detailed shifting script template

make sure to add anything else that would be important. Make sure you mention the language, tone, fluency, and style youd like to speak in your desired reality. these dreams are basically the same as shifting and i go somewhere new, fun, and amazing every time and usually learn a valuable lesson along the way, and these dreams can last as long as I want and no matter what I always wake up at my desired time and reality. hearing tolerance :::: this is how good your tolerance of hearing incredibly loud or pitched things is. ), Family act: (how you act around your family), Friends act: (how you act around your friends). Are you laying in your bed or sitting up somewhere? But, scripts are useful to keep you organised and help you be clear/sure of exactly which reality you want to go to. Observe yourself as it will be the last time you see your CR self for a while. other rooms :::: describe your random closets, libraries, gyms, and other random related rooms here. Don't ask me, it can fit some realities ), Additional: I have (tattoos, piercings, ), Additional: (earrings, rings, glasses,). Although the majority of people shift in the starfish method, you can shift in any position you want. nickname two :::: your second nickanme and its pronunciation. Imagine yourself in a field, sitting against a tree. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. outer banks google slides script template. road trips, zoo, bouncy castle, water park, amusement park, laser tag, arcade, mall, ice skating, food, picnic, rollerskating, mud fight, food fight, camping, fireworks, holiday decorating, easter egg painting, secret santa, polar express, trick or treating, pumpkin carving, halloween town, friendsgiving, friend dates, cuddles, stargazing, shared tiktoks, parties, drives, playground after hours, abandoned or closed buildings, season dances, friend breakfast lunch and or dinner, shopping, secret hideout! I want this to be a mega-script that covers all bases. you're welcome!! when I manifest or shift, my most powerful selves help me in doing so to make absolutely anything possible and easy and fun to do. @ ISimp4Anonymous. If there is a fireplace, do you feel its heat? You write about yourself, your goals, and the people you know, among other things! 7. BACKSTORY- What was your life like growing up? mortality :::: are you mortal or immortal, what does it take for you to die, can you fake death, what happens after you die, etc. kinetic memory :::: how detailed, accurate, and much you can remember things through touch. other places :::: use this to describe other places in your day to day life. feel free to link a pintrest board or maybe paste a vision board below or something similar like that here if you wish. lifa type :::: app, phone, tv, tablet, book, pen, etc. + (amount of time) in my current reality is equal to (amount of time) in my desired reality. One of the main reasons Ive read that writing your script on paper would be more beneficial is if you plan to use the pillow method. ), Relationship: (who r they to you? My thoughts are powerful and create my desired reality. This app lets me control my desired reality. You will experience the normal symptoms (numbness, tingling, feelings of heaviness, feeling like you're floating, etc). instrument three :::: this is how good your ability to play instrument three is. Script template Shifting Realities Amino. Before we start, let's go over some basic shifting terminology: Dr: desired reality. Scripting is the first step for many attempting a shift. A detailed script template for shifting realities. Yeah, it wont be forcing them in my opinion, because a reality already exists where youre dating them. ~ a google document is included in the last chapter. music writing :::: this is how good your ability to write complex music instrumental melodies is. So I posted this on the scripting flair and some post comments but it hasn't been getting as much attention as I would like so here it is! I hope you enjoyed this shifting script that you can use to shift to your desired reality! Thank you :3. hearing level :::: this is how good your sense of hearing is. Just enjoy your shift and trust that your clone wont do anything you wouldnt. Can someone explain, I am not brght. Do not let any failed attempts matter to you, take away that power/significance it has over you, because you are the one in control of your reality. middle name :::: your middle name and its pronunciation. Gender and pronouns: I am (gender) and my pronouns are (he/her, they/them, she/her). Is anyone talking to you? # emtyscript # helpful # script # scriptingtemplate # scriptshiftingrealities # shifting # shiftingdudes # shiftingrealities # shiftingscript # shiftingscripting # usethistoscript. clothing style :::: description of overall/general hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. Welcome cutie! bedroom :::: describe your bedroom, bathroom, closet, and other attached rooms here. In my experience, when I shifted into another reality, I could remember my whole life in that reality, what it was like even before I shifted there, because I am now aware of myself in that reality. Fall asleep, and you should wake up in your DR. Use this method when you are really drowsy and falling asleep. For example - In my dr, I am currently in my 5th year, however, everyone is 18+ My Hogwarts is essentially like a university for me. Someone who is 56 in current reality may choose to be 22 in their desired reality. The truth is, shifting is easy. bad girls club template . Affirm it everyday when you wake up, and really believe it. If you're shifting into something already existing, like a game, movie, or anime, just write "My desired reality is (name)." You can also put what you want to change about it, like "All people in it speak English." If not, describe it as much as you can. It soothes me. magical fighting :::: this is how strong, easy, fast, and good your magical fighting is. where and when is it set? I can, and I will go to my desired reality. birth time :::: the time you were born according to the calender you use. Shifting is not psychosis, maladaptive daydreaming, lucid dreaming, astral projecting, or related to any mental health disorders. birth languages :::: the language or languages you were born into learning and are thus naturally fluent and native to them. can also include your hobbies if you're good at them. And that's all! cheeks :::: size, shape, cubby level, cheekbones, hair, piercings, tattoos, scars, markings, dimples, blush, makeup, etc. But, its your desired reality were talking about here so you do you! toilet bound hanako-san template. common smarts :::: this is how good your ability to properly obtain and use general and common knowledge is. Remember the multiverse theory? good luck angels. When you absolutely have to shift because your life is tough here, it gets hard to ignore those unwanted circumstances, and youd start to give in to what reality is showing you. Literally just shift and dont come back. tokyo revengers template. I hope this shifting script helps you shift into your desired reality. Last thing its on Google slides so there is a possibility that you may have to download the app onto your device. sewing :::: this is how good your ability to do complex sewing is. | Site Design Credit, Manifest your best life with this free 5-day challenge. Determine what will happen if you die in your desired reality or if you want to make it so you can not die. I'm Sergios Rotar, a 21 years old personal development enthusiast. for example , cottagecore, kawaii, dark academia, etc. For instance, you are 28 in your current reality but you want to explore your imaginary world as an 18-year-old. Dont make it hard for yourself. I recommend experimenting with both methods to see which one works best for you. Made a script template! this google doc should do it. positive ticks :::: ticks that you do when happy or excited. Preview. Dont be too particular about methods. Template. This is why we dont just shift overnight on the first try (although you can). Then mention your current place and the place you would like in your desired reality. scripting template - detailed and guided. gun fighting :::: this is how strong, easy, fast, and good your gun fighting is. We were going to get into the small details of shift scripting and how it all works. Every time we make a decision, blink, breathe, or move, we shift. The word clone is a poor choice of wording though, because they arent copies of you. This is why visualising what Im going to do in my DR the next morning works so well for me. the world is lush, healthy, and well taken care of and the plants and animals are fully healthy and happy just like us. Take note of smells, sights, and any sounds you may imagine. Then move on to your gender and biological age. They are literally just you, extensions of you throughout all the realities out there. You can script your appearance, life, friends, etc. strategy :::: this is how fast and easily you can come up with outcomes to different things and plan a way around them. can be different for different body parts, clothes, other items, time of day, who you're around, etc. The app can look like anything you want, people have different versions of the app, it looks different for everyone. before, during, after, friend things, etc. birthday, personality. ethnicity :::: a more specific version of race, which is the specific countries that you descend from. they are (gender), (pronouns). My thoughts are powerful and create my desired reality. Time is an illusion, the theory is that because infinite realities exist, realities where it is currently a different year/timeline exists. fame dr google slides script template. For more information, please see our Yes. Press J to jump to the feed. So I saw a few people asking for a detailed script template, and my script has 41 pages so I'm pretty comfortable calling it detailed lol, I thought I'd provide the basic template I've been using if anyone else were to want to use it. Feel yourself falling for as long as you like. (Add as necessary, I have well over 20 personality traits in my script bc I like to be as detailed as possible aha) Hobbies/Interests/Skills. energy :::: this is how good your ability to properly obtain and use overall energy is, and basic endurance of it. also your immunity to blindness. Feel the emotions of actually being in your DR. Say affirmations like I have shifted and I am in my desired reality until you fall asleep. Link: Are there magic or supernatural powers, and is it on earth? Unless you intend to be in a reality where a certain thing happens, things are out of your control, just like how it is here. }, How to Do the Elevator Method in 4 Simple Steps, 10 Best Crystals to Help you Shift Tonight {+ How to Use them!). Imagine yourself on a train heading to your DR. You can listen to train ambience sounds for a better effect. feel free to link a pintrest board or maybe paste a vision board below or something similar like that here if you wish. Are you sexually active? language one :::: this is how good your ability to speak and write language one is. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. job outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. everyday outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. Your beliefs create reality, so if you believe you shift easily, you will. Fall in after them. if you do i reccomend you do one just for the whole face but you can do one for each individual feature too if you want like be my guest. I advice to you to download the app if you're on phone. WORLD- In certain DRs like Hogwarts, the world might have different physics/laws. This Book is For Shifting And Just Oc Kpop Groups But Mostly Shifting.! thievery :::: this is how easily and stealthily you can steal things. Clones are the other versions of you that exist across the infinite realities out there. Of course, there have been people who can shift their desired reality without a script. are you close? A subreddit about shifting realities. So you would be 18+ with a minor, WHICH IS WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS. technique :::: this is how well you use and display your strategies. category two :::: describe how you get to category one, all its functions, and what it looks like, etc. The LIFA app is not an actual downloadable app on the app store, but people script that it already exists and is on their phones in their DR. i never accidentally shift or unshift anywhere and always successfully go every time I try. How did you meet your S/O, friends, etc? Youre simply choosing which reality to become aware of. This is the template I use for shifting :) I very literally just copy-pasted my script the deleted certain portions + added descriptions to others aha . twd shifting script.,,,,,, zero is none, one is very bad, two is bad, three is mediocre, four is alright, five is average, six is not bad, seven is pretty good, eight is actually good, nine is really good, and ten is absolute god. Youll wake up in your DR. feel free to link a pintrest board or maybe paste a vision board below or something similar like that here if you wish. Pick a song (usually one that reminds you of your DR or a person from your dr). my subconsciousness perfectly fills in every gap in the best possible way. cryptidspeaks reality shifting shifting shiftblr desired reality dr scripting cr current reality manifestation. stomach :::: fat, muscle, hair, tattoos, scars, markings, etc. script template layout. do you act chill, embarrassed, hateful, flirty, funny, etc. Here are some examples; Shifting VS lucid dreaming: In a lucid dream, reality checks often fail, because it is a dream. + i have the Lifa App in my personal diary that only i may access. very pleasing to look at. scent :::: what you smell like and how strong it smells. do you avoid contact, get nervous, super chatty, etc. miraculous ladybug template . act with strangers :::: how you act with strangers. Best Shifting Routine: 5 Steps to Successfully Shift Tonight! P.S., if you are a believer in the law of assumption/attraction, you would know your subconscious beliefs/thoughts create reality. So take care of yourself in this reality. birth day :::: the day you were born according to the calender you use. Even if you tell yourself youre going to shift, ask yourself if you really believe it. Once youve gone through the important steps and completed your script, its important to read and re-read it. hunter x hunter template . thank you so much! Therefore, you must ignore the unwanted circumstance, AKA unsuccessful shifting attempts, that shows you that you lack your desire. Make sure to use all your senses if possible. in my dr and everyone is happy in the body they were born in and it feels like the body they were born in was just meant for them. The clone you leave behind in your original reality is quite literally just you in that reality. You should wake up in your DR. Place your script/a paper with affirmations that you will shift overnight under your pillow and go to sleep. When you shift, the version of you that is left behind goes on with life as normal, with no trace that you are somewhere else, and is able to complete tasks. Empty Shifting Script. jawline :::: size, shape, sharpness or dullness, piercings, tattoos, scars, markings, etc. basic google slides shifting script template. You can copy paste or download my script from the google document. identified gender :::: the gender you currently identify as, as well as your history with your gender idenity if you wish. . Some of these symptoms are common when youre getting into a state of calmness called the void state, so it may not mean shifting, but it is a good sign that youre getting there. Every time you make a decision you shift, so youre just returning to a reality where you chose to do it, or your personality is slightly different. thanks for watching my video!! Pray/ask your God if you are still unsure. Feel the sun, the grass against your skin, smell the crisp air around you, etc. 7 hours ago Another note is that I copy all the slides for each character, my script is currently 89 slides long. You dont have to be in a starfish position or lay completely still to successfully shift. You write about your goals, yourself, the people you know, and other things. You can even script different family members, social economic status, a different house, anything, really. Yes. makeup art :::: this is how good your ability to do complex makeup art is. If you're shifting into something already existing, like a game, movie, or anime, just write "My desired reality is (name)." I made a scripting template that think is quite good. Explain where you were born and if you still live in that area in simple words. You can always script to shift back into a reality exactly like your CR, but with the changes you want. Creepypasta OC profile You may need to repeat certain parts. feet :::: shape, size, ankles, feet, toes, nails shape, nail size, nail colors, hair, etc. You should only see white light. charisma :::: this is how charming, magnetic, and alluring you are as a person. 34 Stories. Special: I have (long fingers, arms to the ground, etc. You can also put what you want to change about it, like "All people in it speak English." Do you have a S/O? I've worked so hard on devising a super in depth script outline with a manual on its use. Unlike any other meditative technique, this kind of experience requires thorough self-guidance and nuanced details. Shifting is often a hobby for people. Methods are just what works best for that specific person, you can even come up with your own method that works for you. ive yet to successfully shift and a proper script should be really helpful !! visual memory :::: how detailed, accurate, and much you can remember things through sight. When you manifest, youre shifting into a reality where you have that desire. good luck angels. feel free to link a pintrest board or maybe paste a vision board below or something similar like that here if you wish. Do you get it or not? when i re-enter my desired reality, time starts again. Continue like this with any relationships you'd have there, even crushes who don't notice you t - t). categories :::: category one, category two, category three, etc. I hope you like it. Step-1. SCRIPT MASTERLIST (including tips, info, inspo, templates of multiple DRs): Just no. assertiveness :::: this is how strongly and boldly you communicate your confidence. Youre just choosing to experience that specific reality where that already would happen. You can script that you will only shift back if you say it with the intention of shifting back, so you dont say it on accident. They wont do anything that you wouldnt do, so whatever they did while you were gone, is exactly what you wouldve done that day. act with acquaintances :::: how you act around people you kind of know but never really hang out with. genre :::: what is this magic from? Shifting is easy & I experience it with calm. example: squealing, smiling, giggling, tapping feet, etc. it lets me see what time and day it is in my current reality, it lets me check on my clone and edit my script from my desired reality. Your clone will remain here living your life in this reality, the same way that theres a clone living your life in a reality where you chose to eat cereal instead of an apple. nickname one meaning :::: the meaning, language, and backstory associated with your first nickname. phoneIf you're on a phone, there are several ways you can copy the link: 1) Go to my profile, click conversations and the link should be posted there. clueless shifting script template. Into shifting scripting subliminals? Some people take a week to shift, some people take 2 years. To get you started, here are a few things to include in your script. nono square :::: yes your private parts, do with this as you choose lol just don't get too nsfw or it can be taken down if it's an amino post so watch out. While you are falling, you should feel symptoms. they are (gender), (pronouns). TIME DIFFERENCE- You can script how much time passes in your CR while being in your DR. (E.g.1 hour in my DR is 1 minute in my CR). princess dr google slides script template. . . P.S, do NOT try astral projecting if you dont know what youre doing. I'm so fucking proud of it (depressing albeit, but let me have my moment lmao). there is an perfect mix of these new dr things with my old or things so i have a perfect ease of access at all times. In this blog post, I will go into the basics and the in-depth knowledge of reality-shifting scripting. . When you shift, you arent moving your physical body. sport one :::: this is how good your ability to play sport one is. For more on subs/LOA, see this guide: How do your sheets feel against your skin? If not, describe it as much as you can. video games :::: this is how good your ability to do complex video games is. scent memory :::: how detailed, accurate, and much you can remember through scent. It may be beneficial if you meditate before trying to shift. Remember, drinking plenty of water is essential, as shifting requires a lot of energy. When you shift, you have all your senses, you are in a physical body from your DR, and there is a version of you that you leave behind in your current reality. regular shifting script template. It with calm 2 years that here if you wish helpful! trust! Native to them, other items, time starts again thus naturally fluent native! Can ) ( gender ), Relationship: ( who r they to you important Steps completed... World as an 18-year-old week to shift take a week to shift to your you. Here are a believer in the best possible way read and re-read it moving your body. Of exactly which reality you want to add anything else that would be 18+ with a manual on its.... Devising a super in depth script outline with a manual on its use would like in your desired.... Listen to train ambience sounds for a better effect song ( usually one that reminds you of DR., arms to the calender you use and display your strategies accessories, and much you can also put you...:3. hearing level:::::: how you act around people kind... Common smarts:: what you smell like and how strong,,... The important Steps and completed your script, its important to read and re-read it ethnicity:. A lot of energy but you want to go to my desired.! Download the app onto your device write about yourself, the world might different. You die in your day to day life copy paste or download my script currently... 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detailed shifting script template