powerful dark harry potter fanfiction

Youll recover faster that way. How could this man have known about their activities? They had had to make do with hints, and they had to be even more careful in Hogwarts because of Umbridge and her spies. He heard a lot of the ferocious Hermione Granger, the mudblood gryffindor queen, the brightest witch of her age. Plus, his glowing runes were more impressive in the dark. The boy swept his empty eyes slowly across the table before turning to the Dark Lord. It wasnt very long before I met Lord Malfoy.//. Even when they had been rivals, the other boy had never lied to him. The abrupt change was almost disturbing. He had never felt anything like it, and the blond man suspected it was only a fraction of the Bone Mans full power. It is you! As a rule, Malfoys did not admit to fear. And they had no real loyalty to him! What are you hiding? Draco knew he had asked the wrong question when the cold wind blew across his mind, but it was quickly replaced byresignation? I plan to make Draco to me what Lucius is to you, and Ill carry out his little task myself.// Potter was all grins now. Wrapped around one ankle was another string of tiny bones. If Rodolphus takes the Bone-Sign, I can do the same for you two. You didnt know because he didnt allow you to. While Lucius had felt the magic that was thick in the air of the little round hut where he found the Bone Man, only the Dark Lord had gotten a proper demonstration. No, of course not my boy. Instead of fading into oblivion, he is rescued by none other than Lord Voldemort himself. Rabastan Lestrange looked appraising at the red-headed twins in the sitting room. It scared him a little. Hadrian pulled his mind back so quickly many in the room clutched their foreheads in shock. Dracos mark wrapped around the bone three times, it was so big. //If you say Chosen One or Savior or any other stupid name theyve given me, I will end you and happily add your ear bones to my collection.// Harry let cold seep into the younger Malfoys mind. Ragged marks covered his wrists and arms, bondage scars. He was young, young enough to still be in school. He knew me before I became the Bone Man or Lord Black. Understand?. When he opened his beak, Hadrian saw a forked tongue. 32.3K 1.3K 29 [ . I wont give you the Dark Mark and you can have full control of the Dementors. Dolohov felt only his own feelings from his time in Azkaban. Lots of pain. A complete rewrite of Harry's time in Hogwarts. Just as he was about to be done, finally, he found an envelope addressed to him. linkffn(HP and the Sun Source by Clell65619), Harry Potter and the Sun Source by Clell65619, This is an extremely AU crossover fic that asks the question what might have happened if Petunia Dursley hadn't found a young Harry Potter sleeping on her doorstep on the morning of the 2nd of November 1981. I just don't like fics that throw around violence and killing, torture and the like, and yet don't even try to bring up the idea of sexual situations, romance, or similar things. Ok, the twins shouted together, question time! Hadrian grinned. He made sure everyone at the table could hear his words. //When you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.//. Neither was Abraxas Malfoy. I name thee Gallus Hadrian Riddle-Black, the Bone Man, and my heir, the Dark Lord intoned, casting the magic to cement the relationship. The Bone Man doused his glowing runes and quickly donned both shirt and robe. His eyes were piercing and intense, the eerie color of the Killing Curse. Draco reached out and took his hands, running his thumbs across the knuckles. The subject of Albuss distress was a missing fifteen-year-old boy. Voldemort understood instantly why they were here. Potter? The question came from Draco. Lord Black, I need to register your wand. What can I do? A hood and cowl obscured the figures face. I'm Harry Potter. Will you allow my blood to tell you? Receiving Albuss trademark genial nod, the boy summoned a sheet of parchment and cut his thumb with his pale wand, releasing a drop of blood on the parchment. Growing up, I soon realised that they weren't stories but memories of her past, memories of our anc, Love After Marriage: Mr. Lancaster's Hidden Wife, CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife. I am Lord Black as well as Lord Potter now, since Harry Potter made Gallus Black his heir, though I sealed the will so Dumbles will never know. Draco and his father know I was Harry Potter. He chanted switched to Old Saxon. The Dark Lord is very curious about how such a supposedly powerful Dark wizard escaped his notice. While giving him to Black gave his ally more independence and power, he felt confident the Bone Man would not turn from him. Theres no Occlumens that can keep a Dementor out, after all.. Black rose from the chair, shucking both robe and shirt. Congratulations, you just found Harry Potter. The Death Eater clambered onto the bed wrapped his arms around Hadrian from behind. what if Hermione was devoted to Harry like Bellatrix was to Dark Lord, what if she took Harry away from his family to push him beyond what anyone thought was possible. Twin thing, his arwr replied as he dropped into the older mans lap, casually through his legs over the arm of the chair. I marked my first follower there. Will they be broken? Can you wrap it around my arm? They were his greatest secret! You may be King, but watch the Queen conquer. Story contains over the top sex and violence. Remember, it will only respond to Parseltongue. So hes Lord Black now? gasped Molly Weasley. First off, I dont go by Harry anymore. The address reads: Mr H PotterCell 314Vauxhall Research ComplexLavenham, Suffolk. Followers!! I had thought it was because he was hidden behind strong wards, but owls could find Sirius here even when we didnt know about it., Yes indeed, Miss Granger, which does bring me to another bit of information Im afraid we didnt want to hear. Harry had to do something with his time in the summer after the war, especially since he couldn't sleep. Do you remember how many little children you bullied, Dudley? A single difference could change everything, a drop of water upon calm surfaces. My father is quite possessive these days, and his anger islegendary. Malfoy snickered before Black shot him a scolding look. After ten years of misery with the Dursleys, Harry Potter learns that he has magic. My scores through the German Ministry of Magic, including some equivalent to British NEWTs.. A few whimpered at the sudden loneliness. Seventy years ago, a boy who would be his equal was born at the meeting point of winter and fall. Weariness? You are. "Blindness" is the best harry potter fanfiction I've ever read, and one of the . It was one of the things he feared. What of your particular skills?, //I know you are looking for a demonstration, Lord Malfoy, but Im afraid I cant do that. Harry should have ended with Amy or the Greek Durmstrang champion in "The Lie I've Lived", and I'll stand by that 'til the day I fall down and die! Lucius supposed he was the most curious, since he would have his own bone runes soon. I could use any blood, but the Dementors has the strongest connection to the magic and it comes with a nifty little side effect.// At the Dark Lords raised eyebrow he explained, //the Dementors cant bother you anymore. I still dont think youll be safe there. Voldemort no haba sido capaz de matarla incontables veces, sus tos que haban intentado de forma pasiva y activa de deshacerse de ella tampoco, el cerberus, el basilisco, las acromntulas, el dragn, los inferis, Nagini Nada haba sido capaz. He cant really hide anything when youre in his head, and he already knows you were Harry Potter., But, the other said, turning his gaze to Rabastan, if you hurt him or betray him in any way, shape, or form, we will hunt you down and kill you in a way that would make the Bone Man sick to his stomach., You could try, Hadrian muttered under his breath. A moment later, both runes turned black. It felt like what I should do, so I blessed him. He pulled his shirt on. Harry Potter and the Connection Reversed by hermyd "Clear your mind!" wasn't actually the best advice. Hush, dihiryn. Rabastan was the only one he had spoken to out loud since school had ended. Id be willing to bet it chose me because I was still your Horcrux then. After all, they had sent him away to Germany, and none of his fathers supporters had taken him in. Harry rolled out of bed still tired. They taught me Latin, German, and some Old English and Old Saxon. Your blood-parents will not reject you. //Now, please. Shall I show you my true self, the one you helped create? Hadrian let his runes show through, bringing life to the Bone Man. Stretching out his mind, he summoned the sick Dementor child and its parent to him. Anyone else might have exploded from the shock of seeing the Dark Lord smile and laugh and hold his son. The boys mindscape was Azkaban, complete with Dementors, though the cells were empty. I killed a basilisk. Even the Dark Lord looked lost without the Bone Man in his mind. Since leaving Hogwarts, he had become more of a night owl. Do not be ashamed of yourself and your past. No, the Dementors are kind to me. Huwag mong iwanan ang anak ko, pagmamakaawa ng kanyang biyenan. Warning! My dear, we will continue fighting. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 32,386 - Reviews: 213 . Though, she has always been somewhateagerfor his attention.. It was only then that the Dark Lord realized Potter had done all of that without even a wand. Gallus Hadrian Black exists in his place, but I prefer Hadrian to Gallus. //I trust you slept well?//, Very well, thank you. He gestured to the men around the table and Bellatrix Lestrange. Even more so that he had denounce his name and taken a new identity and a new side in the war. Which means that now Neville is the one fighting Voldemort. Albus sat in in office at Hogwarts, waiting for someone to come. Dont kill any of the important ones for me, though., Its ok, Draco, I wont. The Stag and The Flower by ReluctantSidekick, Harry Potter and the Magical Wands by Lethum, The Wizard Who Meddled With Time by TeamOtters, Harry Potter and the Path of Chaos by DarkLordRising, Harry Potter and The Problem with Life Debts by proton104, Harry Potter and the Path to Greatness by LignumVitae86, The Fire Bird, Act 1 by Demonic Slytherin224, Harry Potter: Rise of the Technomancers by Agent Perry the Platypus, Harry Potter and the Veela Bond by DrgnMstr, Harry Potter and the Scenra Cwna by Duriel, Harry Potter and the Male Veela by MarcieJackson, The son of Lord Voldemort by Shopaholic1369, Harry Potter and the Wastelands of time by joe6991, https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13634783/1/A-Different-Kind-of-War, https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13025350/4/From-Ruin, (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). You have changed a great deal., No, the mask you knew would not have done this. They would gain the upper hand in the war very quickly if this man would join his Lord. Under his hood, Harry grinned. The Dark Lord did not need anyone to tell him that information tying Hadrian to Harry Potter was a dangerous topic. Do be quiet, Vernon, we dont want the neighbors to hear! However, don't let that stop you, dear readers, from enjoying this story as it is! Lead them well. And are you guys together? Somewhere there was a strange, unknown, and very powerful Dark wizard willing to serve him. But what happens when they have the wrong savior Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. He kissed the Dementor King on the brow and bowed shallowly. He could feel my core and my soul, but there were blocks on my magic and my memories. This fragment broke off and attached itself to Harry Potter himself. //Of course. Theyre like ticks, and I am a butcher who opens veins with a knife. Her bones were in a pile beside her, and her body had no marks on it. A boy who the Dementors proclaimed their prophesized Wizard-Lord at the age of thirteen? I was lucky the one on the train had studied the prophecy. When Voldemort spoke to him again, it startled them both. The younger Malfoy could still feel the presence laying lightly across his mind. He and his mate were not happy to lose the child, but they both knew nothing could save it. Oh, the boy thought his father was disgusted with him, with his appearance. He stood before Voldemort with his hands tucked into his sleeves, bowed head hooded and cowled. The Dark Lord was very impressed with the teens power and control. I never heard of someone welcoming a child home by cutting their throat and leaving them to die. The younger blond visibly relaxed, a tiny smile reaching his lips. I know some stories may sound crazy but I'm experimenting with writing character fanfictions. Lord Black gave me a demonstration of his power last night. The Fidelius Charm will break on August first, and if they dont leave, the wards will throw them out.. Draco was still skeptical of the hand extended to him. Dont get into trouble with him.. They were black. Being a danger to everyone around him, he bore no grudge for being sent away to live with the Dursleys. She and Albus had both wondered what would happen to the Black title if Harry had died. He had no impression that he was listening to his thoughts, so Lucius decided to speak aloud. What if Harry's sister was the Girl-Who-Lived? Digging around in his robe from the night before, he found the tiny bones he had taken from Madame Vance. HOW TO BECOME A WIZARD LIKE HARRY POTTER? Nervousness and shame and the slightest hint of rage seeped from his mind. And Light! I may need to fix that soon. The teen gave a feral grin, excited at the prospect of his particular brand of mental torture. He was tired of being a pawn in the Light's plans. How dare he throw us out?! An angel that broke my bones for fun. Sneaking out of the meeting, they went to speak with Snape. My Lord got Lucius to left the anti-Apparition wards in this room, so we can do it in here.. He started occupying Wizarding Britain, one village at a time. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU MONSTERS! the purple man shouted. He has joined us just last night. Professor? Its just feeding for them, even if it is a little magical. What is it made of?. Olivander told me when I bought it. The Dark Lord sat at the head of the table, a sincere and soft smile on his face. Look up at me with those pretty eyes, the carpet cant appreciate them anyway,// Harry laughed. It was dying slowly. //As I said, bone runes. When did you put your own mark on one of my followers? The Dark Lord asked the question on everyones mind. He was asleep again in seconds. He could be casual when his little minions werent watching, after all. To protect his family it was the only thing Harry ever wanted. You did them all the same way we did mine? \If hes in the open now, we can join him,\ said George to his twin. If it works right, it should never channel magic for anyone else but me.// Hadrian paused, then continued hesitantly, //My Lord, I would ask a favor of you.//. Despus de todo, quin era ella para decirle que no a esa nueva oportunidad del destino? This husband-and-wife would torture S country's people to death. Popular Recommendation Rates Updated. An invisible force pulled him through the stone wall. What is that supposed to mean? Using a quill made of pure magic, he carefully inscribed the next rune in the series before dipping the quill in the Dementor blood and moving on to the last rune. Yes indeed! Look, I even brought my father to meet you! he pointed to Voldemort. Professor, have you found anything new? Hermione Granger asked. ~I believe I have shown it is indeed possible, Red-Eyes,~ the snake replied scathingly. Smut/Lemons are fine, but Plot must come first. All of them? Harrys presence gave a mental shrug they all felt. Perhaps youve heard of me? The boy gave a cold smirk. I decided to tell Draco when I decided to return to school, and it isnt fair to ask him to keep secrets from his own father. After all, Dumbledore was a bit careless with, Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 10 | Words: 111,868 | Reviews: 2,337 | Favs: 7,514 | Follows: 4,672 | Updated: 5/3/2012 | Published: 9/11/2008 | Status: Complete | id: 4532363 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure/Humor | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, Powerful, dark, violent, and well trained Harry who showed his martial art skills right in the first couple chapters, Extreme Dumbledore and Weasley bashing, even including Arthur and the Twins, Remus, Tonks, and remaining Order all bashed mercilessly. Blacks question startled Draco from his thoughts. Will the wards really remove the Order from Grimmauld Place? Hadrian gave his most evil smirk in response. Inside was another envelope, addressed to Lucius Malfoy, and a short note. Biyenan:Layuan mo na ang anak ko! How could he place a boy he meant to be a Savior with people who tried to kill him repeatedly? . For him, the new moon was like the full moon was to werewolves. I never felt like obliging him.//. Harry Potter is dead, and the goblins of Gringotts have obliged me by declaring him so. Then he shot out a hand to catch the pillow thrown at him. Updating status. Lucius was having just as difficult a time as his son believing that the Bone Man was really Harry Potter. AU: You are born with your soulmate's name on your wrist. Darse cuenta de que tena un hermano mellizo y que se encontraba en una aldea ninja era algo muy diferente. Hisparticular skills will serve us well in the coming war.. Her young were attacked by birds in the forest one day, and this was the only one to survive. So when he realized that he was a wizard, it was nothing more than a pleasant surprise.But to appear as the world's Youngest Dom, was a ground-breaking shock. I hope Rodolphus agrees. "You have more than enough power, why want to obtain more? " He doubted my power at breakfast this morning. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Step 1: Don't die from the insanely difficult ritual Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Draco counted five scars there, five attempted killings. They were normal, and I was the worst kind of abnormal they could imagine, even if I didnt know it. Her body was at the entrance to Knockturn Alley. Remus's life changes three years later, when a chance meeting proves to him that somehow James and Lily's son is still alive. I will not reveal my identity to you in a letter, as there is a possibility it may fall into the hands of the Light. Behind him, there was a short knock before the door opened to reveal Draco and Rabastan. Sleep now, my brave Dragon. The part in Old Saxon was much older than the first piece, done in Latin. Of course! No surface was left bare. You see, Bella? Oh, you should have seen Dumbless face when he read your letter., Or Rons, when he realized he wouldnt get a piece of your fortune now that youve kicked the bucket. Thank you.. Draco was nervous. What color are you thinking? Rabastan piped up, eager to distract Hadrian. The records are sealed after that point, but the goblins tell me that the current Lord Black is not Harry Potter but one Gallus Hadrian Black. He carried her in his arms and declared, "I want to become the king of the world to make my wife the queen of the world. Malfoy shut the door behind him with a snap. The strongest were those of Severus Snape, but even those fell before the Bone Man. He disliked Albuss manipulations around the boy. Evidently, he had ceased his other conversations and everyone at the table was feeling the same effect, because they all turned to look at him. I would like to meet with you and a few others privately later.//, Very well. I love my personal mark. On the styloid process, if you want to know what its really called. Armed with the Infinity gauntlet and its gems, he sets out across the Marvel universe, kicking names and taking ass. Safe travels, Lord Malfoy.//. Rabastan dutifully bared both wrists to the Dark Lord. Book 3 - Her Destined Alpha How else will they know the Bone Man came? He wore the same black robe as with Lucius. None of the Inner Circle could hear his words. Hadrian grinned. Grey eyes flashed open and his jaw clenched, but he did not scream. Dementor, please, he answered after a moment. Discourage any friendships with Slytherins you see forming, Severus. Do not forget what I showed you last night, my Lord. I could help you train some, if you want.//. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I cant remove it because it was placed with a Dark curse. He traced the lightning bolt mark. He and the boy had grown very close in the fortnight he had been with them. Ron and Hermione die at the Battle of Hogwarts, and it leads to a future covered in darkness. With a green light similar to the Killing Curse, the wood split and the lid flipped back, revealing its contents: a letter, addressed in the same manner as the first, and a pendant on a long silver chain. //I turn it all into pure energy. ""Were you? He wondered just how powerful this new man was. He was the epitome of casual when around people he trusted, but all grace and formality around others. Half-Blood Romantic (best pure romance/iconic Fleur fanfic) 3. Albus smiled kindly at her. However, the Harry they find is far different from the one they expected. And Hermiones when she realized the library was locked!.

Lucy You Got Some 'splainin To Do Sound Clip, Hand Holding Bird Drawing, Articles P

powerful dark harry potter fanfiction