do libras hide their sadness

Considering the importance of maintaining a good relationship with a Libra woman, we invite you to look through our article collection about how to have a healthy relationship with a Libra woman, as this will provide you with a host of tools to help you successfully navigate your relationship. Toxic Libra will always make you feel like you were the one in the wrong. Having two Libra sisters and a Libra friend of five years I have seen this time and time again. It's hard to be happy for someone you don't genuinely click with. When he learned I didn't own a car, he would "insist" on driving home from class. I realize Libras can be a handful and it takes a special person to be with one of us; but may I suggest to all of you that the moment you find out a person is a Libra, turn on your heel and run. Generally, I think Libras are more fair, and if they are ever dishonest, they at least have the decency to feel guilty about it ;), Libra's are hands down..the best sign of the entire Zodiac..unless you make us go dark-side or unless you piss us off or cross us. Cancer. We don't use emotions to figure things out, we don't use tactile sensory to figure things out, it's about all that is mental and the air signs are especially built for this. Hehe. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I was married to a Leo before with Virgo tendencies and was totally miserable. RELATED: What Happens When An Aries Is Hurt? They can become uneasy and silent, very unlike themselves, especially around their friends. The list below will give you insight into how a Libra woman may act when sad. Libras are known to hide their real feelings in order to avoid conflicts with the people around them. she abused me because she didnt know any better. People can be quixotic and dynamic. It will make them seems like all is a playful and innocents relations that they have and its you, the bad guy, who fucks them over). He had made so many promises to me about the future we had together. The only reason I can think of is that, it is because we hide ourself so well in public that we carry all the annoyances and irritation back home, to a place we do not need to hide and while at home, the slightest irritation can wreck havoc. god if they had only known. And I do know many people who fit this above profile but are not Librans and also not related to Libra in general. I am no drama queen though. Librans want peace and negative ones want it at any price, even if it means sneaking around, denying, controlling, and drama. Libras love with a passion. It can be easy to spot this change in a Sagittarius because it is so out of character and such a contrast to the type of person they usually are. Another one I knew years later did the same; hard to believe, but true! 04/13Libra I know 5 Geminis, 3 aquarius' real well. I have to invest more time into my life so I can be happy and feel confident and accomplished being in a relationship should amplify my happiness. )are NOT COMPATIBLE? Like every other sign they have a bright side, but that's not the subject of this article. Aquarius can sometimes hide their emotions to save themselves from a multitude of heartbreak and sadness, but when depression hits, those around them can really see a difference in their behavior. (4) I am skilled at photography. They will, only and only if it's required. Libras create a conflict between two acquaintances who not normally have any conflict by Libra telling each person the other "said" something negative about them, when in fact, it never happened. But the point is we are shit at emotions, because our minds are a major dumping ground, where is so much stuff that the stuff we say and the stuff we believe often go in different directions. Overall she's just manipulative and controlling, and I doubt all libras are like her. Because Ive never seen that side of him. Dated a Libra over a year. Libra men are very indecisive. We can see all sides to all things.all dimensions.all patterns..all rhythms.all nuances. The shadows are her home! They're divorced now. I DO think everyone else has a brain and feelings. Like someone mentioned in a comments below, Libras have a gut feeling that is almost always accurate and they should definetely trust that. She recently sent me a negative text about her husband. Now he lives in Japan and if I ask him to get me anything from there he would send me by post, or any info about computers, or hints on how to solve computer problems etc. Do Libras hide their emotions? Because of your interest in an Aquarius woman in your , The relationship that you maintain with an Aquarius man must , It is likely that you will find that the behaviors , If you want to show your guy just how much , Regardless of the nature of your relationship, it is certain , what happens when each zodiac sign is sad, how to have a healthy relationship with a Libra woman. Oops Mr. Libra "forgot" his wallet at his apartment (he insisted I come in so I would have to sit in a hot car) clever way to get a female in a Libra males apartment. What's hard is, is that a lot of this does happen. The guy loved me and hated me. I will never approach you or talk to you because I already gotten more than a 1k people that you know and I know on my side. Because it's almost impossible to feel sorry for them. She avoided me like the plague, lol. If your not a "capricunt" you have the face and attitude for one. I knew then she truly was that ugly person from Christmas. Seems to be written by someone who had a bad experience with a Libran and conluded that all Librans are like that one scumbag they once knew..horrible. Buts its a ruse. but they need to recharge in order to keep it up or as i said before they will lash out. The alarm bells were ringing, I was no longer denying the gut and i made sure I got her whole astrology chart (on the pretense of performing a compatibility report for her new Prey). Then found out he had suffered a bad injury. Often, the question "Why?" LIBRA: Libra tends to swallow their anger and sadness. Although, they feel pain and are disappointed at their situation, their charm and their ability to maintain a peace of mind gets them to move on and find someone who can heal their broken heart. My experience with a Libran is usually very superficial and passive. Then he stop talking to me. If you dont want to be disappointed keep it flakey & light. When sadness tips that balance, they can fall over. She doesn't have money or a job with 3 kids luckily I still support my kids and back to her parents house. This made his Mr Libra 2 VERY determined, possessive, jealous, vindictive and revenge seeking when I didn't do what he wanted. I have a Libra "friend" that I grew up with and I thought she was the nicest person but now I realize how untrue that is. The women i deal w them at a distance. Done. Cancer: Cancers can not hide their emotions and really cannot control them (for the most part that is). We are the empaths of the Zodiac.the unconscious rhythm of the universe connected to both sides of all things: Light/Dark - Good/Evil - Balance/Chaos - Moderation/Gluttony - Sanity/Insanity - Love/Hate - Beauty/Ugliness - Consciousness/Unconsciousness etc etc etc. TaurusGrounded and steady, this fixed earth sign has more mental and emotional strength than the average sign. Secondly, most of the time we have no absolute clue how to deal with ourselves. Yes, lazyness is something theyll admit to. That said, they can still become wound up like they're on the brink of a nervous breakdown, meaning their emotions are much bigger than what you see on the surface. Here as a person who is many time being soft spoken and caring(Pisces). "Aries isn't good at compromise, so they may break up with Libra over this." Libra's born with out an earth sign to ground them.are doomed to wander their life trying to find meaning and purpose while taking in the entire universe and not knowing what to do with any of it. I was a big fool. Once they see that another can give better, they will give themselves over to another (but they wont leave you, ever. Saying Yes When They Mean No Libras hate arguing more than any other sign, so they often try to be agreeable in an attempt to avoid any possible conflict with their partner. i can not even begin to describe the hell she put me through. Peace. A sign of a libra man trying to hide his feelings is that he acts shy when around you. (Sun and moon are in 8th house) but he and i are good people. Thankyou from the now bitter, cold, and unhopeful libra if unhopeful is a word lol. trying to be frends with my friends cos she doesnt have any.. she wud sit in the room with her guys.. when they leave she comes and sits in the room where im relaxing with my frends. Even though they do love their mother, greatly, their elemental make up naturally gravitates towards mine, only on the basis that we understand each other on a level she will never understand, she is a Virgo sun/Cancer moon. None of this rings true for me and you should not say "even the best" this emplies EVERY SINGLE Libra thinks more of themselves than they think of you. My partner and her don't have a friendship. We were staying in a very beautiful hotel and this was Christmas Eve. ( baring in mind her parents live 5 minutes from her home and she's close to them, she alledges to have 2 childhood friends who live near her too.. she didn't turn to them.) Librans are gifted with eloquence and intelligence but cant make a concrete decision to save their life! This article was accurate about "some" of my dark traits. As long as you are not looking for clear advice or decision making, 4) When we love, we love with every part of our heart, we are absolutely ready to drop anything and everything for you. Think of Judge Judy (born October 21) and the pain she's seen and absorbed over 25 years as a judge in family court. if you think you're leave a Libra or divorced him/her absolutely you thinking wrong We are spend 2-3 hours before buy/sell something so if we really don't want to leave we would never let you go. This person adores the idea of being in a couple and sharing their deepest feelings with the person they love. I remember my mum saying to me that he used to steal money from my dad, reason why he had to lock the drawer where he could keep his cash safe. The other two Libras were two different guys at my college who literally went 20 miles out of their way to pursue me (and later stalked) me after I rejected them, ended communications. There are bad people, no matter which sign they are, and your sign is not inmune to that evilness. It may be expected that she will behave in a manner that reveals that she is not quite herself. You look and sound evil and very quite bitter. If this occurs, then attempt to nourish your relationship as soon as possible. Is your love language what you give or receive? His wife and kids. A Libra mom still reminds her 50-year-old daughters to say thank you.. I know someone with libra sun and moon who has all of the above mentioned as well. Answer The Lion's Paw- A Libra is ruled by their emotions and intuition. Undoubtedly, they are much easier than the older generation, succumb to feelings. She was having an affair with a much younger man who lavished gifts on her constantly, this we knew was true, she talked terribly about him behind his back, belittling berating and putting him down constantly, she would talk badly about other staff when she thought no one was around, if you caught her at it and called her out on her behaviour then you could count yourself the enemy. Do you not see that you are putting energy into pulling people down, which will surely circle back, hurting you and those you love? RELATED: What To Do When A Cancer Ignores You. Great lays. Of course all us libra aren't like that and have EVERY negative trait. ( I'm an aquarius.) The other libra I know, is charming also. drew new lines in 1930. I guarantee there was as much yelling in his home as there is in every Libra home. If i started talking excitedly about what i was learning and even invited her to class, she was cold, uncaring and uninterested (this is the woman who maxes out credit cards at cheap clothing shops..). It seems not every one is on the same page though. I know two Libras. 2 more kids but from 2004 till upcoming divorce cold as ice towards me crazy. When she reacts in an inappropriate manner, it is likely that she will push people away from her. Like the diet sodas they love, negative Librans are artificially sweet. I knew something was ODD when I started getting strange. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. he is a great father and husband. Libras are a lot about words. However if we recognize triggers - then it stands to reason that we can develop better coping mechanisms. Ive tried to reach him but he wont answer. Remember Libras hate conflict, but they will not tolerate cruelty happening when they can put a stop to it. If they are only pretending to be brilliant, there's no way they will capture my attention beyond the first sentence, as they are bland and phoney, and I simply will not respect them. By the way, those of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what's your sign? Libras have a reputation for being able to hide their emotions well. They want tranquil homes decorated artistically. Show her that you are interested in spending time with her, as this will help you ensure that she does not create any relationships that will cause her to suffer in the future. There are many bad parents and abusers, even family murderers with different zodiac signs. Not a single libra I can truly trust. These libras gossip in such a way that so many don't consider them as gossipers. I cant speak for every libra but i know I hate myself everyday and wish i were never born bc of how i can be, i especially should've never been reckless and had children to carry my guilt. Lol, so true. , Last Updated on October 31, 2020 by Sloane Marie. I pride myself on being truthful beyond anything. Pretty damn true. Libras are very good at hiding their emotions. Thank god i did not give up my apartment! Often people see a completely different picture of us that it actually not how we feel inside. I see a lot of my dark traits right there. Aries does not like anyone to know their weaknesses, so if they feel sad, it often comes across as anger or frustration. She may be selfish, but this is not meant to be neglectful or abusive. I can't stand Libras never again. Libra Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? Ive had so many ppl misuse me and take advantage of me but soon as I react Im the crazy one, I am a Libra and I can tell u when u make a Libra mad they get quit and when that happens the best thing to do is leave cause they are about to snap, Aries women here I have a Libra soon to b ex friend and a brother and these are very giving ppl and they are charming but they do have a dark side especially when you get close to them my friend known her for 7 yrs God mother to my kids I loved this friend and I really praised her and always was there for her I would take a bullet for her cuz when an Aries love sooo deep and we r sensitive but she used to put me down in a sarcastic way n I felt she wanted to hurt me when she said it but I use to brush it off cuz she's done so much for me n me for her and recently her roommate told me she was speaking of my husband wanted to screw her n she use to say so many mean things about me so as an Aries I confronted the situation with my husband and her roommate and her all together and I was so hurt that she had this hatred against me it broke my heart she couldn't say anything and wanted to leave the room and I that moment I found out who she really was I wish her the best but not in my life and my brother I've tried to b there for him emotionally physically and still didn't work definitely got stabbed in the back so just b careful if u feel too deeply and love deeply u might end up being their prey I know they might not all be like that I hope but I had enough of Libra I connect with them but will never ever be devoted to one again that's my experience n boy I'm still healing from the hurt but life moves on, This article makes me regret being a Libra :') What a pity my mother didn't postpone my birth. 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do libras hide their sadness