isaac hale father of emma smith

Exceptional Service, Affordable Process isaac hale father of emma smith. 255. Ronald W. Walker, The Persisting Idea of American Treasure Hunting,BYU Studies24, no. 148. Anderson,Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale, 303. Isaac and Elizabeth Hale in Their Endless Mountain Home Related Topics: Joseph and Emma Hale Smith Family, Hymns, Female Relief Society of Nauvoo. line; Smith Farm, bottom right of center line. In the course of her prayer she besought the Lord in behalf of her father, and the force and efficacy of that prayer entered into his heart with such power as to lead him to faith in Christ the Lord.217 Isaacs commitment changed as he listened to the wailing of her young heart in his behalf while Emma prayed aloud in the woods as the preachers encouraged.218, By the time George Peck became the circuit rider coming through the Susquehanna Valley in 1816, he held his meetings in the home of Brother Hale. Peck found in the region such weeping and shouting [as] I have seldom heard or witnessed.219 The village of Hopbottom (named after the prolific hops that grew in the area), twenty-four miles south of the Hale home, became known as Hoppingbottom, as illustrative of the manner in which the Methodists exhibited their joy, in times of the outpouring of the Spirit, in leaping up and down.220 When Peck preached a sermon in the parlor of the Hale home, he based it on Isaiah 12:6, Cry out and shout, thou inhabitants of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.221. A grandson recalled the family gathering around Isaacs bed on January 11, 1839, as he charged them, You must not believe in Jo Smith or any false doctrines, but believe in the Holy Bible. See page 63 of the extended online version of the article by Mark Lyman Staker and Robin Scott Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon,BYU Studies,accessed April 10, 2015, Room in the Taylor (later Munson) Tavern (with original paneling) where Francis, Asbury likely slept. 241. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, April 8, 1837. Emma's continuing public denial of the practice seemed to lend strength to their cause, and opposition to polygamy became a tenet of the RLDS Church. As soon as Emma learned of her fathers death, she wrote her Hale family from her own mansion in Nauvoo and invited them to participate in the refined aspects of her life, even if they chose not to become Mormons. They went as far as the rift or rapids, where they left their canoes, and walked past the rapids, then took passage in a large canoe around by my fathers. She was also directed to compile a book of hymns for the Church, and she was warned to continue in a spirit of meekness, and beware of pride. (D&C 25:1113.). Staker and Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon.. Emmas influential prayer seems to not only have made a difference for her father, but her missionary spirit seems to have influenced others as well. Although Mr. Hale was remembered as a stiff old Methodist, and . The public was sure he had four or five times that amount.64 Conversation in many country taverns centered on Kidds treasure and where it might be located and finding the hidden horde became a popular pastime. On October 2, 1812, the men in the valley gathered in Lanesville at the home of John Comfortthe home Isaac Hale had built for Pickeringand they elected Comfort as Harmony Townships Tax Assessor with Hale as his assistant.237 The two men quickly visited the farms and workshops in Harmony, Pennsylvania, relying on detailed standardized instructions to determine a value for each familys property.238 Isaac Hale taxed himself in this first assessment for two homes, the original log home and a new frame home. 245. isaac hale father of emma smith - 142. Twas there that I first saw my wife, he recalled.15 This daughter, named Emma but called Emmy by her friends, was described by a neighbor as a pretty woman; as pretty a woman as I ever saw.16 She was eighteen months older than Joseph, and although the Hales had another daughter also living in the house, blued-eyed and fair skinned Tryal Hale who was a little less than a year younger than Joseph, the young man was drawn to brown-eyed, dark haired, olive complexioned, and noticeably intelligent Emma. . Comfort apparently disagreed. This is the same Oliver Cowdery, whose name may be found in the Book of Mormon. Quaker John Hilborn was the best educated man in the valley. In 1825 it had been eight years since Joseph Smith Jr. and his father left the green mountains of Vermont for the more open landscape of western New York. Hartley later collected and recounted in great detail rules for correspondence during courting. Hiland Paul,History of Wells, Vermont for the First Century after its Settlement; with Biographical Sketches by Robert Parks, Esq. He asked the brethren who were gravely remonstrating with him: What do you suppose the Lord sent that deer into my field for? Well, I suppose it was to try you, one gravely answered. . 33. Tax records, township records, and other contemporary sources shed light on Isaac Hale as a hunter who made a comfortable living shipping meat downriver to Philadelphia and elsewhere, and on his sons as boatmen who ran rafts downriver to the major urban markets. 160. Shingles were the first wood product sold because they were easily made without special equipment. It is also likely the home had nice Venitian carpet that was then the height of fashion. The Hale family had a 130-acre farm, with orchards of apples and pears, a large garden, and groves of maple trees. 1, p. 212, microfilm 1,287,076, U.S. and Canada Record Collection, FHL. When Pickering announced to his friends his plans to move in the neighborhood of the Isaac Hale family, his associates tried to dissuade him from settling along such a remote area of the Susquehanna. Isaac Hales son-in-law Michael B. Morse later lived on high, rocky ground at the north end of the Hale farm. That same day, Julia Clapp Murdock died giving birth to twins, Joseph and Julia. He in turn hired Isaac Hale the following summer of 1793 to make sure the road on this last segment was properly constructed from Colesville south through the eastern edge of Willingborough Township.109 The segment of road Hale supervised construction on became the Harmony Turnpike as it passed along the eastern edge of Oquago Mountain.110 But the side roads remained barely passable for years afterward. [citation needed] She and Bidamon had no children of their own. 155. 44. Plans for the Pickering home included directions for a drain pipe from the kitchen sink to the outside and a cloaths press or closet to hold clothing for each of the main upstairs bedrooms. Emma had already assisted Joseph as a scribe during the early stages of the Book of Mormon translation. Davis, Lewises Who Served Their Country, 117. Mrs. Arthur Webb argued the name meant crooked river, but she does not provide a source for her conclusions and writes too late to have worked through a native speaker, Mrs. Arthur Webb. She likely lived at the school during the week. After concluding their new Methodist minister was more interested in money than he was in fulfilling his ministerial duties, Comfort wrote, My Dear Son if this is christianity or Methodism How I have been deceived for more than thirty eight years.284. The 1828 assessment on the land included a detailed description of its use and, when combined with information from a 1937 aerial photograph and a careful walk of the property to discover stone fence remnants or land use details, gives a picture of how the Hales organized their land. On April 6, 1860, Joseph was sustained as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which prefaced "Reorganized" to its name in 1872 and in 2001 became known as the Community of Christ. In Harmony Township tax records, Daniels name is recorded as Daniel Tarbill, see 1820 Tax Assessment. Zachariah Tarbles descendants today spell their name Tarbell, Rupert Tarbell, Family Historian, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, personal communication to author, July 18, 2013, which appears to be an older and more consistent form, see Jack A. Frisch, TARBELL, JOHN, in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, University of Toronto, accessed July 6, 2013, Both families were financially well placed and both played a significant role in community life. George Washington had invited Pickering to negotiate a settlement with the Seneca Indians in western Pennsylvania which the Colonel did with such success that Washington made him Indian commissioner to the Iroquois. Timothy Pickering to Rebecca White Pickering, February 21, 1808; Rebecca Pickering to Timothy Pickering Jr. March 27, 1808. Remains of the stone portion of a stringer fence along the Carmalt eastern property line. Tavern owners needed a license from the county to operate their business. Photograph by Mark L. Staker, Onondaga pottery, found on Hale Farm, Collection of the LDS Church History. Musket strike plate (left); antler handle (right), found on Hale Farm, Collection of. Bidamon moved into the Mansion House[18] and became stepfather to Emma's children. 212. Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference, 37. As Tim courted Lurena, and they may have already announced their planned wedding, Isaac worked on the larger, elaborate Pickering mansion. 71. Her husband, Dennison Root, and their children stayed in the Susquehanna Valley where some of their descendants live today. We might t - Latter-day Saint Blogs is a portal for mainstream blogs about The . A traveling minister, who preached in the Hale home, remembered Isaac Hale as a shrewd, witty man; one of his neighbors identified him in court testimony the previous year as old Mr. Hale, but most of his neighbors would have recognized in him a devoted husband and father, a devout Christian, and a developed backwoodsman who preferred solitude and independence, even in his request to be buried apart from his neighbors.8 Isaacs wife, Elizabeth Lewis Hale, may have gone by Betsey.9 She could sign her own name in a careful, practiced hand, and her neighbors found her an intelligent, enjoyable conversationalist.10 But she remained firmly in the shadows of her husband. isaac hale father of emma smith Joseph and Isaac Hale, Emma's father, had a tumultuous relationship due to Emma and Joseph eloping, Joseph's treasure digging, and Isaac's frustration with Joseph constantly borrowing. Thou shalt ever remember the great condescension of thy God in permitting thee to accompany my son [Joseph] when the angel delivered the record of the Nephites to his care. Not everyone in the Hale family participated in the search for silver, however, as Isaacs brother-in-law Nathaniel Lewis seems to have separated his family from these efforts. 96. James Deetz,In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life(New York: Anchor Books, 1996), 17172. 274. After her death in 1879, her sons published a transcript of an interview in which she purportedly denied Joseph had ever sanctioned plural marriage.6 Notwithstanding the religious and emotional turmoil over this practice, Emma maintained a deep love for Joseph. In1811, when Samuel Thompson became the circuit rider through the Susquehanna Valley,David Hale joined the Methodists at age seventeen. He specifically mentioned in court testimony that one of his neighbors particularly liked his sugar. The Stow Cemetery is also known as Lyons Farm Cemetery and North Windsor Cemetery. Stonemasons work in a distinctive style that makes it possible to identify headstones as coming from a particular individual as is done with other works of art. Robert H. Rose to Isaac Hale, Deeds, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 11:444. While the early treasure lore Stiles collected may have been more accurate than much of the gossip about treasure typically shared during the period, his own search for and failure to find any gold was unremarkably average. A New Chapter, About to Be Published,Amboy Journal, April 30, 1879, 1. See Emily Blackman, draft version of History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna County Historical Association, Montrose, Pennsylvania. Joseph Smith's Witchcraft, Scrying and Arrest 1820 - 1827 The letter has one thousand eight hundred andthirteenfourteen written which is likely a correction because of a wrong year added just after the change on January 1. 199. Dubois and Pike,Centennial of Susquehanna County,73. Ever the Democrat, as was the Hale family, Comfort lamented how everyone blamed a noticeable decline in Harmony on Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren because of the collapse of Americas banking system. 259. As early as 1779 these trees bore the marks of great age.38 It was here at those trees that some of Sullivans soldiers gathered to plan their raids on the nearby villages near traces of an Indian village on the north side of the river where Josiah Stowells workmen would later look for a lost silver mine east of what would become the Hale property.39 The rest of the valley had small campsites built along the trail hidden from view for use by hunting or trapping parties making their way through there.40. Isaac Hale, Harmony Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, U.S. Census, 1830. When we are gone, his family will move into the other house.164 Pickering took Lurena, who was then pregnant with her second son, Edward, and the young Charles back to Salem, Massachusetts, to live. He was taxed that year as a single man, while he courted thirteen-year-old Mary (Polly) McKune who lived next door.250 In preparation for marriage, Jesse began building his own house on the southeastern edge of his fathers farm between his parents home and that of the McKunes (on what became the Joseph and Emma Smith property). He had exceptional spelling and wrote letters in a refined, practiced hand. Annotated Record of Baptisms for the Dead, 18401845: Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois. Church History Department. Although Nathaniel Lewis enlisted for two separate terms during the French and Indian war, he enlisted again in 1775 as talk of revolution moved through Connecticuts churches and taverns, and he served in the Continental Navy under Lieutenant David Welch when it was first formed until his enlistment expired on November 10, 1775.72 Since the navy was initially made of up merchantmen, Lewis may have been working in the shipping trade when he enlisted, or he may have presented his earlier navy experience at enlistment. Paul,History of Wells,81. When Mumford left Harmony Township in 1831, the 434 acres of unseated lands were initially listed again under Joseph Smith then Joseph was crossed out and Jacob was written above it. Besides making no land payments, they grew their own food, and found resources primarily from their own farm or by sharing with neighbors. Isaac Hale (Guitarist) - Overview, Biography [11] The texts borrowed from Protestant groups were often changed slightly to reinforce the theology of the early church. But as the economy continued its downward trend, all of the Hale children who could left the valley a few at a time. Land use of area. The only child of theirs to be baptized after the controversy began was Isaac and Elizabeths daughter Emma, who was baptized by Buck not long after her birth in 1804, just before Methodism arrived in the valley.173, The slave Sylvia Dubois attended the same congregation where Emma was baptized and described it as the Calvinistic faith . The early settlers grandchildren recalled years later how their families brought with them many of those old Connecticut notions and prejudices, which shaped their daily activities such as avoiding beginning to plow or plant on a Friday (considered an unlucky day) or making sure the moon was in the right quarter to begin planting to guarantee a good crop. Joseph Smith Jr., who was a passive employee of Stowell, said, I was put to board with a Mr. Isaac Hale, of that place,JSP, H1:236. 124. 48. Emma Hale Birth: 10 July 1804 Harmony Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, United States Death: 30 April 1879 Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, United States Remains: 1879 Smith Family Cemetery, Hancock County, Illinois, United States Father: Isaac Hale (1763-1839) Mother: Elizabeth Lewis (1767-1842) Skills: The surveyor had scarcely taken his hand from the tree, when the sharp crack of a rifle rang through the forest, and the spot where the hand had been laid was chipped by a leaden bullet, a hint that sufficed to stay all proceedings for the rest of that day.231 Despite local opposition, the surveyors finished measuring the Rose land so it could be sold, including a 90 acre segment for Isaac Hale. isaac hale father of emma smith isaac hale father of emma smith Tak Berkategori . Buckwheat grew best on the foothills and rising slopes of the mountains while oats and rye did much better in their valley than other grains.117 Settlers also grew corn, beans, pumpkins, cucumbers (they called these cow cumbers), potatoes, carrots, and turnips.118 But these could only be grown adequately on the north side of the river where the southern mountains did not shade the land in late fall or early spring, and it took more effort to turn the southern side of the valley into productive land than most of the valleys residents were willing to give.119. J. Emma Smith Bidamon (Hale) (1804 - 1879) - Genealogy - geni family tree Understanding the physical setting of the Hale farm and its mansion,helps us to not only better place the events of 1825-1830 Mormonism within their physical and cultural setting, but also enlarges our appreciation of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale family. Smith stated to me, that he had given up what he called "glass-looking," and that he expected to work hard for a living, and was willing to do so. Joseph SmithIII, Last Testimony of Sister Emma, Saints Herald, vol.26, no.19 (Oct.1, 1879),289. 138. This hard winter preceded a severe drought the following spring and on June 6, 1800, a frost hit the county that killed most crops. Joseph Smith III, Last Testimony of Sister Emma,Saints Herald26 (October 1, 1879): 290. He watched his father bury a kettle of gold but kept it secret for many years. Isaacs son David later erroneously claimed his uncle Nathaniel Lewis had served with his father during the Revolutionary War and the two men together had heard Ethan Allen swear, and so were not afraid of bears.75 Hale had served under Ebenezer Allen, not the more famous Ethan; and it was Davids grandfather Nathaniel Lewis, not his uncle who was then not quite eleven years old, who had enlisted as a private in the army and served for eight days the year following Hales service.76 Davids mistaken memory may have been due to his recalling stories of his fathers involvement with Ethan Allen in an attempt to create a new state out of northeastern Pennsylvania. Larry C. Porter, Reverend George LaneGood Gifts, Much Grace, and Marked Usefulness,BYU Studies9 (Spring 1969): 327. 70. 6562331), (accessed 12 July 2022). 307. It is likely there were a few additional books in the valley but the data is not sufficient to discover who owned them or what they were titled. Silas Gildersleve wrote his family on September 18, 1823, after traveling the turnpike, and noted how although they had terrible weather, he, his wife, and his mother-in-law managed to travel the road as well as Could be Expected.2 In the latter part of October 1825, the fall rains would have made the road particularly dangerous where it descended into northeastern Pennsylvanias Susquehanna Valley. The aging parents continued to maintain the farm, but after the 18201822 remodel of their home there were no apparent material changes to their circumstances for their remaining years. Ben Pykles, personal communication to author, December 28, 2011. The Westfall farm had been of local interest for years. Caleb Carmalt & wife to Isaac Hale, July 31, 1833, Deeds, Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. . 279. He was considered one of them but not in all things.31, One day Buck tried to follow some of the Onondaga men south as they slipped away to gather salt at a hidden spring. Her family was glad to see her. 49. The twenty-three-year-old Tim married twenty-three-year-old Lurena Cole, on December 29, 1804.156, Just as Isaac Hale and Nathaniel Lewis finished building the large Pickering mansion, Lurena Cole Pickering and her husband Tim, along with Lurenas mother (Nathaniel Lewiss mother-in-law), moved into it.157 Lurena delivered a son, Charles Pickering, November 10, 1805. Although most of this frame home later burned in an 1865 fire, and was rebuilt into an even larger home by the carpenter James Tillman in the early 1870s, there is enough evidence from the original frame home to determine some significant aspects of its appearance and character. Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society,Rolls of Connecticut Men in the French and Indian War, 17551762, 344345. Salt Lake City: Hawkes Publishing, 1991. Mary S. and John W. Park, present owners. I have not been able to confirm this purchase in the land deed records. There is no record Joseph entered into any additional marriages after the fall of 1843.5, Emma rarely spoke about the practice after Josephs death. They all still lived in the area along with stepsisters.27 Despite a possible visit with his Hale family, however, they never connected or maintained long-term ties. Emma and Joseph's descendants grew Rude, irregular, uncultivated is the ground; wild, ignorant, and wicked are the people.194 William Colbert was even harsher in his evaluation of the settlers in the area when he came through in 1793, writing, It appears to me from what I have heard that Susquehanna woods abound with whores, whoremongers, and drunkards, and for all I know murderers.195. The fol-lowing year, David Hale began renting property from James Westfall, but he apparently continued to live on his father's land. isaac hale father of emma smith - 25. On being told that there was no such word in common usage, the elder said,I dont care, it was applicable.203. Joseph Wallace, an African-American, traveled with Isaacs sister to Enfield, Connecticut, so Elam Potter could marry Antha and Joseph on June 23, 1789. Joseph Smith Jr. resided near me for some time after this, and I had a good opportunity of becoming acquainted with him, and somewhat acquainted with his associates, and I conscientiously believe from the facts I have detailed, and from many other circumstances, which I do not deem it necessary to relate, that the whole "Book of Mormon" (so called) is a silly fabrication of falsehood and wickedness, got up for speculation, and with a design to dupe the credulous and unwary -- and in order that its fabricators may live upon the spoils of those who swallow the deception. Anne SMITH daughter of Thomas Smith died 11 February 1880 aged 33 years 140b. A detailed exploration of this home, including images of the construction plans, and the Pickering family interaction with Isaac Hale and his family is in Mark Staker, Emma Hale Smith and Her Family in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Historic Sites Files, CHL, 2010. Almon Munsons Tavern. The flatter land along the river was initially used for family gardens, but after the famous pumpkin freshet of August 1794, when the river flooded and swept the settlers food supply downriver, settlers grew timothy grass and clover resistant to flooding along the river that provided winter hay for their livestock.112Only a narrow strip of land on the ridge that followed the floodplain on the north side of the river-supported gardens.113. Robert H. Rose, letter to Miss Jane Hodge, August 20, 1808. He did not have time to put his boots on before leaving his home. Emma authorized and was the main signatory of a petition in summer 1842 with a thousand female signatures, denying Joseph Smith was connected with polygamy. David recalled that his father specifically settled in the Susquehanna Valley because of the hunting opportunities the area offered. . Since Rose came to evaluate the valley as an investment, he would have contacted some of the settlers on the land he planned to buy. Vermont war hero Ethan Allen, who helped create Vermont from New York and New Hampshire, had agreed in late 1785 to travel there the following spring with a detachment of Green Mountain boys and create a new state from the land.28 Although Allen never followed through, Hale may have become caught up in this Vermont enthusiasm. He was hunting deer and when near this place saw a young Panther about half grown standing on a fallen tree. He eventually studied at Harvard like his father, became a member of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences in 1827, was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1828, and became a leading American naturalist. Isaac Hale was born on June 23, 1997 in United States (25 years old). The scenery, sir! Longtime Harmony resident John Comfort called it the Susquehanna Valley, John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, December 24, 1836, Syracuse University Archives, Syracuse, New York. When the Harmony Turnpike crossed the Pennsylvania state line, the Allegheny Mountain foothills began their gentle rise. the Old School Presbyterians, and consequently tended to adopt an attitude of fatalism. Nina M. Versaggi, Director, Public Archaeology Facility, Binghamton University, Personal communication to author, September 13, 2013.

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isaac hale father of emma smith