james white alpha omega tattoo

When you go to a website, there is information passed as to which website you came from, its called the referral. Eldad and Modad This is quite a work of art, to say the least! God tests those He loves. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt up until now. Thats why they are ironic and funny. Since James White isnt an Islamist, Godwins Law doesnt apply. Considerable time and work are required to get such a tattoo, but it is completely worth the hassle! Please go to: No, its sold separately. His disciples were empowered. Thus, perhaps you see now at least a potential source of frustration for the Reformed Caucus. Thats a weak objection. However, we can trust the Canon as written down at Nicea because of the authority given to the Church, by Jesus and through Peter. Which is correct? which (if either) is the correct list, and how does one make that determination? I really hope that you would read Dr. Whites book. If ya hold to one. How can you say it is SDGs personal determination when it is you who says it is? Admin City:Riverside Expiration Date:04-Aug-2008 09:17:04 UTC What does Constantine have to do with Henry VIIs control of the Church of England? One might argue that Dr. White and some of his supporters helped to foster such hostilities, but one can also argue that folks at JA do not have clean hands either. The set of circumstances that would lead another James R. White in the US to register that domain (as a .org, no less) and forward it to catholic.com is unreasonable, as well. What knowledge of the canon was established? Like a crazed archer scattering firebrands and deadly arrows Mr. Akin, That many people cant all be wrong absent a huge conspiracy and at this point it seems more charitable to believe that White really is rather off-putting than to conclude that all his opponents are in some sort of sinister league with each other. But no one will notice if there is only one church, because one does not constitute a list born of dogma. God, says St. Paul, hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 1:11). You present two conclusions(1) Rome as theocratic capital of medieval Europe, and (2) Catholicism and Islam are theocratic equalsthat history does not support. Did you decide that yourself or did someone decide it for you? If charity regards generosity and forbearanceand it doesthen Akins post (a) should not have displayed such an overt appeal to the emotions of his readership, (b) but should have displayed logical impassivity with a concerted effort to interact with White about the images. The Question is, can they do anything about it? As Mary noted, she and I are different people. If you have a battle with the truth, thats your battle. by a reasonable man who did not know Dr. White, to be so doing). saved without works. We are now praying for your conversion to the fullness of the faith. I dont see why he lets his emotions dictate his ministry. Bible (Major in Biology, minor in Greek), Grand Canyon College, 1985. When that is combined with explicit teaching of a superior human caste that controls and defines truth for such an entity, you have no rational ability to differentiate between that and any other political schema aimed at raw authoritarianism. But James White and you can read what they wrote. If in fact the gathered body of the Church was lead together to affirm the Canon as he suggests, then there should be some historical record to attest to it. So James White has managed to appeal to pagan Americas substitute for truth by playing the part of the sainted victim. Your comment uhm I did post at least one specific theological question that White was asking has at least two holes in it. I really am asking, seriously, how do Protestants make these determinations. Now, I have also read that it was a judgement on inhospitability. Let us pray for each other! And St. Cyprian in the third century wrote: Whoever is separated from the Church is separated from the promises of Christ One cannot have God as a Father who has not the Church as his mother. You cannot even get a 500-year-old Calvinist to sit down with a 20-year-old Adventist. They may have been correct, and they may have been wrong. It is as if yall are unaware of the passage where Paul says love does not take account of wrong done to it. There seems to already be plenty of paper flying between the two feuders. In this video, White I was under the impression that White would attempt to score a cheap victory without dealing with the substantive issues, which he did. Jesus, I havent seen anything to substantiate a belief in Scripture Alone, especially since there wasnt a definitive list of authentic scriptures Dont try to dillute the issue Im debating by attempting to attribute to me other debates or issues Im not involved with or attempting to defend. Apologetical discussions often take place in the comment boxes here, since Jimmy is an apologist and posts on related topics, but thats not their only function, and if it was, I wouldnt enjoy it half so much. But I will reveal the truth to you: Its too late to save James White. Living word. There is one last thing I would like to note. I think it is safe to say any rational person would come to that conclusion. What you claim to be tired of is your own gnosis, your own personal determination of what I said. Tech Name:to attn. Those 8 questions belong are enough for several threads. Feeling the way that I do about the threat of Islamofacism that faces us today, the pictures on the White site made me cringe a bit because I knew they would not be received well on the other side. . Same goes for the generally less intense venom seen to some degree on both sides of the debate on this thread, except that I dont pretend to forgive offences that were commited against someone else not me, I just hope they come to repentance (were probably just talking venial sin here but it is still important). Out of your long post, I found the following nugget of gold that cuts through everything else here and goes to the heart of the matter. Heisenburg, thats a nice thought. MY HEAD HURTS. As someone active in the pro-life movement, I have to tell you that I am accustomed to violent shrieking, rude gestures, angry insults, and even guys in tricked out VW buses getting so upset they nearly rip the rearview mirror out. But that was my fault because I was not clear in my intentions. Thats the sum of it. by differentiating between revelation and artifact of revelation he deals with those gentle souls Ive encountered who lift up their Bible and say that 1.the Bible is the Word of God http://jimmyakin.typepad.com/defensor_fidei/2007/08/amazing-simply-.html. If you have questions about Catholicism, just ask them. It seems Mr. White posted a reply to Jimmys post on his blog: 2. Is this attempted humor time or context bound? Then we dove into Isaiah and Jeremiah for key texts to present Well, I did say it would be an experiment, and, well, it was a failed experiment. Oh, since people have started posting random biblical quotes, I thought I would join in. Shame on me for being reasonable though. Again, you, yourself, seem to be forgoing any possible transgression by James White but, instead, seem to hail him as some innocent victim in all this despite his egregiously offensive acts. Speaking of CHEAP DEBATE TACTICS TO AVOID THE REAL ISSUES, you seem to OVERLOOK the fact that it is JAMES WHITE resorting to CHEAP DEBATE TACTICS TO AVOID THE REAL ISSUES, but I guess THATS OKAY, huh???? Teacher, he asked, what must I do to inherit eternal life? No, I didnt. White chooses Nicea as some type of magical benchmark, because certain beliefs werent formally defined then, even though the belief existed (i.e., transubstantiation). ITS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH/CATHOLIC ANSWERS/JIMMY AKIN RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ALL ALONG!!! And, as he is becoming more stupid, I can only imagine it as a sign that he is moving closer to Rome *salutes Mr. Spock* Ive always thought that Vulcans would make great Catholics. What we have here, technically, is an example of weak joke competence with no associated humor competence, in the sense of the terms as used by the linguist, Dr. Amy Carrell, who has done the most, to date, to characterize the initiator/target relationship of joke-teller/audience in humor. If thats his idea of humor, I tremble to think what he does to people hes really angry at. The Word of God is eternal, and Gods own self-knowledge, the knowledge of the Word inclusive, is eternal as well. 2a. Not a problem. Assertion 1) Beckwith is a liar. Neener, neener is taunting. Which is it? Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church (Matt. I like this blog a lot and Jimmy personally (from what I know of him, I never met him) Perhaps he actually shows those features you praise elsewhere, but in this matter, they are greatly lacking. Has the Quran Been Accurately Transmitted? O Threadhijacker lol, Eileen. Apparently you looked only at that post and did not read the thread because in that same 11:19 post, I said that Mary and I are separate people. Of course, you may want to read whats already been written on topic from the Catholic perspective and then say what the sticking point is for you. White debates on these very subjects yet I havnt seen someone raise their hand and say I listened to him and hes full of hot air and heres why. Thank you for your kind sentiments and defending me against the false witness of that Bear-ish brood. The Revelation of Ezra Where have you been? Sacralism is a paradigm of absolute unity between church and state that could not, would not distinguish between material, institutional trappings of human magesterial authority and the spiritual realities of the heavenly kingdom. And, it is becoming obvious, you were just trying to make a fight. Registrant FAX: Can I safely assume now that you answer all questions pertaining to the nature of the CA URL in such a manner, ignorantly assuming that anyone who inquires about it is somehow a Disciple of White? If White were thinking rationally, he would see this. are quite good at presenting this, and doing it in an easy to understand manner at the same time, when the situation is appropriate for such discussions. good post We deserve it because in the end, or even in the next millennium, none of this is going to matter in the least. How do you read it? But youd come up with something, Im sure. Knowledge infallible is purely dependant upon God, but in the scheme of Author to reader as devised in his example, there is also a component of human reception and explanation that needs to be addressed. For example, one may be saved as a Baptist, but not as a Bahai (spelling error wantonly ignored) because the religion denies the divinity of Christ. Evangelical Seminary (formerly Faraston Seminary). Prove his actions offensive and Ill recant. returning us to Stage 3. Does an OSASer lose salvation when he converts to Presbyterianism? Im bowing out as I believe we are all wasting our time here in the most complete and unedifying manner. Andit worked. Though, I guess an alternate motive might be to, just get the information out there so people can make an informed unbiased judgment for themselves. The Epistle of Jude This is amazing, the trent thing wasnt the real issue at all. Sigh. The priest jsut sits there takes it all in. It is regionally accredited and offers PhDs in religious studies and philosophy. No, you were responding in a manner that changed the topic from whom one should confess to into a highly complex question of my personal religious state as compared to that of the Twelve. Chuckto the extent charity isnt shown to Dr. White, Id agree. Good question, Esau. Where now are all those who have cried out: ? The Revelation of Elias Ive backed up every single one of my accusations No, because Romanists go straight to Hell where they belong, didnt you already know that??? Now, to those defenders of White, I have a question. Oh yeah, I do remember JW being quiet upset at the depiction of him on DAs blog. A few things. How about if I made a similar analogy between your parents and loved ones and the 9/11 terrorists??? When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies. God did use the church, the gathered body (not later ecclesiastical developments regarding unbiblical structures and positions), as a means to establish widespread knowledge of the canon (mediated) so that Scripture will function as He has decreed it to function. The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. The wholly holy get the better seats of Lordship Salvation, which requires a person to follow Christ (discipleship) I havent read the book by Dr. White. She was responding to a very silly post, given that anyone who even half-heartedly scanned the comments here could clearly see that a large number are not indignation. francis 03, So I hurried back to the spot where Alypius was sitting, for I had put there a the volume of the aspostle when I got up and left him. Dear Okey: First, the above allegorical example of author writing a book dies a hard death of insufficiency when applied to the Word of God. He is Professor of Church History and Apologetics at Grace Bible Theological Seminary, and has taught Greek, Hebrew, Systematic Theology, Textual Criticism, Church History and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous other schools. Just leave already, and stay gone, eh? AOMIN App 7:10,11) So I hope I help you understand that what James White did is in order of magnitude far worse than your common troll like Edward. I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. As for the basics of human psychology, I agree that White is more interested in asserting truth than he is in whether it may offend someone who needs to hear it. shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought White behaves like a jerk. As sacralists, they could not conceive of God sanctioning anything or anyone outside the well-defined contours of the divinely created socio-political entity known as Israel. If this were 500 years ago, Id be getting tied to the stake right about now I bet, and thats part of the hilarity of those pictures. Minimalist tattoo ideas are well-appreciated by those who do not have the experience of getting inked before. Mary, We must not sink to the same level he has. So its slander first and ask questions later. IOW, youd have to find a more substantive angle of attack. Ally continued: James was clearly in a bind. Didnt go quite a full hour today as I mainly interacted with the clip of Zuby interviewing Andrew Tate and his conversion to Islam. (Mind you, this is a cursory evaluation based on reading the quoted sections while feeding a 9-month old.) While were on the topic of specific examples, please give an example of what you consider to be a personal attack. Or did James White merely find a convenient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word he says by posting these pictures and the other tactics he has relied on in his debate with Beckwith? I asked: God Bless, Do Catholics get better seats in heaven than the Protestants? Youll need to prove that canon is a product of tradition in order to corner me into the Well since you believe the canon is right you need to submit to Tradition routine. I hope Dr. White learns that one take-home message. The two actions are neccesarily linked in fulfilling the one purpose of God. Lets see, who else could jump on in here and pick up where Mr. White has left off, you know, and elevate the spirit of Christian charity towards the Catholic brothers and sisters (in Christ of course). In simple words, Dr. White has created two dead jokes (or as professional comedians call them, humor killers). Technically, the Usenet FAQ on the subject says: The obvious response is to call them on it, say threads over, and declare victory. All of the category error pussyfooting nicely dodges the real problem with the picture: White states an equivalence between people in the comment thread demanding charity (yes, in a predictable and certainly from his standpoint irritating fashion) with those who use violence and intimidation to silence their opponents. I dont see how either you or White can demand that Jimmy drop whatever hes doing to give special attention to White. I had no wish to align with the whore of babylon, I didnt [then] get litugy, the singing and preaching generally sucked, they had no concept of evangelizing, and way too many inside didnt believe were amazed that I would. I agree with you that those areas are fascinating. If Evangelicals can shift between these points of view while reading the same Biblesola Scripturawhy is it such a shock that one can shift ones opinion about the meaning of Trent? He cites from patristic sources regularly. Boor. But its starting to look to me like almost everyone who White squares off against winds up feeling personally offended. Mark Kay, Yall that are tossing the verses, you might want to read the whole thing. Then of course you have the Protestant disdain of the material; irrational and unbiblical though it may be. I did not find the images humorous, eitherbut that is because the real analogy being drawn by them was too spot on. Donate See above comment. sharp contrast to the heresy of Paul Washer, John MacArthur and James White, Most Tuesday Mornings at Since this is going nowhere, Im outta here. Oh, by the way, that Guardian guy you are being so comparative with has a history with Dr. White considering he called the show and couldnt provide anything asked for. Fundementalists follow the Hadith and traditions of Islam which explain put the Quran in its context Anymore ad hominem onel iners or are you actually going to deal with the picture issue and refute me? Hopefully his understanding of history will fair better. We dont have that luxury, since were not God. I seriously need a projectile vomiting smiley to express my disgust. I wonder if civility would be improved if we more folks posted under their real names. Period. Sola Scriptura is Scripture used as the sole measure of faith. Maybe I just dont understand what a bishop is in James Whites denomination. 2023 Alpha and Omega Ministries. That some people behave badly is not a reflection on Christianity or Catholicism itself. I assume you wouldnt try discussing theology with somebody wearing a Marilyn Manson Antichrist T-shirt. Also, I am thinking of the debate White had with that Muslim Abdul Malik, both cordialin fact there isnt a debate I can rthink of(of course havent seen/heard them all) where white hasnt been a true Christian gentleman. Yes, we must forgive people for calling James White an ignorant moronic idiot, deceiver, liar, fool, troll, stupid, just a general loser. Really bill 912? I am the vine, you are the branches. Thats all well and good, but the artist who changed the picture changed the story in so doing. [3], Not to be confused with author and theologian, Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 04:23, reliable, independent, third-party sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Calvinism debate cancelled, but serious discussion still resulted | Baptist Press", "James White | Resources from Ligonier Ministries", "James R. White, D.Min., Th.D. And now we descend into argumentum ad hominem. As a German American I would be somewhat happy if this were true. I suppose I should brush up on my regulations though, that or Mr. Akin should deal with the issues. Thank you for finally providing something with which to work. And enter it into the form so that it would do what it does. By that logic, I have a relationship of some form with Mr. Spock Ive been a fan for years, and have put up posts about him. Isnt it a deception to use the url http://www.jamesrwhite.org to connect to Catholic Answers? Foxfire, my mistake. Just historically untenable. He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself. Anyone who has listened to Dr Whites personal interactions with those who disagree with him will be struck by his professionalism and courteous treatment of his debating opponents and callers. Oh, and Daisy, while I appreciate the Biblical quotes, you really need to do two things: 2 Corinthians 10:17&18 White came across as one of conspiracy fundamentalists. The Book of Gad the Seer[7] Are you implying that Ive said something untrue? Constitute a list born of dogma express my disgust if civility would be improved if more. Have started posting random biblical quotes, I tremble to think what he does people... In Greek ), Grand Canyon College, 1985 or as professional comedians call them, humor killers.... Civility would be improved if we more folks posted under their real names, youd have find. 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james white alpha omega tattoo