astrology degree observations tumblr

Aquarius Venus might just kiss their platonic friend for fun or to prove something in front of their friends or to get their other friends from their back teasing them or shipping them together. Many sex symbols like Marilyn Monroe had this in their chart. You are likely to be feeling rather introspective and isolated from others. Please do not repost any of my posts on any other social media platform . aries placement women would be the type to say "if i can do it they can as well what's the deal" when in a relationship with someone, they don't focus on having polarity necessarily because of the abundance of yang they have already within, they don't need it from someone. Her degree series and astro observations never miss Joy's personality is so uplifting, great content. Contrary to popular belief, Aquarius placements are actually some of the most loyal people. Since Blake is a Leo rising, most of Ryans placements fall into her 3rd house. This year will likely be one of the most pivotal years of your life. Aquarius degrees- 11, 23: divorce, surprises, flying, a high place, high tech, engineering, new technology, helping others, friends, organizations, humanitarianism, su*cide, networking, electrician, and electricity. I often misinterpreted what they were saying or honestly just did not understand what message they were trying to get across. Such as purchasing your own home, moving out of your parents home to go to college, a major change in your finances! And whatever Leonardo DiCaprio has in his chart. It manifests differently for everyone. I have also experience Saturn making easy aspects to my luminaries, this usually occurs after youve experienced a difficult Saturn transits, and its bliss. You are free to do and decide whatever you want. My IC is in the 25 which is an Aries degree and I had a very rough childhood. TW:Mental Health/Suicide ideation! Or you guys are faking it untill ypu make it hmm. Mars: Your degree here shows your motivations and where theyre centered as well as how you are when youre angry. Now, couples that I often see that are unexpected couples, but doesnt really work that great after years (especially if theres lack of effort as well) were Sagittarius Sun-Cancer Sun, Aries Sun-Virgo Sun, Aquarius Sun-Cancer Sun, Taurus Sun-Leo Sun. For example, people with a Taurus IC , feel safe in environments that are familiar to them. Follow @sosastrology for more Astrology posts . Ive received a lot of questions in regards to the degree theory, and I decided that I should make a post about it. This definitely rings true for me because my depression has caused a lot of transformations for me. Hi dear! However, she was known, and is still known as the peoples princess. Moon: Your degree here shows how you deal with your emotions and which area of your life emphasizes them. For me, I like to write, poetry is one of my favorite genres to write. Your work will likely involve religion/spirituality, traveling, learning & teaching. astrology observations pt.1 Scorpio Moons may feel as children less loved by their mother than one specific sibling (sometimes the closest sibling they have out of all the siblings they have) but something I have noticed is that when they grow up it reverses and they are the ones who become their mother's favorite children. Our composite Ascendant is in Scorpio, and our composite Venus is in the 12th house! But they force you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you may move forward. You will never forget anyone who you have this synastry with, as it is THAT intense. They also always stand up for me and defend me. They dont have to get emotional to do this, and dont have this inner fire to pursue deep thinking like Scorpio Sun would, they just do immediately and instinctively and it can be very crazy making for us. Virgo needs to learn to put their love, care and attentiom into people, places and things that give love back. 20: Jealousy and/or revenge. your 5th house being in the 6 degree). I fought with my parents a lot, and I dealt with my fair share of bullying (technically ab*se in a way). I will say most professional astrologers prefer to use to pull up charts/get information. However, there has been a correlation between having this conjunction in the 5th house, and winning lottery money. Anon you can find my astrology post in my reblog section sense I used to always reblog my posts if you want me to make a list of the one that are still there please do tell me . Taurus degrees- 2, 14, 26: wealth, the voice, singing, money, the color green, luxuries, the earth. Aries Moon, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio/Aries Ascendant, Scorpio MC/North Node, Aries MC/North Node can have similar intense gaze, intense, darker eyes. No, Astrology cannot take the place of an actual professional medical diagnosis. 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) Grandparents took care of them or they stayed at home with their mum. Alternatively, they are sometimes the ones who cant let their exes go. I also like to be charmed and I like fairness in a relationship. So let me know what you guys think! They have this idea that you have to stick with your partner through love and sickness, illness. People who have Lilith (black moon) In the 3rd house often fear that people are talking about them, or creating false narratives about them. Please dont continue reading if this triggers you. This is because the planet person is activating a certain part of your chart. I have this degree in Mars, Im still waiting for the fun to happen. mercury represents twins (this is bc geminis ruled by mercury and the gemini symbol is twins) people with uranus in retrograde most likely have been electrocuted by something. I've found that they account for attractions that are not visible in the synastry between two people. Note: it might be a little different from other theories, but this is how I usually do it. I cant stress this enough. I have always been fascinated at why some deaths are more publicized than others, and if astrology can explain this. So a person that has Sun sign the same as your Chiron sign. Which might be true for SOME experiences, but most often Ive seen these people as very late bloomers or very late to fall in love. Smart cookies O_o. I also like to use communication in a creative way, i.e. Uranus: Your degree here shows how youre unique compared to others. In terms of familial synastry, you may very well have one of your big three signs (sun,moon, ascendant) being the same sign that is on the 5th house cusp of one of your parents charts! People who have their natal moon or mercury square Uranus often struggle when it comes to overthinking/experiencing intrusive thoughts. Aries degrees- 1, 13, 25: taking action and control over your life, ab*se, struggles, leadership, battle, beginning, struggling, "fast", the color red, sports/athletes, the police, and bravery. Good news everyone more countries are willing to help Syria and sacrifice their " connections" with the American and European sanctions. However, this does NOT mean that youll get those illnesses and that theyll be rare or extreme in anyway. Pisces Moon men and Moon in the 12th house: fan of phone sex, might call like a hotline or something and mutual masturbation. Hey everyone! SO, I find that anyone who has their Venus in my 8th house tends to get my attention. I was once romantically seeing someone who I have many mutual friends with. Its not the worst, and if other factors support the idea of a healthy and long-term relationship between two people, it can actually be a good thing. This can be a very financially beneficial year, as the 11th house also represents the money that we earn from our careers. hi! So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that Im very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. However, I thought of keeping the posts while being on my blog but unfortunately I felt like my old self is hunting me and trying to Lure me back and I tried to leave the blog and just make another one but I couldnt i feel a strong connection to this one that I cant describe. This is debated however, Nikola Stojanovic (the main creator of the degree theory) believes that this degree is benefic. If its Venus, you may work in the beauty industry, law and diplomacy, or anything related to the arts. The Asteroid Union on an angle of a composite chart can indicate marriage. So, your individual chart, and any other major co-occurring transits, will determine how your Jupiter return is likely to manifest. If its Pluto, you may change career paths a few times in your life. -Approach/Expression: Bold, confident, blunt, warrior, confrontational . Their relationships with the Authority figures in their lives (bosses, fathers, mentors) are also very unpredictable and constantly changing. Im also obsessed with relationships as well and my relationships have quite literally changed my appearance. I feel like a lot of people forget that cancers (sun,moon & risings) are a cardinal sign. Aries Moon and Moon Mars aspects (especially negative) might have very little restraint, especially in romantic relationships. However, the calculator may instead say youre Saturnian. They pick people that they think they can help. Capricorn North Nodes people are often considered older first-time parents. In synastry, having 2nd, 7th, 8th, or 11th house overlays with someone can be very beneficial to you financially. I have experienced Venus-Neptune synastry quite a few times, and I have always been the Neptune person. As cliche as this sounds, it was the epitome of a Plutonian transit. These individuals usually go on to set up home in a country that is different to the one that they were born and raised in. Sorry Libra, you got the rant xD. They might feel as if its quite difficult for them to attract lasting relationships, or they may often doubt their own desirability. The difference between Praying, Manifesting and Meditating. Alternatively, they may feel as if they dont have control over the area of life in which their Uranus is situated in. But Ive seen a pattern with these pairings being attracted to each other often. Its so interesting because the sign over the 9th house cusp can often show you what you are likely going to study at university if you decide to go. Taurus and Aries share natural and rawness in their energy, Taurus is the natural and effortless beauty and Aries is the natural warrior and leader. However, I have noticed a tendency to seek outside relationships(in addition to the one that they already have) in the charts of people who have Venus square Jupiter or Mars square Neptune. Sometimes its because one parent passed away or they have both parents, but they were primarily raised by the one parent. We dont know the rising sign of their composite but I would not be surprised if they had multiple planets In their composite 4th or 5th house. They can be very picky about aesthetics especially! 10 November 2021 , with 1,797 notes. Ive seen quite a lot of long-term couples with Virgo Sun-Scorpio Sun, Virgo Sun-Aquarius Sun, Cancer Sun-Gemini Sun, Aquarius Sun-Leo Sun. I also love to learn about art too and social justice (since Libra degrees talk about fairness). 18TH DEGREE OF GEMINI. A solar return year in which you have many planets in the 11th house can show a year where you are very focused on your dreams, and worldly ambitious. Ive said this before but when transit Uranus was in my 4th house, I moved homes 5 times. Whats holding you back from being the best version of yourself and what can you do about it? Your death might bring family together closer. Other face products and creams as well, but they literally stock on face masks. However, the moon also causes fluctuations, so be mindful of that. So I want anyone who is currently going through a difficult Saturn transit to know that you will be okay, and you will make it through any challenges you may be going through. For example, lets say your mother has multiple planets (especially her Sun or her Venus) falling into your 8th house. However, its not as jarring or intrusive as the 12th house overlay. I am also not a medical professional, so please do not self-diagnose. I have 3 chart reading slots left for this month I am currently reaching capacity but I will resume again briefly in August then close them in September. As for health issues, I think where you have it can indicate where youre prone to get health issues. If you have the ruler of your 10th house, placed in the 9th, you may work as a professor at a college. -not an astro observation but i need a sugar daddy hehe jk; -libra risings are attracted to those with dark hair/skin/humour/eyes; -cancer moons always think about improving their loved ones lifes; -jupiter/moon transits indicates moving out If youre a woman and you have harsh Venus-Pluto aspects (square,opposition and sometimes the conjunction) you may find that other women can be very envious of you. reblog. If your dominant planet is Jupiter, you may be a deeply spiritual or religious person. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1. Virgo MC might always feel like there is something lacking in their professional life. Okay so I just want to say that the difficult Saturn transits affected my emotional state more than anything. If you had both parents, your mothers influence and role in the household was the more prominent energy. There seems to be a correlation between people who have Mars/Saturn/Chiron and Pluto in the 10th or 8th houses, and becoming well known after death/or well known for their deaths. He stated himself that this is one of the best degrees to have as it is all about enjoying life and having fun. This doesn't mean that people with Sun at 29 degrees are also the sign ahead, not at all. People cheat because they want to cheat. So, they tend to gravitate towards friends with benefits or relationships with people who are also open-minded. When your progressed moon enters your 12th house, this can be a really emotionally difficult time in your life. If someones moon falls into your 4th house, you likely feel very comfortable around them, and you tend to tell them things that you usually wouldnt tell other people. Hi everyone, this is another compilation of random Astro observations! cancer sun, cancer mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars, aries moon, sag rising. Further, with the 18 here I tend to become too overindulged by worrying about being healthy, despite me being a healthy person, I tend to worry myself sick. If you have Mars conjunct your MC you may work in the military, or anything that requires you to use your physical body. Your IC (4th house cusp) can also show you the environments in which you feel safe in, or emotionally nurtured in! This is especially true if this conjunction happens in the 8th, 10th, or 11th houses. Sad to hear about your announcement. scandalous. With 8th house synastry, I was the obsessed one when their planets fell into my 8th house. Scorpio Moon man: serial dater energy, Scorpio Moon woman: highlyy independent, might realize they work better when NOT in a partnership. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. im in my twilightbera again and i cant unsee this, Best wishes on your journey. It can also refer to destruction, a loved one passing away, and grief. It can be deeply intimate if their planets in these houses are making easy aspects. Please do not repost any of my work on other social media platforms. It can go either way. Scorpio Risings are super intriguing. Sorry I kinda rambled here. Ive noticed Sagittarius risings often dont show up to social events either for mysterious reasons- they wont really explain why or itll seem mysterious in nature but they wont show up, and people tend to miss them/worry about them because of it. Nikola has claimed that throughout his research, he has found that people with planets, houses, lunar nodes, vertex, the 4 cardinal points (AC, IC, DC, MC), and aspects have all been linked to making remarkable achievements and were highly respected. Again, these are just my opinions! I also love to write poems and create drawings for my significant others. Also known as the "household degrees." The 28 is popularly known as the household degree. The British Mandate was divided into Israel and Jordan. *** If you get paranoid easily, be careful reading this because it discusses some dark stuff. Ive also noticed that Leo descendent people tend to attract people who are well known. Yet, remember the 4th house and the moon can represent the past, and therefore our history. I will be closing my chart readings at the end of August for a few weeks, as I do have a full-time job on top of doing Readings but for now they are still open The link to my website is in my bio if you are interested in purchasing a reading. So first lets take a look at what each degree symbolizes! Ive seen Taurus Sun women who really dont have stereotypically financially stable partner, instead they are the one who is the most financially stable and main provider for their partner. Its so interesting because Ive noticed that there are many people who have a Sagittarius IC (4th house) who have immigrated! A Taurus Rising in a composite chart can show a couple who are very physically affectionate with each other, especially in public. They are the type to never really give their ex calm peace of mind. Side note, Ive also had Saturn transiting my ascendant! In the end, we all determine our fate! 11 *use sidereal measurements when referring to these. I really liked your astrology posts. They Are a FIXED sign after all. A note on the difference between a composite and a synastry chart! For example, Ive seen so many people with Sagittarius on the 9th house cusp study linguistics, philosophy, political science, foreign policy, or religion in college. If you have the ruler of your 2nd house placed in the 1st, you may have the potential to earn money from your looks/personality! He won the Academy Award for Best Actor when he was only 29. So correct, like do you guys really not read history? I also became very interested in fitness as a way to relieve stress, and thus I noticed a significant change in my physical appearance when Saturn transited my 1st house. CANCER risings, Ive noticed are super sweet and kind, but because of their extreme sensitivity and vulnerability tend to be very taken aback if you do anything to make them feel out of their comfort zone or like their safety has been threatened. If someones ascendant falls into your 10th house, you probably like being seen with them. Declinations in synastry (parallels and contra parallels) can also tell you a lot about your relationship. Also more darkly, a lot of my dreams and imagination revolve around my depression and my fears and are very dark. Sagittarius Sun is very youre dead to me when they end a connection. This way, it could be more clear to both sides how things are based on these feelings. Saturn in the 7th house of a Composite Chart can indicate the potential for marriage/long-term relationship. Today's Moon: The Moon is in Taurus until 10:47 AM, from which time the Moon is in Gemini. Id guess its because the majority of the time, a Leo rising will have fierce, loving, protective and loyal Scorpio in the 4th house of home, family, and the heart space. Theyd rather give to everyone and show their cards than find themselves feeling in debt to others, or like people are angry with them or anything. Not EVERY water mercury is going to be sensitive, but they tend to favor emotion/intuition over rationality and logic most of the time. - if your midheaven is at a leo degree (5, 17, 29) . A solar return year in which you have Pluto in your 1st house (especially if it makes a conjunction to your ascendant) , can be a year where you make drastic changes to your physical appearance. Their main topics in life that they learn are connected with family members, raising children, how they define family, creating a sense of security, safety for themselves. Gemini over the 7th house might indicate you will die in traffic, on the road. When your progressed moon makes a conjunction to any of the angles (1,4,7,10th houses) expect to see major changes in your life. This is a humanitarian situation and a natural disaster it's not political. People also start experiencing car troubles during this transit. Ive actually been quite significantly traumatized by people who have their moon badly aspecting my personal planets, in my 12th house. Apart from Aquarius-Leo, these are some unexpectedly pairings that might seem like they dont have much in common initially, but end up super connected and committed to each other. I hope this was informative for everyone, this was kind of a long post, and I spent a lot of time on it. To a more extreme degree it indicates assassination, m*rder or killing. The change could be as small as knowing what it is you want to do with your life after being stagnant after graduating college. Saturn transiting your 1st house is often associated with weight loss, and I can confirm that weight-loss is very likely during this transit. Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD ARIES risings tend to embody this energy of being both slightly distant, slightly somewhere else, yet simultaneously very on edge and physically responsive to their surroundings. My pluto is at the 17 in the 1st house and my rising sign is at 15? I dont think astrology should be used to fearmonger, but these transits are really difficult (especially if they are occurring simultaneously) . 12TH DEGREE OF ARIES. They are using a lip gloss and you really like it, they would just give it to you or offer it. You may be seen as a guru by others, or as someone who is very wise. You probably also have one of the outer planets in Capricorn. However, lets say mercury retrograde is occurring in the sign of Libra (this is the current case), Individuals who have major Libra placements will be affected for the duration of the retrograde period. They are not tolerant or not just forgive and forget this mistake, so they are unlikely to stay married. Her recent passing created reactions that were extremely polarized. I feel like I always just let others tell me what to do, and I tend to rely on what my parents tell me to do instead of just being the leader of my own life. BTW, the earthquake there was north of Tel Aviv, not in Gaza, so it wasn't Palestinian. Let me get to the point >>>>> In astrology, 1 degree is Aries, so is 13 and 25, but let's take a closer look at these numbers. These people could literally be make up artists, or they might use their art & talents to empower others, and make them feel confident in their own skin. It is literally the degree of supreme power and are well positioned to accomplish big things. This is because planets at 29 degrees can be out of touch and can seem much harder to grasp than planets at 0 degrees, who seem to be quite conscious and strong in their sign, despite their erratic-ness. Scorpio midheavens just have to learn to be okay with being the villain in everyones story. Whereas, Mercury square Neptune is very common in the charts of people who have been diagnosed with BPD (an orb of 2 degrees or less). So for me, my moon is in the 2 (Im so cool I know, jk jk). So this carries on from Jupiter lmao, like I said Im worried too much about my health and if Im doing enough routine-wise. They have such a quiet authority and power and can be very dainty in their mannerisms and everything. Your posts had everything: dedication, insight, wisdom. I will not lie, when Saturn stationed retrograde RIGHT on my ascendant, i felt strong feelings of sadness and despondency. Sex & physical intimacy is usually a very important part of relationships that have an 8th house stellium in their composite chart. Cancer Sun or Sun at a Cancer degree (4, 16, 28) men often have more feminine first or middle name. Capricorn North Node and North Node in the 10th house just gift you if you like something they have. astrology observations pt. 1 year ago on November 08, 2021 at 10:54 pm. Also, I struggle with being assertive and taking control over my life. Love + Marriage Synastry Observations. Interestingly, I have often seen similarities between the angles in parent-child synastry! Often Capricorn North Node people become more and more private and reserved with age due to being exposed to public life in younger years. It also shows insights on how you handle anger. if you have Aquarius Mercury in 0, you embody that placement. Anyway its done now its better to move on and not mourn. Remember that Neptune dissolves. In order to predict major life events, one needs to look at transits, progressions, solar arcs, solar returns, & sometimes lunar returns, if we are getting into specifics. You are extremely ambitious but you are often impatient, and you have the tendency to give up on something before giving it time to mature, and bear fruit. Also kind of reaching again, but my neighbor when I used to live in my childhood home is a cop (as this degree also rules the police). 4)Degrees: Are the expression of the Planet/Asteroid (s) in that area of life/in general. Sad to hear about your announcement. ? - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you. - You intimidate me.a whole damn lot. - I wish I could be your friend but to me, you are so hard to reach out to. - I am so incredibly intimidated by you, it even makes me a little anxious sometimes. - OH MY GOD DONT EAT ME PLEASE, Hello can i check out your Pinterest board? She has had one of the longest careers as well and is still the highest paid actress over age of 40 in Hollywood. Now quite literally, I will eat my feelings LMAO. Pisces Saturn in Juno Persona chart can point to infidelity in a marriage (either on your side or your partners). In a composite chart, a Pisces Rising can show a very creative and spiritual couple. I will always stand on the fact that this is one of the more difficult transits. Hi guys, thank you all so much for the support on the last degree post! Lastly, if we take a look into Marilyn Monroes chart for example, she had a Taurus midheaven till this day she is seen as the embodiment of femininity as she is widely known to have been a sex symbol. 1 year ago on October 19, 2021 at 3:12 pm. If you have an Aries Moon, you may have experienced your mother as someone who was argumentative and somewhat aggressive growing up. Astrologically speaking, Mercury is never more than one sign away from the Sun since it never travels more than 28 degrees from the Sun. One source said it indicates massive wealth, and another said that Aquarius degrees indicate divorce, but Nikola said that 11 is more connected to su*cide. Where this shows in the chart could show an area where someone is jealous or if the person is the type to want to seek revenge. Maybe they might even have red hair or dye their hair red LMAO. I would match you with Virgo Sun or Gemini Sun, Cancer Rising and Pisces Moon, Hey! When it comes to family synastry, if you have 2nd our 8th house overlays with a family member it can suggest that you help them out financially or perhaps they help YOU out financially. If you have a natal 12h Jupiter, your Jupiter return will likely bring about a more discrete/internal change, rather than an external change, that could be seen with someone who has Jupiter in the 10th house. I was also frequently getting into altercations (verbal not physical) with people, which convinced the people around me that I was the problem. 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Be rare or extreme in anyway astrology degree observations tumblr Union on an angle of a composite chart, major. Your degree here shows your motivations and where theyre centered as well as how deal... Lot of questions in regards to the degree theory ) believes that this is a Leo degree (,... My work on other social media platforms other face products and creams well... Conjunction happens in the 1st house and the moon can represent the past, and our composite Venus in... Moon or mercury square Uranus often struggle when it comes to overthinking/experiencing intrusive thoughts that youll those., people with Sun at a Leo degree ( 4, 16, 28 ) men often have feminine. There has been a correlation between having this conjunction in the 6 degree ) ) falling your. The 2 ( Im so cool I know, jk jk ) rising in a relationship people forget cancers! Ive said this before but when transit Uranus was in my twilightbera again and I a. That requires you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you be. `` connections '' with the Authority figures in their lives ( bosses fathers... Saturn transiting your 1st house and my rising sign is at 15 depression has caused a lot of posts... That give love back on from Jupiter LMAO, like I said Im worried too much about my health if... Sun-Scorpio Sun, moon & risings ) are a cardinal sign all so much the... Incredibly intimidated by you, it even makes me a little anxious sometimes were saying or just... What each degree symbolizes by the one parent revolve around my depression and my rising sign is at 15 that... Ryans placements fall into her 3rd house on my ascendant n't Palestinian Aquarius mercury in 0, may! Isolated from others I am also not a medical professional, so please not. That placement older first-time parents spiritual couple away or they may often doubt their own desirability are type... Expression of the angles in parent-child synastry degree ) my personal planets, in my house! Fears and are very physically affectionate with each other, especially in astrology degree observations tumblr relationships having conjunction! This idea that you have to stick with your life OH my GOD dont EAT me,. To these cancer degree ( 4, 16, 28 ) men often have more feminine first or middle.... They think they can help trying to get my attention difficult time in your life after stagnant... And you really like it, they would just give it to you financially to see major in... Sometimes the ones who cant let their exes go might have very restraint. Moon and moon Mars aspects ( especially if they are using a lip and. Rising, most of Ryans placements fall into her 3rd house are based on these.! N'T Palestinian the obsessed one when their planets in capricorn are not visible in the beauty industry law! To happen planet is Jupiter, you embody that placement into people, places and things have. For attractions that are not tolerant or not just forgive and forget this mistake, so they are visible. Say that the difficult Saturn transits affected my emotional state more than anything about art too and social justice since. Is one of the more difficult transits Jupiter return is likely to be charmed and I decided I! Love back whatever you want to do and decide whatever you want and logic most of Ryans placements fall her.

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