current defcon level 2022

Read Full Article, China Threatens U.S. With Nvidia Chip Delay If Tech Export Reduction Not Dropped - The U.S. was threatened by China with a delay of a new product launch from Nvidia if it did not stop with the tech export reduction, and stated that some products might have to leave Chinese manufacturing lines. Read Full Article. Again, I'm not going to have any information to provide on the previous balloon flights that were out there. Germany as the leading European power has special responsibility in this regard". Former Russian President Says Missile Strike In Poland Proves West Is "Approaching A World War" -MOSCOW - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the missile strike in Poland only proves that the West is "approaching a world war," and that the West wants to "wage war on Russia by all means against Russia", and that talking about Russian missiles falling into Poland is a "provocation" with the intent on escalating the conflict. Russian Official Medvedev: Nuclear Weapon Threat "Not A Bluff - Russian official Medvedev said that the United States would not intervene even if Russia uses the "most formidable weapon," and said the country has the right to use nuclear weapons "if necessary," and said that it is "certainly not a bluff". USS George H. W. Bush Carrier Group Joins Completion Of US/Israel Juniper Oak Exercises - MEDITERRANEAN SEA - The aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) carrier strike group joined the joint US/Israel Juniper Oak drills in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea as the exercise wrapped up. Read Full Article, Russia, NATO Hold Simultaneous Nuclear Exercises As Tensions Escalate - MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin monitored the launches of ballistic and cruise missiles on Wednesday as part of Russia's yearly "Grom" nuclear exercises, as NATO holds simultaneous nuclear exercises. Members of our our intel community pointed out that the United States has maintained 4 bombers in Guam for most of 2022. Read Full Article, 7th Fleet Destroyer Transits Taiwan Strait Despite China's Warnings - The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Chung-Hoon transited the Taiwan Strait on January 5th, according to the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which it says was a 'routine' transit. Read more, February 13, 2023 - Statement by the Department of Defense on the "successful" shoot down of an "airborne object" flying at about 20,000 feet in altitude in U.S. airspace over Lake Huron in the state of Michigan. White House Statement On Senate Ratification of the NATO Accession Protocols for Sweden and Finland - White House: "Today, the Senate overwhelmingly endorsed our close partners Finland and Sweden joining NATO. Read more, February 22, 2023 - Russia suspends the New START nuclear treaty, which is the only nuclear treaty in effect between the US and #Russia, saying that the U.S. is "weakening" the security of the Russian Federation. "Our forces train and exercise together. FBI Warns Of "Broad Threat" To Synagogues In New Jersey - UNITED STATES - The FBI has put out a warning of a "broad threat" to synagogues in the state of New Jersey. A Russian Court and Government Interpreter Is Also Charged with Violating U.S. Sanctions on Russia. Five people were missing after a fire at a storage facility in Veracruz, Mexico, with three people sent to the hospital, according to a statement released by Pemex. In an emergency, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or consulate or call the following numbers: 1 (888) 407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1 (202) 501-4444 from other countries. Thinking of joining the Navy? He added, What are they up to? The safety of our service personnel, our bases and installations, and the protection of U.S. operations security on land, in the skies, seas, and space are paramount. The 3rd Battalion, 142nd Aviation, a UH-60 helicopter unit based in Latham and Ronkonkoma, has 250 troops deployed in Kuwait. "It's happened a handful of other times over the past few years, to include before this administration," the official said. And moreover some analysts also said that Ukraine has nothing to do with Kerch Bridge, which was simply used as pretext for this strike. "The Russian invasion isn't over, the fighting isn't over, and neither is international support to Ukraines right and capability to defend itself," the official said. This Continue Reading # News Buy Bitcoin With a Credit Card Without ID Verification November 8, 2022 By defconlevels The number of Chinese aircraft spotted around the island of Taiwan has nearly doubled each consecutive year since 2020. Explosions have been reported in Tartus, and Syrian state media says that its air defenses are engaging "hostile targets" over the Masyaf region in northwestern Syria. DEFCON 5 represents a normal readiness posture which can be sustained indefinitely and which represents an optimum balance between the requirements of readiness and the routine training and equipping of forces for their primary mission, according to a Joint Chiefs of Staff description of this level when the DEFCON system was first introduced. Read more, August 28, 2022 - The president of the BRICS International Forum, Purnima Anand told reporters on Thursday that both Russia and India no longer need the U.S. dollar, as they have turned to national currencies to conduct mutual settlements. Read Full Article. ASPR leads HHS in preparing the nation to respond to and recover from adverse health effects of emergencies, supporting communities ability to withstand adversity, strengthening health and response systems, and enhancing national health security. Military Permanent Change of Station PCS Overview, Securing Passports and Visas Before Your Overseas PCS, Moving Furniture and Preparing Appliances for OCONUS Stations, How One Black Bear Almost Set Off World War III During the Cold War, The First Recipient of the Air Force Cross Was the Only Casualty of the Cuban Missile Crisis, TFR 225 - Foot, Ankle, Shins, and Knees (Running Progressions and More with Jeff Nichols), TFR 228 A Lot of People Screw This Up (The Phases of Tactical Fitness). And this was important before the invasion of Ukraine, it has become even more important after. Cheong Seong-chang, director of the Center for North Korean Studies at the Sejong Institute told the South Korean daily newspaper Hankyoreh that, "The tactical nuclear redeployment brought up by the ruling party is not a well-thought-out decision.". Germany also recently announced that it will deliver more MARS rocket systems and howitzers. We will also address the protection of our critical infrastructure. Very high confidence. FAA Issue On January 11th Due To "Unintentionally Deleted Files" - WASHINGTON - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) put out a statement on Thursday that their preliminary review of the incident on January 10th found that contract personnel had "unintentionally deleted files" which disrupted a key computer system and led to planes across the nation to become grounded. And we have had custody of it the entire time it has been over U.S. airspace, entered the continental United States airspace a couple of days ago. Prime Minister's office update correction: "[Emergency alert (Correction)] North Korea has launched a suspected ballistic missile. Read more, August 05, 2022 - The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs have announced a list of "countermeasures" in response to Nancy Pelosi's visit to the island of Taiwan. Logistical support and the command nodes involving the two nations were superb, he added. And the second question, when you speak about stepping up support to Ukraine you mentioned air defence systems. Montanans deserve answers". We did not assess it to be a kinetic military threat to anything on the ground, but assess it was a safety flight hazard and a threat due to its potential surveillance capabilities. For more information, please visit the Iraq Country Information page on Read more, September 08, 2022 - DOD - The Defense Department has put out a statement saying that the Biden administration has approved another assistance package valued at $675 million in "U.S. assistance to Ukraine", along with another $2 Billion in long-term military financing to "European countries threatened by Russia". This critical donation will help Ukraine better defend its civilians from Russian airstrikes. In November 2021, when FBI agents questioned SHESTAKOV about the nature of his and MCGONIGALs relationship with Deripaskas agent, SHESTAKOV made false statements in a recorded interview. This potential deployment would not constitute a change to current force posture levels. This exercise will include a large-scale live fire event with over 140 aircraft including B52s, F35s, F15s, F16s, FA-18s, AC-130, AH64s, 12 naval vessels, High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems. A video of him dancing and having fun with his unit. The Japanese Coast Guard also reported that North Korea had launched a missile. So your first question, that's really a question best addressed by the Director of National Intelligence, that puts that report together. U.S. Northern Command's Alaska Command and the Alaska National Guard, in close coordination with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement, are conducting search and recovery activities. And we have stepped up both our work on resilience, the protection of critical infrastructure, we are conducting more exercises both on hybrid threats and cyber threats. White House Video Statement. WASHINGTON When Vladimir V. Putin declared Sunday that he was putting his nuclear forces into special combat readiness a heightened alert status QUESTION: Thank you. Although speculationabounds, officials never publicly state which DEFCON level the country is under, for security reasons. While each branch of the United States military has mixed forces, each one has a specific mission. U.S. Northern Command also continues to conduct recovery operations off the coast of South Carolina following the takedown of the high-altitude surveillance balloon on Feb. 4. Addressing Russia's nuclear exercise, U.K. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said, "Russia will also be conducting its annual exercise, I think, the week after or just after the annual exercise". Carry identification and follow requests from law enforcement. The U.S. has never reached DEFCON 1. The spokesperson added, It is clear that battle tanks could provide a game-changing capability to the Ukrainians.. Exercise increased caution in the PRC due to wrongful detentions. At the Birck Nanotechnology Center, Dr. Hicks received briefings on microelectronics programs; the Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement (SCALE) microelectronics workforce development program; quantum computing; cybersecurity; and Purdues new research support facility. 9. Another shipment of kitchenware was found to contain smuggled pork and duck meat. Brazil Declines Iranian Warships From Docking At Its Port - RIO DE JANEIRO - Brazil has declined the two Iranian warships from docking at Rio de Janeiro as the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula sa Silva prepared to visit Washington for a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden. BARDA is using its authority provided under the 2004 Project Bioshield Act and $290 million in Project BioShield designated funding to purchase this supply of the drug. The FAA reported that it had closed the airspace over Lake Michigan so that they could examine the "potential contact" and later determined that it posed no threat. And I'll just leave it at that. The Financial Post cited a Brazilian military source as saying, Its true that there was a veto (from the government). He said that Russia is being threatened with arrests of assets of Russian citizens, as well as companies located outside of Russia. There has been a "growing concern" since the beginning of the Russian war on Ukraine that China and Russia will begin to use their energy supplies and manufacturing supply chains in order to stop the West from opposing their military and diplomatic goals, according to a report by Japan Today. The Associated Press has reported that three U.S. officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter publicly "suggested" that the missile was fired by Ukrainian forces and was intended to target a Russian missile. Given the serious risks, U.S. citizens should not travel to Afghanistan to accompany eligible family members for relocation. The Department of State remains concerned about the continued threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations, and other violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests overseas. Read Full Statement. The ground stop has been lifted. DEFCON 3 did not put the military on a war footing, according to an Associated Press article. Established 1984, Pentagon wants Moscow back channels to prevent nuclear escalation. The Russian Foreign Ministry spoke to Russia's state-run news TASS and said, "Reflections about red lines are now in the past. We will spend 2023 in crisp operational motion building on that foundation. Homeland. I thank the members of the Senate especially Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Senator Menendez and Senator Risch for their leadership and for quickly advancing the ratification process, the fastest Senate process for a NATO protocol since 1981. Reports state that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are currently carrying out airstrikes in the region. An AP report, as well as a report by Foreign Affairs and PBS Defense Correspondent Nick Schifrin says that U.S. officials have informed him that Washington will announce sending about 30 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, in coordination with an announcement by Germany that their Leopard 2 tanks can be sent to the country. And this has been true from the very beginning of the war, when we discussed legacy Soviet systems, to the present period, when we discuss main battle tanks and more sophisticated air and missile defense capabilities and systems." A Report by Dialogo Americas said that a military base in that location would allow China to "control the passage between the Atlantic and Pacific," as well as "monitor communications throughout the hemisphere," citing French news agency Intelligence Online. Therefore, I am very comfortable with lowering the MS-DEFCON level to 4. DEFCON 1 would be reserved for when an attack is perceived as imminent or already under way when the nations forces are engaged in full-on war mode. Get All Alerts And News, Fires Break Out In Three Different State-Owned Pemex Mexican Oil Facilities - MEXICO/US - Three different fires broke out on Thursday located at different Mexican state-owned facilities run by Pemex, one of the facilities located in the United States. The U.S. official took note of reports about Multiple Visits to China by Russian transport aircraft. The 369th Sustainment Brigade has deployed 260 Soldiers in Kuwait, supporting the 10,000 Army Soldiers of Task Force Spartan. Read more, January 27, 2023 - Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman, and former president Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia may be nationalizing the property of people who are registered in the United States, European Union, and other "unfriendly" jurisdictions in the midst of new "anti-Russian" sanctions. NATO Secretary General: "First, we have already of course started the dialogue with the industry and with the different Allies on how to ramp up production and refill or replenish our stocks. After the interview, a White House official stated that United States policy on Taiwan hasn't changed. (c) All commanders will acknowledge this order directly to me immediately. In terms of what they're monitoring and what their flight paths are going to be, I'm not going to go into that level of information, but needless to say again it calls into question why China, the PRC, feel that it's okay to violate sovereign airspace of nations in a way that is inappropriate and unacceptable -- so combining this capability with the other intelligence assets that they have at their disposal. Congress is unable to reach an agreement on raising the debt ceiling. While the median age for contracting lymphoma is 67 years old, the AP report indicated that the soldiers based at Malmstrom were in their 30s or 40s when they were diagnosed with the disease, well under the median age. Both Russia and Ukraine have used cluster munitions in the war, mostly in populated areas, according to Multiple Reports, one of which is from the United Nations. To do this, Washington must show political will, make conscientious efforts for a general de-escalation and create conditions for the resumption of the full functioning of the Treaty and, accordingly, comprehensively ensuring its viability. Biden Announces Abrams Tanks to be Delivered to Ukraine - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: "President Joe Biden announced today that the United States will provide Ukraine with 31 M1 Abrams tanks. Maximize the use of the force and the tools we currently have and extract full value from things that currently exist. The interviewer asked, "We are ready for a direct confrontation with Russia? Actions to Take: Know the location of your closest shelter or protected space. Read more, February 13, 2023 - WASHINGTON - The latest "object" that was shot down on Sunday over Lake Huron, which is located close to the Canadian border was "octagonal shape" with "no discernable payload". There are many ways you can Contribute or Subscribe to Defcon Level Warning System today, for live email updates, early access for and exclusive news and alerts while supporting our work in the process. Read more, January 27, 2023 - U.S. and Albanian defense leaders met today at the Pentagon to make a strong bilateral alliance even stronger. Officially, aside from comments made by U.S. President Joe Biden, the United States government hasn't made any declarations that they will be defending Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion. We take reports of incursions into our designated space, land, sea, or airspaces seriously and examine each one. See specific risks and conditions in each jurisdiction below. In response to these economic sanctions and aggressive statementsbyNATO powers, Putin on Sunday said heordered his country'snuclear deterrent forces prepared for increased readinessand told his top officials to be ready for a "special regime of combat duty.". Military has mixed forces, each one Coast Guard also reported that North Korea launched... Have any information to provide on the previous balloon flights that were out there there a. Become even more important after Ronkonkoma, has 250 troops deployed in Kuwait, supporting the 10,000 Soldiers. Increased caution in the PRC due to wrongful detentions this regard '' Taiwan n't! The Iraq Country information page on report together, supporting the Army... 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current defcon level 2022