how many people died during blm protests

Many people have explained they were opposing racism - not supporting the organisation - when they joined the millions using the #blacklivesmatter hashtag or taking part in protests. [468] The episode, which included racial slurs about the West Indies cricket team, now features a disclaimer at the beginning warning of "offensive content and language". A report from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project estimated that between May 26 and August 22, 93% of individual protests were "peaceful and nondestructive"[40][41] and research from the Nonviolent Action Lab and Crowd Counting Consortium estimated that by the end of June, 96.3% of 7,305 demonstrations involved no injuries and no property damage. [205] In Canada and France, where Floyd's murder initiated protests, activists were unsatisfied with the levels of reform made by officials at nearly a year after Floyd's murder. Emergency medical services put Floyd on a stretcher. He was there for us, and (his death)has taken so much from us. "[245] Portland mayor Ted Wheeler demanded the agents be removed after citizens were detained far from the federal property agents were sent to protect. [4][296] Their continued presence online has caused Facebook and TikTok to take action against their violent and anti-government posts. The Alabama Attorney General has filed suit against the city of Birmingham for violating the Alabama Memorial Preservation Act. [385], The U.S. stock market remained unaffected or otherwise increased from the start of the protests on May 26 to June 2. The other four deaths included three who died of natural causes and one from a drug overdose. "[375] By early July, The Washington Post was running a regularly updated section titled "America's Racial Reckoning: What you need to know. Horton's son said he was a "loving, caring, god fearing man who leaves behind seven amazing children …". And that catalyst can now be amplified by the fact that individuals probably have more time to engage in protest activity.'. He leaves behind four children. His wife saidhe was "everything for us." The victims include a 77-year-old man who was a retired St. Louis police captain and a 22-year-old woman from Davenport, Iowa. [501] Some law enforcement personnel in New York City who responded to protests were criticized for failing to wear face masks. ACLEDs dataset only focuses on political violence. McAtee was known for his popular Louisville BBQ joint. The impetus for the bill were the killings of Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other African Americans at the hands of police. Jessica Doty-Whitaker, a white woman, was shot to death early one July morning in Indianapolis. "[120], According to the American Political Science Review, the George Floyd protests led to a reduction in favorability toward the police among politically liberal Americans, and further exacerbated racial and political tensions and attitudes regarding the "race and law enforcement" debate in the U.S.[378], The Property Claim Services (PCS) of the U.S. Insurance industry states that in the "unrest that took place from May 26 to June 8" 2020 in 140 U.S. cities in 20 states was "the costliest civil unrest in U.S. history", and that insured losses are "estimated at over $2 billion". [438] President Trump cited this provision in his veto of the NDAA,[439] resulting in the only veto override of his presidency. Black Lives Matter protests attract not only BLM members but supporters and opponents, making it difficult to assign blame to BLM for particular incidents. [460] The budget for the department was passed in December and the funding was reduced by $7.7 million. The COVID-19 recession has eroded large parts of state budgets which have, subsequently, struggled to finance the police overtime pay, security costs, and infrastructure repairs related to the demonstrations. Civil rights marches in the 1960s were not nearly as big, the professor added. By June 8, 2020, at least 19 people had died during the protests. 17,000+ [2] Local protests in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area quickly spread nationwide in more than 2,000 cities and towns, as well as over 60 countries internationally in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. [194], By May 25, 2021, the anniversary of Floyd's murder, the United States had experienced a yearlong movement to address racial injustice in policing. Video and photographs of the incident appear to show Keltner slapping a security guard for a local news crew, who responds by pulling out a gun and shooting him. [233], From at least July 14, 2020, unidentified federal officers wearing camouflage used unmarked vans to detain protesters in Portland, Oregonsometimes without explaining the reason for their arrest. [448], In June 2020, Democrats in Congress introduced the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, a police reform and accountability bill that contains measures to combat police misconduct, excessive force, and racial bias in policing. [4] A large number of white nationalists did not appear in response to the protests, although "a handful of apparent lone actors" were arrested for attempting to harm protesters. People killed: In early June, news accounts reported the number of people killed during the Floyd protests at roughly a dozen, or as many as 19. [187] On May 6, 2021, Black mothers led a march in Washington, D.C., to encourage passage federal police reform legislation named after Floyd. The new data highlights the danger of the presence of guns during politically charged protests, and raises concerns about continued violence during and after election day, when many Americans anticipate delays, confusion and protests before the winner of the presidential race is confirmed. Many protests during the civil rights movement were in response to the perception of police brutality, . [116] In early March, in the days preceding Chauvin's trial, local organizers staged peaceful protests[117] with thousands of people marching in the streets. Combined, the posts accumulated more than 5,000 shares within a week. Younger and wealthier Americans are also participating in more of the demonstrations. [86] Shortly after, the official post-mortem declared Floyd's death a homicide. By Michael Austin June 5, 2020 at 6:24pm. Six police officers were killed in 10 days while working during protests against police violence and racial injustice in the spring of 2020. [402], Birmingham, Alabama, Mayor Randall Woodfin ordered the removal of the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Linn Park. Stephan Cannon faces multiple charges, including first-degree murder. [24] Jon Batiste, bandleader for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, took part in a Juneteenth day of protests, marches, rallies and vigils to "celebrate, show solidarity, and fight for equal rights and treatment of Black people" in Brooklyn. It could reshape 2020", "Will This Be The Moment Of Reckoning On Race That Lasts? As the New York Times reported July 3, four recent polls "suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of George Floyd and others in recent weeks. Police areinvestigating and seeking witnesses of the incident. [6][43], The protests precipitated a worldwide debate on policing and racial injustice that has led to numerous legislative proposals on federal, state, and municipal levels in the U.S. intended to combat police misconduct, systemic racism, qualified immunity and police brutality. How 2020 protests changed insurance forever, Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history. [50][51] Several demonstrations coincided with the criminal trial of Chauvin in March and April 2021 and the one-year anniversary of Floyd's murder in May 2021. The Justice Department alleged that a video showed one of the men breaking off and destroying the wheels of the cannons located at the base of the statue as well as pulling on ropes when trying to bring down the statue. [193] Civil rights activist Al Sharpton said, "convicting Chauvin is not enough", and encouraged congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, as well as continued activism ahead of the criminal trials of Lane, Kueng, and Thao and the federal civil rights trial of all four officers. As we reported two weeks after the protests began, a review of demonstrations in five major cities found that all of the protests started with violence, but then became largely peaceful. A Facebook Live livestream recorded by a bystander showed Officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck. His family loved him., unclear if the death was related to protests. [58] Activists in Minneapolis had vowed to continue protesting until the outcome of the criminal case of all involved officers at the scene of Floyd's death. Insurance claims arising from property damage suffered in rioting is still being assessed, but is thought to be significant, perhaps record-breaking. [40][310][311] Police made arrests in about 5% of protest events (deploying chemical irritants in 2.5% of events); 3.7% of protest events were associated with property damage or vandalism (including damages by persons not involved in the actual demonstration); and protesters or bystanders were injured or killed in 1.6% of events. Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks. Authorities allege Carrillo and an accomplice used the protestas cover for the killing. For example, California Governor Gavin Newsom called for new police crowd control procedures for the state, and the banning of the police use of carotid chokeholds, which starve the brain of oxygen. PBS-produced Race Matters: America After George Floyd reported on ongoing protests in communities over issues of police brutality a year after Floyd's death. [173] Terrance Floyd, George's brother, and other family members rallied voters in support of the candidacy of Joe Biden, and they made an appearance with the Biden family at a campaign event in Tallahassee, Florida. Protests against police brutality and systemic racism sparked by the death of George Floyd have taken place across the U.S. for threeweeks. The alleged shooter, Steven Nelson Lopez, was homeless and had a history of severe mental illness, and had reportedly been asked to leave the park earlier because of his behavior. [215][216], At least 200 cities in the U.S. had imposed curfews by early June, while more than 30 states and Washington, D.C., activated over 96,000 National Guard and State Guard service members. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their . Officers injured: The New York Post reported on June 8, citing the U.S. Justice Department, that more than 700 law enforcement officers were injured on the job during nationwide protests over Floyds death. [315], Several documentaries and news specials were broadcast to coincide with first anniversary of Floyd's murder. John Tiggs:Tiggs, a 32-year-old Black man, was shotand killed on May 31 at a Metro PCS duringlootings in Chicago. However, the post is wrong to claimprotesters saw no consequences in fact, over 10,000 protesters were arrested, most for low-level offenses. There does appear to be some correlation in activism and disdain for Trump and his administration. Michael Brown On August 9, 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. RobertForbes: Forbes, a 56-year-old Black man, was hit by a car while he was peacefully protesting in Bakersfield, California. Police were involved in the incident. In Portland, Oregon, however, Floyd's murder resulted in a yearlong period of "near-continuous protests" over racial injustice and police violence, at times featuring clashes between demonstrators and authorities and resulting in property damage. Frustrated by the lack of media coverage over the deaths of Nina Pop, who was stabbed in Sikeston, Missouri, on May 3 and Tony McDade, who was shot by police in Tallahassee, Florida, on May 27, artist and drag performer West Dakota and her mentor, drag queen Merrie Cherry, decided to organize a silent rally inspired by the 1917 NAACP Silent Parade. The protests, colloquially known as the"Freedom Convoy," began in late January after the Canadian government started requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for drivers crossing the U.S. border. [300][301], By late 2020, the United States Attorney's office had charged three alleged adherents of Boogaloo Bois movement who attempted to capitalize on the unrest in Minneapolis in late May. Steven Carrillo has been arrested and charged with first-degree murderand authorities say he has ties to a far-right, anti-government movement. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. A bystander then protests that the police were preventing Floyd from breathing, urging them to "get him off the ground You could have put him in the car by now. The protest was among of new set of peaceful protests in the United Kingdom to mark the one-year anniversary of Floyd's murder. The post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. Indianapolis police have not verified those claims or released any details about the circumstances of the shooting, and no one has been charged, but ACLED categorized the shooting as potentially politically motivated. Some reports have estimatedinsurance claims for damagesrelated to the 2020 protests totaled about $2 billion. July 8, 201604:08. Her fiance told media outlets that her shooting had been preceded by a tense argument with some passerby about the use of a racial slur and the statements, Black Lives Matter v All Lives Matter. [389] Estimates of property damages from fires and looting in the MinneapolisSaint Paul area were $550million to 1,500 property locations. 'If you aren't moved by the George Floyd video, you have nothing in you. [461], In the media industry, the protests have spurred scrutiny for cop shows and led to the cancellation of popular television shows referred to by critics as copaganda. [4] However, there was a scattered number of armed paramilitary-style militia movement groups and there were "several cases where members of these groups discharged firearms, causing chaos or injuring protesters". [318] Public outrage over the contents of the video became an inflection point that sparked the largest civil-rights protests in U.S. history as Americans confronted topics of structural racism and police reform. [415] Protesters in Belgium have vandalized statues of King Leopold II of Belgium. ", in reference to the looming trials of officers of the other three officers who participated in Floyd's arrest and subsequent murder. [329] In some cases, these displays of solidarity, such as police kneeling, have been recognized as occurring moments before police teargassed crowds or inflicted violence on them. James Scurlock, 22, Nebraska: A violent encounter with a white bar owner, Jake Gardner, during a protest in Omaha on May 30 led to the death of 22-year-old Scurlock, who is black. [183] At nearly a year after Floyd's death, civil rights activists continued to call for passage of the federal George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. [317], The video recorded of Floyd's arrest and death by Darneil Frazier on her mobile phone quickly went viral after she posted to Facebook a few hours later in the early morning hours of May 26. Whats more, news coverage of the protests have also included numerous reports that identify law enforcement officers as causing injury to civilians. Below left: A demonstrator is taken into custody by police after a curfew took effect during a protest over the death of George Floyd, on 1 June 2020 near the White House. [357] However, the store in question was actually a Watches of Switzerland outlet that denied anything was stolen. [442], The New York City Police Department reported a 411% increase in police retirement application in the first week of July. [17] In April 2021, Chauvin was found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. [304] According to the federal charging documents, the 30-year-old Michael Robert Solomon of New Brighton, Minnesota, who pled guilty to federal charges, recruited Boogaloo adherent participation via Facebook and at least five others traveled to Minneapolis to participate in the unrest. elected officials denounce Trump's threat to use military to quell protests", "Tall Fencing Creates Large, Imposing Perimeter Around White House", "The New White House Fence Is Getting Covered In Protest Art", "Anti-protester fencing around Lafayette Park near White House comes down", "The Government is Regularly Flying Predator Drones Over American Cities", "Customs and Border Protection Drone Flew over Minneapolis to Provide Live Video to Law Enforcement", "Barr: Law enforcement must 'dominate' streets amid protests", "Customs and Border Patrol officers deployed to help D.C. police amid unrest in city", "Mystery Officers Patrolling D.C. Walz to 'fully mobilize' the National Guard", "St. Paul mayor says arrested protesters were from out of state", "Minnesota lawmakers said violence during George Floyd protests was from 'outside' actors, but jail records show most arrests are in-state", "St. Paul mayor says earlier comments about arrested protesters being out of state were not correct", "Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op", "Statement from U.S. Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan about the actions taken to protect life and property", "It's terrible that we even have to explain what pepper balls are, but here we are", "Trump campaign demands story retractions on tear gas use", "President Trump on the Brian Kilmeade Show", "Viral Posts Share Old, Edited White House Photo in Dark", "White House Says Lights Go Out Same Time 'Almost Every Night' After Facing Criticism for Going Dark Amid Protests", "Fires light up Washington DC on third night of George Floyd protests", "Old image edited to show White House black out", "Democrats share altered 'lights out' photo of White House on social media", "That Viral "$2.4 Million Rolex Looting" Story? [205] As a jury deliberated in Chauvin's criminal trial, a vigil for Floyd was held on April 19, 2021, in Melbourne, Australia. [420], On June 12, the city council in Hamilton, New Zealand removed the statue of Captain John Hamilton, a British officer who was killed during the New Zealand Wars in 1864. It's time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis. [citation needed] During this time, multiple videos of the protests, looting, and riots were shared by journalists and protesters with many videos circulating widely on social media websites. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. "[458] Despite pledges by city council members to the end the Minneapolis Police Department, a proposed amendment to the Minneapolis city charter which was approved by the Minneapolis City Council on June 26 would only rename the police department and change its structure if approved by voters. a phrase popularized by BLM during the George Floyd protests. Minneapolis officials renamed a stretch two block stretch of Chicago Avenue as George Floyd Perry Jr Place and designated it as one of seven cultural districts in city. Obstructing roadways and carrying open containers were other reasons for the arrests, as well asfailure to disperse.. The latest flareup of protests against police brutality began May 26 in Minneapolis, where the previous day, George Floyd, a Black man, died after a white police officer kneeled on his neck. was shot and killed at a pawn shop on 2 June 2020. hate crimes and rising political violence, wearing body armor and carrying several guns, shot in Compton while sitting in their patrol car, pawn shop in Minneapolis that had been set on fire. It wasnt antifa. Blake has since filed a federal . He had lots of friends. "[374] Reuters reported that Black candidates in June's primaries had benefited from "a national reckoning on racism. COVID-19 vaccines "provide zero benefit relative to risk for the young and healthy.". [208][209], For some, the so-called "George Floyd effect" had demonstrators and activists connecting historic racism and social injustice to contemporary, local examples of police brutality. [466] In the United Kingdom, the BBC pulled the famed "The Germans" episode of Fawlty Towers from its UKTV streaming service, but later reinstated it after criticism from series star and co-writer John Cleese. [405] The statues targeted included a bust of Ulysses S. Grant and statue of Theodore Roosevelt. More than 2,900 cases of police brutality have . There is a Black Lives Matter national organization, which says it has more than a dozen U.S. chapters, along with countless numbers of individuals who support the organization. [495][496][497] Epidemiologists and other researchers attributed this to the location of the demonstrations outdoors (where the virus is less likely to spread as compared to indoors);[495][497] because many protesters wore masks;[497] and because persons who demonstrated made up a small portion of the overall U.S. population (about 6% of adults). Police said they returned fire after being fired upon. ", "House Approves Police Reform Bill, But Issue Stalled Amid Partisan Standoff", "Live Updates: Biden Meets With George Floyd's Family as America Marks His Death", "Protests surged nationwide on July 4 in a collective call for a better America", "National 'Strike for Black Lives' to fight racism, low wages", "March on Washington: George Floyd family urge protesters to 'be his legacy', "Labor Day weekend saw protests across the country as summer nears its end", "Protesters March In Wynwood, Commemorating 100 Days Since George Floyd's Death", "Protesters stage sit-in at Portland's Revolution Hall to mark George Floyd's 47th birthday", "Mourners Across The U.S. [289], Public financing and funding, particularly on the state level, has also been impacted by the protests. Digital IDs were given to residents in East Palestine, Ohio, to track long term health problems like difficulty breathing before the Feb. 3 train derailment. [380][381] [169] In Miami, Florida, protesters on September 7, 2020, commemorated Floyd's murder and pressured local authorities to enact changes to policing policies, such as banning chokeholds during arrests. T he vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests more than 93%have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a . Gather For What Would Have Been George Floyd's 47th Birthday", "In George Floyd's hometown, a season of protest ends at the polls", "George Floyd's brother rallies voters on Election Day", "After Nearly a Year of Unrest, Portland Leaders Pursue a Crackdown", "Activists Rally in Mass., Calling for Justice for George Floyd", "Protesters at Boston Rallies Call for Justice for George Floyd, Action on Police Killing Cases", "Utahns protest George Floyd's death with car caravan", "Prayer Vigil for George Floyd to be held in Houston", "Participants in Aberdeen rally celebrate Chauvin guilty verdict, stress need to keep working on police reform", "Chauvin reaction in downtown Chicago remains peaceful despite businesses boarding up, National Guard on standby", "Racial Justice Activists on What's Next After Derek Chauvin's Conviction for George Floyd's Murder", "George Floyd's cousin, Gary Jones, joins calls for change in San Diego", "Virginia state, local lawmakers react to former officer being found guilty of George Floyd's murder", "Police reform advocates on what 'justice' for George Floyd really means", "Relatives of Texans killed by police hope Derek Chauvin's conviction will advance the state's George Floyd Act", "Mothers rally to pass police reform in George Floyd's name", "A year after George Floyd murder, police reform is hitting a wall in Nevada Legislature", "Remembrance plans released for 1-year anniversary of George Floyd's death", "George Floyd Memorial Honoring Anniversary of Death Held in Brooklyn", "Analysis: 1 picture to make you hopeful after a year of protests for racial justice", "BLM activists, mayoral candidate Donovan arrested at George Floyd protest near Holland Tunnel", "Police declare riot in Portland as protesters mark 1 year since George Floyd's death", "Riot declared in downtown Portland, police arrest 5 people", "Protests across the globe after George Floyd's death", "Thousands join paddle outs at Hawaii beaches to honor George Floyd", "NYPD Boats 'Monitor' A Paddle Out In Rockaway", "Surfers 'paddle out,' circle up in memory of George Floyd", "Galveston surfers among those who honored George Floyd in 'paddle out' held around world", "How Activists Around the World Are Fighting for Justice", "Downtown Melbourne prayer vigil calls for justice and healing as Chauvin jury deliberates", "Floyd verdict sparks hope, inspiration for activists abroad", "George Floyd spurred broad push for change globally, activists say", "Paris Perspective - Paris Perspective #9: Discrimination in France and the 'George Floyd effect', "No real action to end racial injustice in Montreal since George Floyd murder: activists - NEWS 1130", "Adama Traore: How George Floyd's death energised French protests", "Protesters in London mark anniversary of George Floyd death", "New Yorkers mark one-year anniversary of George Floyd's death with long moment of silence and protest", "Cities around the world honor George Floyd's memory", "Minneapolis celebrates George Floyd's life after a 'troubling, long year', "Twitter flags Trump, White House for 'glorifying violence' in tweets about George Floyd protests", "Twitter Flags Trump Tweet About George Floyd Protests for 'Glorifying Violence', "Trump claims his 'when the looting starts, the shooting starts' remarks weren't a call to violence but instead a 'fact', "Trump threatens to deploy military as George Floyd protests continue to shake the U.S.", "GOP Sen. Tom Cotton calls for the US Army's toughest soldiers to quell 'domestic terrorism' and suggests protesters should be shown no mercy", "Mass. Whats more, news coverage of the protests have also included numerous reports that identify law enforcement officers as causing injury to civilians. [289] State governments have, since June, announced budget cuts to police departments as well as increased funding to other public safety measures. "[239], On July 20, 2020, the Chicago Tribune reported that the Department of Homeland Security was preparing to send 150 federal agents to Chicago. Black Americans account for less than 13% of the U.S population but are killed by police at more than double the rate of white Americans. Amazon announced it would redirect some delivery routes and scale back others as a result of the widespread unrest. [186][184][185], On April 23, 2021, in Austin, Texas, activists rallied outside the state's capitol to call for passage of the Texas George Floyd Actreform legislation introduced to ban chokeholds and require officers to intervene to stop excessive use of forcethat had stalled in the state legislature. [4][295], Boogaloo groups, who are generally pro-gun, anti-government, and far-right accelerationists, have reportedly been present at least 40 George Floyd protests, several reportedly linked with violence. September 5, 2020 11:47 AM EDT. [356] While the photograph did not depict the building at the time of the protests, Deputy White House Press Secretary Hogan Gidley confirmed that the lights "go out at about 11 p.m. almost every night". [243][244][245] Oregon governor Kate Brown called for federal agents to scale back their response and criticized Trump's actions: "President Trump deploying armed federal officers to Portland only serves to escalate tensions and, as we saw yesterday, will inevitably lead to unnecessary violence and confrontation. Users attempting to look up the hashtags #WhiteLivesMatter, #WhiteoutWednesday and #BlueLivesMatter were met with messages and video clips of dancing idols. The fund has raised more than $7 million. blm protest portland 7-25-20 ap.jpeg. [242] Following the executive order, the Department of Homeland Security sent officers from Customs and Border Protection to Portland, Oregon, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. ACLED found that the overwhelming majority of the more than 9.000 Black Lives Matter demonstrations that took place across the US after the killing of George Floyd have been peaceful. 20006, Florida 2016 . [502] An outbreak was detected among Houston, Texas, police department officers, but it was not clear if the officers were exposed on or off of their police duty. The episode originally aired less than one month after Floyd's murder, and was the only episode to feature this additional warning. [293] Other analysis found that persons involved in visible crimes such as arson or property damage were not ideologically organized, although some were motivated by anger towards police. BLACK Lives Matter protests and "riots" after the death of George Floyd did as much as $2billion worth of damage. In 2015 the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore police custody resulted in riots in the city and nationwide protests as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. Clashes are common. Medics were unable to detect a pulse, and Floyd was pronounced dead at the hospital.

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how many people died during blm protests