solarwinds api curl

Advanced vulnerability management analytics and reporting. The POST query failed because you need a "Content-Type: application/json" request header. SOLARWINDS CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM. Nothing too in depth, just enough to stimulate sedentary neurons in your cranial membrane. I want something, I ask you for it, you give it to me. It looks like something got garbled in the second URL. Howdy, folks! Whether learning a newly-purchased SolarWinds product or finding information to optimize the software you already own, we have guided product training paths that help get customers up to speed quickly. Become a SolarWinds Certified Professional to demonstrate you have the technical expertise to effectively set up, use, and maintain SolarWinds products. JObject results = client.Query("UPDATE Orion.NodesCustomProperties SET Comments= 'It Worked' WHERE NodeID = 469", new JObject { { "vendor", "Cisco" } }); Does anybody have a quick and dirty PHP client, prehaps? This vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to bypass authentication and execute API commands which may result in a compromise of the SolarWinds instance. SolarWinds Orion Platform versions 2019.4 HF 5, 2020.2 with no hotfix installed, and 2020.2 HF 1 are affected. Hopefully that will be enough to get you started. Access to the SWIS API requires you attach to the Orion poller over HTTPS using port 17778. As long as its valid JSON. . For this article we will be covering some basic usage of the SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL) Studio. As long as your query is accurate, you should receive the results back as JSON data. What URL are you POSTing to? Our SmartStart programs help you install and configure or upgrade your product. The "Info" is missing between "SolarWinds/" and "rmationService". Next, well be querying our Orion poller with cURL and a REST client, showcasing the interaction with SolarWinds API. something Ive got in my list of things to do) but its something to get us started. Rectangled at the top, I send a GET request, which is my RESTful API call. You are now on the Monitoring Tools list page. Now we have to write our request. Send button and you should see the same results as last time, only with our new and improved parameterized query. OAP services also include assistance with your digital code-signing certificate update. I see that you already have your answer, but my recommendation is to use structured approach like this below - it would help to save time : # What you want to do is a verb - here, use back-slash in front of all internal quotations, do not use back-slash with external quotations: URL="https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Invoke/Orion.Nodes/Remanage", echo " <---- Attempted to re-manage: if you see null - it is a success". As such your request is being redirected back to the login page (which is the junk you see in the output). However, for security reasons, token generation is highly recommended, as Username/password authentication requires heavier maintenance depending on your organization's password reset policy. by DAVID VARNUM, CCIE, VCP, MCSE+ - Last Updated: August 31, 2022. This uses the --ntlm option (assuming you are using Windows logins, and have NTLM enabled in IIS). Gain insight into the health, performance, and scalability of your SolarWinds Orion platform with our free health assessment; youll receive a report with our findings and a recommended action plan for improvements and enhancements. Know Whats Nextwith Loop1Loop1 is a leading global IT Operations Management (ITOM) company specializing in the SolarWinds ITOM product offering and other complementary solutions. You should too. The SDK has a program called SWQL studio will will also allow you to copy out curl queries to the REST api which may assist you. Another way to do this is to save the output to a file, and then read the file using xmllint (or your favorite XML editor). Join the brightest SolarWinds minds and IT industry influencers, as they cut through the jargon and give you the tools you need to grow and keep your tech knowledge razor-sharp. You can get real clever and send advanced headers, attach scripts, and turn all the knobs with the click of button, rather than memorize commands and flags. IT management products that are effective, accessible, and easy to use. Or, get assistance from SolarWinds' technical support experts with our SmartStart Onboarding and Upgrading options. Review: SolarWinds VOIP and Network Quality Manager 4.0, Review: SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 3, FREE 8-day Educational Course for Network Admins, FREE IDG Survey Brief: Network Management Costs Overshoot User Needs, FREE Whitepaper: Is it Really the Bandwidth 3 Steps To Diagnose Bandwidth Complaints, 7 Essentials for Stronger Network Security, Permissions Analyzer for Active Directory. We help our clients to Know Whats Next through our unique ITOM methodology L1M3 (Loop1 Monitoring Maturity Model LIME), which delivers a simplified roadmap and scorecard to enable organizations to plan, deploy and measure their digital transformation projects, and improve the value of their overall IT operations. On the other hand, maybe you like pain and suffering and have a preference for simple shell scripts. Teams. My query looks like this: Notice above that the Address_2 field is empty. Enter the required alert information such as name, severity, how frequently the conditions must be evaluated and whether alert access must be restricted using account limitations. You can dive deep into SWQL. In this series, we'll explore using curl on the command line and in simple shell scripts for quick, repeatable operations. Wireshark Alternatives for Packet Capture, Analyzing and Sniffing! So far all weve done is essentially query the database via the API. Be careful when playing with this. Using token-based authentication enhances security to both your API scripts and the process integrations feature. Or, get assistance from SolarWinds' technical support experts with our SmartStart Onboarding and Upgrading options. This article covers some basic usage of the SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL) Studio, and querying Orion pollers with cURL and a REST client, showcasing the interaction with SolarWind's API. The example below displays how to insert your Token for authentication in APIScripting: -H 'Accept: application/vnd.samanage.v1.1+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET We're here to help. HTTP Error 404. You can de-collapse Orion and scroll down until you find Orion.Nodes. When you first land on the page, youll notice documentation providing basic references in regards toSWIS, SWQL, REST, PowerShell and so on. SWQL supports the following aggregate functions: SWQL supports the following regular functions: he first thing youll want to do is open the SWQL Studio application, which should either been installed with the pre-compiled MSI, or via the downloaded repo from GitHub. cURL is a command-line tool for transferring data to or from a server. Any issued token shares the same permissions as the specific users role; when user permissions change after a token is issued, the token's permissions also change. I recommend you. It should be https://servername:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query,,, Both of which, if I try to go to in a browser page instead of HTTPRequest Client, I'll hit the HTTP authorization dialogue, log in and then get a blank page. The Metadata.GetAliases verb takes one string argument and returns a PropertyBag. or the value in the WHERE clause either, for that matter) but Ive typed it this way for maximum clarity. The first thing youll want to do is open the SWQL Studio application, which should either been installed with the pre-compiled MSI, or via the downloaded repo from GitHub. Youre playing around with queries, and ready to see what this is like when interacting via the API. When you start it you should start out with a new tab with no information. contribute to our product development process. Content-Type header that describes what format our request will be in. To start, Im going to do a slightly modifiedquery. The examples in this documentation are generic. Payload: query=SELECT+Caption+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID%3D1, What URL are you POSTing to? This SDK is provided essentially with no-strings-attached. You should see a window like this: You can dive deep into SWQL. Best WMI Tools & Software for Windows Management Instrumentation Administration! API Endpoint The search API endpoint is For example, to use a POSTrequest that adds a node to the SolarWinds Platform database, your SolarWinds Platform account must have Node Management rights. I say this because SolarWinds Orion itself is Windows-based, and most users of this application are Windows users. Unfortunately, I've been hitting my head up against a wall, and I'm out of tricks at this point. A good online reference is useful. PowerShell snapin Since our data exchanges are JSON-formatted, my post statement should look like this: Go to the Body tab, select raw, and then choose JSON as the data format. POSTrequests usually require authentication by the external API. With SolarWinds, you might wish to send an instruction to Orion asking for the status of a node, or its custom property values. Your SolarWinds products come with a secret weapon. Search Endpoint To define a search, start with a request like the one below. Note: It is a prerequisite to have CURL command installed on your machine to successfully configure this integration. SolarWinds uses cookies on its websites to make your online experience easier and better. One caveat is that if the IP matches extra data, such as in my case were also returned, that is in your data too. New here? For more information on cookies, see our. You have something that looks like the following when youre done. The response will include a session token and a number of attributes. It is essentially a way to store information in an organized, easy-to-access manner. There are dozens of client and browser plug-in options. Replace <token> with your API token and <subdomain> with your organization's subdomain. At any rate, here's my premise: if I can pass a URL successfully to my browser and get good data, I should be able to pass the same URL to `curl' to get text-based output. If youve spent any time with the ACI interface, youve probably realized that herding a mouse around a browser is fine for small/one-time operations, but does not scale when you have a large quantity of repetitive operations. Sure, you can auto-provision virtual machines and virtual networks, automate branch office connectivity, device policies, and more, but what about your Network Management Software? You will receive documentation and an ID and Key. Make sure you dont share that with anyone because. As you can see, a 302 and Location headers are redirecting us back to the login page. L1M3 Explainer Part 7 Data Analytics and Business Outcomes, L1M3 Explainer Part 6 Automation and Integration, L1M3 Explainer Part 5 Security and Compliance, L1M3 Explainer Part 4 Observability Data and Metrics, Observability and Maturity Part 3 Feature Awareness, Observability and Maturity Part 2 The Six Assessment Areas & Stakeholders, Observability and Maturity Part 1 The Five Phases of Maturity. Starting with NPM 10.4, SWIS now supports a REST/JSON API in addition to the existing SOAP API. More than 190,000 members are here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly So there are 3 solutions to this. In the next article of this series well be looking at Python and PowerShell scripting, and how this can be utilized to automate tasks, enhance workflows, add value and open doors to multitudes ofpossibilities. SolarWinds Certified Professional Program, Upgrading Isn't as Daunting as You May Think, Upgrading Your Orion Platform Deployment Using Microsoft Azure, Upgrading From the Orion Platform 2016.1 to 2019.4, How to Install NPM and Other Orion Platform Products, Customer Success with the SolarWinds Support Community, Hybrid Cloud Observability Technical Documentation, Hybrid Cloud Observability Product Details, SolarWinds Observability Technical Documentation, Navigate to Setup > Users & Groups > Users and locate your User detail page, From the user detail page, click Actions and select Generate JSON Web Token from the dropdown menu. VXLAN/EVPN Configuration Example (N9k / p2p). Enter host password for user 'lab\dvarnum': * Server auth using Basic with user 'lab\dvarnum', If you receive certificate validation errors, try throwing the, While I enjoying doing curls haxor-style on the command-line, its often more valuable to use a robust REST client. Remember, you can also browse SWIS using the schema reference link in the wiki. To perform other HTTP operations (HEAD, PUT, DELETE, POST, etc), you might use the -X switch: curl -X POST -d "some data" SolarWinds REST API is more maintainable and stable compared to direct SQL access. The simple powerful way to go from reactive to proactive. Additionally, Ill need to tell the remote end what I intend to post. Tips For Securing Your SolarWinds Environment. In the user detail page under JSON Web Token you can see the following options: Navigate to Setup > Integrations > Process Integrations. Great! Similar to a DNS look-up, or more-similarly:a cURL or WGET request. Allow time for responses. In this example Ill be doing a simple query. Join the brightest SolarWinds minds and IT industry influencers, as they cut through the jargon and give you the tools you need to grow and keep your tech knowledge razor-sharp. The query is no longer on the first line in a query string but rather has been moved down into the body of the request. All rights reserved. You just bought your first product. By building their applications on top of the SWIS API, SolarWinds as an organization and as a comprehensive suite of applications, extends this accessibility to the end-user. i've figured out how to unmanage a node via curl, eg: curl -k -u userid:password -v orion:17778//Unmanage -X POST -d '["N:2670","03-21-2019","01-01-2020","false"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json", curl -k -u userid:password -v orion:17778//Remanage -X POST -d '["N:2670"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json". 1 - Email and ask for API access. By building their applications on top of the SWIS API, SolarWinds as an organization and as a comprehensive suite of applications, extends this accessibility to the end-user. In this series, well explore using curl on the command line and in simple shell scripts for quick, repeatable operations. q&a it- Patrick Hubbard and Chief Architect of the Orion Platform Tim Danner, as they go deep into how to program with the SolarWinds API. Righteous. This will require us to step it up from a GET request to a POST so we have more wiggle room. Our SmartStart programs help you install and configure or upgrade your product. Youve probably used curl to download a file from a webpage, like this: curl Using token-based authentication enhances security to both your API scripts and the process integrations feature. My goal here is to update that with the suite ID of the apartment complex. The simplest way to demonstrate the API functionality is to perform some cURL requests. Dont call SolarWinds TAC and ask why your Python script is throwing a key error; they wont be able to help you. Update Request to add that authorization header to your new request. To do that, click the. The API is a basic web server listening on localhost:17778, it uses REST API. SolarWinds does not offer a support contract option. Unfortunately, I've been hitting my head up against a wall, and I'm out of tricks at . ~$ curl https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500, ~$ curl -v https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500, * Connected to orion ( port 17778 (#0), * TLS 1.0 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, > GET /SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500 HTTP/1.1, * Connection #0 to host orion left intact, ~$ curl -v -u lab\\dvarnum https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500. PHP CURL HTTP ERROR UnauthorizedException adsbygoogle window.adsbygoog . When constructing requests, it will be helpful to have some reference materials handy. by DAVID VARNUM, CCIE, VCP, MCSE+ - Last Updated: July 8, 2020. Simply send this instruction as an HTTP GET via the REST API. Here is an example of a GETrequest sent to the SolarWinds Platform API, asking for the names of three polling engines from a specific database table: When this query is packaged with the rest of the data provided on the APIPoller page, including authorization and headers, the entire request looks like the following: For additional query examples, see RESTin the SolarWinds Platform SDK wiki. In my REST client, Im going to do a similar request, but instead ask for some more information. Params button to expand the parameters interface. The requested resource is not found. Find answers to your questions by entering keywords or phrases in the Search bar above. It looks like something got garbled in the second URL. From the link above, you can simply double-click to install the MSI file, which bundles everything you need. You can't update this way. This is the recommended approach for most folks just getting started. Notice items with the icon resembling a link or chain: This means you can reference these in relationship queries. This feature does not impact users currently utilizing username/password authentication. Also, you really should only be having these conversations inside your own network. Come with questionsleave with actionable steps and practical insights. So, possibly I want to narrow this down to just a particular node. 2 - Go to Run Curl Commands . This is helpful for bulk changes, automation scripts, and click-less interaction. You will see a list of pre-configured integrations, the gateway to custom integration using webhooks, and the option to use email as a channel for alerts. The most common method for API requests, GET, retrieves data from a specific endpoint within an API. Does anyone have an example of how to get this into a C# application ? Quickly detect and resolve network performance problems. Attend virtual classes on your product and a wide array of topics with live instructor sessions or watch on-demand videos to help you get the most out of your purchase. Help us, help you! Forum; Scalability Engines (HA, APE, AWS) Enterprise Operations Console (EOC) Orion SDK; Alert Lab; Report Lab; Network Management. Use Ctrl+T or File > New Tab to get a new tab started. oh you're right, how silly of me. by channelling your SolarWinds alerts to create enriched and aggregated alerts in Freshservice. Im using a REST client called Postman. Reprovision the agent with this command: swiagentd init Instead, I get garbage. You can get real clever and send advanced headers, attach scripts, and turn all the knobs with the click of button, rather than memorize commands and flags. These clients often provide easy-to-use interfaces, archiving, debugging, and pretty printed responses. curl HTTP(S) APIcURL URL Postman GUI In this scenario, imaging pulling weather data from This is the first post in a series Ill be writing about using the REST API to get information out of SolarWinds. Lets add this to the query, and only find results where my NodeID is 6. In the next article, well be looking at SWQL Studio and the REST API. Set up token authentication Tokens can only be viewed by the user (administrator) who created the token. Integrate Splunk APM with Freshservice Alert Management, Alert Management in Freshservice - An Overview, Integrate Datadog APM with Freshservice Alert Management, Integrate Datadog Synthetic Monitoring with Freshservice Alert Management, How to set up Alert Management in Freshservice. Boldly inquisitive, cognitive, and highly intelligentLoopsters are able to gather data, assess the information gathered, and react appropriately. The term is insignificant in the grand scheme of what were doing, just wanted to point it out, especially in regards to the way the data is formatted with these operations JSON. I can easily do that by querying the IPAM.IPNode entity. You should too. If you've already registered, sign in. worked fine after i corrected the misspelling. In SWQL it would look like this: Looks like the command was accepted, but I didnt get any response. On-demand videos on installation, optimization, and troubleshooting. and make changes!). Youll see in future examples how we use this data, and how usefulit really is. SWQL Studio graphical query tool Select, You will see a list of pre-configured integrations, the gateway to custom integration using webhooks, and the option to use email as a channel for alerts. While I enjoying doing curls haxor-style on the command-line, its often more valuable to use a robust REST client. The screenshot below illustrates this. If everything went well, you should see results like the ones below: A couple things to notice here. If youre looking for really advanced queries and a wealth community-driven examples, take a trip over to, Remember, you can also browse SWIS using the, If you look through SolarWinds Port Requirements. The Best Patch Management Tools & Software for Monitoring & Automatically Applying Updates! SWQL supports the following constructs from SQL: This may seem like a lot to digest if youve never used SQL queries before, but no need to stress. Users can ONLY create and view tokens associated to themselves. But that wraps up todays blog! I named mine, Once youve done that you should see that the headers for request has been updated and should have a little. These services are provided at no additional charge for customers who were/are running one of the Orion Platform versions affected by SUNBURST or SUPERNOVA. One might say that the World Wide Web itself is a REST-based architecture, as it closely matches these principles (e.g., You ask for a web page, the content loads, and is presented back to you in some readable format). Industry consumers are rapidly demanding automation, orchestration and programmability featuresfrom vendors, with the goal of making networks and systems more fluid, easy to deploy, and intelligent. Although it originally stood for Semantic Web Query Language, I believe most refer to it as SolarWinds Query Language. However, you can set custom property values through an update call. The two boxes on the right are your query window (top), and the results window (bottom). To do this in Postman, were going to have to click over to Body, next to the Authorization and Headers buttons weve already used), change the type to. Orion and scroll down until you find Orion.Nodes Management products that are,... 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solarwinds api curl