mountain lions in new hampshire

So for me as a person who's had the Bobcats right off my grits similar carries sticks to a bobcat The Long Tail obviously very different but those facial markings were overlapping for me. There's a lot of photographs that you can see that it's very clearly a tabby cat that someone has thought was a mountain lion. We rely on readers like you to support the local, national, and international coverage on this website. Peter Biello: Listeners give us a call if you have a question or a story of a sighting 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. So they're scary. It traveled all the way from from you know Minnesota to New York without being so seen Patrick take. Erler is a senior naturalist at the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness. Rick shaking his head so Rick now correct me please. If youd like to submit a question (or send a mountain line photo) you can record it as a voice memo on your smart phone and send it, OR call our hotline, 1-844-GO-OTTER (1-844-466-8837) and leave a message. Monday, December 5th: Mountain Lions in New Hampshire? Part I Phone number 1 800. Chapter X, Predators, Panther (Mountain Lion) From History of NH Game and Furbearers by Helenette Silver, Research Clerk, NH Fish and Game Dept. We speculate they dont want us to screw up tourism we dont know whats going on. From "History of New Hampshire Game and Furbearers" by Helenette Silver, Research Clerk, NH Fish and Game Dept. Patrick Tate: It's wow interesting that you brought this up because I've had people report I saw cardamom. Peter Biello: This is the exchange on an HD PR fine Peter Biello and today we're talking with folks who can tell us about the mysterious elusive mountain line and whether or not it is actually here in New Hampshire. They're very loyal to what the handler which makes them very dangerous to everyone else. I can't tell you what you saw but it sounds like a mountain lion. Think You Saw A Mountain Lion in N.H.? - New Hampshire Public Radio M from Tree Hill author series presenting Diane lay back. Can we go to the site. Somewhere the way they travel the things they do they're going to leave evidence. Anyways after three weeks I finally found the image on line on a field and stream photo contest and the explanation in the end was the person that set the camera out with another individual and they believed that someone who knew of the camera location saw the similarities put the can't picture on their SD card so it looked like that camera recorded the image that is. County road and all of a sudden a big cat jumps out of the woods over a stone wall stood in the middle of the dirt road as I rode towards it. But you can continue the conversation on Facebook or at our Web site and HP Borg. And a lot of people around the county airport have seen a lot of pilots coming in said they saw huge. Pat humans people leave deer carcasses up in trees. As I tried to get a picture of it so there was it was definitely we looked up all the pictures and it was definitely not a bobcat or anything else being it looked just like a mountain lion. 235 or Sandy Hodskins, owner of West Meadow Farm in Bradford, New Hampshire, took time from shoveling Wednesday to enjoy the snow with her horse, West Wind. They absolutely do. Mountain Lions in New Hampshire-Fact or Fiction. There wasn't a distinct subspecies the North American mountain lion is all is all one species and then you can find a genetically distinct South American subspecies. Thanks for a great thanks. brings a lot of. So for those reasons I don't believe the standards are too high the amount of game cameras out on the landscape to record images department alone through contracts had over 150 throughout the state biologists go through various deer yards throughout the year. There have been several sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. You treat it as if it's a sincere situation. Are there Mountain Lions in NH? We discuss what residents may have been seeing and what breeding mountain lion pairs would mean for our ecosystem. Peter Biello: This is the exchange on an HP yard today we're talking about the mysterious elusive majestic Mystic Mountain Lion. Right. I have one that's more elaborate than that. We're gonna cue you up and bring into the program listeners in just a moment but I want to ask about the role that Mountain Lions play in the ecosystem we've been talking a lot about mountain lions traveling and being sort of hard to track as they move. We'd be inundated with scouts in the past when newspaper articles have been written about DNA and scouts. So I reached down to grab the camera and looked back and like a ghost it's gone. Mountain Lions in New Hampshire-Fact or Fiction 3,207 views Jul 31, 2019 78 Dislike Share Save New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife 634 subscribers During my thirty-one career at the New. However if if and when it does happen it takes up a lot of resources looking at that situation and identifying what's going on because when you start out you don't know it's a hoax. Peter Biello: We got an e-mail question from Robert in Epsom who asks are sightings or encounters with these big cats less dangerous here where they're passing through than out west where those same mountain lines might be establishing territory Rick. So I learned about what Rick just reported through a heart of heart of New Hampshire a letter and. So I think in that story there's there's something for the believers and the nonbelievers and I and you know Mark L. Brock is who is a gentleman with the cougar Network told me this story is evidence that that if they were here we would know about it. But on the other side of that coin there is this sense that there have been so many sightings locally and you guys Patrick you might recall the name the Wyndham McCracken she kind of turned herself into a local authority off authorities the right word but she was very dedicated to this. I didn't see him online. Okay. Part II. Well they are the same. BUT THAT SAID, Id love to be proven wrong. Here she is talking about how to identify a mountain lion. Select image for larger view. So they're not afraid of humans and they'll show up like a regular housecat. Seems reasonable! Peter Biello: And Carl before you continue I think Patrick Tate just give me a second. And those are not the same things. Which which I think Pat and I have both experienced. I'm Peter B yellow. Today, their range stretches from the Yukon Territory in Canada along the western coast of the United States, all the way to the Southern Andes in Chile. Caller: Yeah. Have it reported down in the Keene area. I wanted to get your thoughts on the mystique of the mountain lion start with you Rick. And so maybe before I go to you recommend I ask you Patrick Tate is the standard too high. Mountain Lions in New Hampshire-Fact or Fiction - YouTube Peter Biello: Nice to be here. Caller: And then there's the Lily Pond Road and then there's a six foot tall fence. Deer Bear Moose Wolves Fisher Mountain Lions. So let's let's go to the phones. We had six copies printed out each. I tracked cats and all the western states. I can't. Let us know your story and share your photos. Post your sightings and NH photos here! Thank you very much for that story really appreciate it. Patrick Tate: In theory it's a passing ball of a court and it goes wherever the bottom Ball wants to go. Lions Clubs Int'l Links: LionNet NH Links 2011 -2012 . Having not found any evidence is not the same as saying there are no mountain lions, its the same as saying we dont know. About Lions. If youve got photo trap evidence of a Mountain Lion, send it in, and we'll send it along to the appropriate state or federal agency! But before I go any further I want to say we do not have sufficient game. Some argue that it's a leap of faith. Sue Morse: First and foremost if you have color or if you could see details of color look at the front of the face around the Pumas muzzle the muzzle itself is pure white. If it's just in the middle of a greenfield you can't prove anything. John if you're still on the line here I was going to I don't. Join as a $8 per month sustainer and get our brand-new owl umbrella! To date, the Department has not received any verifiable evidence (photographic or DNA)of mountain lions existing in New Hampshire. I found a second scat scent both to him. Rick van de Poll: Well education is the real important thrust of of what all of us do as biologists and Game Managers and to make sure that a things like what Sam was saying that in spite of what you believe the mountain lions will not eat your children they will not steal your pets from your backyard and they will not necessarily be seen by you unless you're extremely lucky. He studied Politics and Spanish at Bates College, and before reporting was variously employed as a Spanish teacher, farmer, bicycle mechanic, ski coach, research assistant, a wilderness trip leader and a technical supporter. And you know it's rather interesting because certainly there are those you as a case of mistaken identity or they wanted to see something that perhaps they actually didn't. It doesn't make much sense because you know mountain lions are as we as we said before. Have you heard stories do you have questions about the mountain line. Just. All they think it traveled north through Canada up you know crossed across the Great Lakes and then and then down again through New York State. HOLDERNESS, N.H. (AP) Two of the known mountain lions in New Hampshire have spent their 15 years in close proximity to humans. I've collected scat samples I've got several in my collection. Residents from Bedford to Berlin have been reporting sightings for years. Ive received pictures of dogs at odd angles, says Tate. I mean that so many of them are false sightings we. Sam Evans-Brown has been working for New Hampshire Public Radio since 2010, when he began as a freelancer. Updated: 9:53 AM EST Dec 6, 2016. Numerous scat and fur specimens have been turned in as part of mountain lion report investigations; DNA identification has shown these submitted samples to be from domestic dog, coyote, bobcat andraccoon. I had a resident in New Hampshire tell me a story of a mountain lion in the 1960s where a person who would come summer in New Hampshire and then live in a different part of the country in the winter had a trailer that was housing his mount line. It's not an emerging endangered species no work no there are there are populations in specific states so the Florida panther is is an endangered species that sub population is in fact listed under the Endangered Species Act. History of Mountain Lions in New Hampshire | NH Wildlife By Eric Orff. Monday, December 5th: Mountain Lions in New Hampshire? They lived perhaps elsewhere in New England and they were just passing through and happened to have an encounter of some sort. Residents Report Mountain Lion Sighting By Elysia Rodriguez Published August 11, 2015 A southern New Hampshire neighborhood believes a mountain lion is roaming the woods near their homes. People go through great lengths to create hoaxes like this. When you talk about a bobcat Bobcat maybe 80 90 pounds and then a mountain lion could be between 130 and 180 pounds. Thanks very much. Incredible sighting and I called him the fish and game and they immediately sent me to a website to look at all the bobcat pictures. So it's six months of a large large predatory animal that moves great distances on the landscape that is not known if it went northeast west Salt and how many circles it did. Are these big cats back?Subscribe to WMUR on YouTube now for more: more Manchester news: http://wmur.comLike us: Pelosi story here we go. And trying to figure out the little pieces to identify him so I bring up the names the differences but the appearances can be confusing for some. Mountain Lions | Wildlife | New Hampshire Fish and Game Department We're gonna talk about sightings in this part of the program as well we'd love to hear your story. So so in 2011 a mountain lion was killed in a car accident in Connecticut a car hit a mountain lion and killed it. Rick van de Poll: Oh yeah absolutely. The number 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7 so promised a discussion about conspiracy theories. They kill big animals. What's interesting about Bobcats is here in the Northeast we have some very large bobcats. Mountain lions ( Puma concolor) are one of the six native species of wild cats in North America. Today she talked with us a little bit before the show about why the mountain line is so compelling and why we want it to be part of our world. And so. But are there mountain lions living in New Hampshire? So I certainly can't dispute anything that they said there's no evidence for me to go by to verify or say what my thoughts are on the situation. So Pat you field a lot of calls about people seeing or reportedly seeing mountain lions. There have been several sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. I would say that there's going to be the truth in here somewhere. And I I have this great text history of New Hampshire game and fir bears and I think by Helen Silver who used to work for fish and game and she sort of I kind eyes this animal in one of the quotes from 1892 stating that the catamaran was the most ferocious of all the wild beasts of New Hampshire his great size strength and agility of movement together with his formidable weapons rendered him the terror both of man and beast. Peter Biello: From New Hampshire Public Radio I'm Peter Biello in for Lark Knoy and this is the exchange. There's never, ever, ever, ever been a documented case of a black mountain lion. Is this kind of a typical story. Caller: Well I think Patrick I recognized your name. Anytime at any HP broad dot org or subscribe to our podcast search Apple podcasts Google Play or stitcher for an HP bar exchange. Have you seen one. Sort of dropped onto the SD card of a camera he'd set up out in the wild. Peter Biello: So let's say Rick that it was confirmed that there that there are mountain lines here in New Hampshire. She was having a garden party on her back porch and everybody in the party saw this mountain lion across the field down below the porch. So Marty can you see what I'm getting at is the public sees different names and thinks that they're different animals but it's all the same animal. Give today. You know interactions are pretty unusual. Thank you very much for being here. So I just brought up the bobcat thing because the location is fascinating to me that that that location we have Bobcats existing but that location we have a mountain lion report because it's a developed area and which brings me back to earlier what I had said it's a bouncing ball. Really appreciate you guys being here as well. Peter Biello: Well Mike thanks very much for sharing your story. Some of the reports that I looked into that were actually on file at the local fish and game office were even from people who did not live locally. But the state always denies it, and none of us know why they deny it. I think that you probably are. David Erler says some of them probably have. Every other Friday on Morning Edition NHPRs Sam Evans-Brown tracks down answers to questions about the environment and outdoors for our listeners in a segment we call Ask Sam.. Each person had their own copy and now it was identify the trees the species of tree matched. He shifted gears in 2016 and began producing Outside/In, a podcast and radio show about the natural world and how we use it. His work has won him several awards, including two regional Edward R. Murrow awards, one national Murrow, and the Overseas Press Club of America's award for best environmental reporting in any medium. They don't know the direction they're going. Sam Evans-Brown: So Tim so this cat's been been referenced a couple of times I think we should talk about it specifically lay the whole story out for folks who haven't heard the story because it's actually I think really indicative of a lot of stuff for talking about. If it's someone that has an illegal captive animal that is accustomed to humans those leave a lot of evidence because they want to go around humans to find food meaning they're used to being fed by humans. 44-H Links. Sam Evans-Brown: One in fact Helena silver in that sort of tome that Rick van de Poll read from at the beginning is she. Patrick Tate: So it's interesting it's brought up. Course like Sue said you have to see it and it's not always that visible. Sam Evans-Brown: I just want to say the bang and word you just heard I think to me exemplifies why it's really hard to come up with with positive you know 100 percent certain evidence that you've that what you've got is a mountain lions. Your support makes this news available to everyone. So maybe a good pet for you but not for your neighbor if you just stop by unannounced. Caller: Oh hi. A monthly donation of $5 makes a real difference. Sam Evans-Brown: So I just had two thoughts which is that we hear a lot of these stories and all of us here have heard these stories. John is calling from Bennington. So I think the point that I just want to get across is that there is a very strong sense this here in the and not region that there is that there is some sort of mountain lion population how large it is how extensive it is. Peter Biello: We at this e-mailed comment from Michael. Peter Biello: Well yeah. We we hear that there is allegedly a government conspiracy to deny the existence of mountain lions here in New Hampshire so I guess a local government conspiracy. 10 things to do in NH this weekend: Dartmouth Dance, Hamilton De Holanda & more, Turkish restaurant in the Upper Valley aims to help those affected by recent earthquakes, RFK Jr. tells NH crowd hes considering a presidential run, Epping woman pleads guilty to threatening Michigan election official in 2020. GAP MOUNTAIN LIONS CLUB Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire (USA) District 44-N . There's no attraction. Its actually fairly reasonable to believe that mountain lions do, at least, pass through occasionally. It's listed as population of least concern. m from a weed family Automotive on store Street in Concord is serving the Concord area families automotive needs since 1995. Now Bobcat is a completely different species. Sam Evans Brown. It was not a bobcat. It's good to talk to you. Sam Evans-Brown: You know the North America had a number of large predator species when humans first arrived in the continent. Patrick Tate: Yes. I don't see the hoaxes anymore at that level. And so so with their limited staff and limited budget that is that is more and more limited every year because you know fewer people are buying hunting and fishing licenses. Patrick Tate: While a juvenile not a juvenile I guess if you want nodes to the base of the tail for juvenile that wouldn't be small at all. Fish and Game looked into the labs to have them confirm the information in the reports which the labs did not. Pat do they typically just move around a lot. Peter Biello: Well John thanks very much for the story really appreciate it. Are there mountain lions in New Hampshire? : r/newhampshire - reddit (Cue the X-Files music: The Government is denying the cougars exist!) This decision was primarily for nerdy phylogeny reasons, though, because the eastern cougar probably never existed. Thank you. Rick van de Poll: Well I didn't. Love hearing these stories. That's pretty elaborate. On Oct. 10, he gave a slide talk called "Wild Cats of New Hampshire," which included the bobcat and the lynx., Buy or Renew Your Saltwater Fishing License, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. The term is because mascots notwithstanding right that they're referred to with a lot of different terms and sometimes they can be confused with a lot of different terms. Patrick Tate: I don't believe it is. Contact the Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461 or to request an observation report form. And here we're talking about in this situation we're talking about it migrated from the West. This is not the same as saying that there has never been a mountain lion seen in New Hampshire. And you know all that. This is where things start breaking down when you so I get pictures with this great description and one of my favorite stories is a great description what the witness and then so I called the witness and wanted information from them and the person says What are you talking about. Its distinctive featurethe one that sets it apart from other North American wild catsis its tail, which is thick and often as long as its body. OK. That location they just described we had two or three Bobcats radio collared on just off the runway in Laconia airport. There'd be there'd be all sorts of you know basically a lot of hassle required if that were to happen. Wed love to be part of the first verified sighting. Caller: Oh yeah. He said matter of fact I do. Let us know your story and share your photos! Which brings us to the next question, what are the odds that some of these reported sightings (which, when I posted about this on twitter, I immediately started to get as well) are actually people seeing a mountain lion? Mountain lions leave a lot of sign. Well just that I have evidence and it was not it was denied by fishing game at the time and I you know there's I don't need to prove to anybody that I saw one just like some of your callers said okay. And it was you know 10 or 12 people saw it all at once. There were several sightings in CT over the last few months. But my experience was that the majority of these accounts could not be taken lightly. Lots of people have stories about them, people have them on their game cameras I mean its kind of a thing. The 17-year-old Kiger mustang mare was born in Bend, Oregon, said Hodskins, who got her . You don't know what's going on. But no proof was offered. No evidence and other states where Mountain lights have turned up. It's not a skinny rope like tail like a housecat. Mountain lion or cat running across. I'm gonna send you a letter that we researched this report and we spoke with those labs and the lab wrote in their letter to us that they could only say that Scott contained white Tea Party fur and that they could not say what deposited the scout because it's far too degraded listeners we'd love to hear from you about your mountain lion sightings if you have seen one or if you if you think you have give us a call we'd love to hear your story 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. Not one picture of him online while the person meet with us. I wasn't employed as biologists at the time of a situation that's been reported but so I started digging into this report and spoke with another wildlife biologist with the agency and said Do you know anything about this.

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mountain lions in new hampshire