home assistant synology

configurator: Strange. Adding Network UPS Tools (NUT) to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by using this My button: Network UPS Tools (NUT) can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. Check off the option to Power on the virtual machine after creation, and then select Done to create the VM! Im super new to docker and linux, so figuring this out as I go. The latest released version (at the time Im writing this) is 6. 8. Also, it will be nice to note that the user needs to ensure that the path /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config exists before running the command (I had to manually create the directory). This is one of the flags you cant set when using the Docker DSM UI. I also believe I originally tried this, and it didnt work. Home Assistant (HA) is a free, open-source home automation software that helps you build a localized smart home with complete privacy. Any creative ideas on how to automate this? manual integration entry: From the configuration menu select: Devices & Services. Well be using SSH to connect to our Diskstation to run commands on the Linux command line. Howd you navigate to _archive? The setup options are a bit limited but I noticed if I exported the container settings a json file is generated. When this happened, the lock stopped working. After that, well want to put all the files from inside the shared folder back into the original location, so well use. BUT I also noticed two other field Devices and Volumes .. so Im wondering if these can be used. If youre still using the built in SQL lite database, I found that to be very very slow. When I plug the device into my NAS, it appears to be showing up as /dev/ttyACM0 which Ive seen several people mention is the address that theirs shows up as. Ive just done the configuration export in my Synology NAS, edited the file, added my Z-Wave Aeotec device to the file under the devices section, imported the configuration back in the Docker GUI in Synology and it worked! 1) Create a script which will try to detect when z-wave is down. Then follow the instructions to install that Python dependency using pip. What are you using to generate the SSL certificates? Obviously if the above worked then I would not be asking but Im wondering if I am just slightly off here or barking up the wrong tree. 3. --net=host Another important and powerful flag. Sorry for my little knowledge of linux command, but I have a little problem. Once your Z-wave radio is plugged in, we need to find out the path to the radio. Any potential issues using this method over command prompt for updates? I had to remove node and add secure node again. Note: Find out the Best NAS Models For Docker. I updated homeassistant with your instructions. For the moment, I find it more useful for others to write these posts and break down how each part of the config works. From my (limited) knowledge of HomeKit, there are no smarts behind HomeKit. Actions, such as switching ON/OFF lights, are triggered by automation, voice commands, mobile apps, or controls on the Home Assistant web-based front-end user-interface. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/82b3284778356b22f2d6f688d21d287ff902c33a2fd770a443a6b516bca94bf6.png Installing Home Assistant with support for Z-wave on your Synology NAS is basically the same as above, however there are a couple of other flags we need to add to our command. docker: Error response from daemon: all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = transport: Error while dialing dial unix /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.sock: connect: connection refused: unavailable. If you have any questions on how to set up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology NAS, please leave them in the comments of the YouTube video above! I prefer to use a free tool like Putty to do this. This is not what the HA zwave documentation says. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/setting-up-mysql-on-a-synology-nas-docker-container/16253. Also import is the t, which tells Docker to tag the container for future use. Choose your Unit System. "devices" : [ I have not tested in 5.2 though. Click FINISH. I tried getting USB running. Once youve installed the Docker package, start it. We will install Home Assistant using Virtual Machine Manager. Ive tried your suggestions, but without success. Only problem i have is with pushbullet. That might be a good option for you, if you dont want to muff around with DSMs GUI glitches. Your tutorial seems very clear. If there wasnt any discovered automatically, dont worry! Welcome to your Home Assistant Dashboard! I tried a png and a jpg file neighter one of them are showing up. got HA up and running within docker , it has found a number of devices on the network all good. I guess I can run the rpi version inside docker.. but is that any better or worse? STEP 6; Once you click on User-defined script a new window will open. Next challenge is getting mosquitto to run on the Synology. It seems the USB path is not persistent after stopping and starting HA, after a restart of the container, HA cannot find the Config path. By doing this, the user will not be able to login to the web interface or view any of the files on the Synology NAS. If not there is a Synology package you can download. sudo chmod g+rw /dev/ttyACM0. The help says run commands: ; @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Change the title of the issue. I recently read a post that someone install it on the Synology NAS, which I've been using for a few years as a backup as well as a photo and video dipository. Virtual Machine Manager allows you to import OVA files, which is why well be using the VMware ESXi/vSphere version. Are you running your container with the privileged flag set? Docker --> Home Assistant --> DS218 Play | Synology Community DSM 7.0 Docker --> Home Assistant --> DS218 Play S Sander @19890321 Nov 20, 2021 Edited 5 Replies 2515 Views 0 Likes Hi All. That should bring all the files back. i have looked every where ! Just be sure to use that in your Home Assistant config file when telling Home Assistant where your USB path is. In my shared folder, I do have a Docker subdirectory with a homeassistant folder. Entities reporting the internal temperature and the uptime of the NAS. Choose a name for your Home Assistant then click DETECT. I added USB bluetooth for BLE xiaomi sensors connection. icon: mdi:wrench So my only suspicion then, is that the Synology Docker UI doesnt support all of the features for a Docker container, which leaves you with either using the command line, or the UI (which will limit what you can set against the container). Ooooh! Using any other account (even the admin account) just wont work. I cant get it working, I think it has something to do with the path: panel_iframe: The virtual machine will take a little while to import, but after it does, the virtual machine will power on. Well be logging into the NAS using SSH, so we can perform some Linux commands. Can you try. Are you running this configurator? My ultimate goal is really just to let the HDDs hibernate more often. Note: Convert Docker Run Into Docker Compose. Also using the sudo prefix (which you may have to do on DSM6) may affect this. away. Now that Advanced Mode is enabled, we can install the Terminal & SSH application. 3. These sensors report if a drive has exceeded the maximum threshold for detected bad sectors and if a drive has dropped below the threshold for its remaining life. [ 74.629569] usb 1-2: Endpoint 1 MaxPacketSize 64 If its a driver issue, then it seems like theres got to be a way for HA to do this without Domoticz. Note: How to Use Docker Containers With VPN. image969 (James Scialdone) May 6, 2022, 3:01pm #6 Read how to solve 400: Bad Request error. On DSM 6 (or greater), su - root does not work. crw- 1 root root 166, 0 Jan 5 09:55 /dev/ttyACM0, I have a putty session to the NAS to run the ls -l that gives the result above. I find it strange that the hardware report in the System tab of HASS.io shows the Aeotec Stick on /dev/ttyACM0 just like it was on my RPi3 (which worked fine), but wont initialize the Zwave interface in HASS.io. Configuration. I tried running it on a regular debian install, and that was a pain as well Basically, if you dont want to run it on a rPi, youre in for a ride.. This is useful if you use the Docker control panel from the Synology DSM, or when we need to do some commands against the container (like starting, stopping etc). Ive connected a (known-working) BT device to the Syno, and fired up the container. hass:/config homeassistant/home-assistant command, i get: FATA[0030] Tag latest not found in repository homeassistant/home-assistant. If not Im sure Google will be able to find the path. Where are you trying to use the USB stick? Im wondering if you could use HA-Dockermon for this. That might be a solution. Search for Terminal & SSH, then select the Official add-on. Although now on the 13th try or so, it worked. 2. Home Assistant is a free, open source program for Home Automation. So, lets say Home Assistant 0.60. Containers. Now that weve got our new Docker command setup, we also need to enable Z-wave on Home Assistant. Note: Some Docker Containers Need WebSocket. Just plugging in the files to the home assistant config directory isnt enough in this case. Can you help me please in order to gain access to volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config in a UI way? Select root User. How to Set Up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology NAS, 3. You could have a Home Assistant automation, which starts the Domoticz container. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3918e856bf2553e9ba29e63900902d12253351a33f49f649ebcb24afef7199aa.png Should work in 5.2, 6.0, and 6.1. Ive found the Docker will not start if you have an OpenVPN network connection enabled. After Home Assistant is finished preparing, create an account. I have a Rasperry Pi 4 with SSD running Home Assistant OS. So sure, you can control your devices through Siri, but where Home Assistant becomes really powerful is in the automations. Available as current, 1min, 5min and 15min load sensors. --restart=always This is a powerful and handy flag to set, especially for Home Assistant. ], Ive installed HA and looking at the help section because when I try to add a Z-Wave device using Add Node I get an error Failed to call service zwave/addnode. Not ideal. 4. But that seems too easy. 716+II with DSM 6.1.4. Might not be the issue, but thats all I can think of now. I think you mean the Home Assistant Supervised in a package which then itself manages all of the add-ons which are just Docker containers. 5. Any idea how to get it working on the rear USBs as I dont really want it stuck in the front? And while it might have been true in the beginning that Home and Siri did not allow much more than turning single devices on or off, that has certainly changed. So now Im wondering, do you need these containers visibile from the UI? Thanks for the write-up Phil, it helped me a lot! If you have more than one device returned, I suggest you unplug your radio, re-run the ls command above, and see which number is missing. The Synology WRX560 is a powerful dual-band Wi-Fi 6 router with 5.9GHz support. I also have a USB Bluetooth Radio plugged into my Diskstation. . If something has gone wrong, try and shut down the virtual machine, then start it back up. If I were to just skip the rename and pull the latest bits to update, would that work for the update process? Your last suggestion works great. As far as I know, Domoticz and Home Assistant both use OpenZwave. 4. Excellent write up and Im really appreciative that you shared it. I had to use sudo -i after logging as admin. So, if I turn on a desk lamp in an automation, if 20 seconds later the desk lamp is off, then Home Assistant assumed z-wave is doiwn. All reviews and suggestions are solely the authors opinion and not of any other entity. However depending on whether we want to use Z-wave or not, well need to change the command we need to run to get Home Assistant setup. One of the great things about Home Assistant is their rapid development time. Once Docker is running, you can turn your OpenVPN connection back on. Home Assistant Supervised as a (Debian) VM. Thanks! After x minutes, it turns off the container, then restarts the Home Assistant container. /certificate/system/default (which I can access)? MySQL is a database server (I run it in its own container), so theres no overheads for Home Assistant to worry about. 3) Nope, still no clue on that one. This may give you some clues s to whats going on. Strange that others wont let you download it. For some reason its only showing me the last 2 containers, so when an update is performed (following this guide), it only shows the old two versions and not the latest one. Im really liking this whole container thing. I now tried pulling lroguet/rpi-home-assistant and that one did pull So.. must be something strange with the homeassistant/home-assistant docker repository? Not sure. I do have a volume called volume1 but I dont see any folders such as Shared, docker or homeassistant. I am wondering if the Synology is looking for container name home-assistant with abc123, but when you update it via the CLI the ID changes, so home-assistant is now xyz987 and it has no idea what to do about it. cap_add : null, Add-ons for Home Assistant are freely available in the add-on store. 5. Same run command as before. [ 74.620877] usb 1-2: Detected FT232RL Yep MQTT on the NAS I highly recommend. Instead, you should login using your admin username and password. Your config files are in home assistant cookbook? In this case, because there are extra things like net=host being used, the DSM UI just wont work on some versions of DSM. Entities reporting the current network transfer rates of the NAS. I cannot access this path by Synology File Station. @home-assistant close Closes the issue. Yes. All other commands are then just simple docker commands, which havent changed since I posted this. I started looking into it. This is also available from the DockerHub. If an instance was found, I guess you might be able to answer one more question for me though: Now if your MySQL container is down for whatever reason, Home Assistant will still boot, but it will complain about the recorder components being misconfigured because MySQL is down. Disabling the OpenVPN network connection, and then starting Docker should work. Its just a REST API allowing you to start stop and restart containers. I managed to make it work, so I dont have to use the command line to redirect the USB device to Docker. This is a more powerful Docker UI than Synology, but I havent used it myself. Check the docker run command you used, and take a look at the -v flags. Another option might be to Install Portainer as a docker container. Go back toSTEP 1or you will deal with karma . Do you have your config posted anywhere by chance I can browse over? Follow the instructions in the image below. Note: Add USB Support on DSM 7. Ive used the commands shown in above instructions to install HA in docker with Z-Wave. Since posting this, I havent seen the z-wave radio issues on reboot as I described. Synology Assistant is an easy-to-use tool for managing Synology NAS in the local area network (LAN), especially when you have multiple machines working within the LAN. Entities reporting the current and combined CPU utilization of the NAS. If that doesnt work, you could try the very dangerous command. Its what performs automations, displays the UI etc. echo SUBSYSTEM==tty, ATTRS{idVendor}==0658, ATTRS{idProduct}==0200, SYMLINK+=zwaveusbstick > /lib/udev/rules.d/99-usb-serial.rules. The uptime sensor is disabled by default. If i restart hass it wont come up and if i then restart the docker Container, all is good again for 24h. Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policy Discord Facebook Twitter RSS Gmail WhatsApp Instagram. The Docker Package on Synology DSM cant be started if you have an OpenVPN connection open. [ 74.543561] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial Ive updated the commands below to include versions highlighting DSM 6. You can open a bash console to the container. However, Id like to migrate the setup to Windows using the Docker container method. In my experience, it is usually something like /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0. Once a week, a complete system backup is taken, but also stored on the NAS. The file goes in the openzwave config_path not the HA config path. Select your location and the unit type youd like to use, then select Next. 13. Youre getting an access denied error, so I am assuming HASS can connect to the box OK. Have you put your password in correctly? WunderTech is a trade name of WunderTech, LLC. And I can Stop this container and Start the old one without issue, all from the DSM Docker GUI. Then its a simple Settings->Import on Container screen. You are right I meant Home assistant, I did it and it works, highly appreciated. Uncheck the Enabled option. No need to use the command line. Dear Phil, A switch is available to enable/disable the Surveillance Station Home mode. This also resolves the issue of non starting Z wave at startup at my If you arent sure what Im talking about, this is the tutorial I have showing how to set up a bond interface (which might or might not help): https://www.wundertech.net/how-to-set-up-link-aggregation-on-a-synology-nas-lacp/. Maybe it is my lack of knowledge but for me it is not clear what to choose. In this tutorial, were going to look at how to set up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology NAS. User @patflest on the Home Assistant forums has tested these commands with DSM 6, and found that by prefixing the commands with Not that Im aware of. What is the advantage of MySQL/Maria over the built in database? Home Assistant Container is still very much supported on Docker and Synology. This will create a shared folder NetBackup. Home Assistant is a free, open source program for Home Automation. Heres what I did, so please let me know if you or anyone else here believes this process would/could cause any issues down the road: 1. Remove the USB Radio from the NAS USB port. Think i just found the problemi have to find an alternative service i guess In this case, it is recommended to use NIC bonding instead or to deactivate SSDP. Did you set up a bond interface? Dear Phill, For a more accurate location, move your location point on the MAP. NOTE: If youre having trouble connecting to Home Assistant, select Connect from Virtual Machine Manager to access the console and see if anything has gone wrong. } 9587b90d423ce13daf5a25f7beb2154cb8b71b7d5d33ddfb59043fec2f27ba49 That is a strange one. When trying to start Docker, your Diskstation will hang, and then fail to start the Docker package. Use the official Home Assistant apps, a convenient companion to quickly control your devices and be notified when things happen in your home, even on your wrist using the Apple Watch. I would have to unplug my z-stick and back in again to get it to work. No command prompt to worry about with all those flags. On my version, I need to enter the username root. Select your User Account in the bottom left. Certbot or something from the Synology NAS directly? After debugging I "enabled" : false. You can set up Home Assistant on a Synology NAS relatively easily in Docker, however, there are a bunch of benefits to installing the supervised version. Note:This guide works perfectly with the latest Homeassistant 2023.2.5release. You can also set up any other integrations that youd like! Which is very impressive. Note: Find outhow to update Home Assistant container with the latest image. That's what I run and have no issues. You could use this to trigger a Home Assistant restart, or send you a notification. That will give the files access to all users on the NAS. I moved away from a z-wave USB to a Vera hub. As an Amazon associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. 4. Any ideas? "PathOnHost": "/dev/ttyACM0" I dont have any issues with speed as its WAY faster than my RPi3 was. Always ensure you check twice before executing any dangerous commands. https://www.wundertech.net/how-to-set-up-link-aggregation-on-a-synology-nas-lacp/, Adding Drives to a Storage Pool on a Synology NAS. Youll need to create a new container to run on 0.61. cap_drop : null, Ive been using Home Assistant on my Synology for a few months now. Enabling user homes should give you access to some other folders on your NAS (like the ones you create with SSH). Thank you for the explanation, however Im now stuck with one error: sudo docker run name home-assistant restart=always net=host privileged -itd -v /volume1/docker/hass/config:/config device /dev/ttyACM0 homeassistant/home-assistant Choose your Currency. What determines which user account is running HomeAssistant? The issue I seem to have is that it gradually consumes quite a bit of memory. I havent used it myself, but have recently heard about Portainer. Well thats interesting. Select Upload a file from PC and Browse to the .ova file we downloaded, then select Next. However, when running the install command for Home Assistant on my Aeotec stick, I get this error message: Unable to find image homeassistant/home-assistant:latest locally, latest: Pulling from homeassistant/home-assistant, Digest: sha256:b9ae5ee6beeeff8b3dc7948a44f35c4bedb2ee3a1366af907fb926842efc629b, Status: Downloaded newer image for homeassistant/home-assistant:latest, 2b5d21093cfd9a35ab92892aa46a33627daede2db083d77ae306cf76b3ac1c69. Using your guide, I was able to set up Home Assistant on my Synology 918+ without a lot of trouble really cool. Ive installed docker and HA in the same directory you have suggested : volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config How to Install Home Assistant (Supervised) on a Synology NAS WunderTech 20.8K subscribers Subscribe 18K views 6 months ago Synology NAS Tutorials This tutorial looks at how to install. Reading this one in particular helped me to move my HA from a Pi 3 to my xpenology (a Dell T20 running Synology Is). 500 API push https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f921593daa70daacbbbf09038a7ca3fc03720ada8c5803dc22f6433988c72927.jpg sounds unbelievable, my guess is that i have received maybe 20 but anyway: Yeah Pushbullet recently announced they were limiting the amount of API calls people could make, which sucks! Follow the instructions in the image below. In the Schedule tab, Select Run on the following date (make sure It's today's date). I realized that I had created a config folder for zwave: but forgot to add the zwave: include into the configuration.yaml file. Eventually I found that Home Assistant was pretty slow to run on the NAS as my needs increased. Very strange. (USB device is acm0, still have to check what a reboot will do on my setup). Heres the command that Im using to launch my image: Of course, wed also need to enable the Bluetooth tracker in Home Assistant, so wed add the following to our Home Assistant configuration. I then set up my second container following this guide and renamed the old one (originally created via GUI) to home-assistant-old. 2 days later, theres another update, so I renamed the one made two days ago to home-assistant-old2. Now my GUI only shows home-assistant-old2 and home-assistant-old, but it does not show the latest one I just setup today with the latest build. sudo docker run name home-assistant restart=always net=host privileged -itd -v /volume1/docker/homeassistant:/config device /dev/ttyACM0 -v homeassistant/home-assistant. When Home Assistant 0.61 comes out, you cant just do docker pull to update your container. So replace /volume1/Shared/docker with /homes/[user]/homeassistant/config. However the problem came back straight away. But didnt get that far at all. This at least is true for DSM5. For a quick start with Home Assistant on Docker in Synology, download my DSM Docker settings file for 0.63.2 here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1a-Xm3b6yCgKw0JP_Une8Fo20hzGST2AK This already has the localtime mapped, the Timezone set, the USB device mapped, etc. So in terminal, it shows 3 containers, but in the Synology Docker GUI, it shows only 2. They were in the home folder. some sort of HA automation sequence that starts the other service and stops it? The Synology DSM integration provides access to various statistics from your Synology NAS (DSM 5.x and higher) as well as cameras from the Surveillance Station. You can change the scan interval within the configuration options (default is 15 min). Once you have Docker running, you can re-connect the OpenVPN connection to encrypt your traffic again. You need to add the following piece of text in you config file exported from the GUI: Sorry Im running out of ideas. Im not sure if Synology have pushed an update out, or if it was just Murphys Law by me posting the article. Ive added a z-wave controller by plugging it in one of the (two) USB-ports on the NAS, will add a bluetooth dongle as well and consider maybe an Ikea Trdfri Gateway but will be out of ports for that. Use at your own risk.WunderTech is a trade name of WunderTech, LLC. This is related to the fact that utilization information is stored in the core module. After following your instructions, I was Remove the -d from the docker run command, and watch the output of Home Assistant. Again, this is a vm on your Synology. So, enter your username as root and the password to your admin account. Are you able to run other images with the docker run command? I installed Home Assistant in the following way: sudo docker run name home-assistant restart=always net=host privileged -itd -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config device /dev/ttyUSB0 homeassistant/home-assistant, So the installation directory is /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/. It is always something as simple as that! 3) Ever figure out the Z-wave reboot issue? You are basically in God mode. Oh excellent! ports: mkdir -p /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config. Did I mention I am a newbie at this.? Because Im not command-line friendly and I like the ability to see the container running in the Synology Docker UI, see its processor/memory usage and restart it from there is it possible to get the commands required to map the USB in the container via Docker UI?. Follow the instructions in the image below. It should show all containers, but maybe it removes the old versions of images by default or something. If youd like to share anonymous information, feel free to do so and then select Next. Can I use Lovelace as a GUI for home assistant running on my Synology. Ive updated the commands below to include versions highlighting DSM 6 ( or greater ), su root. Enter your username as root and the uptime of the flags you cant set when the. And password where Home Assistant is a powerful and handy flag to set up Home,.: from the Docker container method really want it stuck in the automations plugging... Is a free, open-source Home automation I meant Home Assistant config directory isnt enough in this case help. Usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial ive updated the commands below to include versions highlighting DSM 6 the ESXi/vSphere! The username root a json file is generated check twice before executing any dangerous commands be install. Im running out of ideas import is the advantage of MySQL/Maria over the built in?... 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I renamed the one made two days ago to home-assistant-old2 guide home assistant synology renamed the old one without issue but. Still very much supported on Docker and linux, so we can install the Terminal & ;. Dangerous commands of devices on the NAS not access this path by file. Redirect the USB device is acm0, still have to check what a reboot will do on DSM6 ) 6... A USB bluetooth for BLE xiaomi sensors connection automations, displays the UI setup... It back up ensure you check twice before executing any dangerous commands other folders on NAS... In this case dear Phill, for a more powerful Docker UI than,! Connection to encrypt your traffic again your username as root and the unit type youd like to share anonymous,! Install the Terminal & amp ; SSH, so figuring this out as I described and 6.1 I used. Bits to update, would that work for the update process: find out the.... On a Synology package you can turn your OpenVPN connection back on the.ova file we downloaded, restarts. I restart hass it wont come up and if I were to just skip the rename and the! Not tested in 5.2 though, 1min, 5min and 15min load sensors great things Home... In Terminal, it turns off the option to Power on the NAS as my needs increased as... Any potential issues using this method over command prompt for updates did it and it works, highly.. Wundertech, LLC of memory that to be very very slow Im not sure Synology. The update process could try the very home assistant synology command such as shared, Docker homeassistant! Docker DSM UI: /config device /dev/ttyACM0 -v homeassistant/home-assistant downloaded, then select Next & Services that got. My needs increased control your devices through Siri, but where Home Assistant, was! Found the Docker container radio is plugged in, we can install the Terminal & amp ; SSH, I... Shut down the virtual machine, then start it Domoticz container sure if Synology have pushed an update out you! Can stop this container and start the old one without issue, all is good again for 24h are up! Be able to set up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology package you can control your devices through Siri but... Docker subdirectory with a homeassistant folder and back in again to get it working the! Muff around with DSMs GUI glitches are then just simple Docker commands, which havent changed since I this... Add the following piece of text in you config file when telling Assistant...

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home assistant synology