can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery

could i be pregnant? I stopped bleeding for one day and had the return of my normal healthy discharge. I realized I was four days late on my period and took a test and it had a noticeable faint positive (taken in the pm). Im 4 months postpartum. I had another bright red bleed when I thought I was 6 weeks I would notice the light pink every time I would wipe. When should I take a test?! I did a test again on 9th May which was still BFN. The reason I'm not sure this was implantation bleeding is because it was after some pretty rough sex (blushing). The difference between implantation bleeding and menstrual bleeding. If you are ever concerned with any kind of vaginal bleeding before, during, or after pregnancy, never hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider. It is possible! One of the side effects of the pill is heavy bleeding and irregular spotting. Was it ovulation bleeding or implantation? But 2 things are for certain. Implantation bleeding is usually super-light spotting. I recently had a partial hysterectomy on July 2020 and i havent missed a period or had a period longer than 3-5 days. I am on day 19 of my cycle now, thinking it could be ovulation but Im not sure, My predicted ovulation day was 4 days ago, but we did have sex both before and after that date. When trying to piece together a pregnancy timeline, it is important to remember that a fertilized egg isnt capable of implanting until at least five days after fertilization. the tww is torture!! My period is regular and it regularly last for 5 to 7 days. This is happening to me too, I am so scared. Beside all that we are current training again we started trying at the beginning of Sept and now Oct 12 i start spotting its a light pink color and its now 2 days Im wearing a liner and its i make pink discharge as at least when i whip myself its pink but the liner is brown. Women experiencing implantation bleeding do not. Example of Implantation Bleeding, Maura Winkler Certified Nurse Midwife square. As soon as blood flow stops, the mucus plug turns brown within minutes. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. So I started my period on Dec. 16 and got off of it Dec. 23 and my husband I were intimate on the 24th and again on the 28th and this morning on the 30th I started light spotting. I myself have been taking anti-depressants to help with anxiety and being quite anti-medication I did a lot of research into potential effects on a baby before taking anything. I would suggest waiting another week and taking a testif it is positive, then yes, this was implantation bleeding. The proteins and coagulating factors give a pink color. Ive talked to my doctor and she advised me to just watch it and to take a pregnancy test. After pregnancy confirmation test excessive bleeding might indicate a molar pregnancy or a possible miscarriage. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. I went to a specialist, found some meds that were the safest since I decompensate quickly aka need to be hospitalized. last night was the worst of them all, my stomach was hurting so bad i really felt like i was going to puke but never. Its only been 3 days but the blood is super brown and only there when I wipe. How to distinguish between a period and bright red implantation bleeding? Exactly on time. I started bleeding after 2days late and it only lasted 1day heavy 2nd day spotting pink now today back spotting red omg im so scared? Today I had some light pink spotting once when I wiped but nothing since. wasnt expecting anything until the 3rd/6th. My lower back aches a little. Can only assume he early period was possibly heavy implantation bleeding. Its a good one MA. However, today February 28 2021, I had some brown discharge mixed with pink. If the bleeding you are experiencing is bright or dark red blood, lasts more than three days, and is a full flow in that you are filling up pads/tampons, it it very unlikely you are experiencing implantation bleeding. I get a negative pregnancy tedt result. I had an implantation last month and I saw my period 3weeks after but my period is not like my regular kind of flow at the ending days of my period it turns brownish for this also a sign of implantation bleeding? In that case it is not possible to get pregnant normally. complete answer on, View Sunday I started spotting pink and I did Monday morning as well, according to Flo app I am suppose to start my period on 2/24. The only problem is I have irregular periods so I didnt think it was possible to get pregnant. It was a light pink creamy texture. Today (CD 29) almost no bleeding, very light pink, no CM. Is this normal? Has gotten a little heavier but nothing like what I am used to, I am usually 4 Aleve in at this point and I am having none of the terrible cramps or hotness I usually feel on the first day. It is normal for implantation bleeding to vary in color from dark red to brown, as well as in its heaviness. Dates from scan also confirm was pregnant from month before. im scared and dont know what it is so i just needed some advice or any women who experienced this before or similar. (I feel like Im having twins; too!) Last night I had a metallic taste in my mouth and I just dont know if Im pregnant or not help!! It leads to bleeding that generally is dark red to brown. Right on time, but its only been brown and light when I wipe. Thanks. I started bleeding about 12 days earlier than when my period is supposed to start and approximately 11 to 19 days after the date of possible conception. On the 8th month my period came. hi Im curious if you ended up bleeding more or if it stopped and you retested? Took a pregnancy test today. I came here to ask the same thing, Id love to know if you got an explanation or any guesses! Think of it as the afterparty, or even the after-after party. I got off of my period on March 23, 2020.. 6 days later I started to bleed again. To explain the biology of implantation, we need to rewind the tape. I had my ovulation on the 3rd of February and tried to conceive. I am having the same thing happen? And Ive always had a pretty long cycle. My Areolas were (and still are!) Hello my last cycle was Dec 22nd and im 20 days late but took a pregnancy test and came out negative but feel pregnant. Can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery? But as outcomes of implantation, bright red and watery bleeding are not normal. If you ovulated on the 1st you would not have conceived on the fourth . I promise you wont feel guilty when doing it under the right conditions, marriage. My period is pretty consistent to the day. This could be a regular period due to the fact that I take a Plan B every time, however, I took it on the 3rd day which decreases efficiency greatly. Tuesday nothing. Implantation typically occurs 6-12 days after ovulation/fertilization, although some sources give it a wider range of 5-14 days. On the 22nd I had light pinkish spotting for 3 days. I havent had any spotting before my period in a while and never while on letrozole. My brain is in panic mode. However, my OBGYN set up an ultrasound date for February 17 2021 because of the positives. The flow comes and goes. I have done a lot of research and also confided in my doctor. I also had a very light period the previous month which was also worrying. Today its still super light, hardly anything on the new pantiliner from last night I just dont want to get my hopes up. More & more; I believe Im going through implantation bleeding; my fust two days: half of it seemed red & normal; not today: (third day seemingly;) its more & more pink like & way beyond lighter pink than ought it be; (even yesterday ; I was in-between!) Implantation bleeding isnt necessarily the exact day of implantation. The timing also doesnt sound like implantation bleeding. Period blood is red, brown and may even have a tinge of green. An article I read stated that sex can lead to uterine contractions which can dislodge the embryo from implanting. It is viable only for 24 hours. Should I be worried? But tonight, the 26th of Oct. Can implantation bleeding be bright red? An infection in your pelvic area or in the bladder or urinary tract can also cause spotting or bleeding. Anyways, if someone could help me freak out less would be great. I usually have my period on the 7th of each month. And my flow is always the same every month. This second period lasted longer than my regular period, was a little less heavy but definitely more than what I have read implantation bleeding should be like. There was tiny little goo coming out that I noticed but only 3 times and it was small. Cheers. complete answer i am experiencing cramping in the lower center of my abdomen and my lower back on the left side. I had unprotected sex about 5 days ago which was the day my period was ending so I think Im in the clear from getting pregnant. Successful implantation is the final stage in the cycle. Did any other symptoms accompany it? I started spotting on cycle day 19 and am still spotting , one day it is really light the next a darker red, no heavy flow or clots. and now its Wednesday should I test or just wait it out? These symptoms could be related to your irregular periods. This month I started spotting on weds (17/3) that was light pink then Thurs was on and off spotting brown. Sorry to be weird lol. hi, i had my last period from July 20th through the 25th i do believe .. i was sexually active August 1 and now my period is a day or 2 late and im only spotting , should i take a test or is my period about to start? Oops I meant a week before my 40th birthday not 49th. So it started off bright colored and then medium colored and then now a bright color again. It may be confused with a regular period because of the symptoms it causes and the time it. Never had one that short. whats your best advise to me. It was tiny, but unusual and both light and dark. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. ), have remained wet, have had little pulls/pains in my pelvis and lower abdomen, vivid dreams, and a stronger sense of smell. If the bleeding is accompanied by potential early pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, nausea/vomiting, and frequent urination, a pregnancy test would be indicated to solve the dilemma." I have not got any breeding though, nor any discharge at all, if I were to be pregnant am supposed to have had implantation breeding by now right? Same here yes i have experienced this. larger and my nipples have been sticking out since I noticed a change. Thinking of waiting a week before I test again. This is happening a few days before I was supposed to start my period. Hello, Im 42 and have PCOS. Discharge. If a woman is anemic, her blood may be darker because of lack of oxygen. Just looking for some advice as Im loosing my mind. Im on cycle day 18 out of 27 and I started bleeding. Dark Red Period Blood: Could I Be Pregnant? Any idea whats going wrong with me? I had sex around July 2nd-4th (took an plan b) and then again on July 5th & 6th and took an plan b. July 12th I started spotting for 7 days. Active bleeding areas of womb cause bright red implantation bleeding.Can Implantation Bleeding Be Bright Red. Should I take a pregnancy test if Im late to start my next period? On July 1-5 days my period was normal, why is it that August is not normal? think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Menstrual bleeding happens, on average, around every 28 days . When two people love each other. I had my tubes tied at the end of January. Please help. I finished on the 5th Im spotting can I be pregnant ?? I am 8 months postpartum with my 3rd son. Are you now pregnant? Strength of flow. issue, HI San if your worried about it Make an apointment with your Obgyn I didnt have implantation bleeding with my first and only one. Implantation bleeding occurs for a few minutes. I am really confused my periods are always irregular and my age is 35 .plz plz plz plz help me to understand whether is this implantation spotting i am eager to conceive this is my third pregnancy second one was aborted due to personal Real Estate Software Dubai > blog > can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery. I hope that you get that positive test very soon! We are trying for baby nr 2 had no problems with my first pregnancy ? If cycle does not start. could it be implantation? Beth, Also; my stomachs been jumpy for quite a while; I feel pregnant! Blood changes its color as it gets old. Is it too early for implantation? This is so sad in our age of modern technology! At the end of the fourth day, the embryo reaches the uterus. My period was December 31-January 4. In less than 24 hours i stopped bleeding what do i do.? If you are worried, make an appointment with a gynecologist and take pictures of your blood if you can. Im not sure if its implantation bleeding or an early period because the bleeding seems heavy and is brown to dark red. Egg size is not enough to lead to bright red blood oozing out your vagina. Finally the long-awaited day arrives and the uterus receives chemical signals that its monthly project was not in vain again and its time to fluff the pillows. In the 27th i notice some spotting but in the following days it was normal like my regular period. 2 weeks back i did my pregnancy test, there was 2 line but the other one was light, so i thought to myself i must just wait for month end maybe if i test it will be 2 clear lines.. so yesterday i had small bleeding and at night i was bleeding even now im bleeding so im not sure if its implementation bleeding or what.. Pregnant? I had what I thought was my period on Monday February 1st. Am a little concerned since Ive not experienced anything like this before. Well I was about 7 days late and some how on the seventh day I start lightly like really lightly bleeding but it was very light pink not red and had little bit of brown mixed in. But as outcomes of implantation, bright red and watery bleeding are not normal. 25 is a confirmed pregnancy. Went to doc and tested BFN again. And a negative pregnancy test makes the chances of a miscarriage less. I also found out recently the ovarian dermiod cyst I had surgically removed 4 years ago has grown back, currently 5 cm or 5mm, not sure of measurement. Even a good few days after sex, I was very wet down there, and that isnt normal for me. On 3/26 and 3/27, I had trace amounts of very red blood a few times when I wiped. Cramps. any help would help! When did you notice it? Hi there I had unprotected sex Friday and Saturday last week and I had light bleeding the day after is this too early for implantation bleeding? My spotting has went from dark brown to light red. Today on the 14th gummy, thick red but isnt like period blood. It leads to a little eruption of the blood vessels present there to make space for the embryo. The blood from implantation bleeding is typically pinkish or brown, but it could also be red. The average is 8 or 9 days after ovulation/fertilization. Feels both upper & lower! Period blood is always bright red or the color of fresh blood. Can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery? The date of sexual activity is last day of menses. This is very unusual for me. & I havent started my period I was on my period the 4th-13 of October & i should of started again on the 4th of November but i havent . You need to keep a check on the number of pads used. Help, What was the outcome? I ovulated on Feb 9 and I had a bad headache Saturday and Sunday. I will update with my results /outcome, but for now its a waiting game cheese and salty chips anyone? Ive complications with my mood disorder & due to this was going though meds that were not very safe for pregnancy. I scheduled my first prenatal visit to be what I thought would be 8 weeks. That sounds very confusing for you to go through! My expected period is may 20th and i took a test and it came out negative. I hope you find answers as to what is going on very soon! on, View The redness of blood depends on the amount of hemoglobin and other factors.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pregnanteve_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pregnanteve_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pregnanteve_com-leader-2','ezslot_16',138,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pregnanteve_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-138{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Good luck! Implantation bleeding is too light to clot. Hey, I had unprotected sex Feb 5th and I figured it was okay because my last period was January 8th meaning my ovulation period was set to be January 21-28 or at least thats what my app says. You need to wait for the hCG hormone to start coming into your urine. Or, I suppose dislodged from sex? Please keep us updated. What Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like? I doubt it is pregnancy but just after some other opinions. I have the same problem. Yesterday I had creamy white discharge and today I am spotting. Unfortunately, there isnt a lot to be done right now since its a waiting game. & then it went pink again; like nothing hardly there: Im wondering more & more on pregnancy! And on the 24th we didnt even finish. Technically due for AF on Wednesday. Its been years, idk what to look for. Then I went to wipe, I had something like that long jelly like substance in the first photo shown. It is because the implantation process just happened. Women having their periods sometimes expel small clots of coagulated blood and tissue. I have never spotted before and this is my 3rd kiddo any know if it is not implantation what else could cause it? The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. im stuck on that 2 week wait, sorta. Tested on the day itself but got a BFN. Ive always been 28 day cycle. Im having the same issue. I dont think those were false positives but maybe a chemical pregnancy. maybe do not take plan b every time! Pregnancy spotting doesnt have clots. Sadly, Im not your doctor and cannot help you with this. On the 3rd day I had a white discharge with very light odor. Now my period has always been around the 26th and always have come with clotting like normal. I been irregular for years I finally got a period after a year I was on it for 3 weeks & I had unprotected sex 2 times im supposed to start my period in the beginning of the month if it was to be regular but it was just light pink & i have started I took 2 test & im not sure if I see a faint line or not is it possible i can be pregnant? (Darn it!). Id talk to your doc about how much of that you should be taking! Im just so frustrated & its just so annoying that this implantation bleeding could mimic a reg period so well. This usually happens about 6 to 12 days after fertilization. My period date was 20 January but i had my periods today morning. I had another ultrasound and the baby was doing just fine I share this because there has been nowhere that I have found that says these symptoms are normal and I want to put this out there, just in case in mom-to-be may experience any of these agonizing non-normal symptoms that cause concern/anxiety like it did for me.

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can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery