haplogroup g origin

[42] The technical specifications of M201 are given as: refSNPid is rs2032636..Y chromosome location of 13536923.forward primer is tatgcatttgttgagtatatgtc..reverse primer is gttctgaatgaaagttcaaacg..the mutation involves a change from G to T. A number of SNPs have been identified with seemingly the same coverage in the population as M201. Polarity and temporality of high-resolution y-chromosome distributions in India identify both indigenous and exogenous expansions and reveal minor genetic influence of Central Asian pastoralists. Capelli C, Brisighelli F, Scarnicci F, Blanco-Verea A, Brion M, Pascali VL : Phylogenetic evidence for multiple independent duplication events at the DYS19 locus. The expansion time of G-M406 in Anatolia is 12800 years ago, which corresponds to climatic improvement at the beginning of the Holocene and the commencement of sedentary hunter-forager settlements at locations, such as Gobekli Tepi in Southeast Anatolia, thought to be critical for the domestication of crops (wheat and barley) that propelled the development of the Neolithic. The haplogroup G mutation developed about 21,000 to 14,000 years ago. Haplogroup G represents one of the first peoples in Europe. G-L91 would seem to encompass a significant proportion of men belonging to G. L91 is found so far in scattered parts of Europe and North Africa and in Armenia. Nonetheless, coalescent times provide a valuable/informative relative metric for estimating the time of lineage formation. L1771.1/ L177_1, L1771.2/L177_2, L177.3/L177_3) was withdrawn as an identifier by ISOGG in 2013, after it was "found to be an unreliable palindromic snp". Am J Hum Genet 2002; 70: 265268. Origin, diffusion, and differentiation of Y-chromosome haplogroups E and J: inferences on the neolithization of Europe and later migratory events in the Mediterranean area. Parent Branch: G-FGC5081 Descendant branch(s): G-Z17084 G-Z45043 FTDNA Tree Link: Link YFull Info. It remains to be seen if testing will reveal G-M377 haplotypes in other populations this is some indication that G-M377 occurs at low levels in the Near East. (2004) suggested the mutation took place only 9,500 years ago. Categories have alternating letters and numbers. P287 was identified at the University of Arizona and became widely known in late 2007. Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on European Journal of Human Genetics website, Rootsi, S., Myres, N., Lin, A. et al. Should any man with the P15 mutation test negative (ancestral) for any of these or vice versa, that finding would be the basis of a new G2a category. The fragments were run on the ABI PRISM 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). SR thanks the Estonian Science Foundation for grant 7445 and M Metspalu for grant 8973. Finally, to the east, G2a3a-M406 has an expansion time of 8800 years ago in Iran, a time horizon that corresponds to the first Neolithic settlements of the Zagros Mountains of Iran. [6], A more eastern origin has also been mentioned, believed by some to originate in an area close to the Himalayan foothills. PLoS Biol 2010; 8: e1000536. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 788788. If a sample meets the criteria indicated for these three markers, it is likely the sample is G2a2b1. M286 was first identified at Stanford University at chromosome position 21151187, and is a mutation from G to A. It is a branch of haplogroup G (Y-DNA) (M201). Specifically, we intersected these criteria by applying the following filters. G2a2b2a is also found in India. Eur J Hum Genet 20, 12751282 (2012). Although the present-day frequency of G1 is low across its spread zone, the expansion time estimate (Supplementary Table S4) of 192716158 years attests to considerable antiquity. ISSN 1018-4813 (print), Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the populations of Europe and the Caucasus, Subdividing Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a1 reveals Norse Viking dispersal lineages in Britain, Phylogenetic analysis of the Y-chromosome haplogroup C2b-F1067, a dominant paternal lineage in Eastern Eurasia, Y-chromosomal connection between Hungarians and geographically distant populations of the Ural Mountain region and West Siberia, Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267, Bidirectional dispersals during the peopling of the North American Arctic, The role of matrilineality in shaping patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA sequence variation in southwestern Angola, Ancient human mitochondrial genomes from Bronze Age Bulgaria: new insights into the genetic history of Thracians, Medieval Super-Grandfather founder of Western Kazakh Clans from Haplogroup C2a1a2-M48, Early medieval genetic data from Ural region evaluated in the light of archaeological evidence of ancient Hungarians, http://harpending.humanevo.utah.edu/popstr/, Population genetic study of 17 Y-STR Loci of the Sorani Kurds in the Province of Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, Phylogenetic history of patrilineages rare in northern and eastern Europe from large-scale re-sequencing of human Y-chromosomes, Sex-biased patterns shaped the genetic history of Roma, Middle eastern genetic legacy in the paternal and maternal gene pools of Chuetas, Cancel Because SNPs provide the most reliable method of categorization, each is allowed to represent an official G category. The presence of M527 in Provence, southern Italy and Ukraine may reflect subsequent Greek maritime Iron Age colonization events16 and perhaps, given its appearance among the Druze and Palestinians, even episodes associated with the enigmatic marauding Sea Peoples.42. In Wales, a distinctive G2a3b1 type (DYS388=13 and DYS594=11) dominates there and pushes the G percentage of the population higher than in England. The most detailed SNP mutation identified was S126 (L30), which defines G2a3.[11]. Y-chromosomal diversity in Lebanon is structured by recent historical events. The frequency data were converted into isofrequency maps using the Surfer software (version 8, Golden Software, Inc., Golden, CO, USA), following the kriging algorithm using advanced options to use bodies of waters as breaklines. (Behar et al., 2012b) Origin Most researchers consider the birthplace of G to have been born in East Asia. Hg G is most common in the Caucasus with a maximum frequency exceeding 70% in North Ossetians,2, 3 decreasing to 13% in Iran4 and then rapidly dissipating further eastward. (Previously the name Haplogroup M was assigned to K2b1d. The mutations involved may be complicated and difficult to interpret. Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language. The naming of sub-clades is according to YCC nomenclature principles. Am J Hum Genet 2006; 78: 202221. Hg G also occurs at frequencies ranging from 5 to 15% in both the rest of Near/Middle East and southern European countries (especially Italy and Greece), with a decreasing frequency gradient towards the Balkans and northern Europe. G1 is possibly believed to have originated in Iran. [12] The fourth site also from the same period is the tztal of the Italian Alps where the mummified remains of tzi the Iceman were discovered. However, its sub-clades have more localized distribution with the U1-defined branch largely restricted to Near/Middle Eastern and the Caucasus, whereas L497 lineages essentially occur in Europe where they likely originated. It has been found in Mexican mestizos. Two sources of the Russian patrilineal heritage in their Eurasian context. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The Madjar and Argyn tribes (or clans) of Kazakhstan were found to possess the highest levels of G-M201 among any modern ethnic group. In other words, these mutations are so unique that they could only come from other cells with the same mutations. Eur J Hum Genet 2010; 18: 348353. The Caucasus as an asymmetric semipermeable barrier to ancient human migrations. Sims LM, Garvey D, Ballantyne J : Improved resolution haplogroup G phylogeny in the Y chromosome, revealed by a set of newly characterized SNPs. The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people. Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia. Eur J Hum Genet 2008; 16: 374386. Evaluation of Y-chromosomal STRs: a multicenter study. Nonetheless, our approach using high-resolution phylogenetic relationships as well as their phylogeography to infer the possible origin of a genetic variant provides a more plausible deduction than simply the region of highest frequency. Name: G-L14 Age: 7800 ybp 1700 CI 95% Expansion: 5200 ybp 1900 CI 95% Parent: G-L1 Note: This information does not imply an endorcement of YFull or their methods. OS thanks the Italian Ministry of the University: Progetti Ricerca Interesse Nazionale 2009 and FIRB-Futuro in Ricerca 2008 and Fondazione Alma Mater Ticinensins. Similarly, G-P16 and G-M377 networks were created using 104 P16-derived 19-locus haplotypes and 61G-M377-derived 9-locus haplotypes, with both groups representing European, Near/Middle Eastern and central/west Asian populations. Am J Hum Genet 2008; 82: 236250. G2a was found in medieval remains in a 7th- century CE high-status tomb in Ergolding, Bavaria, Germany, but G2a subclades were not tested.[34]. [4], Two scholarly papers have also suggested an origin in the Middle East, while differing on the date. Zhivotovsky LA, Underhill PA, Cinnioglu C et al. Moreover, these general frequencies mostly consist of two notable lineages. G-PF3147 (previously G-L223 and G-PF3146) is characterized by having the L223 mutation. The highest percentage of G-P303 persons in a discrete population so far described is on the island of Ibiza off the eastern Spanish coast. For the human mtDNA haplogroup, see. Google Scholar. (This followed the publication of: Haplogroup K2b (M1221/P331/PF5911) is also known as Haplogroup MPS. See more. Its identification caused considerable renaming of G categories. Ancient DNA suggests the leading role played by men in the Neolithic dissemination. Google Scholar. In contrast to G1, the absolute majority of hg G samples belonged to G2-P287-related sub-clades, with the vast majority of them being associated with G2a-P15-related lineages. G2a2b1 so far has seldom surfaced in northern Africa or southern Asia, but represents a small percentage of the G population in the Caucasus Mountains region and in Iran. G2a2b1 is more common in southern Europe than northern Europe. AAL thanks the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation. To accommodate for variability in sample sizes and hg G content, haplogroup diversity was calculated using the method of Nei37 only in the 52 instances when total population sample size exceeded 50 individuals and 5hg G chromosomes were observed. (2004) Origin, diffusion, and differentiation of Y-chromosome haplogroups E and J: inferences on the neolithization of Europe and later migratory events in the . New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. A network of 61 G2c-M377 lineages from Europe, the Near/Middle East and Central and South Asia reveals founder lineages (one pronounced founder in Ashkenazi Jews and a far distant one among South Asian individuals) and diverged lineages (Supplementary Figure S1). The coalescence age estimate of 9400 years for P16 coincides with the early Holocene (Supplementary Table S4). The results were analyzed using the ABI PRISM program GeneMapper 4.0 (Applied Biosystems). [29][30][31] 3% of North African Berbers were found to be haplogroup G.[32] 2% of Arab Moroccans and 0.8% of Berber Moroccans were likewise found to be G.[33]. Although progress has been recently made in resolving the haplogroup G phylogeny, a comprehensive survey of the geographic distribution patterns of the significant sub-clades of this haplogroup has not been conducted yet. The coming of the Greeks to Provence and Corsica: Y-chromosome models of archaic Greek colonization of the western Mediterranean. PLoS One 2011; 6: e20232. Y chromosome genetic variation in the Italian peninsula is clinal and supports an admixture model for the Mesolithic-Neolithic encounter. Because M201 was identified first, it is the standard SNP test used when testing for G persons. We attempted to localize the potential geographic origin of haplogroup G-M201 by considering those locations containing both G1-M285- and G2-P287-related lineages as well as the co-occurrence of high sub-haplogroup diversity. The next largest subclade of G-P303 is characterized by the presence of the U1 mutation. G-P16 has a high frequency in South and NW Caucasus, with the highest frequency among North Ossetians63.6%. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 1825518259. The final major subclade is characterized by presence of the SNP Z1903 and by a value of 9 at marker DYS568. Y-chromosome lineages from Portugal, Madeira and Acores record elements of Sephardim and Berber ancestry. G-M201 has also been found in Neolithic Anatolian sites such as Boncuklu dating back to 8300-7600 BCE, and Barcin dating back to 6419-6238 BCE. [10], A skeleton found at the Neolithic cemetery known as Derenburg Meerenstieg II, in Saxony-Anhalt Germany, apparently belonged to G2a3 (G-S126) or a subclade. Cavalli-Sforza L, Menozzi P, Piazza A : The History and Geography of Human Genes. In 2009-10, Family Tree DNA's Walk through the Y Project, sequencing certain Y-chromosome segments, provided a number of new G SNPs with the L designation. Iceman tzi, known to have been a haplogr. Its estimated Td of 120953000 years ago suggests considerable antiquity allowing time to accumulate STR diversity and also to disperse relatively widely. For the multi-copy STR DYS389I,II the DYS389b value was DYS389I subtracted from DYS389II. [21] In a study of 936 Indians, haplogroup G made up less than 1% of the sample and was completely absent in the tested Northwestern Indian population. The Morans I coefficient was calculated using the PASSAGE software v.1.1 (Phoenix, AZ, USA) with binary weight matrix, nine distance classes and random distribution assumption. Bosch E, Calafell F, Comas D, Oefner PJ, Underhill PA, Bertranpetit J : High-resolution analysis of human Y-chromosome variation shows a sharp discontinuity and limited gene flow between northwestern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Various estimated dates and locations have been proposed for the origin of G-M201, most of them in Western Asia. Mitochondrial haplogroup N is a "Macro-haplogroup", also called a "Superhaplogroup." All humans who left Africa descended from mtDNA haplogroup L3, and that ancient lineage soon gave rise to two great daughter families, M and N, which, in turn, became the mothers of billions. A subset of 693 samples was typed for short tandem repeats of Y-chromosome (Y-STRs) using the 17 STR markers in the Applied Biosystems AmpFlSTR Yfiler Kit according to manufacturer recommendations. Yunusbayev B, Metspalu M, Jrve M et al. See: Poznik. No clinal patterns were detected suggesting that the distributions are rather indicative of isolation by distance and demographic complexities. Genetic evidence concerning the origins of South and North Ossetians. The South Ossetians and Svans generally south of North Ossetia have significant number of G2a1 persons, but population percentages have not yet been provided. These five major sub-clades of the G2 branch show distinct distribution patterns over the whole area of their spread. Barac L, Pericic M, Klaric IM et al. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was carried out to assess the presence/absence of clines regarding informative G sub-haplogroups. Conversely, hg G is present in Northeast Caucasus only at an average frequency of 5% (range 019%). Haplogroup G, together with J2 clades, has been associated with the spread of agriculture, especially in the European context. Nei M : Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. Regueiro M, Cadenas AM, Gayden T, Underhill PA, Herrera RJ : Iran: tricontinental nexus for Y-chromosome driven migration. In the northern and highland areas of the island of Sardinia off western Italy, G percentages reach 11% of the population in one study[17] and reached 21% in the town of Tempio in another study. Encyclopedia of mtDNA Origins - Discover your maternal lineage. The extreme rarity of G-M377 in northern Pakistan could indicate that G2b in this area originates outside the region and was brought there in the historic period, perhaps from further west (Pakistan was part of both the Achaemenid Persian Empire, conquered by Alexander the Great, and then formed a part of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom). Origin. Haplogroup G was the first branch of Haplogroup F outside of Africa. The discovery of new SNPs can result in assignment of new names to haplogroup categories. Taken as a collective group, P303-derived chromosomes are the most widespread of all hg G lineages (Supplementary Table S1 and Figure 2b) and clearly display differential geographic partitioning between L497 (Figure 2c) and U1 (xM527) (Figure 2d). Men who belong to this group but are negative for all its subclades represent a small number today. In the Russian North Caucasus the Kabardinian and Ossetian populations are also notable for high rates of G-M201. (b) Principal component analysis by hg G sub-clades: (A) M285, P20, P287, P15, L92 P16, M286, M485, P303, U1, L497, M527, M406, Page19, M287 and M377 sub-haplogroups with respect to total M201. Semino O, Santachiara-Benerecetti AS, Falaschi F, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Underhill PA : Ethiopians and Khoisan share the deepest clades of the human Y-chromosome phylogeny. Chiaroni J, King RJ, Myres NM et al. The G-P303 phylogenetic network was constructed using 248 G2a3b-P303-derived 19-locus haplotypes from populations representing Europe, Middle/Near East, South/Central Asia and the Caucasus and belonging to five sub-clades P303*, U1, M527, M426 and L497. G is found mostly in the north central Middle East and the Caucasus, with smaller numbers around the Mediterranean and eastward. Mitochondrial DNA variation of modern Tuscans supports the near eastern origin of Etruscans. In descending order, G-P303 is additionally a branch of G2 (P287), G2a (P15), G2a2, G2a2b, G2a2b2, and finally G2a2b2a. Lacan M, Keyser C, Ricaut FX et al. EKK thanks the Russian Academy of Sciences Program for Fundamental Research Biodiversity and dynamics of gene pools, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for state contracts P-325 and 02.740.11.07.01, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for grants 04-04-48678- and 07-04-01016-. Nat Commun 2012; 3. de Knijff P, Kayser M, Caglia A et al. In Egypt, studies have provided information that pegs the G percentage there to be between 2% and 9%. Amongst the Madjars, G1 was found at a rate of 87%. The DYS391 marker has mostly a value of 10, but sometimes 11, in G2a2b1 persons, and DYS392 is almost always 11. Haplogroup H Haplogroup G2a (G-P15) has been identified in Neolithic human remains in Europe dating between 5000 and 3000 BC. In addition, K-Y28299, which appears to be a primary branch of K-M2313, has been found in three living individuals from India. The presence of the SNP P18 mutation characterizes G2a1a's only subclade, G2a1a. This group has been linked with the Crypto-Jewish population which fled to the island during the time of the Spanish Inquisition, of which a significant portion are identifiable as G-Z725 (DYS388=13). Haplogroup G2a2b is a rare group today in Europe. Haplogroup G2a1 (also known as G-FGC753 and previously as G-L293) and its subclades represent the majority of haplogroup G samples in some parts of the Caucasus Mountains area. The National Geographic Society places haplogroup G origins in the Middle East 30,000 years ago and presumes that people carrying the haplogroup took part in the spread of the Neolithic Two scholarly papers have also suggested an origin in the Middle East, while differing on the date. and JavaScript. ), International Society of Genetic Genealogy, List of genetic results derived from historical figures, Y-chromosome haplogroups in populations of the world, Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of Europe, Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of the Caucasus, Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of the Near East, Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of North Africa, "Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the populations of Europe and the Caucasus", Atlas of the Human Journey: Haplogroup G (M201), "The Geographic Origins of Ethnic Groups in the Indian Subcontinent: Exploring Ancient Footprints with Y-DNA Haplogroups", "Late Pleistocene human genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers of central Anatolia", "Early farmers from across Europe directly descended from Neolithic Aegeans", "Ancient DNA suggests the leading role played by men in the Neolithic dissemination", "Ancient DNA from European Early Neolithic Farmers Reveals Their Near Eastern Affinities", "From surnames to the history of Y chromosomes: the Sardinian population as a paradigm", "Paleolithic Y-haplogroup heritage predominates in a Cretan highland plateau", "Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in southeast Europe", "Y Chromosomal Evidence for a Limited Greek Contribution to the Pathan Population of Pakistan", "Polarity and temporality of high-resolution y-chromosome distributions in India identify both indigenous and exogenous expansions and reveal minor genetic influence of Central Asian pastoralists", "A prehistory of Indian Y chromosomes: Evaluating demic diffusion scenarios", "Dual Origins of the Japanese: Common Ground for Hunter-Gatherer and Farmer Y-Chromosomes", "Dissecting the influence of Neolithic demic diffusion on Indian Y-chromosome pool through J2-M172 haplogroup", "Isolates in a corridor of migrations: a high-resolution analysis of Y-chromosome variation in Jordan", "Chromosome Diversity Characterizes the Gulf of Oman", "The Druze: A Population Genetic Refugium of the Near East", "The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional Corridors of Human Migrations", "Geographical Structure of the Y-Chromosomal Genetic Landscape of the Levant: A Coastal-Inland Contrast", "The place of the Basques in the European Y-chromosome diversity landscape", "A Back Migration from Asia to Sub-Saharan Africa Is Supported by High-Resolution Analysis of Human Y-Chromosome Haplotypes", "Kinship and Y-Chromosome Analysis of 7th Century Human Remains: Novel DNA Extraction and Typing Procedure for Ancient Material", "The genetic legacy of religious diversity and intolerance: paternal lineages of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula", http://ytree.ftdna.com/index.php?name=Draft&parent=20173662, "..Project Rosters - Haplogroup G Project", "Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood", "Afghanistan's Ethnic Groups Share a Y-Chromosomal Heritage Structured by Historical Events", "The phylogeography of Y chromosome binary haplotypes and the origins of modern human populations", "New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree", http://ymap.ftdna.com/cgi-bin/gbrowse_details/hs_chrY?name=L240;class=Sequence;ref=ChrY;start=3191153;end=3191153;feature_id=40369, "Improved Resolution Haplogroup G Phylogeny in the Y Chromosome, Revealed by a Set of Newly Characterized SNPs", "Identification of the remains of King Richard III", https://haplogroup.info/all-ancient-dna-full.xlsx, "Results from the Hamman Family Y-Chromosome DNA Tests", "Haplogroup G2a (Y-chromosomal DNA) - Eupedia", Y-DNA Haplogroup G and its subclades from the current year ISOGG haplotree.

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haplogroup g origin