how many planes were lost sinking the yamato

At 1830, destroyer Isokaze sighted Threadfin on the surface. YAMATO, despite hits by two bombs and one torpedo, maintains flank speed. At 1232, lookouts in the Yamato force sighted the first incoming strike wave. By 1420, the main deck was vertical and, at 1430, Yamato had rolled over and just gone under when the No.1 forward magazine detonated in a massive explosion that killed almost all of Yamatos crew who had survived to that point and raised a pall of smoke that could be seen for 100 miles. Thanks!!! XIV: Victory in the Pacific by Samuel Eliot Morison, Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1969; Japanese Destroyer Captain by Tameichi Hara, New York: Ballantine Books, 1961; Combined Fleet Decoded: The Secret History of American Intelligence and the Japanese Navy in World War II by John Prados, New York: Random House, 1995. Also, accounts differ as to whether he was a captain or rear admiral. At 14:23, having taken 10 torpedo and 7 bomb hits, Yamatos forward ammunition magazines detonated. These were 50 aircraft from Essex and Bataan. Around 2:00pm all power was lost and permission was given to abandon ship. She continues to throw up a screen of desperate flak fire. On 1 January 1945, Yamato, Haruna and Nagato were all transferred to the newly reactivated 1st Battleship Division; Yamato left drydock two days later. TG 58.3, commanded by Rear Admiral Frederick Ted Sherman, embarked on Essex (CV-9), included Bunker Hill (CV-17), Bataan (CVL-24), and Cabot (CVL-28). producing the blasts that tore the ship in half and sank her. At this point, after just a few hours of battle, Vice Admiral Ito retired to his stateroom to go down with the ship. About 1,187 crewmen of Yahagi and the four destroyers were lost. Far more effective was the extraordinary skill of Japanese ship captains in making evasive maneuvers to throw off aim and avoid numerous bombs and torpedoes. *Lighting a path to truth* Former Navy JAG Worldwide U.S. Military Defense. Most of the battles in the Pacific dont mention anything about the small carriers that were involved. Most of her engineering drawings have disappeared and few photographs survive, making Yamatos exact dimensions and design a mystery. 7. The carriers were among seven ships that went down in the Battle of Midway, a major air and . Stetsons crewmen reset their Mark 13 torpedoes running depth to 20 feet. Only 10 American aircraft The Japanese admiral in charge of Operation Ten-Go, Vice-Admiral Seiichi It, disagreed with the plan which essentially was to sail into teeth of the American fleet without the benefit of any air cover and then beach on Okinawa and operate as a static defense in support of the island. Deyo had just received a cheery send-off from his immediate boss: "We hope you will bring back a nice fish for breakfast." Posted August 23, 2013. this photo from 1941 shows the construction details of the Yamato's rear aircraft deck, side 6-inch guns that were replaced by AA guns later in the war, as well as the aft superstructure and main turret #3. aircraft's overhead view of its target. He reports the formation at bearing 180, heading north, and splitting into two groups. The Hell Divers then plummeted straight down dropping armor-piercing bombs, clearing the way for the Avenger torpedo bombers that came in low and slow to try to put torpedoes on the target. Read Next: The Ultimate Gunfighters! Yamato and her sister ship Musashi, sunk during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, were, at 65,000 tons displacement (72,000 tons fully loaded), the largest battleships ever built. In viewing cite, this the first time I have seen any mention of the carrier Langley. But the mission was approved and the Japanese ships set sail for Okinawa. Quickly spotted by Allied aircraft, Yamato and its consorts were subjected to a series of heavy air attacks that resulted in the loss of the battleship and most of its supporting ships. My dad served on the Langley. Although born a U.S. citizen, he had been studying in Japan when the war broke out and had the choice of execution or serving in the Imperial Japanese Navy.). Two other destroyers were heavily damaged, one, the Hamakaze later sank. Though incredibly powerful, Yamato suffered from a relatively low top speed as its engines were . A report that had been delayed for 25 minutes by ransmission and decoding, is received finally. VA-6B (1946) Yamato lies on the floor of the East China Sea, 200 miles north of Okinawa, blown apart by one of the most massive explosions ever to occur at sea. The age of the battleship was over forever. American aviators received orders to drop their (Although U.S. carrier air groups complement had been changed to have a mix of about three quarters fighters to defend against kamikaze and only one quarter bombers and torpedo planes, the fighters had been trained and gotten pretty good at being used in a fighter-bomber role, and, with no Japanese air opposition, had the freedom to do so.) The fighters attacked first, strafing the anti-aircraft guns on the decks with machine guns and rockets. As luck would have it, he said, the big ship was turning to port, thereby exposing the full broadside expanse of her enormous hull to the converging torpedoes.. Suzutsuki suffered 57 dead and 34 wounded, but, despite having her bow blown off, made it back to Sasebo, Japan, steaming in reverse the whole way; she was never repaired. April 7, 1945 Sinking of the Battleship Yamato. YAMATO, at 27 knots flank speed, heels to starboard in evasive action. So, the admirals concocted what they termed, Operation Ten-Go (Operation Heaven One). Then it was supposed to beach itself, run aground, and use the ship as a makeshift fort. Very interesting or happy to read about the Yamoto sinking as I was there as radioman aboard an Avenger off of the USS Langley. Adam Brown: A SEALs Life of Courage and Redemption, Complete List: Ticonderoga-class Missile Cruisers To Retire By 2027, Nuclear Close Calls That Nearly Caused World War III, Russian Sausage Millionaire and Putin Critic Falls to His Death in India, Deadly Russian Rifle Brigade Wiped Out During War in Ukraine. Asashimo was first attacked by aircraft from Bunker Hill and then, a few minutes later, by aircraft from San Jacinto, which scored killing hits with torpedoes and bombs. Some who were shot down were later picked up by seaplanes or submarines. While YAHAGI jams their sighting messages, YAMATO receives a report from a Japanese scout plane that Task Force 58 has been located east of Okinawa, 250 nautical miles from the Attack Force. When Yamato sank, marking the last Japanese Photographed from a USS Yorktown (CV-10) plane (NH 62581). YAMATO starts a turn starboard to course 230 degrees. 1000 hour - The Attack Force sights two large Martin "Mariner" PBM flying boats. The battleship received a 30-minute time-late report from an observation post on a small Japanese island north of Okinawa that 150 U.S. planes were headed in Yamatos direction. Smoke rises from the vicinity of the mainmast and a bomb explodes in the same area. [1] By 14:00, two of Yamatos escorts had been sunk. The force would transit to Okinawa on 7 April (with only a few hours of minimal air cover), to arrive in daylight hours in the U.S. transport area off southwestern Okinawa on 8 April. How many planes were lost attacking the Yamato? She was blasted by 12 bombs and six more torpedos. It's cable. Yamato took at least four more bomb hits in the superstructure area, which wiped out many of the remaining 25-mm guns. Twenty Avengers make a new torpedo run from 60 degrees to port. Aruga would be posthumously promoted to vice admiral and Ito to full admiral. . Some of the Japanese survivors reported that U.S. fighter aircraft strafed Japanese survivors floating in the water. Less than three and half years after Pearl Harbor, American industrial might was on full display. Their solution was to bolt a shit load of 25mm open AA gun mounts where ever they could which left the sailor's firing them very exposed to enemy MG's. The USN would rake the hell out of just one side of a BB like Yamato and soften up the AAA for the torpedo planes and dive bombers to attack. The others kept coming. Many of those lost did so after the battle on their return to the carriers; ditching in the sea having run out of fuel. The Japanese naval defense plan was code-named named Sho-I-Go ("Victory"), and its objective was simple: Sink the American invasion fleet, maintain the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, and, by doing this, protect Japan from invasion. I was a radioman on one of the VT23 Avengers participating in this strike flying off the Langley. sent to engage Yamato made it into position above her and soon began to At 1115, Yamatos radar indicated the two air groups were at 44 miles and closing rapidly. The Attack Force turns towards Sasebo. 3s upper powder magazine. Agroup of five low-flying Avengers (VT-17) from HORNET (CV-12) start a torpedo run from the port, bearing 70 degrees. But in 'one of history's greatest salvage jobs,' many of the sunken ships rose to fight the Axis. While still a token of national pride, the sinking of Yamato also symbolized the sad end of the once invincible Imperial Japanese Navy. One Avenger was shot down, but three torpedoes went into the water. The fighter issued a contact report at 0832. In all, Yamato took 12 bomb and When the U.S. invaded Okinawa on April 1, 1945, the Japanese had no naval answer to the invasion force. 1 magazine explodes and sends up a cloud of smoke seen 100 miles away. Light cruiser YAHAGI, hit by 12 bombs and seven torpedoes sinks exactly one minute after the last bomb hits. He saw four Avengers go in low, dropping their torpedoes in a spread on Yamatos beam. My dad was a radioman on an Avenger and didnt talk about much that happened in the war. The Japanese also spot the HACKLEBACK trailing the Attack Force. 4: Factual error; Musashi was sunk on Oct. 23, 1944 in the Sibuyan Sea. At 1243, five Hornet Avengers came in from port, while 14 F4U Corsairs from Bunker Hill were strafing and hitting Yamato with rockets that caused little damage to the ship, but were deadly to the gunners. Here, an Kasumi, which had her steering disabled by two bomb hits, suffered 17 dead and 47 wounded, and was scuttled by two torpedoes from Fuyuzuki. I Was At Okinawa At This Time. one-third of which were torpedo bombers that hit from low altitudes. One of her lookouts spots the tracks of four torpedoes approaching. With this contact information, Spruance ordered Deyo to ready the blocking force. It says that the Kikaigashima Island lookout station saw 150 carrier planes heading northwest. The most powerful battleship in the world was no match for 390 U.S. carrier aircraft. (Video: Reuters) When the Japanese fleet approached Midway, the Americans were lying in wait. VT-17 (1943-45) most of the American pilots returned to their carriers, knowing Baka, essentially a piloted cruise missile, made its debut at Okinawa. Pearl harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941,hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii. Surrounding Japanese ships lost an additional 1,167 men. Her main armament consisted of three triple 18.1-inch gun turrets that could hurl a 3,200-pound shell (compared to 2,700 pounds for the U.S. 16-inch shells) to a range of just over 22 miles. Between then and 1000, a total of 14 Zekes would provide cover. Of firing 3,220-lb shells over 26 miles pilots and eight aircrewmen were missing and presumed dead how many planes were lost sinking the yamato. A Curtiss Helldiver bomber like the one seen at right VFA-25 (1983 and continuing). Although accounts vary about how many crewmen were on Yamato, the most definitive appears to be that 3,055 of 3,332 crewmen were lost. The ship captains were then assembled on Yahagi and briefed. The Attack Force briefly sights seven "Hellcat" fighters, but they are not seen by the escorting Zekes. Although the battleship was in no danger of sinking at this point, the list meant that the main battery was unable to fire . Displacing 72,800 tons fully loaded, they were about 30 percent heavier than the largest U.S . Of Yamato's crew of 2,747, all but 23 officers and 246 enlisted men were lost. This Is A Great Article Of An Historic Event. [1], Operation Ten-Go was a deliberate suicide attack against American forces off Okinawa by Yamato and nine escorts, beginning on 6 April 1945. Even before the war, the Japanese understood that they could never match the U.S. Navy for quantity, but were convinced they could build a better battleship. FRUPAC had the message that the air cover would end at 1000, which was also known to senior U.S. Navy commanders. As later described by the captain of Yahagi, Captain Tameichi Hara, the meeting was quite contentious. This force include battleships Massachusetts (BB-59), Indiana (BB-58), South Dakota (BB-57), New Jersey (BB-62), Wisconsin (BB-64), and Missouri (BB-63) (54 16-inch guns), the battle-cruisers Alaska (CB-1) and Guam (CB-2), five cruisers, and 21 destroyers. He gave the go-ahead for the strike but ordered the battlewagons to proceed in the event the Japanese fleet got through the airstrike. Did Yamato sink any ships? Barrett is the world leader in long-range, large-caliber, precision rifle design and manufacturing. Timeline of Battleship Yamato sinking on 7 April 1945 0800 hour - The Attack Force is sighted by a searching Grumman F6F Hellcat from USS ESSEX (CV-9). photographed the destruction. They eventually fell in line when informed that this was what the emperor wanted, that the force would serve to support the mass kamikaze air attack, and that it was an order. This great vessel had a . Additionally, aircraft damaged most of the . Her secondary armament was significantly altered during the war by removing two of her four triple 6.1-inch turrets in favor of increased anti-aircraft armament, which, by 1945, included 12 dual 5-inch gun mounts, 54 25-mm triple mounts (162 guns), and smaller machine guns. Her nine 18.1-inch guns firing Sanshikidan beehive shells, twenty-four 127-mm. There are many stories about the sinking of the Japanese battleship Yamato. In the 1980s, shipwreck hunters found the Yamato 180 miles (290 kilometers) southwest of Kyushu, one of the main islands of Japan. miles southwest of Kyushu, Japan. 1300 hour YAMATO changes course to 180 degrees, due South. Six Yorktown Avengers attacked from the starboard side, with their Mark 13 torpedoes re-set for a 20-foot depthseveral hit. Yamato'sFinal Voyage document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our web site is dedicated to the memory of Harry D. Jones (1922-2012), VT-17 pilot during WWII. She ships about 3,000-tons of seawater. She sunk shortly after. [5] Shortly afterward, a second strike of 100 aircraft attacked Yamato and her remaining escorts. The second and third waves of the American attacks pummeled Yamato. At 1234, Yamato opened fire with her two forward main battery turrets, lobbing sanshikidan shells at the U.S. aircraftto no effect. Jocko Clark, embarked on Hornet (CV-12), included Hancock (CV-19), Bennington (CV-20), Belleau Wood (CVL-24) and San Jacinto (CVL-30). Japan started the war with 63 ocean-going submarines (i.e., not including midgets), and completed 111 during the war, for a total of 174. Both the U.S. Fifth Fleet commander, Admiral Spruance, and Vice Admiral Mitscher (commander of the Fast Carrier Task Force, TF 58), who had access to the Ultra communications intelligence and were expecting the sortie, immediately reacted to the submarine reports. A lookout spots American planes 25 degrees to port, levation 8, range 4,375 yards, moving to port. Aircrews were astonished at the size of the ship, which had seen very little naval action during the war. Her waterline armor belt was 16 inches thick. [25][26] Damage to the battleship, however, was light,[25] due in part to the base being defended by elite veteran Japanese fighter instructors flying Kawanishi N1K Shiden or George fighters. It said the wreck was in two main pieces, a bow-to-midships section about 560 feet long, and a 264-foot-long stern section. Taffy 2 and Taffy 3 aircraft contributed to the sinking of the heavy cruisers Chokai, Chikuma, and Suzuya, all of which had received some degree of damage from surface action. Asashimo went down with all 330 hands. Finally some detail1st attack vb82 loses a helldiver (my uncleensign jack Carl fuller and chas. YAMATO turns towards the planes and opens fire unsuccessfully as does cruiser YAHAGI. One Avenger is shot down but her barrage is largely ineffective because each AA battery fires independently without coordination. heaviest and most powerful battleship ever built, carrying the most formidable Anatomy of Yamato By this point, Yamato was firing main-battery beehive shells set to detonate after one second (about 3,000 yards) from the ship, which U.S. aircraft just blew through. The Japanese also noted eight Hellcats circling the force with impunity because of no Japanese fighter cover, and remaining outside anti-aircraft range. YAMATO opens fire with her two forward main turrets and AA guns. 1). As soon as the Japanese fleet left port on April 6 at 1600 hours, and proceeded through the Bungo Strait, (many WWII film buffs will recall the strait from Run Silent, Run Deep), they were immediately picked up by two American submarines (Hackleback and Threadfin). She and her sister ship, Musashi, were the largest and heaviest battleships ever constructed, displacing 72,800tonnes at full load, and armed with nine 46cm (18.1inch) main guns. In the interviews below, meet two Yamato veterans still haunted by memories of the battle that took most of their comrades lives. However, in order to keep up with Yamato, these forays were short-lived. Yamato fired her 18-inch guns at approaching American aircraft, I was in a ASW squadron that still had many veterans serving and flying. The Japanese lost three aircraft carriers and 426 aircraft; Yamato ' s only . The FIST of the FLEET where it began during WWII. Just then, eight F6F Hellcats appear and begin circling over the force to maintain contact until the main formation arrives. To buck up morale, many captains of capital ships received a accelerated promotion to rear admiral in 1944. USS Iowa Class Battleships Versus IJN Yamato Class, This slowed Yamato down to 10 knots and made her a sitting duck. Yamato was commanded by Captain Kosaku Aruga (spelled Ariga in some accounts). Everyone of them, enlisted and officers, were a true gentleman. Later that day, the battered destroyers ISOKAZE and KASUMI are scuttled and sink. The Japanese fighters were unable to make contact before they left at 1000. Thanks for your presentation of this event! TOKYO Seventy-six years ago, on April 7, 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy vessel Yamato, the world's largest battleship, was sunk by U.S. military aircraft. Ito's last order was to cancel the operation and have the remaining destroyers rescue whoever they could before he joined the 3,055 of 3,332 crewmen who went down with Yamato. Rather than targeting specific vessels, Stump ordered his air group to attempt to cripple as many Japanese ships as possible. How many US planes were lost sinking the Yamato? burning just prior to disappearing beneath the waves. (They were right.) Fuyutsuki was hit by two dud rockets. Lieutenant J.G. Captain Aruga lashed himself to the binnacle to do the same. [1][5], At 12:32 on 7 April 1945, Yamato was attacked by a first wave of 280 aircraft from Task Force 58, taking three hits (two bombs, one torpedo). The Mariners were subordinate to Patrol Bombing Squadron 21 (VPB-21), operating from the tender Chandeleur (AV-10), which had arrived at Kerama Rettoon 28 March. Deep sea explorers have found two Japanese aircraft carriers that were sunk in battle in World War Two. [27] While navigating the Bungo Strait, Yamato and her escorts were spotted by the American submarines Threadfin and Hackleback, both of which notified Task Force 58 of Yamatos position. 1200 hour A lookout spots three Japanese troopships on bearing 0250 heading for Amami-Oshima. Flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet, she was lead ship of the Yamato class. Twelve Helldivers claim several hits near the bridge and main gun turret No. Design commenced in 1934, construction began in 1937 (in great secrecy) and Yamato was commissioned in December 1941 just after Pearl Harbor. 0800 hour The Attack Force is sighted by a searching Grumman F6F Hellcat from USS ESSEX (CV-9). The Attack Force briefly sights seven Hellcat fighters, but they are not seen by the escorting Zekes. See what made the ship both seemingly unsinkable and highly vulnerable to attack. Light cruiser Yahagi steered away from Yamato in an attempt to draw attention away from the battleshiptoo successfully. One Avenger is shot down. Additionally, 1,178 people were wounded. The light cruiser YAHAGI, without headway, drifts helplessly behind the main force. Note the fire in one of the Built in total secrecy and launched just after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Yamato may have been almost twice the size of her American counterparts, with the largest guns ever mounted on a warship. Forced to wait out much of the war due to her vulnerability to air attack, Yamato was committed in a last, desperate gamble during the Battle of Okinawa in April 1945. Weighing 72,800 tons. Both Rear Admiral Komura and Captain Hara survived. Still kicking but dont know why. My dads name is Ronald R. LeFebvre (Ding). guns ever mounted at sea. How many Japanese submarines were lost in ww2? Fuyuzuki suffered light damage from dud rockets, suffered 12 dead and 12 injured, and was repaired, but had her stern blown off by a mine after the August cease-fire. The Americans lose 10 aircraft and 12 crewmen. TG 58.4 had just finished refueling and would arrive just in time. During the night, this plan morphed into sending six new battleships detached from TF 58 into blocking position. A Japanese destroyer peeled off three times to keep Hackleback at bay. Breaking the news to the Emperor, a Japanese admiral was asked, what about the fleet? The admiral had to admit, the Japanese fleet had ceased to exist as a fighting formation. her bow and stern where her armor was thinnest. One strikes her port side near the forward windlass room. Japanese Battleship Yamato - minutes before sinking. One bomb exploded in crews quarters, but the other bomb exploded near the aft command station and knocked out one of her two air search radars, the aft secondary gun director, several 25-mm gun mounts, and started a fire that killed all but one crewman in the after secondary (6-inch) gun turret and that couldnt be put out. Two sunken Japanese aircraft carriers were found weeks before the movie about the World War II battle opens By Michael E. Ruane November 8, 2019 at 7:00 a.m. EST On 19 March 1945 Yamato came under heavy attack when American carrier aircraft from Enterprise, Yorktown and Intrepid raided the major naval base of Kure where she was docked. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, Vol. He saw four Avengers go in low, dropping their torpedoes in a spread on Yamatos beam. Helldivers from BENNINGTON and HORNET attack from port. (Although some accounts say that, according to the plan, the ships were only given enough fuel to reach Okinawa, they actually received as much fuel as was available to give. Twelve Helldivers claimed several hits in the bridge area in exchange for five Helldivers damaged by anti-aircraft fire. Yamato carried only enough fuel to reach Okinawa, as the fuel stocks available were insufficient to provide enough fuel to reach Okinawa and return. After daybreak on 7 April 1945, a paltry six A6M Zeke fighters showed up to provide combat air patrol over Yamato. Combined with Yamato, about 4,242 Japanese sailors gave their lives for the emperor on 7 April. What is not mentioned above is that this mission was considered a potential suicide mission for the American aviators due the distance they were required to fly. At 1000 hours he launched a total of 386 aircraft consisting of fighters, dive bombers, and torpedo bombers. Combat air patrol over Yamato the Event the Japanese battleship Yamato though incredibly powerful, how many planes were lost sinking the yamato suffered a... Have seen any mention of the Yamato Class one, the Hamakaze later.... Bombs and six more torpedos into blocking position of 386 aircraft consisting of fighters, but they are seen... Force is sighted by a searching Grumman F6F Hellcat from USS ESSEX ( )! Had to admit, the meeting was quite contentious HACKLEBACK at bay provide combat air patrol over Yamato Yahagi! Definitive appears to be that 3,055 of 3,332 crewmen were on Yamato, these were. To throw up a screen of desperate flak fire were missing and dead... 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how many planes were lost sinking the yamato