the false uniqueness effect is quizlet

D. slightly, Researchers reported a _______ correlation between persistence and self-efficacy. B)Turning down the opportunity to help out at the local homeless shelter. Social psychology is the study of people in a group. D. an external locus of control, Learning about immune neglect, which statement applies to how most people respond to failing an exam? A. low self-esteem A. self-schemas What is the difference between compliance and obedience? D. internal locus of control; self-concept, In the U.S., those living in Hawaii and the deep South exhibit more _______ than those living in the Mountain West states. people who share Halfway through the second day Carmen was devastated; she wasn't even halfway done yet! B. increases Positives and Negatives of the Self-Serving Bias D. social comparison, Benjamin is able to adopt his behaviors so that he can fit in with any group of people. Social Psychology _ Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet C. self-esteem Which saying reflects the false consensus effect? D. you can't change implicit attitudes once they are formed, Our sense of self-worth is also called our: Research indicates that __________ and __________ are the two main motivations underlying the self-serving bias. _____ what others think about your nervousness. Curse of knowledge: When those who are experts in their field tend to talk above people around them on that topic. Exam 1 Study Guide. He wants to be the "cool dad" but fears that he will be a harsh disciplinarian like his father was. A. the intensity False Consensus Effect: Definition And Example - PsyBlog C. self-centered When asked whether it is more likely that Roger is (a) ridiculously rich, or (b) both ridiculously rich and someone who wears designer clothes, most people answer (b). D. an external locus of control, High school students who finished near the top of their class are more likely to experience a threat to their academic self-esteem if they attend a: D. illusion of transparency, When we compare ourselves with others, most of us tend to: Most people with high self-esteem value individual achievement and relationships with others. A. the anticipation of problems to motive effective action This student is the only Hispanic person she has ever known. A. small, selective university The False Consensus Effect is a tendency to overestimate how much people agree with us. B. low self-control B. for Japanese college students, happiness comes with positive social engagement B. C. poor self-esteem D. either excel or fail, depending on the situation. The belief that others are paying more attention to one's appearance and behavior than they actually are is referred to as the ________ effect. The so-called "gambler's fallacy" refers to. Solved 11. Many people explain poverty as being related to a - Chegg B. collectivists; individualists they tend to ignore that information, or else the information sparks conscious thought about the topic at hand. Solved Question Completion Status: A Moving to another | A. liberal the distinction between automatic thinking and controlled thinking. B. collectivism A. internal D. variabel (depending on if it is related to school or not), Which saying reflects the false consensus effect? carefully and rationally thinks about each and every decision. Jules hated the book, and seems to feel that the reviewer also hated it. What did the "Astroten" study demonstrate? Obedience to authority is ingrained in us all from the way we are brought up. False Uniqueness Effect. the false uniqueness effect is quizlet But Mr. Y thinks that George W. only became president because he was "in the right place at the right time," and had good luck. She makes $2000 from one of these investments, but loses $3000 on the other one. Social psychologists would say that Mr. X is making __________ attributions for Bush's success, while Mr. Y is making __________ attributions. This is an example of, When William James spoke of "wakening the associations," he was referring to, According to a study in Europe, women who take their husbands name tend to earn about __ as much as women who keep their birth name, Research on the anchoring and adjustment heuristic indicates that. Sociology is the study of groups of people. How does the just-world-hypothesis explain fundamental attribution error? B. more negatively He plays golf, has a private stable with horses, owns a jet, and is thinking about buying an island. When researchers survey men and women about the number of sex partners they have had, they tend to find that men report far more partners than womenwhich would seem to be logically impossible. Which of the following would be the BEST example of counterregulation? keep a lookout for anything that might remind them of the unwanted thought. C. high A. personality mate, we observe the false consensus effect. A. planning fallacy D. adjusting one's behavior in response to external situations to create the desired impression, D. adjusting one's behavior in response to external situations to create the desired impression, You have tried to study for an exam with flashcards, with a friend, and with your notes - all to no avail. When actually asked such questions, women more often experienced: This is a good example of: People who have severe brain damage sometimes approach objects in the world as if they are seeing them for the first time. The false uniqueness effect is: B. possible selves D. we can't explain that bad things happen to good people, A. effort and fewer self doubts will help us succeed, A sense that one is competent and effective refers to one's: For example, a person may think that their ability . The so-called "self-serving bias" refers to the tendency for people to. C. we can overcome anything Her last relationship ended after 6 months and she is strongly motivated to make this relationship last longer. Yet Joe persists in his belief that people from "up north" are snobby. people who share one's most prized. True b. Describe the major characteristics of the garage coverage form. C. Most psychology research has been conducted on children from middle-income families. A. high; high C. learned helplessness Because most people are cognitive misers, they tend to __________ as little as possible. Most psychology research has been conducted by wealthy White Americans. This may sound complicated, but it simply means . C. exhibit more health problems It is often attributed to a desire to view one's thoughts and actions as unusual, arising . Thus, sometimes individuals tend to believe that others are more similar to them than is actually the case. The tendency to overestimate the link between variables that are related only slightly or not at all after just one exposure to a group member performing a behavior illustrates the. the false uniqueness effect. A. rare stressors, such as a family crisis How does the status of group members impact conformity? D. self-serving bias. Researchers have suggested that there are three main reasons why false consensus occurs: 3 . Human Growth And Development Test QuizletTake this free NCE Practice The so-called illusory correlation can MOST directly help explain. Wing Tung is using ____ to improve his thinking. D. lower; increase, People with high self-esteem and narcissism are _____. The tendency for people take credit for their successes but deny blame for their failures is known as. B. conservative Deindividuation involves loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in a group situation that fosters arousal and anonymity. D. large, non-competitive university, You attend a self-help discussion group, where the leader is encouraging people to think of themselves as the writers, directors, and actors of their own lives. C. perform moderately well Whenever Yael thinks about bad things happening to her ex-boyfriend, she gets "creeped out;" she feels like she will actually make bad things happen to him just by thinking about it. C. low; high . it is more likely they will win the next hand than it actually is. B. self-handicapping If you make an external attribution for this event, then you might well be thinking, "So what! The three factors that impact conformity are unanimity of the group, mode of responding, and status of group members. C. the self-serving bias. Sociology is the study of groups of people. Jacob is taking his psych test. D. neither individual achievement nor relationships. Giving priority to one's own goals over group goals, and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications is the definition of: Is this belief by millennials an example of the false uniqueness effect or false consensus effect? Fundamental attribution error is made when observers overestimate internal dispositional influences and underestimate external situation influences upon other's behavior. A. postive D)Failing your first social psychology exam. the false uniqueness effect is quizlet A. self-esteem D. pete's roommate, Self-monitoring is: A. poor self-control C. self-efficacy By choosing (b), however, most people are committing, As a child, the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy was once challenged by his older brother to remain standing in a corner until he could stop thinking of a white bear. A role comes socially expected pattern of behavior for it, which impact both behavior and attitudes. A. self-concept; self-schema You and a friend are visiting a new city and would like to splurge and go out for a fine meal. '' B. Is the last flip more likely to be heads, more likely to be tails, or equally likely to be heads or tails? C. social rank a. For example, if I enjoy eating chocolate ice cream cones, I will tend to . b. B. the unrealistic optimism about future life events the tendency. Many people don't quit smoking despite all the negative health information available. Even though you are not actually ill at all, as you walk home from the hospital you do so with a slight limp, and begin lightly coughing. The simulation heuristic tends to invoke __________ thinking. The false consensus bias is the tendency to see our own attitudes, beliefs and behavior as being typical. B. B. negatively It is the tendency to be unduly optimistic than pessimistic about future life events. C. individualists make comparisons with others to boost their self-esteem B. self-concept Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. It is more difficult to explain false uniqueness. Research indicates that people are especially likely to engage in the false consensus effect when it comes to _____, and especially likely to engage in the false uniqueness effect when it comes to _____. She rarely claims that she is unable to complete an assignment and is academically successful. D. self-schema. According to Harold Kelley's attribution theory, people are MOST likely to make internal attributions for others' behaviors when. This is because many of them were extremely poor, did not own cars or phones, and did not have friends or family nearby; it was virtually impossible for them to evacuate the hurricane area when they heard the hurricane warnings. Also, participants were told either (a) that the essay-writer got to choose which side to take (pro- or anti-), or (b) that the essay-writer was ASSIGNED to one side or the other. by, Jorge just received an A+ on a physics exam. In search of the false-uniqueness phenomenon: fear and - PubMed The Astroten study demonstrated the difference between what we think we will do and what we actually do in a given situation. A. self-interest colors our social judgment. Informational social influence is influence that stems from our desire to be correct in situations in which the correct action of judgment is uncertain. In a famous early study in social psychology, fans of two rival football teams were asked to watch footage of an actual game that was very close. . When most people think of the concept "sleeping," they also tend to think about concepts like "dreaming," "being tired," and "yawning." D. traditionalists; progressives, When it comes to predicting the intensity and duration of our future emotions, research indicates that most people: For example: Thinking that other people share your opinion on controversial topics; Overestimating the number of people who are similar to you; D. self-concept, Joe was delighted when his favorite team won the Super Bowl. What is the difference between social psychology and sociology? However, if this attempted thought suppression results in ironic processing, then Yesi will end up. Quiz 1,2, & 3 Flashcards | Quizlet That is, he was challenged to engage in. C. the tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities. -interrupt the experimenter to get instructions. Research demonstrates that, in counterfactual thinking, people engage in far more __________ than __________. The False Consensus Effect influences the way we . . B. self-monitoring )names which are in all cases written in "non-matching" colors of ink (e.g., the word "green" might be written in red ink, while the word "red" might be written in yellow ink)and to identify, as quickly as possible, the color in which each word is written. C. the false consensus effect. This is MOST directly related to, Raquel buys stock in two different companies.

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the false uniqueness effect is quizlet