our lady of compassion feast day

At one time when you wanted to speak with Jesus, your humility forbade you to enter the house where He was preaching until you were asked to do so. Mary, My Mother, your Heart is the masterpiece of the Holy Trinity. I admire the holiness of their lives and the nobility of their family. Your will was one with His, faithful to your promise made at the Incarnation. Today we celebrate our Lady of Sorrows. He can and does suspend the laws of nature for those who have faith in His goodness and entreat Him in fervent prayer. The Eternal Father once gave you the most precious treasure that heaven possessedHis own Divine Son. For the small sacrifice of being devoted to you I can obtain a happy death and eternal life. "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Whatever of sanctity, of dignity, of merit, of grace and of glory, that we can imagine, all is in you. Whoever abides in this Church will bring forth much salutary fruit; whereas they who willingly separate themselves from it must wither away spiritually. In Jesus there was wrapped up the double love of a mother for her only Child and of the holiest creature for her God. But as Joseph had been united to you by the ties of marriage, he approached nearer than anyone else to your eminent dignity. Responsorial Psalm Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8. Through your prayers you will obtain forgiveness for my past negligence. Mary, Mother of God, you are called Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament because you are associated in a special way with the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. But you are a creature so holy and so perfect that you are superior to all other creatures. Hundreds of dancers, many in feathered headdresses and indigenous-style costume, dance vigorously for hours during the days leading up to the feast, and on the December 12 feast itself, in the vast plaza in front of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In your humility, you looked upon yourself as His lowly handmaid. Mary, My Mother, I turn to you rather for health of soul than of body. You brought forth Jesus, your First-born, without pain; but in giving birth to your second-born, what agony did you not have to endure? Decorate your table with colorful flowers . Mary, Mother of God, the offering of Jesus was presented by your virginal hands. 2. What must have been your anguish when you looked at the sacred body of Jesus as the long nails were being driven into His hands and feet! You were dressed in your finest clothes and surrounded by your friends as you joined the procession by the light of lamps and the sound of music. You are Queen because you are the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Help me to sacrifice myself generously for the love of Godto abstain from those many hurtful things that prevent the union of my soul with God. She holds a lamp for the fires of Imbolc, is known. The Sanctuary in 1906. The Holy Spirit overshadowed you at the Annunciation, and on Pentecost He made your heart a furnace of Divine love. Down through the ages numberless people have recovered health of body and of spirit through your intercession! Blessed are they whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD. The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Having carried within you Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you share, as no one else does, in your divine Son's holiness and purity. You are the Virgin most pure. Mary, Mother of God, make my interior life of union with Jesus more like your own. Later in the public life of Jesus, you sought no attention. Though it was out of sheer goodness that God decreed to give us His very Son in the Blessed Sacrament, I believe that your prayers had much to do with the carrying out of that plan; for you, too, must have prayed, "Give us this day our daily bread." From the moment you said, "Be it done to me according to thy word," the Father in heaven made Jesus and you, as it were, a redemptive pair; you, of course, have always been dependent on Him. Not all the affection you pour out upon countless other souls lessens your love for me. 1. Solemnity of Mary Mother of God 2. There before the tabernacle you relived in memory all the happy and sorrowful events of your life with Jesus. Let me never esteem worldly wisdom so highly as to pay but little attention to the principles of that wisdom which is from heaven and which alone can make me truly wise and happy. In 2017/18, the most recent full school year, 4.8% of half-day . The early writers of the Church already speak of you as a second Eve, who fulfilled in the restoration of mankind a role closely corresponding to that of Eve in the ruin of our race. You beheld His arms and feet roughly extended on the hard wood of the cross. 3. . Mary, Mother of God, your charity is strikingly shown forth in the Visitation. Therefore, no one could ever love me more, after Christ, than you do. God had raised you to the highest dignity in His power in choosing you to be the Mother of His Son. For as often as I offended God by mortal sin, so often have I crucified the Son of God and made a mockery of Him. I am deeply conscious that I am unable to do good. 16, 26). September 15 | Recurring Event . You are the Mother of mercy and kindness not only to the just, but also to the despairing sinners so that no sooner do you see them coming to you and seeking your help, than you aid them; you welcome them and obtain their pardon from your Son. 1. 3. For that reason you were conceived by your mother, Saint Anne, without even the shadow of sin. Bishop Columns. When His lips were tortured with gall and vinegar, a sea of bitterness was poured into your Heart. Mary, Mother of God, you are our Mediatrix. Mary, My Mother, as often as your sweet name comes to my lips, you appear to me as a masterpiece of God's power, so perfect and so sublime that even the hand of Almighty God could not produce anything more perfect in the form of a pure creature. You stood there silently fulfilling a part assigned you by Providence. 3. Help me to love God with my whole mindso that my mind may be habitually occupied with God and that I may value His good pleasure above everything elseabove my convenience, above all earthly treasures, above all knowledge and friendship, above health and life. Mary, Mother of God, the miracle of the Marriage feast of Cana shows that you are the Mother of Divine Providence. Mary, Mother of God, I turn to you in all my pressing needs and difficulties as to a most sure refuge. In you, and of your substance, was this day formed His adorable Body. Feast, Saturday before the before the last Sunday in August (Triduum, Wednesday last Sunday in August). Mary, My Mother, since it is the will of God that we should obtain all through you, teach me to turn to you in all my needs. 1. 1. Amen! Though receiving all you obtain through Jesus Christ, because you pray and ask for it in the Name of Jesus, yet whatever graces we receive, come to us through your intercession. How many are now in heaven because of the protection given them by your merciful Heart! As the devil goes about seeking whom he may devour, you go about seeking whom you may save. This event has passed. Confidence fills my soul, for you were raised to this glory not for your own advantage only, but for that of your children also, in order to make us feel the effects of your powerful protection and intercession. Latest news Portuguese bishops announce steps to end sexual abuse in the Church You are, indeed, the ladder by which Christians may ascend to heaven; you are their greatest hope, and the whole ground of their hope. To all of us your Immaculate Heart after that of Jesus is most loving and most merciful. Mary, Mother of God, how sacred was the life of Jesus in your womb while you awaited His coming! The divine light, received from Him, led you deeper into the mystery of the Redemption and its effects in the past and in the future. Mary, Mother of God, I believe that the dignity, holiness and glory of Joseph rests on the fact that he was your spouse and that he was the foster father of Jesus Christ. . I did it not once or twice but numberless times. How God rewarded your humble and deep faith! Before you were crowned Queen of Heaven you became the Mother of Sorrows. The holy couple offered you to God by the ministry of the priest in charge, who invoked the blessing of God upon you and your parents. Make me Eucharist-minded to the extent that my very life may be the Eucharistin union with you, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Though they had both vowed to consecrate their first-born child to the service of the Lord, they remained childless, a condition considered a disgrace among the Jews and a mark of heavenly disfavor. If to live of the Eucharist and by the Eucharist was the very special spirit of the early Church"And they continued steadfastly in the communion of the breaking of the bread" (Acts 2, 42)it must have been the summary of your last years on earth. Mary, Mother of God, in honoring you as Our Lady of Guadalupe, we honor you as the Immaculate Conception. Copyright by FATHERS RUMBLE AND CARTY Radio Replies Press Society St. Paul 1, Minn., U.S.A. EWTN | 5817 Old Leeds Rd. There is no sinner so spoiled and so mired in vice that you would deny him aid. The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows grew in popularity in the 12th century, although under various titles. During my whole life you continue to take care of me until Christ be formed in me. 3. Teach me to bear my cross patiently in imitation of Jesus and you so that in this way I may prove how much I really love you. Look with pity on me for in You is my hope. As in Heaven the Divine Word is like the Father, so on earth the Son, according to the flesh, is like you His Mother. But we do find you standing beneath the cross on Calvary, when your Son was derided and mocked. I regard that dominion as a shining star lighting and guiding my life. As Mother of the Son of God, you are associated with the Father in the generation of His Son. Our founder, so moved by her image, vowed to live by her exampleand that's a promise our Mercy Home family still upholds today. From all eternity God chose you to be His Mother, and in time He adorned you with every spiritual charm. I became a child of God. Aside from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, no human heart ever loved mankind so deeply as your heart, and, therefore, you wanted to unite your will to His, offering to Almighty God this Holy Sacrifice out of pure charity for the human race. It is through your prayers that God inspires me to receive It and grants me the grace to receive It worthily. Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. What greater wonder could the world behold, than a woman become the Mother of God, and a God clothed in human flesh? 2. With greatest confidence in the mercy and kindness of Your Son, you left Him free to give assistance or withhold it, as He saw fit. It was a life of silence, and yet He is the Word of the Father, the expression of His glory, the teacher of the prophets. Here I will demonstrate, I will exhibit, I will give all my love, my compassion, my help and my protection to the people. You saw the heavy cross placed on His bent shoulders. Mary, My Mother, you and good St. Joseph were married to become the models of family life. He is for us the source of all grace, the cause of our supernatural life. Your protection never ceases, your intercession brings hope and life. pray for me! View the Flyer. For He was everything to you, and all else was nothing without Him. There is no closer bond of love among relationships than that which exists between a mother and her son. Help me to cling tightly to Jesus and to you. Mary, My Mother, as Dispenser of all graces, you make the world share in the infinite merits of the redemption. Excerpted from Our Lady of Sorrows by Fr. From eternity, before anything was, you were united to your Son in the mind of God as His most pure Mother. Your Child, becoming the King of Martyrs, would make you their Queen. In 1913, Pope Pius X, in view of his reform giving precedence to Sundays over ordinary feasts, moved this feast to September 15, the day after the Feast of the Cross. As Eve induced Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit which brought death upon us, so you prompt us to eat the Bread which gives us life. I want to take devotion to you seriously. If the honor of parents descends upon their children, what glory and joy for all of us, your children, to see you raised to such heights of glory! It was the great vital act that completed the work of God in the world. I earnestly wish to make atonement for all of them. The power of your intercession has no such limits, for the saints teach me that our Savior can refuse nothing to His Mother. Your divine maternity is great also because this privilege is the reason for your other privilegesyour Immaculate Conception, miraculous virginity, fullness of grace, Assumption and the spiritual maternity of all mankind. I cannot advance in the path of sanctity without humility, which is the heart and soul of virtue. Your Immaculate Conception is a triumph over Satan the author of evil, who under your heel, suffered his first complete defeat. He wanted the strengthening of the faith of His disciples and the manifestation of His Divinity to depend upon your prayers. Because of your dignity, you reach to the borders of the divine. 2. To you then we owe the salvation which Jesus brought to us. Your example teaches me that Jesus will work miracles for persevering prayer that springs from confidence and humility. You formed His feet, to search after and seek us as a Good Shepherd, His hands to heal us and to be pierced for us; and His shoulders to carry the cross. The virtue of holy prudence guides man in his choice of purposes and in the best means to attain them. Since 1958 and the merging of the two saint days into one celebration (known as the Cooperative Feast), the Giglio Feast has been celebrated in July, with all activities leading up to its culmination on July 16th, the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Since Jesus has given you charge of the dispensing of His graces, I know that you are most eager to use this power to help me. February 07, 2021. Provide for our needs of soul and of body. At the Crib, you were the first ostensorium of your Son, showing Him to the shepherds, to the Magi and to the world. Feast, Saturday before the 3rd Sunday of November (Triduum, Wednesday the 3rd Sunday of before November). April 16 - 23,2023. Mary, My Mother, from your early years you adored the one true God in the Temple at Jerusalem. On the right of the Sanctuary stands the shrine of Our Lady of Compassion, under whose protection the church is placed. I cannot have Jesus for my Brother if I do not have you for my Mother. Mary, My Mother, your whole life was like a Mass. You were not bound by the Law, because you were a virgin as well as a mother. Feast, Saturday after the Feast of the Ascension (Triduum, Wednesday before the Feast of the Ascension). But you are not the adoptive Mother of the Son of God; you are His real Mother. In your heart and life the Eucharist took the place of His former presence in the flesh. During this long period of concealment in your womb, you perfected His bodily faculties for our benefit. Mary, Mother of God, already in your childhood you dedicated yourself to the love and service of God. I implore the help of your protection and choose you as my advocate. 2. But many of these straying children are ignorant and not fully responsible. Teach parents to care for their children as God's sacred trust, to guard them from sin and to lead them in the way of virtue. We recommend to you our hopes and our fears. 3. Mary, My Mother, I beg you to aid me in being watchful over myself, guarding my exterior and interior senses, avoiding all outward haste and inward passion, trying to make a virtuous action of everything I do, and by talking to God frequently in prayer. Joachim was of the royal house of David, and Anne of the priestly family of Aaron. You hid your miraculous virginity under the mantle of humility. It is the ideal and providential moment to entrust . Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Help me to receive Holy Communion frequently, at least each week, if not daily. You are the holiest of women, the Virgin-Mother thrice holy, because you are holy of the Father, holy of the Son, holy of the Holy Spirit of Love. Since you bore a much heavier one together with your innocent Son, should not I, a sinner deserving of eternal punishments, carry mine patiently? You show your compassion toward all so that there is no one in this world who does not, if he seeks it, share in the kindness and mercy of your motherly Heart. You have found uncreated grace, that is, God Himself became your Son; and with that grace you have found and obtained every created good. Pilgrims approach the grounds of the basilica, in distant view, on the day before the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of mankind and therefore the Help of Christians, the all-powerful suppliant. Mary, My Mother, to conceal the miraculous conception and birth of His Divine Son, the Eternal Father inspired Joseph to marry you before the annunciation by the archangel Gabriel. Mary, Mother of God, how great was the honor given to you at the Annunciation! Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. This was your spiritual Motherhood. And yet, Refuge of Sinners, you are my refuge, if I but have recourse to you, and you will extend your loving hands to receive me, to shelter me from the divine anger I so justly deserve. You would have shown your grief as mothers do by sobs and tears. You were one of us, and yet you stood above us! Being the new Eve who was to be the Mother of the new Adam you were, by the eternal decree of God and by the merits of Christ, withdrawn from the general law of original sin. Satan is more humiliated at seeing himself under the heel of the lowliest of creatures than at feeling himself crushed by God's almighty arm. This is my hope that you will be a Mother to me and obtain for me the grace I need to save my soul. You did not try to square both predictions. Mary, My Mother, How perfectly you have followed the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and acted on divine wisdom! Amen. But the true sanctuary in which you dwelt with God was not the palace of worship at Jerusalem but the immaculate temple of your heart. Grant that we all may heed your warning, for only through penance and reparation can we blot out sin and the insult it afflicts on God. My imitation of both Jesus and you depends upon my response to the amount of grace that God sees fit to give me. When the Angel Gabriel came as a messenger from God, it was not only to ask your consent to become the Mother of the Son of God, but also to treat with you of the salvation of the human race, of the birth of the Savior of the world, of the regeneration of mankind and the setting up of an everlasting kingdom. Mary, Mother of God, humility is the virtue you especially practised from childhood. You treasured up all the words spoken by the holy angels concerning your divine Son, as well as those pronounced by the prophetess Anna and by holy Simeon when you presented your Son in the temple, and you prudently pondered them in your heart. In giving you to Joseph as spouse, God appointed him to be not only your life's companion, but also a sharer of your dignity. After your Divine Son, you are God's most precious gift to man. The three Divine Persons declared you Queen of heaven and earth and assigned to you a place at the right hand of Jesus. God would work a miracle so that you might remain a virgin, and yet become the Mother of God. In your humility you gladly suffered contempt with Jesus. I come to you with confidence, knowing that through you all glory, honor and holiness given to the human race from the first Adam to the last ages has been granted, is being granted and will be granted to apostles, prophets, martyrs and all the just.

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our lady of compassion feast day