single definition human design

Design/methodology/approach - A single case study conducted in a global operating company is completed. All the Defined Centers that are colored in your Chart are connected to one another without a break. Human Design Definitions. New-Age Philosophy Through the Lens of Psychology. Quadruple Split Definition: there are four distinct groupings of energy centers that are not connected to one another. Those with Quadruple-Split Definition need a lot of time and freedom to process information since their defined centers are so separate from each other. Gates and channels are either defined (colored in) or undefined (not colored in). When your loops of energy are functioning separately you may feel like there are two different sides or parts of yourself that dont necessarily work together or support each other. A small split is a split of just one "missing" gate. Missing qualities can be identified by looking at the open gates in your chart. To ensure accurate results you need to make sure you provide a reliable birth time. with Jaclyn Michelle. We incarnates on one of three Angles: the Right Angle, the Left Angle, and the Juxtaposition. Specific definitions of this term are difficult to agree on and have varied with literature, context, and time. And heres where shit gets REALLY interesting: Rather than being attracted to people with opposite gates, they are attracted to people who have the opposite energy centers as them and would make them a fully-defined HD chart. Because Single Definition acts like an electrical circuit, you have a constant and steadfast flow of energy that allows you to be complete and feel whole within yourself. At only 11% of the population, Triple-Splits need a variety of movement. This Authority is defined by having a connection between the G Center and the Throat Center. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you have split definition, there is a break in the connections between your energy centers you have TWO TEAMS talking to you. Human Design Pregnancy; Neutrinos; Pluto Interregnum; Rave I-Ching; Where we are split, we naturally want to create a bridge. These shapes represent the nine centers, and if you are familiar with the seven chakras, the role of the centers is very similar. How you make decisions: In human design, there's something called the "inner authority," Brafman explains, or your decision-making principle. This is Definition. Theres also discussion about the idea that even those people are only ready to embrace a healthy relationship once theyre living in alignment with their aura type. So its really not about WHICH centers you have defined, its about how theyre connected. Epub 2007 Jan 27. Defined centers represent the energy that you consistently radiate out into the world. When a gate, channel or center is defined, we have consistent access to the energies and traits of that gate/channel/center. Single definition means that all of your defined centers and channels are connected in one continuous circuit and are always communicating. It can be raining, Mercury can be in retrograde, and Mars can disappear out of the solar system, but your Definition (the colored-in parts of your chart) always stays the same. How does this affect behavior? If you have Single Definition in Human Design, all of your defined centers communicate with each other; think of an electrical circuit, and endless energy flows through your Channels to your Centers which fuels your authentic nature. The Defense Circuit is an intense energy that contains: the creation of resources, intense logic and reason, war and peace, education, and procreation. Theyre not theyre absolutely whole and complete humans on their own! No definition - this is what a Reflector has, since they have no defined centers! Most likely, he will not do this alone, but will involve someone in the case who will support him. Everyone is on the same team and can communicate, no problema. Selective = energized by your environment; cool, dim, single entrance, very private about space, choosey about who comes into it. Its kind of like theyre in the same company, but working for different departments. It is your path to implement their ideas for the greater good and survival of your community. #5: Reflector - Clarity. Those with Single Definition in Human Design are independent and do not need energy from others to energetically bridge them. Definition can be thought of as a Channel that connects to a Centre. Definition at the level of the bodygraph is explained further below. As a Single Definition your Life Force is wholly connected at all times. People with single definition are approximately 41% of the population. Thats also why some of us can seem to take FOREVER to make a decision even if were built to be fast otherwise like a manifesting generator with sacral authority or a projector with splenic authority. Single Definition Human Design. First of all, Definition affects how we feel in this world. While theres no scientific basis for the concept of definition in Human Design being related to the way genetic imperative works, the idea that some people are more disposed to cheat is not new and evidence supports the theory3. As with other elements of this complex framework, I want to try to clarify and simplify each important aspect of Human Design into easily digestible information so that you dont have to search multiple sources to be able to understand each concept. Lets say a person with Split Definition wants to start a business. Please click on advertisements - we get money for this and write new articles for you. Such people should not strive for independence. Its success is inevitable and is the blueprint for all human relationships. A large split is a full channel or more that would need to be defined in order to connect the circuit board of defined centers. Most of the ways we bridge our splits happen naturally as we move through the world. In order to identify each one on a body graph, youd need to know what youre looking for, whereas with definition types its as simple as looking for those distinct areas. The Not-Self conditioning to become aware of can be found in the Open Centres. The colors are not important for us right now. You will unconsciously seek out others who can connect those disconnected centers. Such people can digest and assimilate new information for a long time. This research is a step towards a solid theoretical framework around business process standardization. Human Design makes it easy for us to allow others to be who they are instead of trying to make them into something we want them to be. People with single definition tend to feel quite self contained. Quadruple-Splits are very fixed in their experience because so much of their body graph is defined. Definition refers to the appearance of the connections on a body graph. A Reflector Type has no Channels so would have no Definition. Human Design is a system that attempts to explain the building blocks of the self. You may experience three different parts or sides of yourself that tend to come out around different people and influences. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Juxtaposition Cross of Alertness (44/24 | 7/13), The Juxtaposition Cross of Ambition (54/53 | 32/42), The Juxtaposition Cross of Articulation (12/11 | 25/46), The Juxtaposition Cross of Assimilation (23/43 | 30/29), The Juxtaposition Cross of Bargains (37/40 | 5/35), The Juxtaposition Cross of Beginnings (53/54 | 42/32), The Juxtaposition Cross of Behavior (10/15 | 18/17), The Juxtaposition Cross of Caring (27/28 | 19/33), The Juxtaposition Cross of Commitment (29/30 | 20/34), The Juxtaposition Cross of Completion (42/32 | 60/56), The Juxtaposition Cross of Conflict (6/36 | 15/10), The Juxtaposition Cross of Confusion (64/63 | 45/26), The Juxtaposition Cross of Conservation (32/42 | 56/60), The Juxtaposition Cross of Contribution (8/14 | 55/59), The Juxtaposition Cross of Control (21/48 | 54/53), The Juxtaposition Cross of Correction (18/17 | 39/38), The Juxtaposition Cross of Crisis (36/6 | 10/15), The Juxtaposition Cross of Denial (40/37 | 35/5), The Juxtaposition Cross of Depth (48/21 | 53/54), The Juxtaposition Cross of Detail (62/61 | 3/50), The Juxtaposition Cross of Doubts (63/64 | 26/45), The Juxtaposition Cross of Empowering (14/8 | 59/55), The Juxtaposition Cross of Experience (35/5 | 22/47), The Juxtaposition Cross of Experimentation (16/9 | 63/64), The Juxtaposition Cross of Extremes (15/10 | 17/18), The Juxtaposition Cross of Fantasy (41/31 | 44/24), The Juxtaposition Cross of Fates (30/29 | 34/20), The Juxtaposition Cross of Focus (9/16 | 64/63), The Juxtaposition Cross of Formulization (4/49 | 8/14), The Juxtaposition Cross of Grace (22/47 | 11/12), The Juxtaposition Cross of Habits (5/35 | 47/22), The Juxtaposition Cross of Ideas (11/12 | 46/25), The Juxtaposition Cross of Influence (31/41 | 24/44), The Juxtaposition Cross of Innocence (25/46 | 58/52), The Juxtaposition Cross of Insight (43/23 | 29/30), The Juxtaposition Cross of Interaction (7/13 | 23/43), The Juxtaposition Cross of Intuition (57/51 | 62/61), The Juxtaposition Cross of Limitation (60/56 | 28/27), The Juxtaposition Cross of Listening (13/7 | 43/23), The Juxtaposition Cross of Moods (55/59 | 9/16), The Juxtaposition Cross of Mutation (3/50 | 41/31), The Juxtaposition Cross of Need (19/33 | 1/2), The Juxtaposition Cross of Opinions (17/18 | 38/39), The Juxtaposition Cross of Opposition (38/39 | 57/51), The Juxtaposition Cross of Oppression (47/22 | 12/11), The Juxtaposition Cross of Possession (45/26 | 36/6), The Juxtaposition Cross of Power (34/20 | 40/37), The Juxtaposition Cross of Principles (49/4 | 14/8), The Juxtaposition Cross of Provocation (39/38 | 51/57), The Juxtaposition Cross of Rationalization (24/44 | 13/7), The Juxtaposition Cross of Retreat (33/19 | 2/1), The Juxtaposition Cross of Risks (28/27 | 33/19), The Juxtaposition Cross of Self-Expression (1/2 | 4/49), The Juxtaposition Cross of Serendipity (46/25 | 52/58), The Juxtaposition Cross of Shock (51/57 | 61/62), The Juxtaposition Cross of Stillness (52/58 | 21/48), The Juxtaposition Cross of Stimulation (56/60 | 27/28), The Juxtaposition Cross of Strategy (59/55 | 16/9), The Juxtaposition Cross of the Driver (2/1 | 49/4), The Juxtaposition Cross of the Now (20/34 | 37/40), The Juxtaposition Cross of the Trickster (26/45 | 6/36), The Juxtaposition Cross of Thinking (61/62 | 50/3), The Juxtaposition Cross of Values (50/3 | 31/41), The Juxtaposition Cross of Vitality (58/52 | 48/21), The Left Angle Cross of Alignment 2 (28/27 | 33/19), The Left Angle Cross of Alignment (27/28 | 19/33), The Left Angle Cross of Confrontation 2 (26/45 | 6/36), The Left Angle Cross of Confrontation (45/26 | 36/6), The Left Angle Cross of Cycles 2 (54/53 | 32/42), The Left Angle Cross of Cycles (53/54 | 42/32), The Left Angle Cross of Dedication 2 (43/23 | 29/30), The Left Angle Cross of Dedication (23/43 | 30/29), The Left Angle Cross of Defiance 2 (1/2 | 4/49), The Left Angle Cross of Defiance (2/1 | 49/4), The Left Angle Cross of Demands 2 (58/52 | 48/21), The Left Angle Cross of Demands (52/58 | 21/48), The Left Angle Cross of Distraction 2 (60/56 | 28/27), The Left Angle Cross of Distraction (56/60 | 27/28), The Left Angle Cross of Dominion 2 (64/63 | 45/26), The Left Angle Cross of Dominion (63/64 | 26/45), The Left Angle Cross of Duality 2 (34/20 | 40/37), The Left Angle Cross of Duality (20/34 | 37/40), The Left Angle Cross of Education 2 (11/12 | 46/25), The Left Angle Cross of Education (12/11 | 25/46), The Left Angle Cross of Endeavour 2 (48/21 | 53/54), The Left Angle Cross of Endeavour (21/48 | 54/53), The Left Angle Cross of Healing 2 (46/25 | 52/58), The Left Angle Cross of Healing (25/46 | 58/52), The Left Angle Cross of Identification 2 (9/16 | 64/63), The Left Angle Cross of Identification (16/9 | 63/64), The Left Angle Cross of Incarnation 2 (44/24 | 7/13), The Left Angle Cross of Incarnation (24/44 | 13/7), The Left Angle Cross of Individualism 2 (38/39 | 57/51), The Left Angle Cross of Individualism (39/38 | 51/57), The Left Angle Cross of Industry 2 (29/30 | 20/34), The Left Angle Cross of Industry (30/29 | 34/20), The Left Angle Cross of Informing 2 (47/22 | 12/11), The Left Angle Cross of Informing (22/47 | 11/12), The Left Angle Cross of Limitation 2 (32/42 | 56/60), The Left Angle Cross of Limitation (42/32 | 60/56), The Left Angle Cross of Masks 2 (7/13 | 23/43), The Left Angle Cross of Masks (13/7 | 43/23), The Left Angle Cross of Migration 2 (40/37 | 35/5), The Left Angle Cross of Migration (37/40 | 5/35), The Left Angle Cross of Obscuration 2 (61/62 | 50/3), The Left Angle Cross of Obscuration (62/61 | 3/50), The Left Angle Cross of Prevention 2 (10/15 | 18/17), The Left Angle Cross of Prevention (15/10 | 17/18), The Left Angle Cross of Refinement 2 (19/33 | 1/2), The Left Angle Cross of Refinement (33/19 | 2/1), The Left Angle Cross of Revolution 2 (4/49 | 8/14), The Left Angle Cross of Revolution (49/4 | 14/8), The Left Angle Cross of Separation 2 (5/35 | 47/22), The Left Angle Cross of Separation (35/5 | 22/47), The Left Angle Cross of Spirit 2 (59/55 | 16/9), The Left Angle Cross of Spirit (55/59 | 9/16), The Left Angle Cross of the Alpha 2 (41/31 | 44/24), The Left Angle Cross of the Alpha (31/41 | 24/44), The Left Angle Cross of the Clarion 2 (57/51 | 62/61), The Left Angle Cross of the Clarion (51/57 | 61/62), The Left Angle Cross of the Plane 2 (6/36 | 15/10), The Left Angle Cross of the Plane (36/6 | 10/15), The Left Angle Cross of Uncertainty 2 (14/8 | 59/55), The Left Angle Cross of Uncertainty (8/14 | 55/59), The Left Angle Cross of Upheaval 2 (18/17 | 39/38), The Left Angle Cross of Upheaval (17/18 | 38/39), The Left Angle Cross of Wishes 2 (50/3 | 31/41), The Left Angle Cross of Wishes (3/50 | 41/31), The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 2 (35/5 | 63/64), The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 3 (64/63 | 35/5), The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 4 (5/35 | 64/63), The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (63/64 | 5/35), The Right Angle Cross of Contagion 2 (8/14 | 30/29), The Right Angle Cross of Contagion 3 (29/30 | 8/14), The Right Angle Cross of Contagion 4 (14/8 | 29/30), The Right Angle Cross of Contagion (30/29 | 14/8), The Right Angle Cross of Eden 2 (12/11 | 36/6), The Right Angle Cross of Eden 3 (6/36 | 12/11), The Right Angle Cross of Eden 4 (11/12 | 6/36), The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 2 (23/43 | 49/4), The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 3 (4/49 | 23/43), The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 4 (43/23 | 4/49), The Right Angle Cross of Explanation (49/4 | 43/23), The Right Angle Cross of Laws 2 (56/60 | 3/50), The Right Angle Cross of Laws 3 (50/3 | 56/60), The Right Angle Cross of Laws 4 (60/56 | 50/3), The Right Angle Cross of Laws (3/50 | 60/56), The Right Angle Cross of Maya 2 (62/61 | 42/32), The Right Angle Cross of Maya 3 (32/42 | 62/61), The Right Angle Cross of Maya 4 (61/62 | 32/42), The Right Angle Cross of Maya (42/32 | 61/62), The Right Angle Cross of Penetration 2 (53/54 | 51/57), The Right Angle Cross of Penetration 3 (57/51 | 53/54), The Right Angle Cross of Penetration 4 (54/53 | 57/51), The Right Angle Cross of Penetration (51/57 | 54/53), The Right Angle Cross of Planning 2 (16/9 | 37/40), The Right Angle Cross of Planning 3 (40/37 | 16/9), The Right Angle Cross of Planning 4 (9/16 | 40/37), The Right Angle Cross of Planning (37/40 | 9/16), The Right Angle Cross of Rulership 2 (45/26 | 22/47), The Right Angle Cross of Rulership 3 (47/22 | 45/26), The Right Angle Cross of Rulership 4 (26/45 | 47/22), The Right Angle Cross of Rulership (22/47 | 26/45), The Right Angle Cross of Service 2 (52/58 | 17/18), The Right Angle Cross of Service 3 (18/17 | 52/58), The Right Angle Cross of Service 4 (58/52 | 18/17), The Right Angle Cross of Service (17/18 | 58/52), The Right Angle Cross of Tension 2 (39/38 | 21/48), The Right Angle Cross of Tension 3 (48/21 | 39/38), The Right Angle Cross of Tension 4 (38/39 | 48/21), The Right Angle Cross of Tension (21/48 | 38/39), The Right Angle Cross of the Eden (36/6 | 11/12), The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways 2 (33/19 | 24/44), The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways 3 (44/24 | 33/19), The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways 4 (19/33 | 44/24), The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways (24/44 | 19/33), The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2 (20/34 | 55/59), The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 3 (59/55 | 20/34), The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 4 (34/20 | 59/55), The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix (55/59 | 34/20), The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx 2 (2/1 | 13/7), The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx 3 (7/13 | 2/1), The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx 4 (1/2 | 7/13), The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx (13/7 | 1/2), The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected 2 (31/41 | 27/28), The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected 3 (28/27 | 31/41), The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected 4 (41/31 | 28/27), The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected (27/28 | 41/31), The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love 2 (15/10 | 25/46), The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love 3 (46/25 | 15/10), The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love (25/46 | 10/15), The Right Angle Cross of Vessel of Love 4 (10/15 | 46/25). 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single definition human design