ethical dilemmas in counseling vignettes

What are the potential ethical issues in this case? Dilemma 35: Initial Telepsychology Session for Free? ACE provider approval period: 3/21/2021-3/21/2024. As a mandated reporter, would Dr. Tell report place her clients confidentiality be at risk? Finally, since these are teaching tools, any teacher, supervisor, or mental health professional can use these vignettes as part of ethics education. While most were supportive, all declined the invitation (likely because the campus is small and in a conservative area of the state). In this paper I will discuss the ethical vignette as it deals with confidentiality and ethical dilemmas that counselor's face. raised by clinical vignettes such as those below, Refer the matter to the State Board of Psychology. At the end of the day, he listens to voicemail messages to learn that a former patient is reaching out to him for a request. Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling Author: Theodore Phant Remley Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: Category : Education Languages : en Pages : 488 Get Book. Can the psychologist contact Child Protective Services anonymously, provided that the client supply the name and address of the uncle. In the process of conversation, Dr. Thomas realizes that Chuck is the son of her next-door neighbors. Applicable State Codes/or Mental Health Laws Under the legislative information system code, it explains the standards of practice by counselors. According to the therapy patient, Lyla is not aware that one of her customers is a therapist who works in another part of the same facility where she is receiving substance abuse treatment. She told the student that she would think about the request prior to answering. What are other steps that the therapist may want to take in this situation? However, upon his arrival in the emergency department, the medical record quotes the patient as saying, This wasnt supposed to have happened.. Dr. Jordan calls you on the phone for an ethics consultation. In the context of counseling, family includes people related through . In the code, 18VAC115-20-130. The lawyerpatient comments that this seems low. She mentions that she is still in communication with her ex-husband because they share three children. What problems may occur as a function of Dr. Is the goal of therapy to help the client manage the situation or is the responsibility now on the psychologist to gather more information about the possible crimes committed with children? Next, most vignettes have more than one ethical issue that can be addressed. The therapist seeks to reassure the patient that he, the therapist, knows Mr. Biggy on a personal basis and that he is a really a good guy that seems bright, friendly, and fair. Since the web developer/consultant wants to get that page up and running, he suggests that they use some positive ratings and responses from Angies list and several other online rating sites that tell positive stories and experiences with Dr. Popeil. To create paragraphs in your essay response, type

at the beginning of the paragraph, and

at the end. The attending psychiatrist concurs with the discharge plan and advised Dr. Solomon not to worry about it. In fact, the psychiatrist encouraged the psychologist to omit any reference to the patients comments about the neighbor in treatment summaries or clinical notes as hysterical nonsense.. Jacob-Timm,S. The physician wants the psychologist to treat his 17-year-old daughter . First and foremost, the client, Dominique, has disclosed that he has been diagnosed with AIDS. The cost of the online administration is $25, to be paid by the patient. Buddy also shares that he has been short tempered with his wife and kids. How are the clients emotional and interpersonal issues related to the therapists dilemma? Book Description For undergraduate and graduate courses in Counseling Ethics, Legal Issues in Counseling; a supplement for Introduction to Counseling, Practicum, or Internship courses. After some other small talk, Dr. Smith leaves to mingle with other friends. Hopefully, the teacher will use the Acculturation Model to help blend professional, ethical obligations with personal values and beliefs. For example, the first vignette, which The physician wants the therapist to treat his 17-year-old daughter, who suffers with what he describes to be an eating disorder and perhaps some Borderline Personality Disorder traits. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. The treating therapist believes the options are: What are the possible emotional reactions to this situation? : ethical dilemmas, burnout, stress, practicing counselors. What would be your emotional response to this situation? hasContentIssue true, The Author(s), 2022. He will likely need to go into an assisted living facility. Dr. Jordan is a therapist who typically works with a wide variety of patients. Ethical Dilemma The counsellor is conscious of the cultural differences and avoids talking too much and attempts to refer to the husband for most of the exchange. He promised to call her back within a week. 6 0 obj This workshopis based on discussion of ethical issues Additionally, Dr. Smith believed that some of the conclusions were in error, and had little support for those opinions in the body of the report. He asked the attorney if anyone is contesting the will. Buddy adds that he has had trouble sleeping, has stopped exercising, has little energy, and fleeting thoughts of hurting himself. frequent consultation requests by the trauma service. Contemplate these 16 conundrums. are However, she begins to feel uncomfortable as she feels like they are spending too much time together. What are some actions that you, as the treating therapist, may have done differently? Kara, a therapist on the county hospitals psychiatric unit, is a recent graduate from a masters degree program in mental health counseling. <> Mrs. Simpson thought it would be good for Dr. Smith to review the report in order to help him with their therapy. Buddy phoned Dr. Goodfriend in an apparent emotional anguish by the tone of his voice. He indicates that, in order for him to benefit from the treatment, he feels a need to pay what he makes an hour. 7 0 obj There is nothing unusual that stands out about their therapeutic relationship. endobj Simultaneously, he strongly believes he made the right decision. He would like help to work through the issues. She actually attended his graduation party briefly and hired him to cut her lawn for two years. She was surprised to find that most of the clients who came to see her were young women who suffered primarily from eating disorders and relationship problems. She is also concerned about Mr. Drapiers level of depression, alcohol use, and suicidal statement. The physician, nurse practitioner, or physicians assistant will offer patients this important opportunity via a specially designed 4 x 6 card. Ten minutes prior to the next scheduled appointment, the patients mother calls the therapist on the phone. This has caused both his physical and While Chuck now lives in an apartment in town, she remembers him well. stream Even if they terminate therapy, how does the therapist cope with family gatherings since she knows significant details about her patients life? Then, explainbrieflyin one paragraphyour ethical rationale for your agreement or disagreement. Review each of the scenarios and indicate whether you "agree" or "disagree" with the counselor's action. What are potential ethical issues with this invitation? The client is feeling very helpless and vulnerable about this bind. Kara then contacted the facility and let the supervisor know that she is not able to accept the position at this time, but that she plans to seek out the necessary training and supervision to work with substance abuse clients, and that she hopes the facility will consider her for the position once she has completed the necessary training. After the session is over, the therapist has time to reflect on her concerns. The patient presents with a history of rejection and abandonment as well as being abused by persons of power. <> Not knowing what to do, and realizing that the next patient is in the waiting room, the therapist takes the cash and sets up another appointment. %PDF-1.5 The PASS-2 is administered online, from any computer, iPad, or iPhone. The therapist has not worked with the patient for about two years. The survey consisted of 10 vignettes based on the above ethical issues in. I encourage you to review our web site. Dr. Smith was treating Mrs. Simpson for depression precipitated, in part, by a separation and pending divorce. The therapist cannot remember many details about the patient. She has been doing much of the case management work, e.g. He is talking with a young man, most likely his cousin. Dr. Crane currently works with an undergraduate student, Dan, on issues related to selfesteem and depression. The therapist expresses her concerns about working with a patient whose father is prescribing medication. The therapist obtains the keys and title for the vehicle. When dealing with the EAP program, she thinks her title of doctor might put people off, so she announces herself as Sue when dealing with EAP clients. Using a purposeful, convenience sampling method, we explored six school counselors' experiences of ethical decision making. endobj Can the client contact Child Protective Services anonymously in this case? Mr. Biggy indicates that he wants to talk more about his feelings. B) =AiV5bAqUKxs#6{pA :)B'5-a* 1LzLxG`kvP@>. You may access the ACA Code of Ethics and other ethics code at the WEBLINKS button on this website. Sue schedules the appointment for early in the evening. Dr. Goodfriend is unclear whether Buddy is serious or joking. Dr. Lilith Crane, a therapist in the counseling center of a small rural campus, calls you on the phone for a consultation. If you were the psychologist, how would you feel about the situation? While discussing these issues, the patient suddenly stopped talking. Dilemma 4: A Psychologist in Turmoil Dilemma 5: A Tricky Situation Dilemma 6: Referral and Treatment Boundaries Dilemma 7: An Invitation to Assess Dilemma 8: A Session with the Spouse Dilemma 9: Psychologist as Character Witness Learning Objectives: While these teaching tools have been developed by psychologists, the vignettes are likely similar to those dilemmas faced in other mental health, counseling, or helping professions. They agreed to meet weekly for the first four months of psychotherapy, and then they agreed to meet twice per month. Are there any ethical considerations in this dilemma? Apparently, no one is. Sci Rep 12, 22416 (2022). He is marginally coherent and unable to give any consistent responses. Dr. Dr. Crane feels ambivalent because of their therapeutic relationship, but also wants to help Dan because he appears to have limited options. 4 Ethical Vignette "School counselors should acknowledge the vital role of parents/guardians and families." (American School Counselor Association, 2010, Section A.1.d.) Because of busy primary care practices, the PASS-2 can be completed at home, if the office does not have internet access for patient use. Dans vision is that the group would meet periodically to provide one another with support, to do problem solving, to share information and personal struggles, and perhaps to provide some psycho-educational work on campus. Glover, J. How would you advise Dr. Thomas to handle them? Ethics Rounds Multiple relationships: A vignette Finding oneself in a multiple relationship is not necessarily a sign that one has engaged in unethical behavior. The patient has never met the attorney face-to-face, only by email and phone contacts. Case Vignettes for Review Directions: The following cases are intended to facilitate the development of your ethical analysis and resolution capacities. Dr. Tell agreed to contact someone to discuss whether Dr. Tell had to report this information to the police or Child Protective Services. Encourage the client to file a complaint with the State Board of Psychology. xVN0}-m8 <> (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. Mr. Tellanyone reveals that recently he had a conversation with his father in which the father commented how peaceful his wifes death was and how he hoped for a similar passing. <> The treating therapist is questioning what to do. What concrete steps might be important before calling the physician back? Out of options, Dan is asking Dr. Crane to be the faculty advisor. Furthermore, she felt that because she was now in private practice, she could treat whoever she chose to, regardless of the specific needs of her clients. xWMs6W :4MNR)CWI/$@jt H oW5}TP(&P2?;*Ad{)t7lO=+v'EHQ'N}Y~Z5V(.oiExAEmH4g}?.cW,'Y0|\&A\FJtf3d_`M$ L U The clients boyfriend expressed that she should never discuss this with anyone. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence about what influences a school counselor's ethical decision making.

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ethical dilemmas in counseling vignettes