carmarthenshire county council hardship fund

Outside normal office hours Delta Wellbeing provides an emergency service on 0300 333 2222. To develop up-skilling projects with social care employers to deliver quality training for staff. Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, Find out more about the councils plan to support and grow the local economy, Carmarthenshire secures almost 3million from UK Gov to invest in local people, places and businesses. Extra help with fuel costs - Winter 22/23. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. and suit their local needs. Scheme membership is automatic for all eligible employees that work for Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion County Councils, as well as a wide range of other eligible . To increase local employment opportunities for young people through major infrastructure investments. That is why we are encouraging individuals and local groups to apply for funding from our Poverty Fund, which will allow them to finance new and pre-existing events and initiatives that could also serve as a means to provide a warm space for residents to attend, even if it is a few hours a week. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. March 30 is the last day the public will be able to book a PCR test if they have symptoms. South Tyneside council is paying for its chief executive and council leader to bring proceedings against one of its own councillors. The Winter Fuel Support Scheme is a specific pot of money to help households in Wales who are receiving a means-tested benefit with the increasing cost of fuel. The Individual Assistance Payment is a grant to help you or someone you care for live independently in their home or a property that you or they are moving into. conduct a criminal records check to establish if you have any unspent convictions which will have to be taken into account. The Dyfed Pension Fund, as administered by Carmarthenshire County Council, is one of many Local Authority Pension Funds throughout the UK thatabide by the LGPS. This will be paid directly into your bank/building society account. There are a number of financial benefits to help you with reducing your fuel bills. do not have any unspent criminal convictions which under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 would bar you from an award. To develop a business case for creating a co-operative staffing agency for health and social care workers. If you provide advice please click on 'I am helping someone else'. To make use of a community garden by supporting people with autism and specialised training for Learning Disability Nurses. Applications to the Fund are by way of referral following an initial assessment of eligibility by Victim Support. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. More information about the Foundational Economy and the Welsh Governments approach can be found on the Welsh Government website. Every week, Friday to Monday we advertise all vacant homes on Canfod Cartref. The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act methods will help us make quick progress. COVID Secure Grant: This grant is to enable childcare offer settings to purchase additional capital items and/or to undertake physical adaptations to premises, to enable them to operate in a Covid-secure manner. At first it was due to last for six months but it has been extended several times so that it is now due to last until 31 March 2024. The work must be carried out by a contractor on our Registered Builders List. Pre-existing initiatives such as food banks, community luncheons, sports or social groups hosting events and, or, serving refreshments can apply for funding. The 28-day gap between application dates will reduce to 7 days for all applicants. Scheme membership is automatic for all eligible employees that work for Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion County Councils, as well as a wide range of other eligible employingauthorities, such as Dyfed-Powys Police, Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service, local Colleges, Town and Community Councils and many other bodies admitted to the Fund. For further help, support and information visit our Cost of Living Advice page. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. Please note this will be during office hours, Monday Friday 08:30 18:00. you were injured before 27 November 2012; you did not report the incident to the police as soon as reasonably practicable (normally within 48 hours of the incident taking place); you did not make an application to the Fund within eight weeks of the date of the incident; you sustained an injury which is eligible for compensation under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 (i.e. We recommend you take a look at the grants on offer so that you can prepare your application in advance. To provide an in-house dedicated Mental Health & Wellbeing team and a Care Coordination team that will work with patients who are particularly vulnerable. If youve provided us with your email address, we will be in touch as soon as possible with an update. Staff will also be on hand at the libraries to offer guidance to anybody who wishes to have advice on the cost of living. A warm welcome awaits at our warm places as refreshments will be served and visitors are welcomed to access a television, computers and newspapers there. A grant to help you or someone you care for live independently in their home or a property that you or they are moving into. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. This is in addition to the winter fuel payment offered by the UK Government. If you have a suggestion on how we can improve the website, please let us know. It should be paid automatically through your State Pension or another social security benefit (not Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, Child Benefit or Universal Credit). Household Support Fund - October 2021 to March 2024. The foundational economy approach offers the chance to reverse the deterioration of employment conditions, reduce the leakage of money from communities and address the environmental cost of extended supply chains.With join-up across portfolio responsibilities we are driving a greater synergy between the Valleys Taskforce, Better Jobs Closer to Home programmes and maximising the social value of procurement with what may be described as mainstream Government economic interventions. If you have any queries please get in touch, As of today, Monday, October 17, the councils libraries at Llanelli, Ammanford and Carmarthen are also open to the public as spaces to keep warm over the winter months. We ONLY consider applications that are referred by Victim Support. The Fund applies to injuries sustained in England and Wales and is capped at 500,000 per year. Many of the projects will be delivered by Carmarthenshire County Council and others will be delivered by a range of public sector partners, charities and local organisations. We understand that local communities know what initiatives will work best in their area. Find out more on Once Victim Support have made an initial assessment they will complete an application and ask you to provide a signed consent for the release of all records, evidence and other relevant information about you and the circumstances of your injury. Closing date for applications: 18th November 2022. These changes are to allow for short and successive use of the fund in a time of crisis or emergency. A copy of your self-certification form will not be accepted as evidence by Victim Support or by us. Linda Evans said: We all know that heating our homes will be considerably more expensive this winter, which is a worry that plays on everybodys minds. We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan (LDP) has been published for consultation along with the following documents: The consultation will take place between 17th February and 14th April 2023. A grant to help pay for essential costs, such as food, gas, electricity, clothing or emergency travel if you: You cannot use it to pay for ongoing bills that you cannot afford to pay. From March 28, people will be strongly advised to self-isolate if they have COVID. For further help, support and information visit our Cost of Living Advice page. Specialist help, support and advice to help with the cost of living and other matters is available at each of our customer service Hwbs in Ammanford, Llanelli and Carmarthen. To update Victim Support telephone contact method. The council has launched two new funds as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting and growing Carmarthenshires local economy. To supply the private sector, local authority and health board employers with health and care workers. The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a tax approved, defined benefit occupational pension scheme set up under the Superannuation Act 1972. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. To create an App for local companies to trade skills and time through a time banking system. Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. Please visit our online directory to see details of up-coming events. The Emergency Assistance Payment is for help with essential costs, such as food, gas, electricity, clothing or emergency travel if you are experiencing extreme financial hardship, have lost your job or have applied for benefits and are waiting for your first payment. Carmarthenshire County Council - 100,000. Please note if you are in receipt of or have applied for Employment Support Allowance (ESA), you will need to inform the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) of your change in circumstances immediately. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. Your feedback is really important to us. Deputy Leader and Cabinet lead Cllr. To test creating a circular economy for bone waste in the meat processing industry in Wales, by opening a pilot plantclose to a Welsh abattoir. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. The Winter fuel payment (sometimes called the Winter fuel allowance), cold weather payment & warm homes discount payments are made automatically to those who are eligible. However it is always best to check that you are receiving these payments. This publication was withdrawn on 21 March 2022. If you are struggling financially, help to pay for emergency costs like food and bills may be available from your local authority. To register please select your area from the list below and enter your work email address (which normally ends They provide free and confidential support, and practical help to victims and witnesses of crime. For a project to provide micro-care enterprises to deliver direct care services. This site uses cookies to make the site simpler. The Winter fuel payment (sometimes called the Winter fuel allowance), cold weather payment & warm homes discount payments are made automatically to those who are eligible. In some parts of Wales this basic foundational economy is the economy. In addition to designating a space at its libraries at Llanelli, Ammanford and Carmarthen as warm places for the public, Carmarthenshire County Council is also encouraging communities to apply for funding to provide Warm Welcome Spaces within their communities. Carmarthenshire County Council have successfully bid for additional grant funding from Welsh Government for the following: 1. To develop an apprenticeship scheme in the social care sector. To get a grant, you must: be in extreme financial hardship, for example you've lost your job, applied for benefits and waiting for your first payment or have no money to buy food, gas and electricity be in a crisis situation and in need of immediate financial support live in Wales be over 16 There are a number of financial benefits to help you with reducing your fuel bills. Our friendly staff will also be present at the libraries and will be at hand to provide visitors with advice about the cost of living and how to access potential support. Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. Should you be successful in your application for funding, Carmarthenshire County Council can provide training to the event organisers in order to be able to offer advice and referrals to individuals about the cost of living. Visitors to the Hwbs can also access information on the services available to support them as the cost of living increases. If youve provided us with your email address, we will be in touch as soon as possible with an update. Youll get a payment of 25 for each 7-day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March. Loan applications can be made for between 1,000 to 25,000 per home. Our Foundational Economy Challenge Fund is supporting a series of experimental projects that will enable us, with the help our partners, to test how we can best support the foundational economy and which Government interventions work best. To register please enter the name of your organisation, its website address and your work email address. one that falls within the tariff of injuries in that Scheme). To adapt an established volunteer record and management tool to deliver an online approach of providing consistent, easy to use social prescribing records and opportunities. The Household Support Fund was launched by the government in October 2021. From October 2022 until March 2023 (and possibly longer) the money should be used to support households in the most need, including those who are not eligible for other government support such as the Cost of Living Payments and the energy support scheme. Hwb advisers will be available every day, along with housing officers and employability advisers, to provide tailored packages of support to residents. Lord Mayor of Portsmouths Coronation Homes Ltd. Lune Valley Rural Housing Association Limited, Manchester Unity Housing Association Limited, Mansfield Road (Nottingham) Baptist Housing Association Limited, Marlborough & District Housing Association Limited, Mary Hatch Almshouses with Diamond Jubilee Cottages, May Day Permanent Housing Co-operative Limited, Maynard Co-operative Housing Association Limited, Methodist Homes Housing Association Limited, Metropolitan Benefit Societies Almshouses, Monmouth Road Housing Co-operative Limited, Mosscare St. Vincents Housing Group Limited, Mrs H Frances Le Personne Benevolent Trust, Municipal & Owen Carter Almshouse Charities, National Council of Young Mens Christian Associations (Incorporated), Nehemiah United Churches Housing Association Limited, New Forest Villages Housing Association Limited, New Foundations Housing Association Limited, New Longsight Housing Co-operative Limited, Nicholas Chamberlaines Hospital & Sermon Charity, North Camden Housing Co-operative Limited, North London Muslim Housing Association Limited, North West Leicestershire District Council, Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association Limited, Northborough Housing Co-operative Limited, Northchapel, Petworth and Tillington Almshouses, Notting Dale Housing Co-operative Limited, Nottingham City Homes Registered Provider Limited, Nottingham Community (Second) Housing Association Limited, Nottingham Community Housing Association Limited, Old Farm Park Housing Co-operative Limited, Old Isleworth Housing Co-operative Limited, Oxfield Housing Co-operative Association Limited, Pan African Refugee Housing Co-operative Limited, Paradigm Homes Charitable Housing Association Limited, Peacehaven and Telscombe Housing Association Ltd, Peak District Rural Housing Association Limited, Penge Churches Housing Association Limited, Peter Bedford Housing Association Limited, Phoenix Community Housing Association (Bellingham and Downham) Limited, Phoenix Community Housing Co-operative Limited, Pioneer Co-operative Housing (Redditch) Limited, Polish Citizens Committee Housing Association Ltd, Polish Retired Persons Housing Association Limited, Poole Old Peoples Welfare and Housing Society Limited, Poplar Housing And Regeneration Community Association Limited, Portsmouth Churches Housing Association Limited, Portsmouth Rotary Housing Association Limited, Prestwich & North Western Housing Association Limited, Prince Albert Gardens Housing Co-operative Limited, Puttenham & Wanborough Housing Society Limited, Quadrant-Brownswood Tenant Co-operative Limited, Railway Housing Association and Benefit Fund, Ravenscroft Re-Build Co-operative Limited, Red House Farm Housing Co-operative Limited, Redditch Friends Housing Association Limited, Reigate Quaker Housing Association Limited, Richmond Avenue Housing Co-operative Limited, Richmond Co-operative Housing Association Limited, Rickmansworth Churches Housing Association Limited, Riverside Housing Co-operative (Redditch) Limited, Roborough Community Property Association Limited, Rogate and Terwick Housing Association Limited, Rosemary Simmons Memorial Housing Association Limited, Rowland Hill and Vaughan Almshouse Charity, Royal Air Forces Association Housing Limited, Rusland Road Housing Co-operative Limited, Rutherglen & Cambuslang Housing Association, Salisbury City Almshouse and Welfare Charities, Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association Ltd, Sandwell Homeless and Resettlement Project Limited, Shepherds Bush Housing Association Limited, Shropshire Association for Supported Housing Limited, Shropshire Rural Housing Association Limited, Small Heath Park Housing Co-operative Limited, Solihull Care Housing Association Limited, Solon South West Housing Association Limited, Somewhere Co-operative Housing Association Limited, South Camden Housing Co-operative Limited, South Devon Rural Housing Association Limited, South Mildmay Tenants Co-operative Limited, South Staffordshire Housing Association Limited, South Tyneside Housing Ventures Trust Limited, South Yorkshire Housing Association Limited, Southend-on-Sea Young Mens Christian Association, Southway Housing Trust (Manchester) Limited, Spotland and Falinge Housing Association Limited, Springboard Two Housing Association Limited, St Andrews Community Housing Association Ltd, St Georges Church Housing Co-operative Limited, St Martin of Tours Housing Association Limited, St Peters Saltley Housing Association Limited, St Richard of Chichester Christian Care Association Ltd, Stoke on Trent & North Staffordshire YMCA Foyer, Stroud Green Housing Co-operative Limited, Summerhill Housing Co-operative (Newcastle) Ltd, Sunderland Riverside Housing Co-operative Limited, Sutton Bonington & Normanton Social Services Association Limited, Tamil Community Housing Association Limited, Tamworth Cornerstone Housing Association Limited, Thame and District Housing Association Limited, Thames Valley Charitable Housing Association Limited, Thames Valley Housing Association Limited, The Abbeyfield (Berkhamsted & Hemel Hempstead) Society Limited, The Abbeyfield (Chelsea & Fulham) Society Limited, The Abbeyfield (Christ Church) Society Limited, The Abbeyfield (Darlington) Society Limited, The Abbeyfield (Lyme Regis & District) Society Ltd, The Abbeyfield (Maidenhead) Society Limited, The Abbeyfield (Ripon and District) Society Ltd, The Abbeyfield (Streatham) Society Limited, The Abbeyfield (Weymouth) Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Alresford and District Society Ltd, The Abbeyfield Barrow-in- Furness Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Billericay Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Bishops Castle & District Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Blackmore Vale Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Bradford-on-Avon Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Buckland Monachorum Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Burnham and Highbridge Society Ltd, The Abbeyfield Canvey Island Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Crowborough Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Deben Extra Care Society Limited, The Abbeyfield East London Extra Care Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Ellesmere Port Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Furness Extra Care Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Gerrards Cross Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Great Missenden & District Society, The Abbeyfield Holsworthy Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Hoylake and West Kirby Society Ltd, The Abbeyfield Kings Langley Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Lancashire Extra Care Society Limited, The Abbeyfield London Polish Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Loughborough Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Newcastle-upon-Tyne Society Ltd, The Abbeyfield North Downs Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Orwell Extra Care Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Pirbright and District Society Ltd, The Abbeyfield Ribble Valley Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Sanderstead Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Sodbury Vale Society Limited, The Abbeyfield South Molton Society Limited, The Abbeyfield South West Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Thirsk & Sowerby Society Limited, The Abbeyfield West Herts Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Whitehaven Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Winchester Society Limited, The Abbeyfield Worcester and Hereford Society Limited, The Birch, Samson and Littleton United Charities, The Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Society for the Blind, The Cambridgeshire Cottage Housing Society Limited, The Charity of Hannah Clarke for Almshouses, The Faversham United Municipal Charities 2010, The Feoffees of the Parish Lands of Highweek, The Grange Centre for People with Disabilities, The Hartlepools War Memorial Homes & the Crosby Homes, The Henry Pinnock & Victoria & Albert Memorial Charity, The Hospital of St John & of St Anne in Okeham, The Hospital of St Thomas the Apostle in Doncaster, The Hospital of the Holy Trinity Aylesford, The Hospital of William Parson (Stoke Hospital), The Huyton Community Co-op for the Elderly Ltd, The Industrial Dwellings Society (1885) Limited, The Lowestoft Church & Town Almshouse Charity, The Margaret Jane Ashley Almshouse Charity, The Mile End Housing Co-operative Limited, The Municipal Charities of Stratford-upon-Avon, The North Memorial Homes City of Leicester, The Pioneer Housing and Community Group Limited, The Princes Park Housing Co-operative Limited, The Reverend Rowland Hill Almshouse Charity, The Society of Merchant Venturers Almshouse Charity, Thrale Almshouse and Relief in Need Charity, Townshend Close Housing Co-operative Limited, Uckfield & District Housing Association Limited, Villages Community Housing Association Limited, Walterton and Elgin Community Homes Limited, Waltham Forest Housing Association Limited, Wargrave-on-Thames Housing Association Limited, Warwickshire Rural Housing Association Limited, Waverley (Eighth) Co-operative Housing Association Limited, Weller Streets Housing Co-operative Limited, Wellington Mills Housing Co-operative Limited, Welwyn Garden City Housing Association Limited, West Hampstead Housing Co-operative Limited, West London Mission Housing Association Limited, West of England Friends Housing Society Limited, Westree Road Housing Co-operative Limited, Whiteinch & Scotstoun Housing Association Ltd, Wilfrid East London Housing Co-operative Limited, Willesden Green Housing Co-operative Limited, Winchester Working Mens Housing Society Limited, Windrush Alliance UK Community Interest Company, Wirral Methodist Housing Association Limited, Wollaston and Pauncefort Almshouse Charity, Woodley Sandford and Charvil Charitable Trust, Woolfardisworthy Sports and Community Hall, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group Limited, Yorkshire Ladies Council (Hostels) Limited, Bath & North East Somerset Citizens Advice, Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Citizens Advice, Braintree, Halstead & Witham Citizens Advice, Carlisle and Eden Districts (Penrith) Citizens Advice, Central and East Northamptonshire Citizens Advice, Craven and Harrogate Districts Citizens Advice, Cyngor Ar Bopeth Ceredigion (Cardigan) Citizens Advice, Diss, Thetford & District Citizens Advice, East and Central Sutherland Citizens Advice, GNWCAB - Glasgow North West Citizens Advice Bureau, Inverness Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens Advice, Newcastle-under-Lyme & Kidsgrove Citizens Advice, North and West Gloucestershire Citizens Advice, North and West Sutherland Citizens Advice, North Oxon & South Northants Citizens Advice, Roxburgh and Berwickshire Citizens Advice, Rutherglen and Cambuslang Citizens Advice, Solihull Borough (Chelmsley Wood) Citizens Advice, Stockton & District Citizens Advice & Information Service, Stroud & Cotswold Districts Citizens Advice, Surrey Welfare Rights Unit Citizens Advice, Tendring Mental Health Hub Citizens Advice, Torridge, North, Mid and West Devon Citizens Advice, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support form. 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Exeter Lacrosse Coach, Cook County Law Division Standing Order, Articles C

carmarthenshire county council hardship fund