wilby Returning his attentions to regaining his missing family, David looks for the Mad Hatter, the owner of the hat. Once she grasps his hand, she too regains her memories. They arrive at the wishing well to see Regina speaking to Henry. Because Snow's name is on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, she prompts David to return home alone. Regina, unable to heal Robin, begs Emma to try. David agrees that Henry has taken after both Emma and Regina, who both put up walls. David directs all the residents to take cover at town hall while he attempts to clear up the misunderstanding with Anton. David is shocked to see a seemingly returned Robin, though Emma and Regina quickly explain that he is a different Robin from another realm. Once Upon a Time - Merida's Stunt Sword (0377), Once Upon a Time - Prince Charming's Dagger Prop (Hero) also used by Belle (0163), Once Upon a Time - Prince Charming's (Josh Dallas) Hero Dagger Prop, also Belle and Alice (0041), ONCE UPON A TIME David / Lord McGuffin Shared Stunt Sword Prop S06E17. Maleficent retaliates in dragon form before reverting to human and begging them for mercy. Suddenly, Leroy alerts everyone to danger at the town line, in which no one can leave Storybrooke without losing their Enchanted Forest memories. She also reawakens David from his powerful sleeping curse. He and Snow have a brief happy reunion with Emma before Henry reveals the Black Fairy gave Gideon one last command to kill Emma no matter what. Jefferson, although unable to make the hat work, reveals that the Enchanted Forest still exists, despite Regina previously claiming it is gone. They then decide to head for the mansion, where Henry is hiding, when David suggests destroying the door page so the Author can never be freed and won't make Emma evil. He quips that it's a good thing they did not have Thanksgiving in the Enchanted Forest, or otherwise it would have been one messed up holiday. With a breath of relief, Emma and her parents return to the apartment. Then, he and Mary Margaret head home. Suddenly, Marian collapses from an apparent freezing spell affliction. Believing he is on Pan's side, David starts a fight, but is knocked out. August uses his last bit of strength to warn Emma about someone, but only manages the word "her" before he passes away. This allows Snow to grab onto Gabriel's ax and hold him back, while David stabs Gabriel to death. He tries to cheer up Mary Margaret about getting back Emma, but she is worried that when they win, Emma will lose. He believes writing them as villains gave him a chance to be a hero for once, but Mary Margaret reasons that he became a villain by trying to be happy at the expense of others and only becoming more unhappy from it. ("And Straight On 'Til Morning"), As they sail towards the island of Neverland, David and Mary Margaret approach Emma to comfort her over losing Henry and Neal. Finding out that was pregnant had scared the living daylights out of Regina. David sees the janitor, Leroy, and recognizes him as Grumpy, but the latter has no idea what he is talking about. David returns to inform Ruth of the change of plans, which sadly means he has to continue living the ruse of Prince James and marry Abigail, so it's not possible to see his mother ever again. An enslaved Mr. Gold delivers a message from Zelena; warning them that she will finish off Regina and they'll pay with their lives if they interfere again. After rejoining with everyone else, the group discover all of them have been branded, because the Dark Ones can only exist if living souls take their places in the Underworld. As he and his brother fight each other one-on-one, David tries to persuade him to stop because he wants to help him move on. Cruella plays along, despite knowing he's not James, by showering him with kisses and flirting with him. Kathryn is later found alive and Mary Margaret is released from custody. At the hospital, Dr. Whale gives the diagnosis as something similar in experience to when he first awoke from the coma and left his room. He tells Mary Margaret about Arthur possibly helping Emma, but she reveals Lancelot's warning to her. Regina's plan of making a good impression and a graceful exit before the final 6 quickly goes awry. Because the curse was cast by SNow, they demand Mary Margaret is the mayor now. Arriving at Maleficent's cave, the pair locate the ashes, but both are knocked out by Ursula. The citizens respond in outcry, though David helps to calm the crowd so Mary Margaret can resume her talking points. Prepping for travel to the tree house, David offers help to Mary Margaret as she gathers up her bow arrows, but she declines and instead moves to the other side of camp near Emma. Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. During the search, they are cornered by two Dark Ones, who, unbeknownst to the couple, brand them with the mark of Charon. This causes a rift in Snow's relationship with Emma, but they later reconcile. While Prince Charming is adamant that Regina is simply too dangerous and will never change, Snow White believes there is still some good left in her. ("The Stable Boy"), Kathryn mysteriously turns up alive and unharmed, so Mary Margaret is free of the murder charges and allowed to go home. However, Cora and Regina threaten to crush Johanna's heart unless they get the dagger. Although they catch her off guard, Regina decides to retreat rather than fight them, since she is feeling generous on her birthday. Mother Superior, on cue, attempts to freeze Regina, but she catches the dust in midair and tosses it aside. The trio becomes a pair as Hook decides to stay behind and help Belle. As part of the scheme, David comes clean to Arthur about Emma being the Dark One, under the pretense of uniting the dagger with Excalibur to get rid of her darkness. Before they can find Mr. Gold, Henry disappears to New York City with the crystal, intending to destroy the magic within it. Snow later reconciles with David and resolves to stay on the island with him. Inside, a princess, Rapunzel, relates how she became trapped after being chased up the tower by a cloaked witch. Relatives: However, when Belle notices it's not the same mirror she encountered last time. The pair discover Maleficent has put the town to sleep, but they are immune since previously being under the sleeping curse. When Hades admits there might be another way for Kilian to return to Storybrooke, Emma and Hook go underground in search of ambrosia. Mr. Gold has Henry deliver a message to Aurora and let her know squid ink is the most effective way to defeat Cora. Prince Charming and the dwarves watch Snow White's behavior with concern, until Jiminy falls out from under her shirt, making everyone laugh in amusement. Regina and Zelena pull out the couple's darkened hearts and put them in the potion to drain the darkness before returning the hearts, however, it doesn't work because of a fail-safe the Queen cast to ensure the curse remained unbroken and they have to break it soon or Snow and David will both be asleep forever. onceuponatime; Prince Charming is mentioned in the book blurb for the novel in "Hyperion Heights". In this time frame, Belle discovers the symbol originates from a key to the vault of the Dark One, which Neal used to resurrect Mr. Gold, but in turn, cost his own life. ("Think Lovely Thoughts"), David and Mary Margaret return to the Lost Boy camp and learn from Emma that Henry gave up his heart to Pan and Mr. Gold is trapped inside Pandora's Box. ("New York City Serenade", "Witch Hunt", "A Curious Thing"), David and Mary Margaret recount to Emma the last memories they have of the day Pan's curse was stopped and how everyone was presumably sent back to the Enchanted Forest, but they only remember waking up in Storybrooke like it was another regular day. After some amateur sleuthing in Regina's vault, Mr. Gold informs them of a spell called "the curse of the empty-hearted", that when cast on someone, has the ability to make the caster think the person loves him or her. David, Belle, Regina and Robin Hood find Zelena missing and discover through a security tape that she used magic to disappear. ("The Brothers Jones"), At the diner, Snow realizes she and David have been in the Underworld for far longer than they intended, with the Blind Witch so used to them that she knows their favorite foods. ("Snow Drifts", "There's No Place Like Home"), In the aftermath of Emma and Hook returning to the present, they also rescued a would-have-been-executed woman, Marian, who is actually Robin Hood's deceased wife. When Archie runs up explaining that Dr. Whale is leading an angry mob to Regina's house so she can answer for her crimes as Evil Queen, the entire group rush there to calm the irate townspeople. He doesn't think David is the right person to lead the town as he's not really a prince, but a shepherd, and vows to make the town see who he really is. To learn about where Robert was prior to dying, he enlists Hook's help to steal potions from Emma's shed, which are needed for a spell. As proof of this story, Mary Margaret notices a snapped branch near the brush along with footprints resembling a struggle. Moments later, Emma and Hook investigate a trail of ice leading to a warehouse where they are chased out by an snow monster. ("The Price of Gold"), Unsure whether their child will be good or evil, Prince Charming and Snow White touch the horn of a unicorn to glimpse their baby's future. He goes with Mr. Gold to the town bar, The Rabbit Hole, where Lacey is drinking. Regina Mills. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), While Snow is cursed and asleep, David joins Emma, Regina and Hook to track down the Queen and kill her using the sword from Emma's vision. At the execution, Regina gives her last regards to the public with a sorrowful speech, which turns into a vehement declaration as she is only sorry to have not caused more pain. Leroy helps win over Anton by mentioning Emma was given the compass by him. Snow falls asleep and is then transported by the Queen to the woods, where David uncurses her with true love's kiss. They take her to the diner to ask Hook, since he retained his memories from the lost year in the Enchanted Forest, but the pirate claims to know nothing. When she became pregnant, Snow instantly had been given maternal instincts on her child. Not trusting the pirate, David holds onto the bean in a box. Receiving gets news from Red Riding Hood that King George has hired a powerful hit-man, Prince Charming offers to stay behind and hastens Snow White to run away to his mother's cabin. Arriving at the Toll Bridge, David admits to Mary Margaret that he remembered his old life and wants to work on his marriage. With an escaped King Arthur on the loose as well, David joins the search party to apprehend him, with the ex-king's corpse eventually being found on the Toll Bridge after Hades has killed him. David wishes to destroy the page and think of the consequences later, but Mary Margaret convinces him against taking the easy way out and that they must come clean. King Xavier (Maternal Step-Great-Grandfather)The Miller (Maternal Step-Great-Grandfather)Cora Mills (Maternal Step-Grandmother)Prince Henry (Maternal Step-Grandfather) ("Darkness on the Edge of Town"), Since Regina is unwilling to help, David goes with Emma to spy on Cruella and Ursula, who enter the pawnshop. At the library, David helps his family and Merida plow through books to look up information on Hades' weakness, though nothing is found. Before leaving, Snow fulfills her end of the deal by revealing the name of her child: Emma. Both women are sent back to the Enchanted Forest with the aid of Mulan and Aurora. He gives her the key to let herself out after he is gone and then asks what she was doing in the woods. The next morning, David enters the barn where they promised to meet, asking Joan to leave instead of trying to help him when Bo Peep makes herself known. David sees Robert's spirit again, and is resentful of the haunting as he doesn't feel he owes his drunk of a father anything, however, Robert insists his son needs to know the truth about his death. ("The Snow Queen"), Despite an all-night hunt, David, Elsa, Hook and Mary Margaret return home without finding Emma. Rumplestiltskin tells David . Hook, atoning for his thievery, decides against using the last bean for his selfish purposes, and allows Emma and her parents aboard to pursue Henry's captors. A grown Emma, dressed prettily in a blue gown, persuades him into a dance as practice for her first ball. As part of the deal, Snow agrees to give Rumplestiltskin the name of her unborn child in return for information about the Evil Queen's revenge. ("Skin Deep"), A few nights later, while he is having dinner with Kathryn, she announces her application acceptance into a Boston law school. Her parents protest against it, but she reasons that they can figure out a way to remove the darkness from her like they did before. Later at the farmhouse, Snow meets up with David, but before they can test the flower's magic, Mr. Gold reveals that only ten years have passed under the curse. He is too late since she, afflicted by a curse since ingesting a memory potion, just left to kill the Queen. Before the royal pair can persuade the soldiers to relent, Maleficent morphs into a dragon and kills the guards with her fire breath. When Daniel hears about Dr. Whale's accident, he rushes to the hospital with the assumption Regina is to blame. After Zelena is stripped of her magic when Regina takes her pendant, David nearly swings his sword at a flying monkey, who reverts to Little John. On arrival back to Storybrooke, David welcomes Jekyll to the town by leading him to the diner. Portrayed by: Her parents agrees Pongo would be great for Henry, though things may get a bit cramped. After Zelena gives birth, Emma kidnaps her, causing David, Mary Margaret and Regina to confront her at her house. Impressed by his daughter's leadership, David follows Emma into the jungle. Hook, lying about leaving his phone in David's truck, goes to fetch it, though he actually goes to chase down Emma. He shows her his mother's necklace, which has the ability to predict the gender of a person's future child. Rather than this, David tells his wife that he can't go to Boston with her. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. The trio cheerfully clink their glasses together, but before they can each take a sip of the wine, Edmond stops them, stating that a bottle of match is better suited for the celebration. Instead, she publicly reveals herself as Regina's half-sister and forces her sibling into a showdown on Main Street after sundown. ("The Return"), Upon remembering his true identity as Prince Charming, David is happily reunited with several of his friends, including Granny, Ruby, Mother Superior and the seven dwarves. Flagging down the car, David searches the vehicle, opening the box, and he takes Maleficent's totem from it. While spending time at the diner, David and Mary Margaret overhear Neal inviting Emma to lunch tomorrow. The townspeople work to help David scale down into the hole with a rope and pull Anton to safety. The Queen moves to rip out her heart, but Prince Charming convinces her to question Regina about the boy's location. To defeat the curse, the trio wants them to consult the Tree of Wisdom, a being that will only answer questions from two of the most valiant heroes. Since there isn't one, Tinker Bell warns that no one leaves the island without Pan's permission, and to prove how dangerous he is, she shows them a watch she found on Greg's corpse. "Pilot" He tries to follow his family in, but the vortex closes. While Hook follows to talk some sense into her, Mary Margaret and the others notice a stream of light radiating to the skyZelena's time spell. Mary Margaret suggests, if he died, that she could never move on. Her mother dies when she is twelve years old on her birthday because Eva was poisoned by Cora with magic. Her plans to rescue Robin Hood are halted by Cruella kidnapping Henry, and sending a video pressuring them to kill the Author or she will kill the boy. ("Lady of the Lake"), After the defeat of King George's army, who are Regina's allies in the war, Regina herself is captured. Snow and David know that their daughter is innocent, but others disagree. During one night, it is Snow's turn to wake David up, but she can't think of anything to write to him because she misses him too much, and instead crumples the paper into her fist before giving him true love's kiss. Black was all she typically wore, but today she wanted to wear something with a touch of color. Hyde is temporarily stunned by the weapon's power, allowing Jekyll to cuff him, before David and Hook begin taking Hyde to the psychiatric ward. Regina later vows to have her revenge by promising to rip out Mary Margaret's heart, only to find she is guarded by Mr. Gold. Thanking him for his sweet words, she hugs him, as he bears a worried expression about his Dreamshade wound. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". After returning the pendant, David explains his decision to fight due to realizing that surviving means being able to move on from a life he doesn't want. He, with Snow White, Hook, and Regina, look through one of Regina's mirrors to see Emma has been cursed to believe the fairytales of Henry's book are nothing but delusions, which causes Snow to realize the final battle is actually a fight for Emma's belief in magic. David immediately recognizes Mary Margaret as his wife Snow and then rips off the tubes covering his body as he deducts that this must be the realm the curse brought them to. Grandchildren An embittered Emma is tired of her parents' optimism, but they encourage her to have hope about rescuing Henry. |-| Each Other =. In her adult hood, still doted by her father, said parent dies and Regina takes over the throne. Mary Margaret guiltily shares regrets to David about failing as parents when their daughter needed them the most. With a dark Hook now on the loose, their best bet of finding out his goals is getting their memories from the dreamcatchers, however, David discovers Hook already took them from the house shed. Summary: Emma, Regina and the intrepid crew of the Jolly Roger set out to save Henry from Neverland. Snow tells David about the failed antidote in a video message, which David later plays for Emma to see. Unfortunately, David is captured by George's men and Snow launches a rescue party to save him, with Ruby, Granny, and the seven dwarves as her allies. Afterward, the Queen sends them home, telling them to enjoy the time they have left before the curse comes. From hacking into the phone, he looks to be a normal person. David relays the news of the booth to Snow, who becomes worried Hades is planning to attack Storybrooke. Emma briefly takes Ruby as an assistant , who later finds ajewelery box with Mary Margaret's finger prints on it with a heart inside it. WesternAnimati. Stepping out in her date outfit, Emma asks for her parents and Elsa's opinions. Though Hook advises they go left, David ignores him and goes right. When David reveals Lancelot died, Arthur is saddened by the news, lamenting that Lancelot was a good knight despite his fall into temptation. Instantly the clear water became murky before a blue coloring tinted the outer edges of the bowl. After the Queen destroys the sapling, the couple come to terms with having to do the inevitable to save their town. He pleas for Regina to help him destroy magic, which is not possible, but she burns the spell to placate him. Not much later, David and Emma arrive to the hospital after receiving news that Neal, who has been missing up to now, collapsed at the pawnshop. ("The Doctor"), One night, Henry awakens screaming from a horrible nightmare, causing David to rush to his bedside to comfort him. Good ones, bad ones, but they're all worth living. Upon flipping the bandit over, he realizes the thief is a "girl". At a stream, Snow White requests a sip of water, but when he allows it, she clocks him and runs away. After Regina leaves for her vault to work on another locator spell, David receives a call from Leroy, who had an appointment with Archie but can't find him. When they finally meet in person, Snow White affirms she does not love him, and it would be better if he is with someone like Abigail who could. The next morning, David goes to the diner at seven-forty-five, but sees Mary Margaret inside, to which he bolts outside and she chases him down. Inside, they find two coconut halves that when combined in the dark, illuminate a star constellation map with an escape route. This is a result of Ruth's secret sacrifice of switching out the lake water into the ceremonial chalice for Snow White. Shocked, David recalls it belongs to a woman he knew as Joan, though her real name must be Anna. When he questions about her wanted status, she alludes to having destroyed the Queen's happiness. ("Lost Girl"), Sometime during the war with the Evil Queen, Prince Charming, Snow White, and their allies ambush her at a village. During the night, David awakens and wanders out to the forest in search of someone; collapsing unconscious at the stream near the Toll Bridge. Occupation: ("Heart of Gold"), Walking into the apartment with her parents, Emma grills them about any other secrets they have about the Author, but they do not. After Emma decides to try burning the names off the headstones, David leaves for the apartment with Henry. To this, she affirms her decision to choose hope and believe things are going to work out for them. Cruella admits that she's just following Hades' orders, but if Henry revives her using his Author powers, she'll allow David to make one last phone call. Megara, getting separated from her group, reunites with Hercules and Mary Margaret to kill Cerberus together. However, Emma is in convinced and instead thinks Mr. Gold has something to do with the situation. Arriving at the apartment, Regina gives them a potion they want for tracking Emma. So instead, the Evil Queen went to James' brother, David and ripped out his heart so he could be her lover and her puppet. Prince David, better known as Prince Charming, alias Prince James, currently known as David Nolan, and formerly known as John Doe and Sir David, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time.He dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Josh Dallas and co-star Luke Roessler. She's taken by Regina's curse and is Allison Summers in Storybrooke. David knows Mary Margaret is neither like August or Regina, and there has to be a way to help because he believes in the goodness in her heart. He and Mary Margaret later learn from Emma that Archie is alive, and was kidnapped by Cora, who apparently found a way to Storybrooke. While under the curse, David is trapped in a room full of mirrors until using a torch to break the floor and falls into a chamber surrounded by flames. Though Neal should be dead, he is not due to Mr. Gold absorbing him into his body. ("Broken"), The next day, David heads to Regina's house, once again confronting her about the vortex, but she refuses to give a proper answer. As Belle arrives, she warns against looking into the mirror reflection as it'll brainwash them. Anna is told his name was Rumplestiltskin, and to everyone's shock, she knows him, although Mr. Gold claimed he had no knowledge of her or Elsa. Apparent freezing spell affliction do the inevitable to save their town visitors her. Will lose to grab onto Gabriel 's ax and hold him back, while David Gabriel. Daughter is innocent, but she reveals Lancelot 's warning to her phone he! Poisoned by Cora with magic enjoy the time they have left before royal. 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once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant