olympians react to god of war fanfiction

He knows one thing for sure, though: he's not letting his father die this time around. (Through Thruds POV): The Thor family (besides Thor), escapes Asgard, and is in search for a new home. That left Kronos, using the body of Luke Castellan as his host until he reached his true power and returned to his true Titan form, fought Percy with the fate of the world on the line. Kratos allowed Heimdall to live. The Scribe was the first to be imprisoned by the Furies, and although they were originally fair in their punishment, they became ruthless under Ares' influence. "I myself have heard of Tr's reputation." Artemis said after being silent for so long, causing the others to look at her. The color that seems to represent the gods of Olympus is. Using the Eyes, Kratos broke through the Furies' illusions and forced Alecto back into her human form. This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. However, Orkos' continuing requests ultimately forced Kratos' hand. You were raised by your father Laufey then, in Jtunheim?Now Loki seemed to be lost for words, trying to comprehend what Thor just said.No? Heimdall is an emotional support who would have thought? Orkos did his bidding as the oath keeper and did not question the Furies until Ares tricked Kratos into killing his family. He was married to Hera, the Queen of Olympus, who bore him the God of War Ares and the Smith God Hephaestus. The Sisters told Zeus that Kratos was the son destined to overthrow him but that Zeus would be the victor in the end. Poseidon had been angered by the chaos and destruction left behind by the Hydra. old decca records. After yet another arduous battle between the two, Kratos finally killed his father, beating him to death. Kratos proceeded to burn down his house, with the corpse of Orkos inside it. This is the question that they find themselves facing, as unfamiliar challenges arise, and their certainty starts to crumble. This is what happened to Athena and, for a short period of time, to Zeus. It's not always just Jaune. (Chapter 1) "Meh, let's give it a shot." RWBY's relationship has grown closer after the breach. In addition to being immortal, the Olympians also possess a wide variety of seemingly godlike abilities. Swept up in the machinations of an unknown deity, Kratos finds himself in a far away land with a new destiny unwelcomingly thrust upon him. This is a relationship fic more than porn with plot. "RAWR that dull hammer doesn't scare me" the boy said "oh no" he said but in a girlish voice and he was laughing having a good time. holy land anime episode 1.r/godofhighschool: A subreddit dedicated to the God of High School . But the journey isn't easy, being flung back and forth between what is and what used to be by his own powers against his will, and learning more about his father and his past than he could've ever fathomed. 15 is new **. It's assumed that most of the Olympians in the God of War series possess some combination of the following: Some gods have specific powers that correlate to their Godly roles, as Zeus possesses projection and can conjure lightning, Poseidon can conjure and manipulate the element of water, and Hades possessing soul manipulation. After returning to Asgard, he is ashamed and refuses to be seen. Freya manages to kill Kratos. The Greek Gods are the pantheon who ruled over Greece, including all animals, monsters and mortals. With her last breath, Alecto spitefully promises that her death would change nothing before Kratos kills her. I have found one good react-fic though: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13398640/1/The-RWBY-Casts-Watches-the-Multiverse. Disappointed in Orkos, Ares disowned his son, and Orkos became the oath keeper of the Furies to please his mother. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment. Most videos involve the Stark and Baratheon/Lannister households from the first book before things got bloody, but over time various other characters have gotten involved, from Oberyn to Pycelle to Baelish to Olenna to Ygritte. Victorious from their battle with Poseidon, Kratos and Gaia reached Zeus, who then summoned a lightning bolt to blast them off the mountain, resulting in Kratos falling into the Underworld. After Zeus' betrayal, Kratos allies with the Titans in the hopes of obtaining revenge against Zeus, declaring war on the rest of Olympus as well. It's meant to be a normal day, but all it takes is one battle to change everything. Kratos is nearly taken in by this, for he got to see his wife and daughter again. But upon entering the chamber, the Furies project another illusion, this time of Kratos' home in Sparta. Rhea wrapped astone in cloth and Cronos swallowed it, foolishly believing it to be Zeus. Over time, the Titans evolved from the island itself, becoming the source of all nature and magic. He rose to the forefront, leading the remaining demigod forces loyal to Olympus to into battle and later victory. Upset by this very fact, the gods became enraged with Kratos defiance and Zeus began to fear for his life. Before leaving, he convinces a disheveled Heimdall to join. Tisiphone joined Alecto as Kratos advanced on the remaining Furies. Many of the minor gods left the Olympians for the Titans, but the greatest of the betrayals came from Ares himself, the Olympian God of War. There are actually a lot of RWBY fics that do this, but for some reason (I think its to avoid copyright) they have Jaune replace one of the main characters in these other series. Armed with this knowledge, Kratos took a ship to Delos. Go with the Gods, Kratos, go forth in the name of Olympus. It had been weeks since the emotionally charged adventure Kratos and Atreus went on. Athena tried to prevent Kratos from further destroying any more cities, warning him that the wrath of Olympus would soon present Kratos with the consequence of his actions. But yet, he was still his father, and Atreus wouldn't ever leave his side, different or no, whether this father cared about him or no, because the boy cared for him, cared that he was hurting. "Then show me what you know, I'm hungry" the voice stepped out of the shadows and it revealed to be Izuku but he looked different, he had a big beard, his top was showing his massive 6 pack, he had a massive red marking around his face and chest and he looked way more muscular The girls blushed of how he looked while Tsu and Ochaco had a nosebleed and almost fainted. After Kratos killed Megaera and Aegeaon, retrieving the Amulet of Uroboros, Tisiphone creates an illusion of him being honored by the King of Sparta. However, they do recognize Zeus as the King of the Gods. After killing the Sisters, Kratos went back in time to the point where he was betrayed by Zeus. Atreus faces despair. They get wrapped up in the conflicts of another land, and face these problems, together.Slow building relationship between Freya & Kratos. The Oracle was captured by Pollux and Castor, and Kratos took the Amulet of Uroborus from them after he killed them. A 10 year, Freya-centric story of their journey together and how two broken people could put themselves back together with each other's help. Who Loki will become. chewy dog houses; honey select 2 maps. He swallowed hard to dislodge the lump formed in his throat. They created an illusion of a massive whirlpool, with Alecto transforming into Caribdis the sea monster. Kratos fighting Persephone to save the life of his daughter. With that matter settled, Zeus drew the Evils into Pandora's Box. Prometheus, caring for the lowly mortals, gave them the fires of Mount Olympus, which Zeus perceived as a betrayal. Lifting Luke's left arm and removing his armor, Percy stabbed him an inch below his arm pit. From Chaos came the Island of Creation and together with the Island, the Sisters of Fate were born as some of the first creatures of the world. Gods from other pantheons do exist in God of War universe, notably of the. Or was he saved?Heimdall must learn to accept what kind of person Odin really is if he is to recover.The problem is that Odin won't make it easy for him. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". In one notable instance, he was defending the city of Attica from a Persian assault when Helios was kidnapped from the sky by the freed Titan Atlas, who used the power of the sun to destroy the Pillar of the World. The Titans, led by Kratos, climbed towards the Olympians in hopes of destroying them. This battle also caused evils to accumulate, which would later be stored in Pandora's Box to protect humanity from corruption. #musical It was a close encounter, and everybody was thankful that the ordeal was past them. Thinking that it was all over, he returned to his throne on Mount Olympus. He then enchained Atlas to uphold the world on his shoulders, where the mighty Titan claimed the two would meet again. Barring all the common downfalls of having various monsters gnashing their teeth at you, it also meant that when he invited you to his family meetings, you'll have to wonder if you'll survive the ordeal. The rest of the gods were forced to listen to the pantheons increasingly childish argument. After killing off the major Gods of the Greek Pantheon and bringing about the destruction of Greece, Kratos dies and finds some measure of peace or so he thought. Helios, however, became the god of the sun and light and was accepted in the Greek pantheon. After she died, Kratos used the power of time to journey back to the final moments of the Great War, bringing the Titans with him to destroy the Gods once and for all. In honor of his brother, Kratos had himself tattooed in the exact image of Deimos' birthmark. Making his way to Alecto's chamber, Kratos manages to retrieve the Oath Stone from Tisiphone's pet bird, Daimon. She and Tisiphone attempted to misdirect him, as a building he enters is projected as a brothel. Born out of wedlock, Kratos was the bastard child of a shunned woman. Ares has always desired to overthrow his father Zeus and rule as Lord of Olympus, ensuring he could wage as many wars to his heart's content. Many of the gods are indistinguishable from humans in appearance, though some look radically different. It is unknown if the gods can resurrect those who have died. Most importantly, what if there was no going back? Over the next two weeks, Kratos is tortured by the Furies in the Prison of the Damned. As Poseidon's corpse fell from Olympus, he began to disintegrate into a liquid mass and landed in the water. The death of Helios resulted in the Sun being enshrouded by darkness and a torrential rainfall upon the world. Ares was ridiculously easy to beat, being downed in 3.5 seconds, and yes the Titan of Time counted how long it would take Ares to fail. Who is it thats talking? through unknown means were apparently either killed by the Titans or perished in the ensuing Chaos.[1]. Supposedly, thanks to the annihilation of the Greek Pantheon caused by Kratos, the last prophecy depicted in the third mural of the Hall of the Fates will also be fulfilled in the years to come: with all the Greek gods and goddesses destroyed (along with the Titans and most of the Greek mythological creatures), and the power of Hope released to humanity, people of Greece can reborn in a world freed by the old deities and embrace the new monotheistic religion of Christ. She had already been gifted with a child however, who was born from the head of Zeus. Kratos learned of Spartas fate via the Last Spartan, becoming enraged and continuing his journey to kill Zeus, more determined than ever. It's meant to be a normal day, but all it takes is one battle to change everything. Despite the end of the pantheon, shadows still haunt Kratos. sub count history reddit post code block. When Kratos found Helios, the gravely injured God appealed to Kratos to save him in exchange for any favor the Ghost of Sparta wanted, Kratos demanded to know the location of the Flame of Olympus, but Helios taunted him for his adamant desire to kill Zeus. Fully grown, these new gods came to be known as the Olympians, and started a war against the Titans, thus betraying Gaia, whose act of compassion would haunt the Titans for the rest of their lives. Supposedly Greek Gods and Goddesses simply vanish and cease to exist if they are killed. In the second mural, a lone man, probably Kratos, stood amidst the destruction left behind. Heimdall is an emotional support who would have thought? As he wrapped his hands around her throat, Tisiphone transformed into Lysandra, causing Kratos to briefly cease his assault before shrugging it off and continuing his onslaught. In one of the murals, the Olympians and the Titans were seen engaging in battle, which could either represent the original Titanomachy or the events of the Second Great War. Athena died with a single stab of the Blade of Olympus, even though her father Zeus survived multiple impalements by the weapon, albeit Zeus was stronger than her to begin with, and the divine weapon was one of the few that gave the user the power to kill a God. Kratos and Freya have set out, together, to rebuild the realms. Ares' lust for war and bloodshed has always been insatiable, so he could not pass up the offer to be a Titan Lord and make as many wars as godly as possible. Later, the Titans left the island and forged the rest of the world. She doesnt know. Kratos traveled to the Harbor of Kirra where he encountered Orkos again. Kratos struggling in his fight against Hercules. "You must think, do simply react, be calm and plan" Izuku saidAll might: "that is some good wisdom my boy" he said while patting Izuku on the backIzuku: "thanks all might" he smiled Todoroki: "my boy" he mumbled while writing something on his journal"It's just that, I'm not really used to hunting" Kota said. The souls of the River Styx then attacked Hades, tearing a hole in his abdomen and leaving his corpse to rot underwater. After a long and hard struggle, Kratos and Gaia combined their efforts, managing to kill the God of the Sea, with the Spartan gouging his eyes and snapping his neck. Zeus had forbidden the gods from waging war on each other and so Athena looked to Kratos for help. These are all the gods and goddesses who appear and/or are mentioned in the God of War series: God of War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Crackfic with a little bit of hurt and suffering peppered in. Ignoring her, Kratos helped his Spartan comrades take over the city of Rhodes. Even so, Atreus knows his bond with his father will be forged to even greater strengths because of what they'll go through together; past, present, and future. (The only one who could see the name is watcher)Watcher: "First of all I am going to give tissues to Kirishima and Tetsutetsu"Both of the them: "Why"Watcher: "This multiverse is going to be manly as hell" he smirked Everyone got excited by his words and they all looked at the screen with excitement The screen was pitch black the only sounds the audience heard was a young boy playing with some toys, he wore animal skin as clothes and had a bunch of tattoos on his arms. It sounds so familiar though, as if she knows who its coming from, as if shes known them for a lifetime. The goddess should fear his fury, his revenge. They first appeared as the main allies of Kratos, granting him powerful magic and weapons throughout his journey. Ignoring her plea, Kratos entered the temple and killed everyone inside, including his wife and child. Kratos ignored Ares arrogance and learned that he was tricked by the very god who once saved his life. "There it is" Kota started to aim his bow "Hold" Izuku said but Kota shot his arrow but missed his shot, Kota grunted but Izuku was pissed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, know it's guard is up" Izuku said while taking Kota's bow awayKota was scared to see this version of deku because he wasn't the nice one but calmed down a little when deku hugged him with a calm smileIzuku calmed downed a bit, "only fire when I tell you to fire" "I'm sorry" Kota said while looking down "Do not be sorry be better" Izuku saidAizawa got his phone out to record the lineDenki: "uh what are you doing"Aizawa: "I'm going to use that phrase and use it against all of you" he said while smirking The class was now scared but they looked back at the screen"Find it" Izuku said, Kota tried to get his bow back but Izuku pulled it away "Find. Is there any good fanfics where characters react to other series? He soon finds the Scribe of Hecatonchires, who reveals that both Ares and the Furies planned to overthrow Zeus. The gods, along with the Titans, are supreme mythical beings that can create and control all kinds of magic and power. Maybe they'll never make it back home, but maybe they can find something here instead. Kratos, once again opened Pandora's Box, hoping to use its power against Zeus, but was disappointed and shocked to learn that nothing was inside the box, while the King of Gods laughed at his son's failure. He then found his end attempting to kill Kratos so that his daughter, Pandora, would be protected from him. Many of the minor gods left the Olympians for the Titans, but the greatest of the betrayals came from Ares himself, the Olympian God of War. #izukuxtsuyu Hera encountered Kratos within her gardens, and taunted him, saying his simple mind would not allow him to escape. I've also find most reactions fic is pretty lazy and uninspiring because it's pretty much almost the same just with different materials and also the character OOC-ness pretty much put me off with most of them. A year after Fimbulwinter has started, Atreus thinks about the amazing people he's met. Since this is sort of a round robin-style thread where anyone can submit snippets, some bits are better than others, but there are a bunch of really fascinating snippets. Zeus! The goddess should fear his fury, his revenge. But don't worry he is still very much terrible. who is leaving channel 13 toledo. Percy had faced many trials and tribulations during the years leading up to the Second Titan War: at age twelve he retrieved the stolen Master Bolt of Zeus, stopping a civil war between the Olympians and revealed Luke Castellan as a traitor; at age thirteen he retrieved the long lost Golden Fleece and cured Thalia's Tree while reviving his cousin Thalia Grace; at age fourteen saved Artemis from the burden of the Sky by forcing Atlas back under it; at age fifteen he safely navigated the Labyrinth of Death, defeated the Titan Lord of the West and Titan of Mortality Iapetus and the Giant Antaeus- son of Gaia and Poseidon, defeated the strongest and most powerful of all monsters Kamp during the Battle of Camp Half-Blood; and at age sixteen led the remaining loyal demigods and Hunters of Artemis against Kronos' forces in what would be named the Battle of Manhattan. Being one of the 12 Olympians and strongest. Kratos' mind is chocked with a thick fog after awaking, much to the worry of his large family. She feels those words ringing in her head, again and again with the same angry male voice. Kratos next encountered Hera and her step-son Hercules (Kratos' half-brother). + The best ones highlight the sheer cultural gap between medievalish Westeros and our world's culture(s) and evoke key emotions/themes in the Westeros audience. #dekuverse Rhea carrying her infant son, Zeus, in her arms, awaiting Cronos' arrival. Then blink against the burning of his eyes, tears threatening to fall. Zeus, realizing the danger they posed if left free, commissioned Hephaestus to construct a vessel to contain them -Pandora's Box- which would be placed within the Flame of Olympus to ensure that no one could ever release the Evils within. In Greek mythology, the gods, also called the Olympians (), were the principal gods of the Greek pantheon, residing atop Mount Olympus, a place forbidden for any mortal to travel unless given direct authorization to do so by the gods themselves. Or was he saved?Heimdall must learn to accept what kind of person Odin really is if he is to recover.The problem is that Odin won't make it easy for him. Izuku stopped for a second and looked around the environment but just saw some birds flying away, he sighed and caught up to Kota, Kota saw the deer and readied his bow. This is a relationship fic more than porn with plot. The Gods witnessing the start of the Second Great War. Atreus knows not what to do when faced with the reality that he'd somehow managed to place himself in his father's homeland, far before his father's path intercrossed with his mother's, and far before the melody of his own life began. In response, Zeus robbed Prometheus of his immortality and forced him to endure great suffering by having an eagle consume him every day, fully healing and resurrecting him each time so that this cycle of torment would never cease. Other characters related to them such as Rhea, Prometheus and Kratos himself also possess this specific trait. Both father and son dueled around the remains of Olympus, but Pandora eventually reached the Flame of Olympus, resulting in her death. Nevertheless, in some circumstances they can ascend to the Astral Form after their death. But having an Olympian god as a father does have its fair share of problems. God of War is a third person action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Kratos battling a Centaur General as Perses looks on. I banish you to the darkest pits of Tartarus! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Kratos was trapped in an illusion of his home in Sparta, but Orkos appeared before him and encouraged him to see past the illusion, using Lysandra's necklace and ring as totem to discern reality from illusion. Ares appeared before Kratos, revealing that it was he who had placed his family in the temple and that with nothing left in his way, he would become death incarnate. The voice said "Yes sir" Kota said determined. Heimdall wasn't killed by Kratos. Kratos arrives at the island of Delos and traverses a giant, ruined statue of Apollo. He is lost. The rest of theGods left unscathed by Kratos' genocidal rampage (i.e. Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series or its related works, Rick Riordan does. "His actions, drive and ideology, to have peace across all the Realms led to everyone respecting him, even the . Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (391), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (16), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (76), Heimdall is still an asshole but he cares, Heimdall learns people can care about him, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Heimdall (God of War)/Original Female Character(s), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Midoriya Izuku Has the Venom Symbiote (Marvel), With You, The World I Shall Build, For You, The World I Shall Crumble, Younger Kratos Is Pretty Morally Ambiguous At Times Obviously, One Thing That Does Not Change Thought Is How Much He Loves His Family, Or More Like The Past Digging Itself To Atreus, But He Also Can't Do So Of His Own Volition Lmao, Same For Kratos But That Goes Without Being Said, Imagine Accidentally Making Yourself Go Back In Time To See Your Younger Father And His Homeland, Takes Place About Six Months Before Ragnark, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Sorry to throw you under the bus Freya it's for a good cause. 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olympians react to god of war fanfiction