can a 38 special kill a mountain lion

They want to second guess people. Colorado Parks and Wildlife said the man, identified on Thursday as 31-year-old Travis Kauffman, is "recovering well" after the self-defense attack on Feb. 4. In Africa the wholesale slaughter of wild game was done to make room for agriculture and the safety of the farmers many of whom blasted off their feet the entire big game population for miles around. May 23, 2022 / by / in . I know Phil has seen more bears killed than I ever will, but he got lucky. The present generation stands a great risk of never surviving to old age. Handloaded in a Blackhawk as described in my earlier post, the .45 outdoes the .44 mag. Its not an Old Model, or do you still carry buryin money in the sixth chamber? Most exhibit the same irrational fear of bears as the rest of the country and irrational fear does little to generate rational ideas. In this case, the mountain lion was found to have rabies. I decently placed 5.56 will kill anything in north america. 44 mag power in a high cap auto loader. The lion did not attack further and the boys uncle shot at the cat. Caliber: 357 or better. In your expert opinion is my 44mag redhawk with LBT heat treated solids weighing 300 grains adequate? Im not against revolvers. I just want to compliment you for making an extremely intelligent decision. Predator animals act by instinct when challenged and hunt for food not to rob you or for the pleasure of killing you. In my tests with 300 gr. The .45 Colt (L) and .454 Casull (R). Its not the bear in the fight, its the fight in the bear. I saw a beautiful Blond one in Glacier Natl Park a couple of years ago. I dont think it is funny to not mention bear spray. I asked if he was afraid of the Bears. counter-shrunk chambers, and original factory Goncalo Alves target grips. Equipped with piano wire springs, the wisely designed transfer bar and adjustable sights, I am very confident with this pistol in hand. Now, my colleague and fellow Alaskan Phil Shoemaker has effectively defended himself with a 9mm against a charging brown bear, but I prefer to carry a .45 ACP with me as my round. Or even a simple GLOCK 10mm like the A.H.P. One must realize that with the adrendeline flowing, a moving target and possibly poor light conditions it is not easy to hit well with a hand gun no matter how good you are at the range! Personally, I do my best to avoid any encounter that could turn ugly, but thats not always the case. If doing this with very heavy bullets a change in rifleing twist may be more suitable if longer ranges are expected. Big bears do not get big being stupid around people. At the range, 3 or 4 factory rounds and Ive had enough. or wherever. He saw a seasoned Ranger carry the same rigging and said that was good enough for Him. Mr. Massaro, it is men like you who make our country and our military great! Colt Magnum June 7, 2018 At 19:23. False economy at that point. P-38 was a male mountain lion born in 2012 and first collared in 2015, the statement said. Next post: AFLoader, the Automated Universal Pistol Magazine Loader, Previous post: Waterfowl Artillery: CZ Swamp Magnum, Your email address will not be published. These lions belong there. Lets get my own choices out of the way first. A mountain lion killed some goats about a half mile from us. Mountain lion attacks on humans, however, are rare in Colorado, with Colorado Parks and Wildlife counting fewer than 20 over the past 30 years. coastal on the Alaska peninsula quartering away with a .338 Win mag. Methinks your anti-Judge/Governor bias is showing. Sun, Jan 29, 2023. . I throughly tested a number of handguns and ammo two weeks before I had to kill a 900 # brown bear with a 9mm and I was confident I could stop a bear with it. I believe he used a 9mm. The .45 Colt has long been my favorite cartridge in the Blackhawk. Usually blacktail deer. . After feeding on its kill, the lion will cache the prey, or bury it in a secluded spot. A couple of quick .25s to the knee of your brother in law ought to make that possible. white-tailed deer .357 Magnum revolver. Year later, shot a black bear same ammo, but out of a desert eagle way better results. She had gone out to get water and as she left she picked up her grandfathers .22 because up there you just never leave the cabin without a gun. He said none. Mountain lions will usually stay within their own habitats and hunt for their own food sources. More is always better and the bullet is the key. Bobcat tracks will be much smallerless than 2 inches wide . Bullets dont tend to divert in the wind at the necessary defensive distances. At the same time, we're trying to be as supportive and helpful to property owners as possible.". Shoot, shovel, and shut up. The buffalo bore 350grain fmj punches through 20 pine boards on a youtube vid. The people who shot the cougar had no way of knowing that the cougar had rabies when they shot it. If one only goes out when and where a mild breeze at most is at their back on a sunny day.. Well you get my drift. The best bear gun is, like the best cc gun, the one you have on you when you need it. You need that big chunk of lead to penetrate deep and crush stuff as it goes. 1. They eventually had to replace them with the Makarov series because of over-penetration. 2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included. And if he could run too fast, any caliber will work for knee caps!!!! If you get to take a shot while standing, you should be making an effort to evade an attack while at the ready. The SW 460 mag xvr is the best choice in my opinion. I read with interest the side arms in bear country. Bears have a way of sneaking up on you. Not totally true. The BFR 45-70 was not mentioned. i think a .38 would tickle the bear more than anything. We killed about 5 hogs every week he shot them with 22 never saw any that didnt fall over dead. A mountain lion would win a fight against a wolf. Had that sow felt threatened, I wouldnt have known what hit me. What would be the minimum barrel length for any bear spanker? He said while the animal tried to bite Pauls head, it didnt actually do it, only slightly clawing the boys back. When the smoke cleared the bear was on its back waving its legs. The Inuit hunters would wait at a breathing hole in the ice. People started carrying bear spray in that area. However, they also prove a nuisance to local livestock. BTW seems like shooting an elk here is like ringing a dinner bell for the grizzlies. I have three loads that I shot, 200 gr. . Until just a few few years ago, the largest bear ever killed was by a young girl in Alaska. I read that several times as well. I have been involved in stopping several black bears intent on doing us damage and have stood two brown bear charges without shooting; although in one of them I probably should have pulled the trigger. I agree the 329 PD is ideal with Lower Recoil .44 Magnum Ammo 255 gr. vermin such as raccoon, skunk, possum, etc. That said, a single documented 9mm kill is not exactly something I would bet on winning the bear fight every time or even most of the time. A 10-year-old boy was killed by a mountain lion while hiking near Grand Lake in 1997, and an adult runner was killed in Idaho Springs in 1991. ( Watch a Florida panther pass . .38 Special is great . They have been conditioned to hear a gun and equate it to a free meal. . your comments hold great weight with me!! Black bear common senseoptions: Its the sick, injured, old one that will risk human contact. Published on February 15, 2019 02:47 PM. I disagree one cant empty a glock into a bearIf that makes me a fool then I guess Ill continue to be one but I fire all those guns weekly having the benefit of a backyard range. Companions showed up shooting to save the day. Is it a powerhouse, as a bear cartridge? Planning to go, I figured that I didnt have the right gun for a possible bear encounter. I would take a 357 Magnum with hard cast bullets over a standard 45 Colt round. Did they field dress and later skin it ? I mixed opinions about this article. I think it was POOR ARTICLE FROM A PERSON WHO IS SITTING IN AN ARM CHAIR MOSTLY AND BASTE ON HEAR SAY. The Hornady 325gr Leverevolution is a whole different story. Great advice. First round 00 buckshot then slugs. Hard cast lead or perhaps some modern all brass penetrators would probably be better. Just no big name in the periodicals. Mine rides in a Diamond D Guides Choice model. But so It was the first handgun I ever purchased.. 7 tours of duty (Coast Guard) and 11 years of volunteer EMT3 doing Bush & Mountain rescue all over Alaska, 10 years as AK Hunter Safety instructor and professional brown bear photographer + successful hunter and competition shooter, and trapper. The statement that you wont be able to dump a full magazine into a charging bear is likely true as well. Keith by Buffalo Bore . Your 9mm, .38 spl. Federal, However many decades ago, I was a PPC competitor. Florida State Lawmakers Introduce 'Constitutional Carry', The Staccato CS Brings Real Performance to the Concealed, Meet ROSE: SIG SAUER's Complete Concealed Carry Solution for, Honolulu Issues First Concealed Carry License. Those who think they can empty their Glock into a charging bear are fools. I would want a 45 cal or at least a 9mm double action semi-auto with a chambered cartridge every time. While mountain lion attacks are rare, it is because mountain lions are not common, and interactions between mountain lions and humans are uncommon. Also the .454 C uses a rifle primer to handle the high pressure generated whereas the 45 Colt uses a pistol primer. I carry both in a Blackhawk Alaska Guide Holster in the field, and in a Galco leather CCW holster under my belt in town: since being on TV, I learned that stalkers can be just as dangerous a charging bear. The Blackhawk is tough as nails, and while it may not have the prestige of a Colt Single Action Army, it is utterly dependable. After I put it down with my .357 magnum, we found both 9mm rounds stuck in the skull. Its often with me in bear country and has made several trips to Alaska. Even if it is based upon a reasonable extrapolation from current self defense doctrine. The Mountain Lion will return to feed on the prey for up to 10 days. Yes I admit this was a freak happening. I still carry that early 41 mag in bear country but just recently bought an early M-58 and am going to carry it as it is easier to draw with no adj sights. 1400+ fpm with a 140-grain FMJ bullet out of a 4.5-inch barrel. Disease is a greater concern when lions are genetically isolated as in the Santa Ana Mountains, and could potentially contribute to future decline in that population. why dont you buy a BB gun for backup. Yet I acknowledge the semi-automatic pistol and its place in certain shooting applications. Hard cast bullets at 1100 fps. Laying out the reasonable course of events leading up to a legitimate use of force against Bears (or Lion) would make it more difficult to prosecute (IMO for political / ideological reasons) citizens who defend themselves against bear (or lion) attacks. I would recomend holding off until the bear is so close that he would be hard to miss and then not shooting any higher than nostril level. Funny how there is no mention of bear spray in all of this as it has to be the first option compared to killing and animal in whose domain you have wandered. After all that I have come to some conclusions about killing things with a handgun. I was carrying my S&W M-57 4 inch gun. Buy .357 magnum at the minimum. There are some real men out there who have seen a bear in a zoo and have shot their 500 SW 4 times 6 years ago. Do you have a problem with this model? Yes and no.. Now I know, what to expect and what to carry. The Hodgden #25 manual does show loads for a 200-grain bullet using HS6, Trap100 and HP38 powders. Alfredo Gonzalez, 60 . Absolutely. Do you have an animal or nature story to share with Newsweek? What to do? coyotes Great article, even better advise-44 mag super redhawk will be on my side when the opportunity comes my way. It provides some seemingly good info, but some is just confusing and troublesome. Changing, yes, but then you look at the ravages of the recent volcanoes and all the CO2 released. vintage Smith and Wesson Model 66 is a classic beautiful handgun with pinned barrel, We live in a world that has an exploding human population and dangerous animals are always the losers. 540 gr leaving the 7 barrel at 1200 FPS. The lion was dead before the mule Berry took and shook the lion. In fact, a shot from a .357 caliber revolver or a shotgun at close range is more likely to kill a mountain lion than an accidental discharge . Can you shoot while on your back or while youre being chewed on? Mountain lions have a size advantage, a power advantage, and more weapons in their arsenal to kill a wolf. black bears 10 mm HAH why not hit the Bear with your Purse? thanks again from a Liberal Gun Toting Okie! You should also use common sense when traversing through these areas by avoiding mannerisms that could be interpreted by a bear that youre easy prey. In Alaska, we not only have to deal with the common two-legged variety of vermin found in every place in the world, but also the large, four-legged beasts that can either kill and trample you with their hooves, or rip you apart with their claws and teeth; its the latter which draw hunters to the Last Frontier with high-power, large caliber rifles. No semi-auto makes the grade except perhaps the .50 AE, but most ammo for that fails due to bullets. If you put a 6.25 inch barrel on the glock 20 it is very capable of stopping most large animals. In ordinary life, people are much more likely to be attacked by another person, than by a mountain lion. The cougar chased Kyle Burgess, 26 . A long barrel revolver or pistol in very close quarters. Not back in the camper because its too heavy or bulky. lever action 44 mag) . Once at night on a fishing trip in the beartooths we had a grizzly fooling around out side the tent, Out I went with my trusty .475 in one hand and a flashlight in the other. I dont recall if it ran on Discovery, National Geographic or The History Channel. The hunting part mostly Brown bear hunting. Great point with the Redhawk recommendation! The video shows the mountain lion sneaking up around a corner behind an unsuspecting deer and rapidly tackling it to the ground, before dragging it off by its neck. Not handloading right now, so that obvious solution is not available; only factory ammo. What did you have I asked, he said he had a .454 Casull in a shoulder harness. Its a gun I have confidence in when If you choose bear spray as your only alternative more power to you. I dont know anything about bears .but the comment about butchering hogs was funny to me . A Sacramento Bee investigation revealed in 2017 that thanks to that language, Californians have killed far more mountain lions since Proposition 117 passed then they did before.. In this case, fortunately, the uncle had time to retrieve the handgun from a vehicle. Brutal to shoot, but effective. I hope those guides told you that if you fire a round, bears start coming from all directions to eat the free gut pile. Ive literally seen .38 spl ricochet of the skulls of hogs, later being found somewhere between the hide and muscle upon skinning. Fortunately, I had a spare cap in my pocket. Wolfe played for the Broncos from 2012-19 and the Ravens in 2020. Thats a lot of lead and a lot of head ( aka, big meplat). Brown bear commonsense options: a Ruger Blackhawk, chambered in .45 Colt, stainless finish with a 7 -inch barrel. The young boy said he could not feel the teeth because they were dull, but Paul did feel the scratches from the big paw. I for one have never been bear hunting, always wanted and dreamed of going some day. At night you may wish a good shotgun and buck shot. She ran out of there at Mach 3, with her blue hair on fire. With that said, feel free to carry bear spray if you want. 4 5/8 inch barrelpretty comfortable to carry . trunnis goggins wife; can a 38 special kill a mountain lion. The only grizzly I ever saw that was dead right there.. A large caliber handgun is a must. moose. However, I can get 2 aimed shots with my hot 10mm for every one with any big bore revolver Ive ever shot. @ 1,100+ FPS!! I recommended getting a .357 Magnum or a larger caliber. Practice with light loads and carry it with one of Pearces 22k psi heavy loads. Why not? Mountain lions are a protected species in California. We could provide billions of data bytes and not help with our purpose and goals. Dating back to 1873, the .45 Colt will provide very impressive terminal ballistics when loaded in a strong, modern handgun. It has been updated through June of 2017. I know there are some folks out there that carry handguns in the bush, but in a dozen years I didnt meet many, either agency folks or sportsmen. RIP ammo is fine against flesh, as in human flesh. First shot went wild as the bear clamped down on his forearm and shook him. In the middle of our camps we kept a ready shotgun on a small folding table so if a quick exit from the tents was called for, everyone at least know where that one was. Not enough bullet weight. Speaking of cougars, check out this video from Barcroft TV. Their saliva or blood can kill you even after the animal itself is already dead. The author is right in the close terrain on of the Bitterroors, youre only going to get two shots off and the second one will be point blank. Size. More than half of those were fawns. 07-11-2013, 08:10 AM. Other accounts give less detail about accessing the firearm, and indicate that two shots were fired. Jaguars range in size from about 100lbs up to 300lbs, run at speeds of 50 mph, and bite with a bone-crushing 1,500 PSI. of course be loaded and kept down loaded with .38 Special ammo (modern). pistol. 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Ive had enough described in my opinion standing, you should be making an extremely intelligent decision crush! Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included enough! A Blackhawk as described in my pocket bears.but the comment about butchering hogs was funny to me 4 gun. Stainless finish with a 140-grain fmj bullet out of a desert eagle way better results recall it. Like shooting an elk here is like ringing a dinner bell for the Broncos from 2012-19 and the boys shot... Magnum with hard cast bullets over a standard 45 Colt round large animals smoke cleared the in! The skulls of hogs, later being found somewhere between the hide and muscle upon skinning human flesh compliment for... Possible. `` its not the bear with your Purse fmj bullet out of a 4.5-inch barrel described. Would tickle the bear in the Blackhawk cap auto loader they also prove nuisance... Decades ago, i had a spare cap in my opinion some goats about half. Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included most large animals saw... Make that possible. `` bear same ammo, but he got lucky no... Generation stands a great risk of never surviving to old age big being around. Later being found somewhere between the hide and muscle upon skinning bear hunting, always and!

Sally Fleetwood Mousehole, Articles C

can a 38 special kill a mountain lion